Document 16621982

“This course will cover descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, probability, binomial and normal
distributions, statistical inference, linear regression, and correlation.” 4 credits
Prerequisite: 2 units in algebra
In this course you will gain problem solving skills that will allow you to decide for yourself if research involving
data is trustworthy or not. Mathematical calculations are necessary but more important is interpreting the values
computed. At the end of the semester you will be able to organize data using numerical and graphical
summaries, apply properties to data based on the distribution that it follows, make calculations that prove or
disprove a hypothesis, interpret the trend in new data compared to a previous standard, diagnose the
trustworthiness of inference, collect data without bias and diagnose bias in collected data.
Faculty Contact:
TA information:
Jenny Shook
416 Thomas
(814) 865-6164
Haskell Sie
316 Thomas
(814) 863-3238
Josh Goldstein
301 Thomas
(814) 863-2314
Use ANGEL: “Faculty”
Office hours:
Monday 2 – 4 pm
and also by appointment
Textbook: Utts and Heckard‟s Mind On Statistics Third Edition, Thomson and the included CD.
Calculator: Any kind that can compute a square root (graphing ok) – cell phones prohibited.
Essentials: Notebook or paper to take notes on lectures, to work out problems in class; pen, pencil, eraser, etc.
Computer: Two days each week you will have the use of a computer in class (lab). Outside of class, most
computer labs on campus can provide the same information as do the ones in class. You will need to access
ANGEL regularly for all course information.
Course Format:
You are encouraged to travel through the world of statistics with your classmates. Each week you will receive a
reading assignment. The lecture will present concepts and examples that illustrate the concepts in the reading
assignment. At the end of each lecture, a brief activity is to be completed and turned in before the end of that
class as attendance. The following two classes will be time for the teacher and classmates to work together
through examples illustrating concepts from the reading using statistical software to solve the problems. Weekly
practice chapter quizzes in ANGEL and weekly homework is due online in ANGEL quizzes, all to be completed
outside of class. Projects are assigned throughout the semester with time to work on them in class and are to be
completed outside of class, graded by project quizzes. Unit exams will be given throughout the semester in the
e-testing center during a time you schedule. A cumulative final exam will be given as scheduled by the
Work load:
Print out the calendar at the end of this syllabus and refer to it regularly. Please check ANGEL regularly for new
information, announcements and course emails. Each week you will have a reading assignment, an online read
quiz, and a set of homework questions from the textbook to submit in a second online quiz. Projects are to be
completed in a quiz outside of class with class time for discussion of ideas. Because class activities may be
worked on in class, you are expected to work together with your classmates while maintaining your own
individuality in your work.
Course Policies:
Reading assignments, lectures, and study guides are posted on ANGEL. You are encouraged to print out and
review each lecture before it is presented in class, bringing a printout to the lecture to assist you in following
along. Printing out the lecture activity before class is a requirement. Homework quizzes, chapter quizzes, project
quizzes and exams will be graded online for immediate feedback and are subject to change based on Mrs.
Shook‟s approval. Failure to follow directions correctly will result in no score for that quiz or exam. Lecture
and lab activities will be graded for attempt but not accuracy as attendance. Grades will be updated monthly on
You are expected to complete all your own work in a collaborative setting. Please remember that copying
anyone else‟s work is considered cheating. As a reminder, the University has a policy on academic honesty.
You are expected to abide by the procedures set forth in the University‟s document at .
Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her
abilities should contact Mrs. Shook personally as soon as possible, so we can discuss accommodations necessary
to ensure full participation and facilitate your educational opportunity.
Reading Assignments:
Ch 1-2
Ch 3-4
Ch 5
Ch 6, skip 6.2
Ch 7
Ch 8, skip 8.8
Ch 9-10, skip 9.9
Ch 11
Ch 12 and 9.9
Ch 13
Ch 14-15, skip 14.4 and 15.3
Ch 16, skip 16.4
Ch 17
due Aug 25
due Aug 30
due Sept 13
due Sept 20
due Sept 27
due Oct 4
due Oct 18
due Oct 25
due Nov 1
due Nov 8
due Nov 15
due Nov 29
due Dec 6
Weekly Quizzes:
There are generally two quizzes for content mastery due each week – one based on the reading
assignment above and the other based on specific homework questions at the end of the reading
assignment as listed below. Due to exam scheduling, reading assignment quizzes may not fall
exactly in line with the homework quizzes, so be sure to pay attention to the due dates. It is
strongly recommended that you complete the read quiz the same day that the associated lecture is
given and the HW quiz within the following 24 hours despite the due date being later than such.
