Declension Review
First Declension. Most nouns in first declension are ________________in gender.
Nom. puella ________________ and via _______________
Gen._______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Dat. _______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Acc _______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Abl. _______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Exceptions: (We call them the PAIN words.They are masculine.)
poeta _______________ agricola ___________incola ____________ nauta __________ auriga _______________ pirata ____________ collega ______________
There are no neuter nouns in first declension.
Second Declension. Most nouns in second declension that end in -us or -r are masculine.
Decline: servus ________________ and filius _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
However, some cities, islands, and trees are feminine.
N.B. Corinthus _______________ laurus _____________ humus ________________
How do you form the vocative case for 1) Marcus 2) Lucius 3) meus filius
How do you form the dative and ablative plurals of filia and dea to distinguish them from
filius and deus?
All nouns in 2 nd declension that end in -um are ___________in gender.
Decline: bellum ________________ and auxilium _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Did you apply the neuter rule to those words??????
What are the two parts of the neuter rule?
Declension Review
Third Declension. Nouns in 3 rd declension can be any gender, but there are certain patterns:
1. Most -or words are masculine (not soror, arbor).
2. All -tas, -tatis words are feminine because they are abstract. (veritas, aestas)
3. All -io, -ionis words are feminine because they are abstract (ratio, legio, natio)
Decline: rex ________________ and miles _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Decline: auctor ________________ and aestas _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Third Declension Neuter Nouns: (Remember to take the stem from the genitive.)
Decline: corpus ________________ and iter _______________
corporis ________________ itineris _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Typical 3 rd neuters: corpus, corporis ______________ nomen, nominis______________
tempus, temporis______________ flumen, fluminis______________
vulnus, vulneris ______________ carmen, carminis_____________
Some 3 rd declension nouns are I-stems, i.e. they have -ium in the genitive plural, not just -um.
List the 3 rules for masculine and feminine I-stems:
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
Exceptions to these rules: canis (dog), sedes (seat), iuvenis (youth), vates (prophet)
Decline: caedes ________________ and mors _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Only 3 neuter I-stems exist: mare, animal, calchar
Decline: mare ________________ and animal _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Declension Review
Fourth Declension. Most 4 th declension nouns are _________________in gender.
Decline: portus ________________ and exercitus _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Neuters in 4 th declension: cornu (horn), genu (knee), veru (skewer), gelu (frost), pecu (herd)
Decline: cornu ________________ and genu _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Feminine nouns in 4 th declension: domus (home), manus (hand, band of men),
acus (needle), porticus (portico), colus (distaff), Idus (Ides), nurus (daughter-in-law).
Some nouns are HETEROCLITES, i.e. they may have endings in 2 nd or 4 th declension. e.g. domus, colus
Decline: domus ________________ /and domus _______________
domus ________________ domi _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
Fifth Declension. Nouns of 5 th declension are feminine, except for dies and meridies.(masc)
Decline: spes ________________ and dies _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
_______________ ________________ _____________ _______________
What is the Locative Case form of these first and second declension nouns?
Roma________________ = in Rome Corinthus_____________=in Corinth
(Hint: Locative Case looks just like the gentive singular if the noun in 1 st or 2 nd declension is singular). If the noun is plural in first or second declension OR if the noun is third declension, the Locative Case looks like Ablative, Place Where.
Athenae goes to Athenis (in Athens) since the noun is plural in 1 st declension.
Carthago goes to Carthagine(in Carthage) since the noun is 3 rd declension.
Case Usages:
Declension Review
Nominative ______________________ or ______________________________________
Genitive shows ______________________
Dative after verbs of giving, showing, telling:_______________________________________
Acusative _______________________
or Object of preposition showing motion TOWARD. ad, trans, in (into)
Ablative: Objective of prepostion not showing motion toward: cum, ab, de, ex, in (on)
Vocative Case: Direct Address
Looks just like the nominative case for every declension except 2 nd .
In second declension, change -us to -e. Marcus goes to Marce if you are addressing him.
In second declension, change -ius to -i Lucius goes to Luci. Filius goes to fili.
If the noun is plural in 2 nd declension, it will look like the nominative case also.