Ch 12 Volcanos Igneous Processes Extrusive Igneous Formations Volcanoes __________ in the Earth that erupt __________, ash, & lava. Lava flows __________ everything in their path. __________ flows (ash & debris) rush down the __________ of the volcano. Acid rain is produced when __________ gases mix with water vapor in the atmosphere. Parts of a __________ o Magma collects in a magma __________ inside the Earth’s crust. o The opening where magma is forced up and flows onto the Earth’s surface is called a __________. o The __________-walled depression around a volcano’s vent is called the __________. __________ of Volcanoes o Form at divergent & __________ plate boundaries. o __________Spots : An unusually hot area between the __________ & core that forces melted rock upward to form __________ in the middle of tectonic plates. Plate moves as the hot spot is __________. Volcanic __________ • The __________ of a volcano depends on: Amount of water vapor & other gases trapped in the __________. Amount of __________ present in the magma. - __________ lava is low in silica & produces __________, non-explosive eruptions: __________ & __________ - Granitic & andesitic magma are high to _____________ in silica & produce __________ eruptions. 4. Types of Volcanoes Shield » __________ volcanoes with __________ sloping sides. » Quiet eruptions of __________ lava forming flat layers. __________ Cone » Steep-sided volcanoes made of loosely packed __________. » Tephra- bits of rock or __________ lava (pyroclastic material) like ash, cinders, __________, & blocks. ______________ » Volcanoes with __________ layers of __________ & lava flows. » Long __________periods » __________eruptions Intrusive Igneous Formations __________ • Largest intrusive formations • Forms where magma has been forced up into __________ within the crust & __________ slowly. __________ • Magma that is forced into __________ cracks that cuts across rock layers and __________. __________ • Magma that has been forced into cracks that are __________ to rock layers and then hardens. __________ Necks • The solid __________ rock core of an extinct volcano. • __________ & erosion wear away the cone exposing the __________. __________ • Large __________ caused by the __________ of a crater during an eruption.