GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope Integration and Test Two Tower Integration Readiness Review Integration, Facilities, Configuration and Test (IFCT) Department Ken Fouts / Brian Grist I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 1 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 IFCT Outline I. Operations Readiness II. EGSE III. Integration Facility I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 2 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 IFCT Part I. Operations Readiness 1.Summary of 2 tower I&T Operations and AIDS 2.Mapping of AIDS to schedule / PMCS 3.AIDS and Time Estimates Overview 4.Grid Installation and Survey 5.Calorimeter Receiving and Post-Ship Test 6.TEM/TPS Receiving 7.Tracker Receiving and Post-Ship Test 8.Calorimeter and TEM/TPS I&T 9.Test Bay I&T 10.Grid Bay I&T 11.Bays 8 + 9 I&T I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 3 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Two Tower I&T Operations Integrate Tracker A into Grid Receive and assemble Grid Receive Calorimeter, TEM/TEM PS Flight Units A Integrate Grid onto Rotation Stand Install in Metrology Bay for Shimming & Assembly Grid Optical Survey Test CAL A & TEM/TEM PS A Integrate CAL/TEM/TPS A into Grid Color Key Single Tower Test in Grid Receive Tracker Flight Unit A Receive Calorimeter, TEM/TEM PS Flight Units B Receive Tracker Flight Unit B Install in Metrology Bay for Shimming & Assembly Install tower in Test Bay Test CAL B & TEM/TEM PS B Install tower in Test Bay Test Single Bay Tower Test Single Bay Tower De-Install Tower from test bay De-Install Tower from test bay Optical Survey Integrate Tracker B into Grid Operation Grid Receiving and Assembly (Mech. Systems) Grid Installation and Survey Calorimeter Receiving and Post-Ship Test TEM/TPS Receiving Tracker Receiving and Post-Ship Test Calorimeter and TEM/TPS I&T Test Bay I&T Bay 9 I&T Bay 8 I&T Bays 8 and 9 I&T I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT Integrate Cal/TEM/TEMPS B into Grid Single Tower Test in Grid Two Tower I&T AIDS # G010 G020 F010 F020 F030 F040 F050 F060 F070 F080 4 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Assembly and Inspection Data Sheet ASSEMBLY AND INSPECTION DATA SHEET Title: Program: Date: 11/17/2004 Grid Receiving and Assembly Drawing Number: N/A Drawing. Title: Part Number Grid SEQ. 10: Dwg. Rev. 1 N/A S/N Author: M. Campell Equipment Class: Flight Description AIDS Nunber: LAT-AIDS-G010 Approval: R.E. M.E. Q.E. Subsystem: Mechanical Systems Completed by: Date Date Charge No. 2600172 Q/A Remarks Pre-Test Review Pre-Test Review Checklist Item ITAR protection procedures Clean Tent Setup Heat pipe installation procedure Heater Control Box Test Procedure Grid Tilt Table Heat Pipe epoxy Grid prep tools and materials NASA Solder Training CAL Base Plate Simulators 20: Grid Receiving Inspection 30: Mount Grid to Tilt Table 40: Install CAL Base Plate Simulators 50: Install Grid Heat Pipes CM Doc. R. E. Williams Ortiz Campell Campell Campell Campell Campell Horwitz Gawehn Notes AIDS NUMBER: LAT-AIDS-G010 I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT Page 1 of 2 5 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Assembly and Inspection Data Sheet ASSEMBLY AND INSPECTION DATA SHEET Title: Program: Date: 11/17/2004 Grid Receiving and Assembly SEQ. Description 10: Heater Control Box Mechanical Installation 20: Heater Control Box Electrical I&T 30: Grid Assembly Readiness Review 9999 QC Final/ Close AIDS Completed by: AIDS NUMBER: LAT-AIDS-G010 I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT AIDS Nunber: LAT-AIDS-G010 Date Q/A Remarks Page 2 of 2 6 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Assembly and Inspection Data Sheet ASSEMBLY AND INSPECTION DATA SHEET Title: Program: Date: 11/17/2004 Calorimeter Receiving and Post-Ship Test Drawing Number: N/A Drawing. Title: Part Number CAL SEQ. 10: Dwg. Rev. 1 N/A S/N Author: E. Ortiz Equipment Class: Flight Approval: R.E. M.E. Q.E. Subsystem: I&T Completed by: Description AIDS Nunber: LAT-AIDS-F010 Date Date Charge No. 2600172 Q/A Remarks Pre-Test Review Pre-Test Review Checklist Item TEM/TPS BOB/BOC Cal. Receiving