Stat 250: Introduction to Biostatistics - “This course will cover statistical analysis and interpretation of data in the biological sciences; probability; distributions and statistical inference for one- and two-sample problems.”
3 credits Prerequisite: 3 credits in mathematics
Goals - Please review the posted document at for the goals for this class
Objectives - In this course you will gain problem solving skills that will allow you to decide for yourself if research involving data is trustworthy or not. Mathematical calculations are necessary but more important is interpreting the values computed. At the end of the semester you will be able to organize data using numerical and graphical summaries, apply properties to data based on the distribution that it follows, make calculations that prove or disprove a hypothesis, interpret the trend in new data compared to a previous standard, diagnose the trustworthiness of inference, collect data without bias and diagnose bias in collected data.
Overview – Our class will follow a flipped classroom model where you view lecture videos outside of class and then come to class prepared to delve deeper into the material. Lecture classes will have all sections combined into one; in most lecture classes you will see examples done by the instructor and then work on problem solving in groups of students with an in-class assignment due before class ends. Lab classes will be individual sections run by a TA (teaching assistant) and LA (learning assistant – computer expert) where you work on problem solving in groups of students with an in-class quiz based on statistical software output due before class ends that day. The calendar below illustrates what will be covered each day in class.
Course Details –
Instructor: Jennifer (Jenny) Shook 416 Thomas (814) 865 – 6164
TA and LA:
Email: ANGEL Communicate – Quick Message – To: Jenny Shook
Webmail messages will not be read (University “best practice” to keep it all in ANGEL)
Information announced on Q&A Board on ANGEL when it is available
Office Hours: SOH (Shared office hours) – all TAs qualified to assist in this course will hold office hours that you may attend; details posted on ANGEL as soon as they are available
Instructor Hours – 416 Thomas Mondays 9-10am and 12-1pm
Sections: 1
M F 101 Thomas 10:10-11:00am
M F 101 Thomas 10:10-11:00am
M F 101 Thomas 10:10-11:00am
W 111 Boucke 10:10-11:00am
W 214 Boucke 11:15am-12:05pm
W 111 Boucke 12:20-1:10pm
Materials: Textbook – Pagano and Gauvreau’s Principles of Biostatistics Second Edition, Duxbury; bring tables used in lecture videos to class (photocopies are fine)
Computer – One day each week you will have the use of a computer in class (lab). Outside of class, most computer labs on campus can provide the same information or use
You will need to access ANGEL daily for all course information and announcements
Course website: (ANGEL) contains all course materials including the syllabus, grade book, study guides and practice quizzes, lecture videos and notes, lab directions, data, and quizzes, exams to review, and all course announcements (Q&A Board). It is your responsibility to check the Q&A Board for all announcements related to class prior to class each day
Course format: Read the textbook and watch each lecture video in the lecture video quizzes and complete the quiz before the lecture class in which we start to discuss that material, taking detailed notes (done outside of the classroom). Bring notes and tables from the textbook to class to ask questions and practice what you have learned
Complete all in-class assignments
Complete all practice quizzes and exams (done outside of the classroom)
Course agreement / policies – By maintaining your enrollment in this class, you agree to
S1. The Penn State Principles (
S2. View this class as a resident course, not an online course – attend class regularly. Any prolonged lapse in class attendance may result in no opportunity for makeup work or any other adjustments
S3. Check grades on ANGEL (ANGEL>Grades, updated weekly unless otherwise announced) and report errors in person to the instructor within one week of their posting. Failure to do so will result in no adjustment for any reason. Ignore the percentages ANGEL computes – they do not make sense with our points based grades
S4. Request no extra credit beyond what is already provided nor ask for extra points for any reason
S5. Use technology (computer, tablet, cell phone, etc) during class only for class purposes. Non-class related activities may result in the confiscation of such devices for the duration of class. You may not take pictures or record audio or video during class unless you have written permission from the instructor
S6. Discuss due date / time conflicts in person, by phone, or two-way conversation in ANGEL
Communicate (you send the email, you receive a reply and you read it) with the instructor before the due date / time and provide necessary documentation. After any due date / time expires, there is no option for any adjustments except those outlined in S7. Work sent to your instructor in email will not be graded
S7. University approved conflicts are the only reason for due date / time conflicts (family obligations, interviews, religious observances, University sports activities, etc) and they must have documentation.
Conflicts due to illness will only be considered prior to the due date / time on an individual basis with extended illnesses requiring documentation and illnesses that cause exam reschedules possibly requiring documentation
S8. Use ANGEL with an acceptable browser and internet connection. Completing work off campus is at your own risk – immediately contact ANGEL Support ( ) and your instructor by phone if any submissions fail.
