Metric Conversions USA Burma/Myanmar Liberia

Metric Conversions
To use the Stair-Step method,
• find the prefix the original measurement starts with. (ex.
milligram) If there is no prefix, then you are starting with a base
•Find the step which you wish to make the conversion to. (ex.
•Count the number of steps you moved, and determine in which
direction you moved (left or right).
•Move your decimal place the number of steps that you moved
in the direction you moved
(ex. milligram to decigram is 2 steps to the left, so 40 milligrams
= .40 decigrams) If the number of steps you move is larger than
the number you have, you will have to add zeros to hold the
places. (ex. kilometers to meters is three steps to the right, so
10 kilometers would be equal to 10,000 m
That’s all there is to it! You need to be able to count to 6, and
know your left from your right!
1) 125 g to Kg
2) 21.3 Km to cm
3) 3.34 mm to cm
4) 1.23 ml to L
5) 47.5 ml to L
6) 26.9 dm to cm
7) 18.2 ml to L
8) 728 mm to m
9) 8.32 cg to mg
10) 4.978 mg to dg
11) 1.8mL to kL
12) 2.45 L to ml
13) 40.4 Km to cm
14) 8.98 mg to g
15) 50.1 mm to Km
16) 4.8 g to kg
17) 1.2 m to mm
18) 27.4 kg to dg
19) 0.25 hg to g
20) 55.55 km to cm