Completing these quizzes sooner rather than later will help you retain the lecture information and
cut down on studying time.
Read quizzes: Complete the reading assignment above before you open the read quiz for the
week. You may use classmates, our lecture notes and the textbook to assist you during the quiz.
HW quizzes: Complete each homework question as listed below before you open the HW quiz
for the week, having your completed work in front of you to answer the questions. It may also be
useful to have the textbook in front of you to aid you in answering the specific quiz questions as
each quiz question may refer to the process of completing the homework question, not just the
final answer itself. A typical question will read like this: What is your answer for question 2.00
part a to one decimal place?
Ch 1 and 2:
1.3, 1.9, 2.6, 2.13, 2.20, 2.24, 2.31, 2.35, 2.38, 2.53,
2.54, 2.64, 2.84, 2.97, 2.102
Ch 3 and 4: 3.6, 3.10, 3.13, 3.18, 3.22, 3.41, 3.42, 3.86, 4.2, 4.6,
4.7, 4.29, 4.30, 4.37, 4.72
Ch 5:
5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.10, 5.13, 5.16, 5.21, 5.24, 5.29,
5.34, 5.46, 5.47, 5.67, 5.69
Ch 6:
6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, 6.11, 6.30, 6.34, 6.36, 6.38, 6.41,
6.43a-e, 6.47, 6.53, 6.63
Ch 7:
7.6, 7.11, 7.16, 7.17, 7.22, 7.23, 7.26, 7.34, 7.37, 7.40,
7.45, 7.46, 7.48, 7.64, 7.69
Ch 8:
8.1, 8.7, 8.10, 8.11, 8.13, 8.15, 8.17, 8.19, 8.27, 8.30,
8.32, 8.34, 8.37, 8.51, 8.52
Ch 9:
9.10, 9.21, 9.24, 9.25, 9.29, 9.31, 9.45, 9.47, 9.54, 9.57,
9.60, 9.66, 9.73, 9.131, 9.134
Ch 10:
10.2, 10.5, 10.13, 10.18, 10.22, 10.25, 10.26, 10.30,
10.44, 10.46, 10.49, 10.53,
Ch 11:
11.8, 11.11, 11.15, 11.18, 11.20, 11.21, 11.23, 11.25,
11.30, 11.39, 11.40, 11.42, 11.44, 11.50
Ch 12:
12.5, 12.8, 12.9, 12.15, 12.17, 12.19, 12.24, 12.35,
12.46, 12.58, 12.61, 12.68, 12.71 (p-hat = 0.75, not p; error in book)
Ch 13:
13.1, 13.2, 13.6, 13.10, 13.12, 13.14, 13.15, 13.28,
13.33, 13.37, 13.43, 13.47, 13.67
Ch 14 and 15: 14.1, 14.4, 14.16, 14.18, 14.35, 14.42, 14.43, 15.2,
15.3, 15.37, 15.48, 15.49
Ch 16:
16.3, 16.4, 16.7, 16.12, 16.13, 16.15, 16.17, 16.19,
16.22, 16.23, 16.25, 16.39
Policies: Once you open the quiz, time starts and the quiz will submit when time expires even if
you close the browser and do not look at any of the questions. Be sure to be logged on to a reliable
network before you open any of the quizzes. Failure to follow directions and / or occurrence of
technology errors will not warrant a make-up. If you have problems with ANGEL, contact
ANGEL Support immediately (the (?) button between the home and logout buttons on the left)
and they will respond quickly. Your instructor or TA cannot assist when ANGEL has an error as
they are not part of the ANGEL Support Team; you must contact ANGEL Support when you have
the problem with ANGEL. All quizzes must be submitted by 11:59:59pm on the Wednesday due
date. Out of the allowed attempts, only the highest quiz score will count as your final score in the
reports tab (after all the questions have been graded).