Procedure Cal. Test Procedure I&T CAL Test Stand EGSE CAL Test Scripts Bag and Purge Proc. CM Doc. LAT-PS-3287 LAT-PS-3027 LAT-PS-3287 LAT-PS-3287 LAT-PS-3287 LAT-PS-3291 20: Calorimeter Receiving Inspection per LAT-PS-3027, sec. XX 30: Calorimeter Post-Ship Test per LAT-PS-3287, sec. XX 40: Calorimeter Cover and Purge per LAT-PS-3291, sec. XX 50: Post-Ship Review 9999 QC Final/ Close AIDS R. E. Horwitz Ortiz Horwitz Horwitz Claus Borden Notes AIDS NUMBER: LAT-AIDS-F010 I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT Page 1 of 1 7 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Mapping of AIDS to schedule / PMCS • Strategy – AIDS line items tracked in MS Project – Line items are groups of work which take >1hr • Status – AIDS drafts delivered to scheduler; data input in process; ECD Dec. 18 I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 8 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 AIDS and Time Estimates Overview Operation Grid Receiving and Assembly Grid Installation and Survey Calorimeter Receiving and Post-Ship Test TEM/TPS Receiving Tracker Receiving and Post-Ship Test Calorimeter and TEM/TPS I&T Test Bay I&T (1st tower) Test Bay I&T (2nd tower) Bay 9 I&T Bay 8 I&T Bays 8 and 9 I&T AIDS # Mech. (hrs) G010 G020 F010 F020 F030 F040 F050 F050 F060 F070 F080 Elec. (hrs) Total Test (hrs) 0 0 18 n/a 24 2 54 40 44 4 104 Instances 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Total Time 290 I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 9 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Grid Installation and Survey Operation Process Time Est.(hrs) Procedure Transport Grid from tent into cleanroom Install Grid into integration stand Install Calorimeter mass simulators Grid Survey GSE Training Total Notes 1. Mechanical Systems (Martin Nordby) is working with SLAC metrology to define the Grid survey requirements. Risk Mitigation 1. Plan for completing a Grid to Grid Perimeter Ring fit check in work ECD 12/1. Key Two Tower Risk Minimal Risk I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 10 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Calorimeter Receiving and Post-Ship Test Operation Process Calorimeter Receiving Inspection Calorimeter Post-Ship Test Calorimeter TEM/TPS Safe-to-mate Calorimeter I&T Receiving Test Time Est.(hrs) Procedure in signoff 16 from NRL 4 done 2 in signoff GSE done from NRL Training done NRL staff done in acceptance Total Notes 1. Calorimeter post-ship test performed by Calorimeter Subsystem using subsystem GSE and staff. 2. Calorimeter TEM/TPS safe-to-mate performed by I&T for TEM-GASU and TPS-PDU connectors only 3. Calorimeter I&T receiving test performed by I&T Risk Mitigation 1. ELX will complete acceptance testing on EGSE Test Stand I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 11 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 TEM/TPS Receiving Operation Process TEM/TPS Safe-to-mate Time Est.(hrs) Procedure 28 done GSE Training done Total Notes 1. TEM/TPS manufacturing is completed in Room 103 2. Safe-to-mate is performed on all TEM/TPS connectors (14) I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 12 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Tracker Receiving and Post-Ship Test Operation Process Tracker Receiving Inspection Tracker Post-Ship Test Time Est.(hrs) Procedure 24 from TKR GSE Training in acceptance TKR staff Total Notes 1. Tracker receiving inspection yet to be defined 2. Tracker post-ship test performed by tracker subsystem Risk Mitigation 1. I&T working closely with TKR subsystem to develop processes. 2. Plan is to use the TKR Mock Up with Flight-like Cables delivered in December to dry run receiving procedures. 3. ELX will complete acceptance testing on EGSE Test Stand I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 13 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Calorimeter and TEM/TPS I&T Operation Process Time Est.