United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistical Division (UNSD) Expert Group Meeting The revision of ICATUS 11-13 June 2012 New York Time use Survey in Europe HETUS Project and the Italian experience Tania Cappadozzi Italian National Institute of Statistics Senior researcher in Time Use Survey Index Time Use Survey: main uses in Italy and EU HETUS project and the Italian TUS HETUS Methodological features HETUS classification system 1. An Italian peculiarity: Children Time Main differences between HETUS and ICATUS classification The It and EU aims Time Use Survey and Gender statistics Time Use Surveys are a precious source of information on several issues. In Italy this survey is used mainly in the social sector, for gender statistics. With Time Use data it’s possible: to analyze in detail the division of paid and unpaid workloads between men and women. to understand how men and women use their time to identify the way gender differences in time use develop during the various stages of life EU historical background The HETUS project In the European context the HETUS project (Harmonised European Time Use Studies) has been created by Eurostat since early 1990s to harmonize the Time Use surveys. A first wave of pilot surveys were conducted during those years. On the bases of their results, the guidelines were developed during the late 1990s. A final draft was published in 2000 and revised in 2008 thanks to the work of a Task Force. At present these Guidelines, although not constraining, are the main reference guide for the European Member countries that are interested in the international results’ comparability. Methodological features The main recommendations of HETUS guidelines Population and sample design – The population is composed by persons resident at domestic addresses and not in institutions (military service, hospitals, prisons), aged 10 years and older (IT-TUS includes children 3-9 years old). – Regarding sample design, highest priority is given to individual observations and to keep individual non-response low. All members of the household are included in the sample. Number of diary days – 2 diary days: 1 week day and 1 week-end day (IT-TUS uses only one diary day). Coverage of the year – The survey days/dates have to be representative of, and cover a full 12 months period. The diary days are allocated to households/individuals by a controlled random procedure. 4 harmonised survey tools – – – – The day diary The weekly diary The individual questionnaire The household questionnaire Classification system and coding rules Basic tables IT historical background The Italian Time Use Survey (IT-TUS) In Italy TUS is planned every five years by the law 53 of 2000. The first Italian Time Use Survey: from June 1988 to May 1989 – 13,729 households – 38,110 Day diaries The Harmonized European Pilot Survey: June - September 1996 The first wave of the Harmonized European Time Use Surveys: from April 2002 to March 2003 – 21.075 Households HETUS – 51.206 Day diaries Guidelines 2000 The second wave of the Harmonized European Time Use Surveys: from February 2008 to January 2009 1. 18.250 Households HETUS 2. 40.945 Day diaries Guidelines 2008 ISTAT is now planning the fourth Time use survey: scheduled from October 2013 to September 2014 Methodological features IT Survey tools Italian survey instruments and interviewing techniques Household questionnaire (context variables) Face to face Interview with paper questionnaire One for each household in the sample Individual questionnaire (context variables) One for each household member Day diary (when, what, what else, where, with whom) Self-administered paper questionnaires One for each household member aged 3 years or older Week diary (hours of paid-work in a week) One for each household member aged 15 years or older Methodological features IT The IT day diary Survey tools The daily diary starts at 04:00 am and covers 24 hours with 144 intervals of 10 minutes (HETUS recommendation). What were you doing? Record your main activity for each 10-minute period! Only one main activity on each line! What else were you doing? Where were you Record the most important or which parallel activity means were you moving by? Were you alone or together with somebody you know? Mark "yes" b y crossing Alone With household m em bers Distinguish between travel and activity that is the reason for travelling Do not forget the mode of transportation Distinguish between first and second job, if any 07.00-07.10 Woke up the children 07.10-07.20 Had breakfast 07.20-07.30 " Mother At home Talked with my family " " 07.30-07.40 Cleared the table Listened to the radio 07.40-07.50 Helped the children dressing Talked with my children 07.50-08.00 Went to the day care center 08.00-08.10 Went to job 08.10-08.20 08.20-08.30 " Regular work (first job) " " Read the newspaper Other persons By foot By bus " At work 08.30-08.40 " 08.40-08.50 " 08.50-09.00 " 09.00-09.10 " 09.10-09.20 " 09.20-09.30 " 