The Internal Appointment Reform Amendment
To increase the efficiency of the internal appointment process
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to be filed by the Secretary of the Senate
Signed by the President of the Unified Student Government Association
Chiefly Sponsored By:
Senator Ryan Kelley
Co-Sponsored By:
The Constitutional Review Board
The Internal Appointment Reform Amendment
A process by which internal appointments should be conducted is not
explicitly outlined in the USGA Articles of Governance,
Be it resolved that the following changes be made to the USGA Articles of
1. The following paragraphs shall be removed from Article 13, §4(B):
v. Motion to open or close nominations for an election
vi. Motion to nominate an individual for an election
2. The subsequent paragraphs in Article 13, §4(B) shall be renumbered
accordingly so that Article 13, §4(B) reads as follows:
(B) Motions shall include but are not limited to the following:
i. Motion to adjourn a meeting
ii. Motion to table a legislative measure
iii. Motion to make an amendment
iv. Motion to close or open a Senate meeting
v. Motion to vote by a certain method
vi. Motion to establish a committee
vii. Motion to reconsider an already voted upon motion or measure
3. The following shall be added to Article 13:
§7. Internal Appointments & Nominations
(A) An election for an internal appointment shall be listed on the agenda
under “New Business and Discussion.” If an election for an internal
appointment has not been listed on the agenda, a Senator may present a
motion to conduct the election.
(i) A motion to conduct an election for an internal appointment must pass
by a simple majority.
(B) The chairperson of the Senate shall open nominations for the election by
saying “the floor is now open for nominations.”
(i) A motion is not required to open nominations or vote on the nominees.
(C) Any candidate for an internal appointment must be formally nominated by
a Senator. A nomination does not require a second or a vote.
(i) Upon recognition from the chairperson of the Senate, a Senator may
nominate someone for an internal appointment by saying “I nominate…”
followed by the full name of the person that Senator wishes to nominate.
(ii) The chairperson of the Senate shall ask the nominee if they accept the
nomination. If the nominee accepts the nomination, the chairperson of the
Senate shall recognize the nominee as a candidate for the internal
(iii) When there are no more nominations, the chairperson of the Senate
shall say “nominations are now closed.” The chairperson of the Senate
shall then announce the names of each candidate.
(D) After the names of each candidate have been announced, the candidates
shall be allowed to provide a statement on their candidacy.
(i) Speeches of candidacy shall not exceed two minutes each.
(ii) The chairperson of the Senate shall ensure that speeches of candidacy
do not exceed two minutes each.
(E) After each candidate has presented their speech of candidacy, any Senator
may ask a question to all of the candidates in order to provide further
information on the candidates’ eligibility for the internal appointment.
(i) If a Senator asks a question, each candidate shall answer the question.
(ii) Each answer shall be limited to two minutes in length.
(iii) The chairperson of the Senate shall ensure that answers to questions
do not exceed two minutes each.
(F) When there are no further questions, the Senate session shall be closed to
the candidates while discussion occurs on the floor.
(G) When discussion has concluded, the Senate shall vote on the candidates.
The chairperson of the Senate shall call for the vote by saying “we will now
vote on the candidates.”
(i) Voting on internal appointments shall be conducted by ballot, unless
there are two or fewer candidates for the internal appointment. If there are
two or fewer candidates for the internal appointment, the vote may be
conducted by iClicker.
(H) After the vote has concluded, the meeting must be re-opened.
4. The former §7, titled “Additional Rules & Authority,” shall now be titled as
§8. Additional Rules & Authority