MRS. ANDREA H. DAVIS THEME: Community Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter
December 11, 2015
THEME: Community
UNIT: Celebrations
EXTENSION: Winter Holidays
Key Measure: There are children like me who live in different countries, speak
different languages, who celebrate in different ways.
We are focusing on celebrations around the world. In our reading curriculum
we are learning about a concept called “Text to World.” When the students
see and hear text to learn about other places and cultures, they broaden
their thinking, which helps overall comprehension. A detailed newsletter will
be sent home next week. I hope you have a nice weekend!
*Thursday reader: 12/17/12 T. Parchuri - Bring 3-4 books - Come at 8:35.
* Winter Party – THURSDAY, Dec. 18th from 10:30-11:15.
bring your camera! We will sing a few songs at 10:30.
Come if you can and
* Valentine’s Party – THURSDAY, Feb. 11th from 10:30-11:15. Come if you can and
bring your camera! We will sing a few songs at 10:30.
*OUTSIDE Time – FYI – we go outside to play every day unless the wind chill is
below 32 degrees. Please label all clothing. If I had a dime for all the things I
labeled for the kids today, I would have .70 cents 
* Last day of school before Winter break is Friday, Dec 18th. We start back on
Monday, Jan 4th, 2016.
* AGAIN…Winter Party – FRIDAY, Dec. 18th from 10:30-11:15. Come !!!
Andrea Davis