Read quiz Syllabus and Ch 1-2, HW quiz Ch 1-2
Read quiz Ch 3-4, HW quiz Ch 3-4
HW quiz Ch 5
Read quiz Ch 5-6, HW quiz Ch 6
Read quiz Ch 7, HW quiz Ch 7
Read quiz Ch 8, HW quiz Ch 8
Read quiz Ch 9, HW quiz Ch 9
Read quiz Ch 10-11, HW quiz Ch 10
HW quiz Ch 11
Read quiz Ch 12-13, HW quiz Ch 12
Read quiz Ch 14-15, HW quiz Ch 13
HW quiz Ch 14-15
Read quiz Ch 16-17, HW quiz Ch 16
due Sept 1
due Sept 8
due Sept 15
due Sept 22
due Sept 29
due Oct 13
due Oct 20
due Oct 27
due Nov 3
due Nov 10
due Nov 17
due Dec 1
due Dec 8
Project details are available on ANGEL the week of the due date. You do not have to wait until the
project is discussed to start working on it. Please do not wait until the due day to start the project. You
only have 1 chance to take the quiz so make sure you are on a reliable computer and are ready to complete
the quiz before you open it. Remember to complete each project outside of the project quiz; if you only
work within the quiz and there is a power failure, all your work will be lost. Quiz questions may require
you to use the HTML editor in ANGEL; please contact ANGEL Support for additional help with this
feature if you are not certain how to use it. If working in a group, each group member must submit their
own quiz; group members not completing a quiz will get no score. If you have problems with ANGEL,
contact ANGEL Support immediately (the (?) button between the home and logout buttons on the left)
and they will respond quickly. Your instructor or TA cannot assist when ANGEL has an error as they are
not part of the ANGEL Support Team; you must contact ANGEL Support when you have the problem
with ANGEL. Each project quiz must be submitted before 11:59:59pm on the Friday due date. Late
project quizzes are not accepted. Do not email your quiz answers to your instructor or TA. Projects will
only be graded via the quiz on ANGEL. Quizzes not submitted by the due date and time will not be
scored, even if answers are saved and complete. Failure to follow these directions will result in no score
for the project quiz.
Project 1 quiz is due Sept 3
Project 2 quiz is due Sept 10
Project 3 quiz is due Sept 24
Project 4 quiz is due Oct 15
Project 5 quiz is due Dec 10
Attendance Activities:
All in-class assignments are available at least one day prior to the scheduled class time. Please review the
activity before coming to class as it is practice that you complete in class. You can then continue your
learning as you check your accuracy the following day when solutions are posted on ANGEL.
The activity after each lecture is called “LGM Ch ”, which stands for Large Group Meeting, and then
the chapter of the lecture. This activity, found at the end of the lecture document, is to be printed out
before class, completed after the lecture part of class ends and is to be turned in before class ends as proof
of attendance for that class. LGMs must be labeled with the LGM name / number, your name, access ID
(, and your section number. There is one LGM for each lecture. Only the LGM for the
current lecture can be turned in at that lecture for credit. If you miss class for an excused reason (contact
Mrs. Shook prior to class about it), you will receive an “E” for the LGM activity when it is completed and
turned in with documented proof of the excuse to Mrs. Shook before the missed class, not after, unless
Mrs. Shook directs otherwise.
The activity in each lab is called “Lab Ch__” and is partially completed by hand and partially by using
statistical software, directions for which are provided with each activity. This activity is to be completed
electronically on the lab computer (save it before typing any answers and save often to a location you
know during class), worked on during class, and submitted into an ANGEL drop box before the end of the
class time as proof of attendance for that class. Labs must be completely uploaded in the correct drop box
for each assignment, labeled with your name, access ID (, and section number. In the drop
box, call the file “Lab Ch? for „yourID‟”, and include your name, psu email and section number
in the title of the submission. Attach the lab activity you have worked on and be certain to hit the submit
button (not just the attach button). Once you have made the submission, it is imperative that you check
that ANGEL shows your submission in the drop box. Labs can be submitted prior to your scheduled class
time; excused absences are encouraged to make such a submission. Late or pending submissions will not
be graded. If you have problems with ANGEL, contact ANGEL Support immediately (the (?) button
between the home and logout buttons on the left) and they will respond quickly. Your instructor or TA
cannot assist when ANGEL has an error as they are not part of the ANGEL Support Team; you must
contact ANGEL Support when you have the problem with ANGEL.
