Fall Final Review Study Guide

Fall Final Review Study Guide
1. What are the steps of the scientific method?
a. State the Problem
b. Gather data
c. Make a hypothesis
d. Test hypothesis
e. Analyze data
f. Form a conclusion
2. What is a control group? Basis of comparison, the group that doesn’t get the IV, the “norm” group
3. What is an independent variable (IV)? What “I” change in an experiment. The manipulated
variable. Goes on the X axis on a graph.
4. What is a dependent variable (DV)? What happens as a result of what “I” did in an experiment.
The reactive variable. Goes on the Y axis on a graph.
5. What is a hypothesis? An educated guess about an outcome or a problem.
6. How do you write a hypothesis? If , then statement.
7. What are the parts of a graph?
a. Title (must reflect all variables)
b. Each axis labeled
c. Data
d. Legend
e. Units if applicable
8. Where do the ID and DV go on a graph? IV on the X, DV on the Y
9. How do you remember where they go? DRY MIX
A science class collected some earthworms and measured their length.
Length of Worms vs. Number of Worms
10. What is the independent variable in this experiment? Worm Length
11. What is the dependent variable in this experiment? # of worms
12. What length of worm was most common? 6.5-7 cm
13. Name at least 2 things missing from the
a. Units
b. legend
c. Numbers marking time
14. Name the DV. Ability
15. What happens to the ability of the blue line
person over time? The ability to draw
mountains goes up.
Average Speed
A science class tested the effects of slope on speed. Below is the graphed data. Use the data to answer the
Angle of Slope
16. What is the independent variable in this experiment? Angle of Slope
17. What is the dependent variable in this experiment? Ave. speed
18. What happens to the average speed of a vehicle as the angle changes? Acceleration (it speeds up)
19. What is missing from this graph? Title
20. Name at least 3 things wrong or missing from the graph.
a. Bad title
b. units
c. legend
d. X axis labeled
21. What was the mass in 2007?
5.1 somethings
22. If there is an accident in the lab, what do you do first? Contact the teacher
23. List the SI unit prefixes in order from largest to smallest.
a. kilo
b. hector
c. deca
d. Base unit= m for meter, g for grams, l for liter, etc
e. deci
f. centi
g. milli
24. What SI unit do you use for:
a. Mass: gram
b. Distance: meter
c. Volume: liter
25. What does a triple-beam balance measure? mass
26. What does a ruler measure? distance
27. What does a graduated cylinder measure? volume
28. What does a beaker measure? volume
29. Define the following (include it’s location and charge):
a. Proton: located in the nucleus, positively charged ion
b. Electron: Located outside the nucleus, negatively charged ion
c. Neutron: located in the nucleus, neutral ion
30. What is an ionic bond? Electrons are given or received, bonding is based on the change in charge
(opposites attract) NaCL is an example
31. What is a covalent bond? Electrons are shared H2O is an example
32. How do you know if two elements have similar properties? If they are in the same group/family.
33. What is the law of conservation of mass? The mass of the reactants will equal the mass of the products.
34. What are the characteristics of a physical change? -The form or appearance of matter changes, but not
its composition, –Dissolving, -Changing State/Phase, –Absorption, -Cutting/Tearing/Smashing
35. What are the characteristics of a chemical change? -Changing from one substance into a new
substance, -Color change, -Forming a gas or solid, -Producing light, -Odors, -Giving off heat, -Absorbing
36. How many protons do each of the following have:
a. He: 2
b. Au: 79
c. Mg:12
d. K: 19
37. Identify the location of the following on the periodic table: Families/groups (similar properties)
a. Alkali metals:
b. Halogens:
c. Noble gases:
d. Transition metals:
e. Metalloids:
38. Define family as it relates to the periodic table. Usually the vertical columns of elements that have similar
physical & chemical properties.
Define period as it relates to the periodic table. - A row of elements, -The properties gradually change
predictably across the period.
39. What is atomic number? -Shows the number of protons in the nucleus. -Every atom of that element has
only that number of protons.
40. What is atomic mass? -The weighted average of the isotopes of an element. -Measured in mass units (u)
41. What is the definition of a mineral? 1. Inorganic – doesn’t come from living things 2. Always a solid – has
volume and shape 3. Definite chemical composition – made of a single pure substance or element 4.
Crystalline form – flat sides, sharp edges & corners
42. What are the names for these crystal shapes?
43. What are the two ways that minerals will form?
a. As magma cools, minerals will crystalize
b. Some mineral crystals will form compounds dissolved in liquids.
44. What are the different types of luster?
a. Metallic
b. Nonmetallic:
i. Dull
ii. Pearly
iii. Silky
iv. Earthy
Answer the following questions about the Hardness Scale
Orthoclase Feldspar
46. A mineral sample is able to scratch Fluorite & Quartz, but not Corundum.
What is the sample’s harness?
47. A mineral sample is able to scratch Talc & Calcite, but not Fluorite. What
is the sample’s hardness?
48. What is streak? The color of the powder scraped off a mineral when rubbed against a rough surface
(streak plate.)
