DRAFT Proposed Pacific Island Model Census Questionnaire For the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses 1 Contents Purpose Advantages Challenges Principles Geographic Identifiers Definitions Household/Dwelling Questions Personal Questionnaire Work Groups Report to Plenary 2 Purpose • • • • • • In collaboration with PICT’s, review and revise, where necessary, the Pacific Islands Model Population and Housing Census Form developed for the 2000 Round of Censuses. Review basis: The usefulness of the 2000 form; Its perceived strengths and limitations; Unique needs for socio-economic/demographic information; Emerging topics; International standards; and, Improvements in questionnaire design & data processing. 3 Advantages/Objective • Enhanced ability to conduct inter-country comparisons of census data; • improved questionnaire wording, content & design that is consistent with international standards; • improved data quality; • increased opportunities for the sharing of concepts, methodologies, quality control, editing procedures and data processing systems; and • increased efficiency and effectiveness resulting in reduced resource utilisation. 4 Challenges/Issues 1.What policy issues need data for decision making? 2.Can a census collect useful data on the policy issues? 3.Country requirements for census data must take priority. 4.Unique socio-economic characteristics in some Pacific Island countries. 5.Historical continuity. 6.Interpretation/meaning of English terms into local languages (work, job, employed). 5 Principles 1. Ensure that the data is needed and is useful . 2. Identify the census topic followed by a complete question. 3. Translate questions where practical. 4. Field test all questions. 6 Geographic Identifiers G1-Province # ________ G2-District/Island # ________ G3-Village # _________ G4-Enumeration Area # ____ G5-Dwelling # ________ G6-Household # _______ G7-Household Type ____ 7 Definitions Dwelling A dwelling is one or more building structures that may contain one or more households. Household A household is an arrangement of persons, individually or in groups, who provide for themselves food or other essentials of living. It can also be defined as those persons who usually eat together and share the work of preparing the food and/or the cost of work of providing it. 8 Definitions Head of Household (Person 1) The person who is acknowledged as such by the other members. Usually named by the household members as being the person most responsible for their well being. Person 1, for purposes of Reference. First person listed in question H1. Usual Resident A person who has lived in this household for 6 months or more. 9 Household/Dwelling Questionnaire H1-Household members List the names, sex and usual residency status of all persons in this household at midnight (12:01am) on Sunday July 1, 2007. 10 Household/Dwelling Questionnaire Household Line Number Name Surname Sex Given name Male Female Usual Resident Yes No Person 1Head of Household Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 11 H2 Building Materials* What is the main type of material used in the construction of the walls, floor and roof of the main dwelling where this household lives and sleeps? Walls Floor Roof Wood Metal Plastic Thatch Reed, bamboo, Straw, grass Earth/Mud Concrete/ Cement/block Other 12 H2 Building Materials Notes for discussion: Some countries have indicated an interest in adding a question on the housing type. This is to determine the number of households that could be described as “make-shift” or “squats” 13 H3 Drinking Water* What is the main source of drinking water for this household? -Piped water supplied by local government -Rain water tank -Protected (covered) well -Unprotected well -Bottled water -Spring water -River, lake, pond -Other, please specify 14 H3 Drinking Water Notes for discussion: - the question is used to determine the suitability of the water for human consumption. - is there a need differentiate between private/community-stand-pipe access? - is boiled/treated water a common source? 15 H4 Washing Water What is the main source of water used for washing in this household? -Piped water supplied by local government -Rain water tank -Protected (covered) well -Unprotected well -Other, please specify. 16 H5 Sanitation (or main toilet facility) What type of toilet facility does this household use? -Flush toilet to central sewerage system -Flush toilet to septic tank -Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine -Open pit/latrine -Lagoon/Ocean -Bush or field -Other, please specify 17 H6 Household Waste Disposal How does this household mainly dispose of its household waste? -Commercial/local gov’t waste collection -Burn -Bury -Lagoon/ocean -Composting -Take to central waste disposal site -Other, please specify 18 H7 Source of Lighting What is main source of lighting used in this household? -Electricity supplied by local government -Electricity supplied by own generator -Kerosene lamps -Candles -Gas -Solar -Other, please specify 19 H8 Energy for cooking What is the main source of energy used for cooking in this household? -Electricity supplied by local government -Electricity supplied by own generator -Kerosene -Wood -Gas -Solar -Other, please specify 20 H9-Tenure • What is the tenure of this household? -Owned -Rented -Rent free -Other, please specify___________ 21 Possible additional household questions HA1-What is this household’s main source of income?