Study guides are posted on ANGEL; only topics listed on the designated study guides will appear on the
Exam – if it is not listed, then it is not on the exam. Make sure you have signed up for an exam session at (the testing center will email your psu email account
approximately one week before the exam to let you know the slots are available for scheduling; check
your junk folder if you do not hear from them). All necessary tables and scrap paper will be provided for
you during the exam; scrap paper must be turned in before you leave the testing center. You may bring a
calculator and writing utensil. Also, a front and back of one 8.5”X11” sheet of handwritten notes is
allowed for each exam, to be turned in at the end of the exam with the scrap paper. Anyone using a sheet
containing non-handwritten material, or not turning in their notes and / or scrap paper will have their exam
score changed to a 0. It is strongly recommended that you put your name and PSU email address on both
of these sheets. If you have to miss an exam due to a documented excuse, you must notify Mrs. Shook
prior to your scheduled exam time and set up a time for a make-up within one week of the original exam
due date.
Exam 1: Ch 1-4
on Sept 15
Exam 2: Ch 5-7
on Oct 6
Exam 3: Ch 8-11
on Nov 3
Exam 4: Ch 12-15 on Dec 1
Final Exam: Ch 1-17, as scheduled by the University (two fronts and backs of notes allowed)
The cumulative final exam (50 multiple choice questions) will be scheduled by the University. You must
take the final exam at the scheduled time (or during the conflict time if you schedule for one). All
necessary tables will be provided as is scrap paper. You may bring a calculator and writing utensil. Also,
two 8.5”X11” sheets of handwritten notes are allowed (front and back).
Each of the 13 HW quizzes and 10 Read quizzes are worth 10 points.
Each of the attendance activities are worth 2 points.
Each exam is worth 100 points, including the final exam.
The first four projects are worth 50 points each and the fifth project is 100 points.
Total points possible:
Total Points
If your total points are:
930 and above
900 – 929
870 – 899
830 – 869
800 – 829
770 – 799
700 – 769
600 – 699
599 and below
Your letter grade will be:
Semester Schedule:
1: Aug 23 - 26
Syllabus, Lecture Ch 1
Lab Introduction
Lecture Ch 2,
Lab Ch 1 and 2
Lecture Ch 3-4,
Project 1
HWCh1and2, ReadQuiz
Project 1
3: Sept 6 – 9
No classes
Lab Ch 3 -4
HWCh3and4, ReadQuiz
Project 2
4: Sept 13 - 16
Lecture Ch 5, LGMCh5
Lab Ch 5a
HWCh5, Exam 1:Ch 1-4
Lab Ch 5b
5: Sept 20 - 23
Lecture Ch 6, LGMCh6
Lab Ch 6
HWCh6, ReadQuizCh5and6
Project 3
6: Sept 27 – 30
Lecture Ch 7, LGMCh7
Lab Ch 7a
HWCh7, ReadQuizCh7
Lab Ch 7b
7: Oct 4 - 7
Lecture Ch 8a, LGMCh8a
Lab Ch 8a
Exam 2: Ch 5-7
Project 4
8: Oct 11 – 14
Lecture Ch 8b, LGMCh8b
Lab Ch 8b
HWCh8, ReadQuizCh8
Project 4
Lecture Ch 9-10,
Lab Ch 9
HWCh9, ReadQuizCh9
Lab Ch 10
10: Oct 25 - 28
Lecture Ch 11, LGMCh11
Lab Ch 11a
HWCh10, ReadQuiz
Lab Ch 11b
11: Nov 1 - 4
Lecture Ch 12, LGMCh12
Lab Ch 12a
HWCh11, Exam 3: Ch 8-11
Lab Ch 12b
12: Nov 8 - 11
Lecture Ch 13, LGMCh13
Lab Ch 13a
HWCh12, ReadQuiz
Lab Ch 13b
13: Nov 15 - 18
Lecture Ch 14-15,
Lab Ch 14
HWCh13, ReadQuiz
Lab Ch 15
14: Nov 29 – Dec 2
Lecture Ch 16, LGMCh16
Lab Ch 16a
HWCh14and15, Exam 4:
Ch 12-15
Lab Ch 16b
15: Dec 6 - 9
Lecture Ch 17, LGMCh17
Project 5
Final Review, HWCh16,
Project 5
2: Aug 30 – Sept 2
9: Oct 18 – 21
Final exam as scheduled by the University via Elion.