S9. Check ANGEL’s Q&A Board for all course announcements prior to each class period. Post non- emergency questions about the course policies or content on the Q&A Board and respond to student questions if you know the answer
S10. Send email to your instructor about private matters (general course questions go on the Q&A Board) only through ANGEL Communicate ( ) and use proper email etiquette
( ). Messages sent to the Instructor’s webmail address will not be answered (University “best practice” to keep it all in ANGEL)
S11. Come to class prepared to demonstrate what you learned in the lecture videos, ask questions, and work with classmates on everything but exams. Communicating in any way (talking, texting, writing notes, etc) with other students during exams is not permitted
S12. Take responsibility for your actions and your grades; seek help from office hours as soon as you need it; do not share posted solutions or quiz solutions with other students or non-students; do not share scrap paper during exams; do not give or sell posted notes, data, or solutions on ANGEL to anyone
S13. Complete assignments in a timely manner; schedule exams at the Testing Center in a timely manner; show up for class and exams on time. Those entering the lecture classroom late will not be able to participate in the in-class activity. Those late to an exam will receive a 0 for that exam
S14. Follow all rules and policies here, at the Testing Center ( ), and of the University in our class and in every classroom on campus (no food or drink)
The instructor and TA agree to
I1. Cancel class only in the event that both parties have an emergency; post an announcement about a cancelled class on the ANGEL Q&A Board prior to the start of that class time
I2. Answer student questions without giving away answers
To the best of their ability based on the information provided at that time (student’s failure to provide all the information may result in the miscommunication of ideas) b.
always when asked in class, having the proper preparation done before class starts c.
within 24 hours if posted on ANGEL’s Q&A Board or Communicate Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm d.
within 48 hours if posted on ANGEL’s Q&A Board or Communicate evenings and weekends
I3. Grade assignments within one week of the due date / time. Exceptions will be posted on the Q&A
Board. All quizzes on ANGEL will be open for full review after the due time
I4. Treat all students equally, making exceptions for no one to avoid partiality and bias
LAs agree to answer student questions about Minitab (not course content)
L1. To the best of their ability based on the information provided at that time (student’s failure to provide all the information may result in the miscommunication of ideas)
L2. always when asked in class, having the proper preparation done before class starts
You are expected to complete all your own work in a collaborative setting for all assignments except exams. As a reminder, the University has a policy on academic honesty. Cheating includes impersonating another student or letting another student impersonate you, letting other students copy your answers, submitting a quiz early and sharing the given answers with other students who have yet to submit their work, sharing scrap paper, communicating with other students in any way during an exam, using provided solutions to check your answers before turning in your work, selling posted notes or solutions to anyone. You are expected to abide by the procedures set forth in the University’s document at .
First failure to comply will result in a grade of 0 on the assignment, the second will result in a F for the course.
Penn State welcomes students with disabilities into the University's educational programs. If you have a disability- related need for reasonable academic adjustments in this course, contact the Office for Disability Services (ODS) at
814-863-1807 (V/TTY). For further information regarding ODS, please visit the Office for Disability Services Web site at . In order to receive consideration for course accommodations, you must contact ODS and provide documentation (see the documentation guidelines at ). If the documentation supports the need for academic adjustments, ODS will provide a letter identifying appropriate academic adjustments. Please share this letter and discuss the adjustments with your instructor as early in the course as possible. You must contact ODS and request academic adjustment letters at the beginning of each semester.
Course Requirements –
Exams: 420 points, three during the semester, (the first two exams are 48 questions, 90 minutes, 180 points and the third exam is 16 questions, 30 minutes, 60 points) multiple choice, taken at the Testing Center, you pick the time slot on the exam day. No exam scores are dropped. You will receive an email requesting you to sign up for a time slot approximately one week before each exam date. Failure to schedule a time slot in a timely manner will result in a 0 for your exam score. Please view their material at if you are unfamiliar with the testing center. If you experience technology issues during the exam, immediately report your error. Failure to follow the course policies about exams or the Testing Center rules will result in a 0 for your exam score. Exam details appear in the
Study Aids folder in ANGEL>Lessons. You are allowed to have something to write with and scrap paper will be provided but must be turned in. Formulas and tables will appear at the end of each exam and a calculator will be provided in each question of the exam. Exams will be open for review on ANGEL after all students have completed the assignment
Final exam: 280 points, cumulative, multiple choice, as scheduled by the University (70 questions, 90 minutes).
