1. 2. Which Bridge is the AGP bus and main memory... 3. Why might the new AGP port be called quad-speed...

1. In your own words explain the Sequential Interrupt processing:
2. Which Bridge is the AGP bus and main memory accessed from?
3. Why might the new AGP port be called quad-speed busses?
4. Why can't we fully take advantage of the new AGP quad-speed busses?
5. Why is the South Bridge cooler than the North Bridge?
6. Explain DRAM memory.
7. Draw a diagram of the Basic Instruction cycle.
8. Explain the following categories of processor actions:
Data processing:
9. What is the primary reason for providing an interrupt capability to the processor?
10. Draw a timing diagram showing a running process being interrupted at least two times before
program completion.
11. Two approaches can be taken to deal with multiple interrupts. What are they and what
advantages/disadvantages do each have?
12. A computer is made from three basic types of components (processor, memory and I/O). The
interconnection between these components must support five type of transfers, what are those
transfer types?
13. A bus is made up of three sets of lines. Identify each line and the purpose of each?
14. Explain the difference between synchronous timing and asynchronous timing.
15. Define DMA and explain it's main advantage?
16. Define PCI and state it's speed and economic advantage?