09.30-09.40 " 09.40-09.50 " Father Partner/S Son/Daug Brother/Si pouse hter ster that you know Coding activitiy Coding the day diary The respondents describe the activities performed using common language The coding process translates the sentences reported by the interviewed into codes Classification system proposed by HETUS, IT-TUS adapted to the national needs International comparability Coding activitiy Coding activity: the complexity Association text-code is not an easy one to one linkage, but it is the outcome of a process • Extreme content variety • Extreme language variety • Necessity to keep a lot of contextual information under control • Scarcity/Redundancy of Information • Wrong compilation (wrong column use) • Incomplete compilation (missing information about some variables in one or more intervals) Coding activitiy Coding activity: the problems Two equal actions, performed in the same setting, can be coded in different ways depending on their different purpose The same activity can be coded with different codes depending on: • who performs it (sex, age, profession, household structure, etc.) • location where the activity takes place • the target of action • the sequence of activities • etc. Coding activitiy Coding activity: some remarks According to IT experience for the good result of the coding phase is extremely important: Give to respondents clear instruction for filling in pages on day diary; provide a good coding manual containing clear coding rules, in particular for solving problems deriving with an incorrect filling of the day diary (multiple activities in a 10 minute interval, lack of travelling activities, etc.) and a lot of clear examples; a very good coders’ training; Italy has chosen to record also sentences reported in day diary, useful to adopt a mixed coding strategy: introducing an automatic coding step for activities not affected by context information and a computerassisted coding step for more complex situations. HETUS classification system The HETUS 2008 activity codes The system of activity codes is: Hierarchical At three levels First level is always present. The following levels are just specifications of the first level’s categories HETUS classification system The HETUS activity classification system 0 PERSONAL CARE 1 EMPLOYMENT 2 STUDY 10 Major divisions (1 digit codes) - 33 2 - digits codes - 108 3 - digits codes 4 For IT Classification HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY CARE - 124 National codes (3 or 4 - digits VOLUNTEER WORK AND MEETINGS codes) 5 SOCIAL LIFE AND ENTERTAINMENT 6 SPORTS AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES 7 HOBBY AND GAMES 8 MASS MEDIA 9 TRAVEL AND UNSPECIFIED TIME USE 2 14 HETUS classification system Location and transport mode codes list The location and transport mode codes list is not hierarchical HETUS - 17 codes (10 location codes 7 transport mode codes) IT-TUS - 53 codes (36 location codes 17 transport mode codes) HETUS 00 unspecified location/transport mode LOCATION CODES 10 unspecified location (not travelling) 11 home 12 weeend home or holiday apartment 13 workplace or school 14 other people’s home 15 restaurant, cafe or pub 16 shopping centers, markets, other shops 17 hotel, guesthouse, camping site 19 other specified location TRANSPORT MODE CODES 20 Unspecified transport mode 21 Travelling on foot 22 Travelling by bicycle 23 Travelling by moped, motorcycle or motorboat 24 Travelling by passenger car 29 Other private transport mode 31 Travelling by public transport IT classification system An Italian peculiarity: the children diaries Children: Have particular activities They live the activities in a “different” way They use a different language They give more importance to the person with whom they are, compared to the activity that they are doing How to code all these differences? Children diaries In IT classification system there are 29 codes only for children Example: 2121 - Homework during vacation In particular special codes are used if children are with someone but they don’t say what they are doing Time Main activity 14.00-16.00 I stay with my father Cod. m.a. Special code Contempor activity Cod. c.a. Place At home Cod. place 11 Auxiliar code Comparing HETUS and ICATUS activity coding list HETUS 2008 Draft ICATUS 2012 8 - PERSONAL CARE AND MAINTENANCE Excluding 85 – RESTING (in HETUS is 5 - SOCIAL LIFE AND ENTERTAINMENT) 0 - PERSONAL CARE Warning: - Receiving personal and health/medical care from others in HETUS are not distinct by activities done on their own Exemples: “My mother help me to eat” is coded like “I eat” “My son help me to dress myself” is coded like “I dress myself” Comparing HETUS and ICATUS activity coding list HETUS 2008 Draft ICATUS 2012 1 - PAID WORK 1 – EMPLOYMENT Examples: “feeding chickens” if respondent declares itself or other family members as farmer this is coded as paid work, but if he is a teacher this is coded “Tending domestic animals” in domestic work. “I make textiles” done