Check elion Feb 17 for our exam schedule (usually scheduled Thurs or Fri of finals week). If you have a conflict, you must file with the registrar’s office between Feb 17 and Mar 7. The instructor does not have
the ability to reschedule your final exam for any reason, especially because your ride leaves early. Failure to show up on time for your final exam or failure to follow the rules for the final exam will result in a 0 for your score. Final exam details appear in the Study Aids folder in ANGEL>Lessons. You are allowed to have something to write with and scrap paper will be provided but must be turned in. Formulas and tables will appear at the end of each exam and a calculator will be provided in each question of the exam
Lecture Video Quizzes: One quiz per chapter, fifteen total, 10 points each, none dropped; taken on ANGEL outside of class (multiple choice questions, no timer – videos are about 10 minutes each and each quiz may have 2-6 videos, only the highest submission before the due time counts) due before the lecture class that starts the material. Quizzes are available on ANGEL starting from the first day of classes until the class time when the material is started; you do not have to wait until right before class to take the quiz.
Failure to submit the quiz before the due date / time will result in no score for that quiz. Video quizzes will be open for unlimited practice after the due date a separate folder on ANGEL>Lessons>Study Aids
Lab Quizzes: One quiz per week (one week has two quizzes), fifteen total, 10 points each, none dropped; questions about the syllabus, textbook, or project guidelines all listed ahead of time on ANGEL>Lessons>
Labs>. Prepare your work as outlined on the lab directions or project guidelines file and open the timed quiz only when you are ready to submit your work (10 multiple choice or fill in the blank questions, 10 minutes, the highest out of 3 on-time submissions counts), due before the lab class ends. ANGEL will grade all questions. Failure to submit the quiz before the due date / time will result in no score for that quiz. Student answers will be available for review upon submission – it is your responsibility to make sure they are as you entered them. Requests not made immediately after submission about submission errors will not be considered. Quizzes are available on ANGEL usually starting on the Friday before the lab quiz day until the end of your lab class on that lab quiz day; you do not have to wait until class to take the quiz
Lab Quiz Questions:
Chapter 2 / 8, 10, 16, 18-20
Chapter 3 / 7, 13, 15
Chapter 6 / 16
Chapter 7 / 14, 17, 18
Chapter 8 / 11, 13, 15
Chapter 9 / 10, 12, 13
Chapter 10 / 11, 15, 16
Chapter 11 / 8-10, 13-15
Chapter 13 / 6, 8-13, 15, 16
Chapter 14 / 8-10, 12, 13
Chapter 15 / 9, 10, 14, 15
Chapter 17 / 5 a-d, 8
Chapter 18 / 8, 10, 13
Chapter 22 / 7
Project guidelines appear on
Extra Credit: Extra credit cannot be made up; no extra credit beyond this will be created
Lecture Activities: 22 total, up to 2 points extra credit each, due before class ends. Lecture Activities will be handed out in lecture class following a brief example by the instructor. Failure to arrive on time will result in no opportunity to participate in the activity. Lecture Activities not turned in before class time ends will receive no score. Work will be graded based on effort and accuracy. Solutions are posted after class on ANGEL>Lessons>Study Aids
Reviewing Basics Quizzes: 10 quizzes total, up to 1 point extra credit each based on chapter material in
ANGEL>Study Aids (10 questions, 20 minutes, unlimited attempts before 8am on the exam date) for extra practice
Practice Exams: 3 practice quizzes, the first two are up to 24 points extra credit (48 questions, 90 minutes, unlimited attempts before 8am on the exam date) and the third is up to 8 points extra credit (16 questions, 30 minutes, unlimited attempts before 8am on the exam date) for extra practice. There is no extra credit on final exam practice posted on ANGEL
Makeup Policy (based on S1, S2, S6, S7, S12 and S13 above): Forgetting to turn in an assignment does not warrant a makeup; please don’t ask. All makeup requests must be discussed with your Instructor prior to the due date / time of the assignment either in person with supporting documentation, over the phone (if there is
no answer, leave a message slowly and clearly stating your name, course number and section number,
ANGEL ID, and a way to contact you – phone number to call back, txt, or email in ANGEL Communicate) with two way communication happening before the due date /time, or in ANGEL Communicate (with supporting documentation for the reason and a way to complete the conversation quickly – phone number, txt, or reply where you will check it before the due date / time) with two way communication happening before the due date /time. Requests made through the Instructor’s webmail account will be denied
Students adding the class after the first day of classes will have one class day after enrollment to contact the Instructor about making up missed assignments; students waiting longer than this will not be able to make up missed work. Assignments regularly due for the class will start to apply to such students two class days after the day of enrollment. All agreed upon makeup work is due within five class days of enrollment in the manner discussed with the Instructor
Conflicts for exams must be entirely arranged (discussed and agreed upon by you and the instructor) before the actual exam. Conflicts due to University Approved reasons will be rescheduled before the actual exam time (not after) and may result in a slightly different (but not harder nor easier) exam.
