How to Structure, Design and Evaluate Capacity for the use of

How to Structure, Design and
Evaluate Capacity for the use of
GIS for Census Activities
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Project goals related to the Census
Selection of a Methodology
Census Data and Map Inventory
Analysis and Accuracy assessment of the Census
Mapping Procedure
Presentation and Dissemination of Results
Evaluate the needs list for Census Mapping activities to
be conducted
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Project goals related to the Census
Selection of a Methodology
Census Data and Map Inventory
Analysis and Accuracy assessment of the Census Mapping Procedure
Presentation and Dissemination of Results
Evaluate the needs list for Census Mapping activities to be conducted
(according to the previous evaluation above)
Redesign and re-evaluation of these suggestions and procedures at
various stages of the census will help avoid hours of unnecessary
work and redundant tasks the next time census mapping activities
are carried out.
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Project goals related to the Census
What is the purpose of the census in relation to spatial
What is the spatial extent (total area) and grain size
(ground resolution) currently and what is preferred?
Identify the information needs for census mapping: What
type of spatial data do you need to achieve your goals?
What are the sources of these data, and what are the
appropriate types of data to enhance census mapping
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Selection of a Methodology
Constructing a logical spatial analysis flow chart that
details the project steps will make the success of the
census more likely.
What types of collection (enumeration process),
processing (pre & post enumeration) and analyses (data
dissemination) is needed and what will be performed?
The spatial analysis flow diagram should include:
An outline of the procedures required for the collection of
data and integration of
possible existing data
A logical sequence of census mapping procedures to be
A list of all the existing data & needed data required for
each step
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Census Data and Map Inventory
Conduct an inventory of the census data requirements
and sources of relational information.
Widespread availability of digital data on the Internet,
many GIS projects does not ensure efficient data
collection, input, and integration.
Check for data are already in digital format.
What are the requirements for census data conversion
(scan paper maps. input data from statistical yearbooks
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Analysis and Accuracy assessment of the
Census Mapping Procedure
Make the initial census mapping methodology as flexible
as possible.
There is often a need to revise the procedures originally
Consider that once the census mapping is complete or
executed in the field, you should evaluate the accuracy
and validity of the results which may require more
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Presentation and Dissemination of Results
Evaluate the results that have to be presented
What formats best suit the audience (poster-sized map
in electronic or paper form, journal, PowerPoint
presentation, etc.)
Are any advanced analysis of the results needed?
(Overlays, Multivariate regressions, Spatial
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Evaluate the needs list for Census Mapping
activities to be conducted
What are the costs for Upgrades of hardware or/and existing
Is a LAN configuration needed?
What are the staff training needs/ Is the existing workforce
What is the ease and difficulty as far as installation of
hardware/software as well as maintenance?
What infrastructure documentation, manuals, Help-line, and
vendor support (patches etc.)?
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Issues to be considered in system selection
LAN configuration
Training needs/Workforce
Ease of installation
Documentation and manuals
Help-line and vendor support
Means of making patches for support
Complex and Confusing Process: Savvy GIS consumer
should research, select, test, and question systems before a
purchase is made.
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Institutional issues
Definition of
census geography
GIS database
Determine user
needs and mapping
Define census
Determine the
scope of census
mapping activities
Determine hardware,
software, staff and
training requirements
coding scheme
Determine data
layers to be
(e.g., collaboration)
Development of
an administrative
and census
units listing
Develop conceptual
database design
and data models
Prepare budget
and time line for
census mapping
Tiling of national
territory into
operational zones for
census mapping
Identify accuracy
requirements and
Hardware and
software evaluation
and requisition
Develop the data
dictionary and
metadata guidelines
Training of census
geography staff
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Redesign and re-evaluation of these
suggestions and procedures at various stages
of the census will help avoid hours of
unnecessary work and redundant tasks the
next time census mapping activities are carried
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007
Discussion & Questions
Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007