MRS. ANDREA H. DAVIS Weekly Newsletter December 18, 2015 THEME: Community UNIT: Celebrations EXTENSION: Winter Holidays Key Measure: There are children like me who live in different countries, speak different languages and celebrate in different ways. LANGUAGE ARTS PHONEMIC AWARENESS AND PHONICS: We talked about on phoneme C this week. The students learned that phoneme C is a copy cat! It usually copies phoneme K, but sometimes it copies phoneme S, so it’s a tricky sound to learn. SPEAKING: The students have learned some great songs for our brief performance on Friday. Song lyrics and poetry reinforce phonemic awareness skills while increasing rhyming and reading fluency. WRITING: The students practiced writing letters correctly when they traced words and pictures on our word search. LISTENING: We are really trying to reinforce our use of I-Messages in our classroom. A main part of an I-Message is listening to your friend. A good listener is quiet and looks the person who is speaking in the eyes. Have your student practice I-Messages with you. READING: I’ve been assessing each student on the 8 color words and 36 sight words for Q2 from our Instant word list. For the first 18 sight words in Q1, the range of what the students could read/recognize in October was from 1 word to 18 words (OCT class average was 11.85). The range of what the kids can read now with a new 18 words is from 2 words to all 36 words (class average = 28.55 words). Nice improvement!! Be sure to check out the web page called “Dolch Lists” for working on sight words at home. I’ll be sending home a ring of sight words for those kids who need quick, daily practice at home. SOCIAL STUDIES We looked on our world map to find Israel, Germany, England and Mexico. We've learned that the Jewish holiday tradition called Hanukkah lasts eight days. Jewish children light the candles of the Menorah as part of their Hanukkah celebration. We learned that the concepts of Christmas caroling and sending Christmas cards come from the country England. The tradition of the Christmas tree (the Tannenbaum) comes from the country Germany. The tradition of piñatas and poinsettias come from Mexico. We’ve learned to sing the alphabet in Spanish. These past two weeks we’ve talked about unique cultures and practices of celebrating in these countries as well: Holland, Norway, America (Kwanzaa & Christmas), India (Ramadan & Diwali) and Sweden. UPDATE: Because I was gone on the last day of break, we did not do this, but will try to fit it in on Monday. In honor of the Swedish tradition of St Lucia’s Day, the oldest girl in the class will get to serve a treat (pudding in a cup) to all the students. The story is that only one of the treats will have a nut in it (we’ll used a raisin) and the one who gets that special treat will have good luck for the rest of the year. Ask your child tomorrow who the lucky one is! MATH We played Circle Countdown in Spanish from uno to diez. Ask why numerals 4 and 5 sat down (cuatro and cinco). The students are practicing counting to 20, counting down from 20 to zero, counting to 50 by 2’s and by 5’s. SCIENCE Because we are experiencing a variety of weather as we study winter holidays, the students are acquiring experience drawing conclusions about seasonal characteristics and activities, i.e. trees, leaves & grass changing, animals migrating & hibernating, winter snow - sledding & building snowmen. Let it snow! FYI ** We start back on Monday, Jan 4th, 2015. ** Quarter 2 report cards will come home on Thursday, Jan 7th ** Thursday Reader 1/7 Rachel Hall – come at 8:30 – bring 3-4 books from home ** Thursday Reader 1/14 Erin Rowan – come at 8:30 – bring 3-4 books from home ** We are out of school on Monday, Jan 18th for Martin Luther King. ** Thursday Reader 1/21 Miki Ranta – come at 8:30 – bring 3-4 books from home ** Thursday, Jan 28th is the next Collaboration date – LATE START – School starts at 10:40. ** Dynamic Dads is on Friday, Feb 5th. ENJOY the break!!! Andrea Davis