Conflicts due to medical emergency will be rescheduled within 24 hours of the original exam time and may require documentation and may result in a slightly different (but not harder nor easier) exam.
Conflicts due to serious medical issues that prevent the reschedule in 24 hours must have supporting documentation and will result in a slightly different (but not harder nor easier) exam
Conflicts for the final exam must be scheduled through the registrar’s office (
). Conflict requests for the final exam after the filing period has ended will be denied. Conflicts due to serious medical emergency or University events with supporting documentation will be considered on an individual basis
Conflicts with lab quiz due dates / times will be considered on an individual basis only. If you have a conflict with the exact due date / time, please complete the quiz early
Conflicts with lecture video quiz due dates / times will be considered on an individual basis only. If you have a conflict with the exact due date / time, please complete the quiz early
Conflicts with extra credit will result in 0 extra credit for that assignment. Extra credit cannot be made up
Course Grading – All grading will be updated weekly on ANGEL>Grades. Please ignore ANGEL’s calculations of percentages – they do not make sense with our point-based grading system. Check your scores regularly; failure to report discrepancies within one week of posting will result in no adjustment
Summary: Semester Exams
Final Exam
Lecture Video Quizzes
Lab Quizzes
Extra Credit
110 Total: 1110
Final scores are based on 1000 points; that is the curve; requests for individual adjustments for reasons not noticed until weeks later than the grade posting date or reasons of being just a few points away from a different letter grade will be denied; requests for extra assignments or late makeups will be denied
If your point total is: 930 and above
900 – 929
870 – 899
830 – 869
800 – 829
770 – 799
Your letter grade is: A
700 – 769
600 – 699
599 and below
Disclaimer – This course will run as outlined herein. However, if something unexpected happens (like severe weather) and the University closes, adjustments may be made in the way assignments are turned in. Such adjustments will be posted immediately following the closing on the Q&A Board on ANGEL. Messages in
ANGEL Communicate or voicemail may not be responded to in a timely manner due to such circumstances
Due Dates / Class Details –
Week: Monday – Lecture
Wednesday – Lab, quiz due in class
Friday – Lecture
1: Jan 13 – 17
Syllabus, Lecture Ch 1, quiz due before class
ANGEL / lab introduction
Data collection
Lecture Ch 2, quiz due before class
2: Jan 20 – 24 No classes Lab Quiz Ch 2
Lecture Ch 3, quiz due before class
3: Jan 27 – 31
Lecture Ch 6, quiz due before class
Lab Quiz Ch 3, 6
Work on Project 1
Lecture Ch 7, quiz due before class
4: Feb 3– Feb 7 Project 1 Minitab Lab Quiz Project 1
Lecture Ch 8, quiz due before class
5: Feb 10 – 14 More on Ch 8 Lab Quiz Ch 7-8
Lecture Ch 9, quiz due before class
6: Feb 17 – 21
Project 2 Intro, check final exam schedule
Lab Quiz Ch 9
Work on Project 2
Lecture Ch 10, quiz due before class
7: Feb 24 – 28
Lecture Ch 11, quiz due before class
Lab Quiz Project 2
Exam 1 Ch 1-9, no class
8: Mar 3 – 7
More on Ch 11, file for conflict final exam?
Lab Quiz Ch 10-11
Lecture Ch 13, quiz due before class, last day to file for a conflict final
9: Mar 17 –21
Lecture Ch 14, quiz due before class
Lab Quiz Ch 13
Work on Project 3
More on Ch 14
10: Mar 24 – 28
Project 3 Q&A, no lecture activity today
Lab Quiz Project 3
Lecture Ch 15-16.1, quiz due before class
11: Mar 31 – Apr 4 Project 4 Intro
Lab Quiz Ch 14-16.1
Work on Project 4
Lecture Ch 17, quiz due before class
12: Apr 7 – 11
Lecture Ch 18, quiz due before class
Lab Quiz Ch 17
Work on Project 4
Exam 2 Ch 10-17, no class
13: Apr 14 – 18 More on Ch 18
Lab Quiz Ch 18
Work on Project 4
Lecture Ch 22, quiz due before class
14: Apr 21 – 25
Project 4 Q&A, no more lecture activities here on out
Lab Quiz Ch 22
Lab Quiz Project 4
Exam 3 Ch 18, 22, no class
15: Apr 28 – May 2
Project 5 Intro,
Review Exam 1
Lab Quiz Project 5 Review Exams 2-3