GLAST LAT Project Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Mechanical Systems Peer Review March 27, 2003 Section 1.1 - Management Marc Campell SLAC Mechanical Systems Mgr. Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Section 1.1 Management 1 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 Topics Agenda • Organization • Work breakdown • Personnel • Resource Loading Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Section 1.1 Management 2 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 Organization • After Delta PDR, Mechanical Systems group was split – Mechanical Design Integration • Systems Engineering & LAT interfaces - Martin Nordby – Mechanical Systems • Hardware design, fabrication and test – Marc Campell • Mechanical Systems re-organized along hardware lines Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Section 1.1 Management 3 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 Mechanical Systems Mechanical Systems Mgr Marc Campell Program Manager Linda Roberson Grid Box Engineer Bill Olson X-LAT Plate Engr Giang Lam Performance & Safety Assurance Darren Marsh Engr Model Testing M. Campell Giang Lam Thermal Systems PM M. Campell Systems Engr. Leonard Lee Development Development Development Radiator/HP Devel. Specifications Analysis Analysis Analysis Radiator/HP Fab. Test Plans Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication Rad./HP Verification Verification Testing Verification Testing EM Testing S. Morrison PM J. Stieber D. Plaza C. Wilder J. Hodgson M. Molini Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX C. Wilder G. Lam J. Hodgson M. Molini LM team L. Lee J. Hodgson J. Ku Section 1.1 Management 4 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 Work Breakdown Structure • • • • Management – Management – Reliability and Quality Assurance Systems Engineering/Design Integration – Mechanical Systems Development (SLAC) – Thermal Systems Development (LM) • (remaining effort moved to Flight Hardware and Development – Thermal Control System (SLAC) – Radiators, Heat Pipes, and Thermal Testing (LM) – Engineering Modeling (SLAC) – Fabrication, Assembly, and Test (SLAC) Integration and Test Support – LAT I&T Support (SLAC) – 4.1.8.A Mission I&T Support (SLAC) Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Section 1.1 Management 5 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 Mechanical Systems WBS Interfaces GLAST, LAT Subsystems Spacecraft Mech Design Integration Management (SLAC, LM) Mech Design Integration (SLAC) Thermal Modeling (LM) Mech Parts and Materials (SLAC) Hardware Reliability, Q. A. (SLAC, LM) Grid development, prototypes (SLAC) Grid flight unit fab (SLAC) Grid Engineering Models (SLAC) Heat Pipe Engin Model (LM) Radiator development (LM) LAT Elec Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Radiator flight units fab (LM) Grid flight unit ass’y, test (SLAC) Grid/X-LAT Heat Pipe fab (LM) X-LAT Plate flight unit fab (SLAC) I&T Support LAT I&T support (SLAC) TCS protoflt T-Bal test (LM, SLAC) 4.1.8.A Mission I&T sprt (SLAC,LM) Thermal Control System (SLAC) Section 1.1 Management 6 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 Mechanical Systems WBS Dictionary • • • • 4.1.8 Mechanical Systems – Perform LAT system-level thermal and structural analysis, and manage system internal and external structural and thermal interfaces. Manage the LAT Mechanical Parts list, and mass and dimensional bookkeeping. Develop, fabricate, assemble, and test LAT Grid support structure, Radiators, and the LAT thermal control system. Support LAT integration and test by maintaining and updating system thermal and structural models through LAT, SC, and LV I&T, and on-orbit check-out. Management – Provide subsystem scheduling, cost-accounting, and performance tracking and reporting. Support development of subsystem specifications, plans, and interfaces. Control mass, power dissipation. Support team meetings and project reviews. Travel to team meetings, vendor visits, and integration facilities. This includes management of and by subcontractors. Also includes development of mechanical parts database, and tracking of all parts and materials for the LAT. Reliability and Quality Assurance – Provide input to LAT reliabilitiy and hazard analyses. Develop procedures for the fabrication of components and assemblies. Support PHA development. Collect quality records and report to LAT PSAM as needed. Includes subcontractor QA activities. Mechanical Systems Development (SLAC) – Perform thermal and mechanical design integration and analysis for the instrument. Design and develop subsystem interfaces, and interfaces with spacecraft. Develop Grid structure, including prototyping and analysis of Grid. Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Section 1.1 Management 7 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 WBS Dictionary (cont.) • • • • • Thermal Systems Development (LM) – Perform overall thermal analysis for the instrument. Develop conceptual thermal and structural design of LAT Radiators and Grid heat pipes. Thermal Control System – Develop control system for thermal management of instrument, including heater and heater power design, feedback and control system for heaters, and monitoring systems. Procure, fab, assemble, and test on the LAT. Also includes thermal control GSE for bench-testing and during environmental testing (if separate from test GSE). Radiators, Heat Pipes, and Thermal Testing (LM) – Fabricate Heat Pipe engineering model (EM). Finalize Radiator designs after dPDR and fabricate, assemble, and test flight Radiators. Complete detailed design and fabricate heat pipes for flight Grid and X-LAT Thermal Plate. Thermal-balance test proto-flight Radiators and X-LAT Plate, including development of STE and test plan. Support LAT instrument thermal-balance test with in-chamber thermal analysis and predicts and operational support of TCS. Engineering Modeling (SLAC) – Develop, fab, and test Grid engineering models and prototypes after I-PDR. Finalize flight Grid interface designs. Fabrication, Assembly, and Test (SLAC) – Fabricate Grid, X-LAT Plates, and EMI Shield Box. Supervise fabrication. Develop assembly and inspection plans for Grid/Heat Pipe assembly and qualification testing. Carry out fabrication, assembly and test work for flight Grid. This includes fabricating assembly fixtures and procedures for structural and thermal testing, Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Section 1.1 Management 8 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 WBS Dictionary (cont.) • • LAT I&T Support – Support LAT instrument integration and structural and thermal testing. This includes engineering support to resolve interface issues, to update as-built drawings and to perform structural and thermal analysis and testing during LAT integration and test. 4.1.8.A Mission I&T Support – Support integration to SC and LV, and test activities after delivery of full instrument to SC vendor. This includes engineering and technician support of testing at SC test site. Includes engineering support at SLAC of post-launch check-out. Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Section 1.1 Management 9 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 Personnel Summary by Discipline • Program management Subsystem Manager: Marc Campell (SLAC) Subsystem Program Manager: Linda Roberson (SLAC) Materials Coordinator: Jeff Tice (SLAC) LM Program Manager: Susan Morrison (LM-ATC) LM project controls: Dan Aspiras (LM-ATC) • Thermal engineering Thermal Engineer: Jeff Wang (LM-ATC) Lead thermal analyst: Jeff Wang (LM-ATC) Radiator/heat pipe specialist: Jay Ambrose (LM-ATC) • Flight hardware development Mechanical engineers: Giang Lam, Bill Olson (SLAC) Lead designer: Joe Stieber (SLAC) Designers: Doug Plaza, Chris Wilder, Jim Stanfield(SLAC) Radiator lead designer: John Cernac (LM-ATC) Lead Technician: Mark Molini (SLAC) Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Section 1.1 Management 10 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 Personnel Summary by Discipline (cont) • Structural engineering Structural analyst: John Hodgson (SLAC) X-LAT structural analyst: Larry Sokolsky (LM-ATC) Radiator structural analyst: Parviz Sharifi (LM-ATC) • System Engineering Engineer: Leonard Lee (ONE) Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Section 1.1 Management 11 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 Resource Scheduling by FY Mechanical Systems Manpower 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 Planned Actual 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 FY02 FY02 FY02 FY02 FY03 FY03 FY03 FY03 FY04 FY04 FY04 FY04 FY05 FY05 FY05 FY05 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Section 1.1 Management 12 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 Resource Scheduling by FY Labor Type Designer Electronic Engineer Mechanical Engineer Manager (Sr.) Metrology Tech Sci & Engr Assoc Software Developer S&E Tech Shop Cleaning & Plating Machine Shop Total Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 TOTAL 0.83 3.24 3.62 1.79 0.59 10.07 0.01 0.4 0.69 0.06 0 1.16 0.66 1.91 1.98 1.01 1.61 7.17 0.9 0.9 0.91 0.92 0.92 4.55 0.03 0.1 0.17 0.3 0.58 1.32 1.48 0.97 0.37 4.72 0.36 0.36 0.21 0.75 1.11 0.06 2.13 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 3.34 8.01 9.59 6.03 3.55 30.52 Section 1.1 Management 13 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 Current Resources Name Marc Campell Bill Olson Giang Lam Leonard Lee John Hodgson Mark Molini Doug Plaza Joe Stieber Chris Wilder Services Total Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX FTE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .5 9.5 Status on-board on-board on-board on-board on-board on-board on-board on-board on-board available Section 1.1 Management 14 GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Mechanical Systems Peer Review, March 27, 2003 End of Section 1.1 Document: LAT-PR-0XXXX Section 1.1 Management 15