* HA2-Source/frequency/value of remittances HA3-Household use/access to the internet HA4-Mortality 22 Source of Income What is this household’s main source of income? -No income -Wages/salary/commissions -Own business -Sale of own products (fish, crops, handicrafts, etc.) -Lease of land -House rental -Remittances -Other sources 23 Personal Questionnaire 24 Name & Relationship P1-Name What is this person’s name? Family name__________ Given name____________ P2-Relationship What is this person’s relationship to the head of the household (person 1) named in H1? -Head -Spouse -Son or daughter -Step child or adopted -Mother or father -Brother or sister -Other relative -Visitor/Friend -Other, please specify 25 Age & Sex P3-Date of birth/Age What is this person’s date of birth and age? Day __Month__Year____, P4-Sex What is this person’s sex? -Male ____ -Female ___ Age __ 26 Marital Status & Religion P5-Marital Status What is this person’s marital status? -Single (never married) -Married -de facto (customary marriage, common law) -Divorced -Separated (not divorced) -Widowed -Other-please specify._________ P6-Religion What is this person’s faith or religion? -Christian-if Christian, go to P7 -Muslim -Hindi -Buddhist -Baha’i -Other, please specify__________ -No religion/faith -Refuse to answer 27 Church & Ethnicity* P7-Christian Church Affiliation Which Christian church is this person affiliated with? (Write name of church and code) Church _______ Code ________ P8-Ethnicity What were the ethnic or cultural origins of this person’s ancestors? Ethnic origin ________ Code ________ 28 Ethnicity Notes for discussion: 1. Alternate P8- What ethnic or cultural group does this person most closely identify with? 2. Important to distinguish ethnicity, race, citizenship, nationality. 3. What is ethnicity? 4. How will data be used? What is the purpose of this question? 5. Can individuals have multiple ethnicities? 6. How is an ancestor defined-how many generations ago? 29 Citizenship & Language* P9-Citizenship Of which country is this person a citizen? -this PICT-by birth -this PICT-by naturalisation -other country, please specify Country_______________ Code _____ P10-Language What is the language that this person first learned at home in childhood and still understands? Language_____________ Code ______ 30 Language Notes for discussion: 1. Do we want language spoken at home? 2. Need to make clear the reason for this question, i.e., is it to determine the language in which government services need to be provided or is it to assist in determining educational levels? 31 Migration P11-Birth Place Where was this person born? -This PICT, if this PICT, go to P12. Go to P13 -Other country, please specify Country ____________ Code ______ Go to P13 P12-Geographic Location of birth (Usual residence of mother at time of person’s birth) What is the name of the community in this PICT (city, town, village or country) where this person was born? PICT community________ Code ______ 32 Migration P13- Residence - 1 year ago Did this person live in this PICT 1 year ago? -If yes, go to P14 -If no, go to P15 P14 Internal Migration-1 year ago What is the name of the community (city, town, village/or country) where this person lived one year ago? Community __________ Code ______ 33 Migration P15 Residence-5 years ago Did this person live in this PICT 5 years ago? -Yes, if yes, go to P16 -No, if no, go to P17 P16- Internal Migration-5 years ago What is the name of the community in this PICT (city, town, village/ or country) where this person lived five years ago? Community _______ Code _____ 34 Education P17-Education & Training (QUESTIONS P17 AND P19 ARE ONLY ASKED OF PERSONS 5 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER) Is this person currently enrolled in a school or pursuing any other form of education or training? -If yes, go to P18 -If no, go to P19 35 Education P18-Type of school or educational/training institute In what type of school or educational or training institute is this person enrolled? -Pre-school (kindergarten, nursery school) -Elementary school -Other post primary -Secondary school -Years 1-3 -Years 4-5 -Year 6 -Tertiary -Other post-secondary certificate or diploma program, (nursing, teacher’s certificate, trade license-plumber, electrician, mechanic etc.) 36 -Other, please specify. Education P19-Educational Attainment * What levels of educational attainment has this person successfully completed? -Elementary school -Secondary school -Years 1-3 -Years 4-5 -Year 6 -Tertiary -some time spent at university – no qualifications achieved -certificate -diploma -degree (BA/ BSc) -post-graduate (MA, PhD) -Other post secondary, (e.g. Nursing, teaching certificate, trade license) please specify_________ -Never been to school -Other, please specify ___________ 37 Education Notes for discussion: 1. Do we also want to know about professional qualifications, e.g. medical doctor, accountant, pharmacist? 2. Do we want all levels or just the highest level of educational attainment? 38 Labour Market Activity* QUESTIONS P20 – P27 ARE ONLY ASKED OF PERSONS 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER P20-Labour Market Activity During last week, did this person do any work? -Yes- If yes, continue below -No-If no, go to P21 39 Labour Market Activity Notes for discussion: 1. Is there a distinction between work, a job and employment? 2. Is “work” the correct word to use in all countries? 