49. What is cleavage? -breaks in smooth, definite surfaces -Same every time
50. What is fracture? breaks in rough or jagged surfaces
51. What are some “special” properties of minerals?
-Reaction to Acid - some minerals will bubble in acid
-Magnetism - some special minerals will be magnetic
-Smell - some will have distinct odors
-Taste - some have a distinct taste
52. According to the rock cycle, does the mass of the rock
change as it goes from one rock type to another?
Explain why or why not. No. Law of Conservation of
53. Draw the rock cycle. ------
54. What material forms Igneous Rock?
Magma and Lava
55. What processes form sediment? Weathering and erosion
56. What processes change sediment into Sedimentary Rock? compaction
57. What processes are known as metamorphism? Heat and pressure change the rock
Fill Out the Chart
Rocks formed by volcanoes.
These rocks form layers because of
heat & pressure.
Rocks that form by chemicals
crystallizing out of solution.
Rocks that are made of previously living
Rocks formed by magma cooling
These rocks form when rocks are
changed by chemical reactions.
These rocks are made of smaller rock
pieces & particles.
Rock Type
Intrusive and
Classification Group
Non-clastic Rock
Organic non-clastic
(Chemical) fossils
Foliated and
Clastic Rock
65. Which of these statements is correct in relation to the Law of Conservation of Mass?
 The mass of the starting chemicals will be greater than the chemicals at the end of a reaction.
 The mass of the starting chemicals will be equal to the chemicals at the end of the reaction.
 The mass of the starting chemicals will be less than the mass of the chemicals at the end.
66. What is mechanical weathering? Weathering by physical processes
67. What are some direct causes of mechanical weathering? Growing plants , Burrowing animals,
Expanding ice
68. What is chemical weathering? Chemicals dissolve the minerals in rocks or change them into
different minerals.
69. What is the difference between mechanical & chemical weathering? In CW the rocks composition is
changed. In MC the rock is physically changed only.
70. What is soil made of? Weathered rock, Decayed organic matter, Mineral fragments, Water, & Air
71. What are some factors that affect soil formation?
Climate, Slope, Types of rock, Types of vegetation, &
Length of time that rock has been weathering
Topsoil/ Horizon A
72. Label the layers in the soil profile.
AAHorizon A
73. Why is topsoil important? Provide nutrients for plants.
Horizon B
What is erosion?
Wearing away of surface materials by gravity, water, wind, orHorizon
74. What is deposition?
process where sediments are dropped by erosion agents as they lose energy.
75. How are erosion & deposition different? Erosion is the wearing
Horizon C
away of rock, deposition is where the parts that were
worn away are dropped off
76. What factors affect the amount of runoff?
Amount of rainfall, Length of time it falls, Steepness, or slope, of the land, &
Amount of vegetation
77. What is an ice age? periods of widespread glaciation
What characteristics do young rivers have? Flows swiftly through a narrow valley, May have rapids &
waterfalls, Erodes the bottom faster than the sides, & “V” shaped valleys
78. What characteristics do mature & old rivers have?
Mature: Flows smoothly through the valley, erodes more on the sides, forms meanders & oxbow lakes, &
carves a flat, broad valley floor called a floodplain
Old: Flows smoothly through a floodplain it has carved, delta – fan shaped area formed by sediments that
are deposited as water empties into an ocean or lake, & alluvial Fan – fan shaped area formed by
sediments that are deposited as water empties from a mountain valley onto a flat open plain.
79. What is a floodplain? flat or nearly flat land adjacent to a stream or river that experiences
occasional or periodic flooding
80. How are caverns formed? Caverns are formed by Carbonic acid dissolving limestone rock, thereby
enlarging cracks to form chambers.
81. What factors affect how violent a volcanic eruption will be? Amount of water vapor & other gases
trapped in the magma & Amount of silica present in the magma.
82. What is a batholith? where magma has been forced up into chambers within the crust & cool slowly
83. Explain the processes involved in metamorphism. change in form because of heat, pressure, and/or
chemical reactions.
Volcano Type
86. Cinder Cone
87. Shield
Steep-sided volcanoes made of loosely
packed tephra.
Tephra- bits of rock or solidified lava
(pyroclastic material) like ash, cinders,
bombs, & blocks.
Broad volcanoes with gently sloping
Quiet eruptions of basaltic lava forming
flat layers.
88. Composite
Volcanoes with alternating layers of
tephra & lava flows.
Long dormancy periods
Violent eruptions
89. Describe the characteristics of Detrital Sedimentary Rocks. Sedimentary rocks that are made of
previously existing rock fragments. These rocks are named based on the size & shape of the rock
fragments within the main rock.
89. Give some examples. EX: Sandstone & Shale
90. Describe the characteristics of Chemical Sedimentary Rocks. Includes rocks that were formed as a
result of mineral crystallization when water evaporated. Includes organic rocks such as coal & fossils
Includes cavernous rocks such as stalactites & stalagmites. Includes microcrystaline quartz rocks
91. Give some examples. EX: Limestone & Flint Ex: rock salt
Describe the characteristics of Organic Sedimentary Rocks. Rocks formed from formerly living things.
93. Give some examples. coal & fossils