Mrs. Burns’ Class News

January 2016 Newsletter
Mrs. Burns’ Class News
Welcome back and happy 2016!
Social Studies:
We are continuing learning about communities. Our next unit is on map
We will also be taking a closer look at the earth’s poles. We will
research facts about the Arctic and Antarctic regions and
compare/contrast the differences between the Arctic and Antarctica.
We will be continuing our Comprehension
Toolkit Lessons. This will focus on using
questions as tools for learning, reading with a
question in mind and inferring meaning.
Remember that your child is learning language
such as, background knowledge, questions, inner
conversation, text to text connection, text to self connections,
text to world connections, and turn and talk. Ask them
about what we do in reading.
We are continuing our Reading Workshop rotations. These
are reading centers that we do every week. Our centers are
read to self, Partner reading, listening, guided reading with
teacher, writing, and word work.
We will be writing New Year Resolutions. They
set their goals for 2016! Ask them what their
goals are for the year.
We will continue to work on writing every day.
This month we are focusing on sticking to the topic,
beginning/middle/end, and writing crafts.
Language Arts: We will be learning about contractions,
apostrophes, underlining titles, and quotation marks in
speaker’s words.
Winterize your child:
Parents please send your child to
school with a coat, hat, gloves, and scarf
if possible. Our weather is very unpredictable and
we are having too many kids coming to school
without the proper clothing to keep their warm on
the playground. Please put your child’s name in
Mark Your Calendars:
1/7- Report Cards go home
1/18- NO School (MLK Day)
1/28- Collaboration Day (school begins at 10:40)
2/5- Dynamic Dads
Have a happy January and thank you for your constant support!