by a tailor is work, by a lawyer is coded in domestic work. Warning: - Work for household in primary production activities - non primary production activities and construction activities in HETUS is coded as paid work if is done in a family business or property ALSO AS UNPAID FAMILY MEMBER (according with occupation declared in the individual questionnaire) otherwise those activities are classified in UNPAID DOMESTIC WORK Comparing HETUS and ICATUS activity coding list HETUS 2008 Draft ICATUS 2012 2 - STUDY 5 – LEARNING 3 - HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY CARE 2 - UNPAID DOMESTIC SERVICES FOR OWN FINAL USE WITHIN HOUSEHOLD 3 - UNPAID CAREGIVING SERVICES TO HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS Warning: When primary production activities (GARDENING/TENDING DOMESTIC ANIMALS) - non primary production activities (MAKING TEXTILES) and CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES are done for household but not for work (according with occupation declared in the individual questionnaire) in HETUS are classified in DOMESTIC WORK Comparing HETUS and ICATUS activity coding list HETUS 2008 Draft ICATUS 2012 4 - COMMUNITY SERVICES AND HELP TO OTHER HOUSEHOLDS 4 - VOLUNTARY WORK AND MEETINGS 63 - CIVIC AND RELATED RESPONSABILITIES 64 - RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES 5 - SOCIAL LIFE AND ENTERTAINMENT 61 - SOCIALIZING (Excluding mail communication in HETUS coded in Computing) 62 - PARTECIPATION IN COMMUNITY CULTURAL /SOCIAL EVENTS 71 - ATTENDING/VISITING CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMNET AND SPORTS EVENTS 743 - VISITING LIBRARY 85 - RESTING Comparing HETUS and ICATUS activity coding list HETUS 2008 Draft ICATUS 2012 73 – INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SPORTS PARTICIPATION AND RELATED COURSES Warning: Fishing, hunting etc. in ICATUS are coded in work 6 - SPORTS AND OUTDOOR for household in primary ACTIVITIES production activities while in HETUS those activities are paid work only if respondent is a professional fisherman, hunter, etc. otherwise are outdoor activities Comparing HETUS and ICATUS activity coding list HETUS 2008 7 - HOBBIES AND COMPUTING Draft ICATUS 2012 613 - READING AND WRITING MAIL 71 – HOBBIES, GAMES AND OTHER PASTIME ACTIVITIES Warning: - ICATUS have not a specific code for computing and code used refers to the activity for which the PC is used (i.e. if pc or internet is used for reading, the code used is reading, etc.) But what happens when respondent write “I'm at the computer”? Comparing HETUS and ICATUS activity coding list HETUS 2008 8 – MASS MEDIA Draft ICATUS 2012 74 – MASS MEDIA (Excluding VISITING LIBRARY in HETUS coded in ENTERTAINMENT AND CULTURE) Travel are incorporated in respective main categories 9 – TRAVEL AND UNSPECIFIED TIME USE Example of using code 998 How to code “I go out with my friends" for one hour without any specification? Probably is leisure time but we don’t know what are they doing 998 There are not unspecified time use survey codes like: 995 – filling in the time use diary 998 – unspecified leisure time 999 – other unspecified time use Thanks for your attention! For more information on Italian Time Use survey: “Time Use in Daily Life” (in English) http://www3.istat.it/dati/catalogo/20080612_01/ The aims Time use data can also be analyzed to study. . . The relationship between working times, times of study, of other productive activities, leisure time and family care The activities and needs of particular social categories (elderly and children) Household productive activities not reported by the National Accounting System The days of the week and the hours of the day in which public services are used The times in which places and locations are used (helpful for their better planning ) The leisure time The use of mass media including the most innovative IT tools The aims At a macro level TUS offers a detailed picture to plan: Family policies more attentive to the necessity of reconciliation between working activities and family duties and to the necessities of elderly and children; A labour policy more conscious of the characteristics and of the new forms of work; A better transports’ organization according to the information about the daily mobility and the means of transport used; In general a better planning and organization of public services. Methodological features IT Survey tools The IT day diary: instruction for filling in pages Comparing HETUS and ICATUS activity coding list WARNING ON CHILDCARE In Daft ICATUS 2012 Reading, playing and talking with children is coded like Teaching, training and helping children while in ICATUS 2005 these activities were separated, just like in HETUS. According to IT experience teaching it’s a very different activity respect playing with children. In Italy frequently there is a gendered division of roles: the mother helps children with homework, the father plays with them! We suggest to divide these activity again