ICATUS and the classification of non-productive activities C. personal activities Comments Hannu Pääkkönen 5 Learning 580 Travel related to learning HETUS: 920 Travel related to study Finland: 921 Travel to/from school or university 922 Travel related to free time study Hannu Pääkkönen 08/06/2012 2 6 Socializing, community participation and religious activities 614 Unsocial/antisocial/negative social activities Is this possible? 680 Travel related to socializing, community participation and religious activities HETUS: 940 Travel related to voluntary work and meetings 950 Travel related to social life Hannu Pääkkönen 08/06/2012 3 7 Leisure and sports 711 Attendance at organized/mass cultural events HETUS: 521 Cinema 522 Theatre and concerts 523 Art exhibitions and museums 524 Library (ICATUS: 743 Visiting library) Hannu Pääkkönen 08/06/2012 4 7 Leisure and sports (continued) 72 Hobbies, games and other pastime activities Beside the planned contextual variable categories for general computer/electronic device or Internet activities and games needed for expressions like “Sat by the computer” Trial: 12133 Computer games (including arcade and video games) 1414 Using computer technology Hannu Pääkkönen 08/06/2012 5 Example: Computing as a main activity, Finland 2009–2010, aged 10+ years 72 Computing 721 Computing - programming 722 Information by computing 723 Instant messaging (National code) 724 Other communication by computing 729 Other or unspecified computing 0 12 2 4 12 Per cent participated 0.7 20.2 2.5 12.5 14.1 9 8.0 Minutes per day 73 Games and play 734 Computer games Hannu Pääkkönen 08/06/2012 6 Other main activity and a computer or Internet used, Finland 2009–2010, aged 10+ years Minutes per day 212 Homework 371 Household management 822 Watching video or DVD 821 Watching TV 719 Other or unspecified hobbies Hannu Pääkkönen 1 1 1 1 1 Per cent particpated 1.4 4.4 1.1 1.0 0.7 08/06/2012 7 7 Leisure and sports (continued) 73 Indoor and outdoor sports participation and related courses 731 Participation in sports “Passive exercise” included?: HETUS: 611 Walking and hiking 732 Camping and other outdoor activities 743 Visiting library HETUS: 524 Library (Incl. using a computer, reading, listening to music) Hannu Pääkkönen 08/06/2012 8 7 Leisure and sports (continued) 780 Travel related to leisure and sports HETUS: 960 Travel related to other leisure Finland: 952 Travel related to entertainment and culture 961 Travel related to sports and outdoor activities 971 Travel related to hobbies Hannu Pääkkönen 08/06/2012 9 8 Personal care and maintenance 841 Receiving personal care from others 842 Receiving health/medical care from others HETUS: 03 Personal care: 039 Other or unspecified personal care (incl. receiving health care from a family member or friend) 36 Shopping and services: 363 Personal services (do not belong to household production) Hannu Pääkkönen 08/06/2012 10