40 Labour Market Activity What type of work did this person do? -Work for pay? (wages, salary, commission, payment in kind?) -Work to support the household by producing goods mainly for sale? (goods include products from fishing, farming and handicrafts) -Farming or gardening mainly for sale? -Fishing mainly for sale? -Handicrafts mainly for sale? -Work to support the household by producing goods mainly for own consumption? (goods include products from fishing, farming and handicrafts) -Farming or gardening for own consumption? -Fishing for own consumption? -Volunteer work? (Missionary, Community Service, VSO, CUSO) -Unpaid family work? -Other? please specify______________ 41 Labour Market Activity P21 Had a job, but was not at work During last week, did this person have a job at which they did not work? -Yes -If no, go to P27 If yes, what was the main reason this person did not work at his/her job last week? -Temporary illness -Temporary lay-off -Maternity leave -On vacation/holidays -Weather conditions -Cultural/national events (funeral, weddings etc.) -Family/personal reasons -Other 42 Labour Market Activity P22 Occupation What is this person’s occupation? ________________ P23 Main Tasks What are the main tasks of this occupation? _________ P24 Employer What is the name of this person’s employer? _________ P25 Main Activities What are the activities, services, products of the workplace? ______________ 43 Labour Market Activity P26 Employment Status What is this person’s employment status? -Employee -Employer -Self employed with no employees (Own- account worker) -Unpaid family worker -Other GO TO P30 44 Labour Market Activity P27 Looked for work During the past week, did this person look for work? -Yes, Go to P29 -No, Go to P28 P28 Reason for not looking Why didn’t this person look for work last week? -Not interested in finding work -Full time homemaker -Weather conditions -Believes no work available -Retired, disabled, family responsibilities -Transportation not available -Attending school full time -Other 45 Labour Market Activity* P29 Availability During last week, was this person available to start work if a job were offered? -Yes -No 46 Labour Market Activity Notes for discussion: 1. Persons answering yes to P20, Did work last week, but are doing subsistence or other work, are now considered as being employed. Not given the opportunity to answer the “looking and available” questions that could classify them as unemployed. Should subsistence workers be asked if they were looking for work? 2. Is data required on multiple job holders? 47 Fertility QUESTIONS P30 TO P34 ARE ONLY ASKED OF WOMEN 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER P30 Given Birth Has this woman ever given birth, even if the child died later? -Yes go to P31 -No finish P31 Number of children still alive How many children of each sex did this woman give birth to who are still alive and are now living… M -In the household? ___ -Somewhere else in this PICT? ___ -Overseas? ___ F ___ ___ ___ 48 Fertility* P32-Number of children that have died How many children of each sex did this woman give birth to who have died? Males Females Total P33 Total number of children ever born alive How many children of each sex have ever been born alive to this woman? Males Females Total P34 Date of last birth What is the date of birth and sex of this woman’s last child born alive?(including a child that may have died later) Day Month Year Sex M 49 F Fertility Notes for discussion: In order to utilise the “own children” method for fertility estimates, it is necessary to link the mother to the child. • • Is the child’s biological mother still alive and living in this household? If yes, what is the mother’s person number in question H1? 50 Possible additional questions Language/Literacy PA1-Language Use/Literacy relating to Educational Attainment 1.General literacy or functional literacy? 2. Is there a need for level of proficiency in national language or English – used in business and government in most PICs. 3. Literacy needs written test to be accurate. 51 Possible additional questions Disabilities Does this person have any disabilities? Questions used in 2006 Tongan Census 1=no difficulty at all; 2=some difficulties; 3=a lot of difficulties; 4=cannot do at all Does this person have difficulty in: (insert the appropriate codes in the boxes) a. Seeing, even wearing glasses? b. Hearing, even if using a hearing aid? c. Walking, climbing steps or use of arms? d. Remembering or concentrating? 52 Questions Endorsed by the Washington Group The next questions ask about difficulties you may have doing certain activities because of a HEALTH PROBLEM. Do you have difficulty seeing, even if wearing glasses? No - no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Do you have difficulty hearing, even if using a hearing aid? No- no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all 53 Disabilities Do you have difficulty walking or climbing steps? No- no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating? No – no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all 54 Disabilities* Do you have difficulty (with self-care such as) washing all over or dressing? No – no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Using your usual (customary) language, do you have difficulty communicating, for example understanding or being understood? No – no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all 55 Disabilities Notes for discussion: Are respondents capable of providing consistent and comparable responses to questions that are better answered by medical professionals? 56 PA3-Personal Internet Usage Does this person use/have access to the internet? -in the household -at an internet café -at work -at school -at friends -other-please specify. 57 Working Groups Working Group A-Moderator Arthur Jorari -Geographic Identifiers-G1-G6 -Definitions -Household/Dwelling Questionnaire-H1-H10 -Possible additional Household Questions -Source of income HA1; remittances HA2; internet use/access HA3 & PA3; mortality HA4. Working Group B-Moderator Andreas Demmke -Demographic Questions-P1-P5 -Mobility-P11-P16 -Education-P17-P19 -Fertility-P30-P34 58 Working Groups Working Group C-Moderator Gerald Haberkorn -Religion-P6 -Christian church affiliation-P7 -Ethnicity-P8 -Citizenship-P9 -Language-P10 -Possible additional personal questions -Language/literacy PA1 and disability PA2 Working Group D-Moderator Rick Baxter -Labour Market Activities-P20-P29 59 Proposed Working Group Participants Group A Arthur Kiribati Palau Group B Andreas Cook Islands FSM Samoa Niue Tuvalu PNG Group C Gerald Nauru Group D Rick Fiji New Caledonia Solomon Islands Wallis & Futuna Tonga Vanuatu 60