(hrs) Procedure Calorimeter insertion into metrology bay 4 in signoff TEM/TPS shimming in signoff Calorimeter CPT 2 in signoff GSE Training done done done done in acceptance Total Notes 1. I&T is considering requirements for relocating this process from room 104 (current baseline) to room 103 to relieve floor space usage in room 104 Risk Mitigation 1. ELX will complete acceptance testing on EGSE Test Stand I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 14 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Test Bay I&T Operation Process Tracker installation into test bay Tracker optical survey Tracker module post-installation test Calorimeter installation into test bay Tracker module post-integration test Calorimeter module CPT Tower Trigger Tests E2E Tests SVAC Tests Time (A) 2 4 2 2 36 6 8 Time (B) Procedure 2 4 2 2 36 0 0 in review in signoff in review in review GSE Training in acceptance done in acceptance in acceptance Notes 1. Tracker installation procedures not finalized at this time 2. Tower survey is managed by Martin Nordby and staffed from SLAC Metrology 3. Tower trigger test procedures and software not finalized at this time 4. E2E test software not finalized at this time 5. SVAC test software not finalized at this time Risk Mitigation 1. Plan is to use the TKR Mock Up with Flight-like Cables delivered in December to dry run receiving procedures 2. ELX will complete acceptance testing on EGSE Test Stand I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 15 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Tracker Installation • Basic Procedure complete – New inputs from Tracker Group to be incorporated • Cone assembly process (done) • Cable bonding process (still in work) – Some Project decisions pending • Adjustment of Tower lean • Measurement of Tower location – Procedures and documentation for Lifting need approval after procedure release I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 16 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 I&T Test Definitions • Single Bay Test (in EM single bay) 54 hrs total (40 hrs w/o E2E/SVAC/VDG) – Aliveness Test (15 min) – Calorimeter: CPT (2 hrs) – Tracker: Pass/fail tests (2hrs) – Trigger: Module internal timing, GEM timing alignment, subsystem TACK delays (36 hours) – End-to-end Test, 6 hrs – SVAC Data Collection (Bay 9 only, includes VDG) 8 hrs • Single Bay Test (in flight grid) 44 hrs total (4 hrs w/o SVAC) – Aliveness Test (15 min) – Calorimeter: CPT (2 hrs) – Tracker: Pass/fail tests (2hrs) – SVAC Data Collection (Bay 9 only, no VDG) Day 1=16 hrs, Day 2 = 24 hrs • Two Bay Test (in flight grid) 104 hrs total – Aliveness Test (15 min) – Calorimeter: CPT (4 hours) – Tracker: Pass/fail tests (4hrs) – End-to-end Test, 40 hrs – SVAC Data Collection (includes VDG) Day 1=16 hrs, Day 2 = 24 hrs, VDG=16 hrs I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 17 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Grid Bay I&T Operation Process Tracker installation into grid bay Tracker optical survey Calorimeter installation into grid bay Tracker module post-integration test Calorimeter module CPT SVAC Tests Time (9) Time (8) Procedure 2 2 40 2 2 0 in review in review GSE Training in acceptance in acceptance Total Notes 1. Same as for test bay I&T, except no trigger nor E2E tests Risk Mitigation 1. Plan is to use the TKR Mock Up with Flight-like Cables delivered in December to dry run receiving procedures 2. ELX will complete acceptance testing on EGSE Test Stand I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 18 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Bays 8+9 I&T Operation Process Bays 8 & 9 DAQ cable/trays installation Bays 8 & 9 Safe-to-Mate Tracker module post-integration test Calorimeter module CPT E2E Tests SVAC Tests Time (hrs) 8 4 4 40 56 Procedure dwg from SI done in review in review GSE done Training done done in acceptance in acceptance Total Notes 1. Flight mates are performed on DAQ cables to bays 8 & 9 2. Subsystem tests are executed module by module 3. E2E test software not finalized at this time 4. SVAC test software not finalized at this time Risk Mitigation 1. ELX will complete acceptance testing on EGSE Test Stand 2. Test definition in process with Systems Engineering I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 19 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 IFCT Part II. EGSE Preparation 1. Acceptance and validation process 2. COTS 3. BOBs 4. Connector savers 5. PDU 6. GASU 7. TEM/TPS 8. BPU 9. Test Stands 10.Test Procedures I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 20 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 EGSE Process; Design to Use Integration and Test (I&T) Subsystem Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) Plan LAT-MD-01533 Just released for review. I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 21 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Break Out Boxes are Ready • Breakout boxes facilitate interface verification without significant risk to flight hardware. Note that the LAT electronics design does not easily permit measurements of LVDS signaling characteristics at data rate. Four boxes are required: – 26 pin interface – 44 pin interface – 78 pin interface – 104 pin interface • Adapter cables adapt between different pin outs, connector styles and sizes. Examples of breakout boxes are shown in the following picture: I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 22 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Configuration Block Diagram, Tracker Test EGSE TKR I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 23 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Equipment List, Tracker Test Type Manufacturer/Model/ID Number VME Crate Dawn VME Products, 11-1011777-2119 VME, TST-STP Trans card LAT-DS-00999 VME SBC MVME2304 card Motorola PN MVME2304-0123 VME LCB Mezzanine card LAT-TD-00860 LCB Transition board cable LAT-DS-03247 DC Power supply BK Precision MN1786A Uninterruptible Power Supply Tripp-Lite SU1000 or equivalent 28 Volt supply cable LAT-DS-03246 PS Control cable LAT-DS-02095-20 TEM to GASU cable LAT-DS-02106 CAT5 Ethernet cable TRD855PL-50 CAT5 Ethernet cable.RS-232 TDC003-7 (RECO98M connectors) Local PC DELL, Model “Golden” TEM/TPS I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 24 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Configuration Block Diagram, Two Tower Test I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 25 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Equipment List, Two Tower Test Type Manufacturer/Model/ID Number VME Crate Dawn VME Products, 11-1011777-2119 VME, TST-STP Trans card LAT-DS-00999 VME SBC MVME2304 card Motorola PN MVME2304-0123 VME LCB Mezzanine card LAT-TD-00860 LCB Transition board cable LAT-DS-03247 DC Power supply Agilent 6032 Bus Protector Unit, SLAC Uninterruptible Power Supply 28 Volt supply cable PS Control cable TEM to GASU cable CAT5 Ethernet cable Tripp-Lite SU1000 or equivalent LAT-DS-03246 LAT-DS-02095-20 LAT-DS-02106 TRD855PL-50 CAT5 Ethernet cable.RS-232 TDC003-7 (RECO98M connectors) GASU, SLAC LAT-DS-01611-09 PDU, SLAC LAT-DS-01696-EM PDU Load Box LAT-DS-03400 I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 26 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 EGSE IN SINGLE TOWER ASSY FLOW RCVG TKR BENCH RCVG TEST EGSE: TKR TEST STAND FLIGHT TEM/TPS INITIAL TOWER INTEGRATION PROCESSING WITNESS SUBSYSTEM TEST SINGLE BAY EGSE: GASU BASED TEST STAND METROLOGY BAY TEM - CAL INTEGRATION TKR LPT SINGLE BAY EGSE: GASU BASED TEST STAND FINAL TOWER INTEGRATION SINGLE TOWER TEST PARTICLE AND SVAC TESTS SINGLE TOWER IN GRID EGSE: GASU BASED TEST STAND CAL CPT EGSE: CAL TEST STAND CAL BENCH RCVG TEST EGSE: CAL TEST STAND I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 27 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 EGSE IN TWO TOWER ASSY FIRST TOWER INTEGRATION TWO TOWER INTEGRATION SINGLE TOWER IN GRID TWO TOWERS IN GRID EGSE: GASU BASED TEST STAND SINGLE TOWER TEST PARTICLE AND SVAC TESTS SINGLE BAY EGSE: GASU/ PDU BASED TEST STAND TWO TOWER TESTS TWO TOWER TEST PARTICLE AND SVAC TESTS READY FOR NEXT STAGE IN ASSEMBLY SINGLE TOWER TEST EGSE: GASU BASED TEST STAND I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 28 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 EGSE TEST REQUIREMENTS: MD-00408 • Configuration of EGSE shall be controlled via released documentation • EGSE shall be acceptance tested • EGSE shall be validated before use if it has been moved, reconfigured, or repaired – Validation shows that equipment is both ready for use and safe to use • High degree of confidence that equipment in that configuration has full operating capabilities – NASA guidance • Perform an EICIT and an SVT to ensure electrical safety • Trip points on circuit breakers, current limits in power supplies, shall be verified • While everything is validated, the scope of validation is tailored for each piece equipment type I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 29 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 STATUS OF EGSE– COTS • Digital Multimeters (I&T responsible for these) – Calibrated Instrument – Validation Tests • Embedded within test procedure that calls them – STATUS: Meter purchased exceed maximum voltage for parts in some equipment, so we are re-procuring • Borrowing “Safe” DMM’s in the meantime • Hand Tools – Procured, cleaned, and placed in toolbox within cleanroom • Automated Test Equipment for Safe to Mate – All parts received - calibrated – Interconnection harness designed –in assembly – Rack tray’s sent out for machining – affected by safety stand down at SLAC I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 30 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 SCOPE OF EGSE TESTS – BOB’s ETC. • Cables and break out boxes (I&T is responsible for these) – Design documentation complete and released – Acceptance Tests include • Configuration inspection to assembly drawing • Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • Electrical continuity & isolation tests per LAT-TD-04325 • Labeling with test due date, operator, QA – Validation Tests include • Verify Acceptance Testing has been performed and is not due for re-test • Configuration inspection • Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • Electrical continuity tests, manual • Connector Savers – Tests: Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 31 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 STATUS OF BOB’s ETC • All BOB’s designed, built, and tested – Inspection remains to be completed • Associated cables designed, built to shortage, and tested – The backshells for the 100 pin cables were back ordered and just arrived. Estimate assembly complete 12/1 – Inspection remains to be completed • Long versions of the Two Tower test cables for EGSE interconnections are awaiting the floor layout to determine lengths. Design, build, and test complete 12/31. • Acceptance and Validation Test Procedures in sign off cycle I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 32 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 STATUS OF CONNECTOR SAVERS • Determining connector saver needs – Coordinating with subsystems • All ELX boxes arrive with connector savers on each connector • CAL delivers mated to an EM TEM, so they are not needed • TKR towers arrive with connector savers that will be turned over to I&T – Determining who buys connector savers for the flight cables – submitted lien to program office to fund procurement – Complete determination by 11/24 I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 33 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 SCOPE OF EGSE TESTS - PDU • EM PDU – Acceptance Tests include • Configuration inspection to LAT-DS-01696 • Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • EICIT and SVT tests • Functional Tests in accordance with LAT-TD-02544-01 • Labeling with test due date, operator, QA – Validation Tests include • Verify Acceptance Testing has been performed and is not due for retest • Configuration inspection • Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • Electrical STM tests • Further validation tests performed within the test stand using load box I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 34 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 SCOPE OF EGSE TESTS – PDU LOAD • EM PDU LOAD BOX – Acceptance Tests include • Configuration inspection to LAT-DS-03400 • Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • EICIT and SVT tests • Functional Tests in accordance with LAT-TD-04095-01 • Labeling with test due date, operator, QA – Validation Tests include • Verify Acceptance Testing has been performed and is not due for retest • Configuration inspection • Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • Electrical STM tests • Further validation tests performed within the test stand I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 35 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 STATUS OF PDU & LOAD BOX • Documentation – PDU Assy, LAT-DS-01696, released – PDU Test Procedure, LAT-TD-02544-01, released – PDU Load Box Assy, LAT-DS-03400, released – PDU Load Test Procedure, LAT-TD-04095-01, released – EICIT Procedure, PDU, LAT-TD-04332, released – SVT Procedure, PDU, LAT-TD-04332, in work (12/1) • Delivered to I&T • Inspection, acceptance test, validation pending development of flight documentation I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 36 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 SCOPE OF EGSE TESTS - GASU • EM GASU – Acceptance Tests include • Configuration inspection to LAT-DS-01611-09 • Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • EICIT and SVT tests • Functional Tests in accordance with LAT-TD-04267-02 • Labeling with test due date, operator, QA – Validation Tests include • Verify Acceptance Testing has been performed and is not due for retest • Configuration inspection • Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • Electrical STM tests • Further validation tests performed within the test stand I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 37 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 STATUS OF GASU • Documentation – GASU Assy, LAT-DS-01611-09, released – GASU/Test Stand Test Procedure, LAT-TD-04267-02, released – EICIT Procedure, GASU, LAT-TD-04260, released – SVT Procedure, GASU, LAT-TD-04382, in work (12/1) • Delivered to I&T • Inspection, acceptance test, validation pending development of flight documentation I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 38 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 SCOPE OF EGSE TESTS – TEM/TPS • EM TEM/TPS – Acceptance Tests include • Configuration inspection to LAT-DS-01643 • Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • EICIT and SVT tests • Functional Tests in accordance with LAT-TD-4085-01 • Labeling with test due date, operator, QA – Validation Tests include • Verify Acceptance Testing has been performed and is not due for retest • Configuration inspection • Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • Electrical STM tests • Further validation tests performed within the test stand I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 39 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 STATUS OF TEM/TPS • Documentation – TEM/TPS Assy, LAT-DS-01643, released – TEM/TPS Test Procedure, LAT-TD-4085-01, released – EICIT Procedure, TEM, LAT-TD-03875-02, released – SVT Procedure, TEM, LAT-TD-04097-02, released – EICIT Procedure, TPS, LAT-TD-03875-02, released – SVT Procedure, TPS, LAT-TD-04098-01, released • Two delivered to I&T • Inspection, acceptance test, validation pending development of flight documentation I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 40 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 SCOPE OF EGSE TESTS – BUS PROTECTOR – Acceptance Tests include • Configuration inspection to LAT-DS• Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • EICIT and SVT tests • Functional Tests in accordance with LAT-TD• Labeling with test due date, operator, QA – Validation Tests include • Verify Acceptance Testing has been performed and is not due for re-test • Configuration inspection • Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection • Electrical STM tests • Validation tests performed in accordance with LAT-TD- I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 41 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 STATUS OF BUS PROTECTOR • • • • Requirements identified in EGSE Plan Design assigned within ELX Documentation needs be created Developing schedule with ELX to support Two Tower Test I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 42 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 TEM TEST STAND - CAL AND TKR TESTS • Acceptance Tests include – Configuration inspection • LAT-DS-02861 CAL • LAT-DS-03605 TKR – Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection – EICIT and SVT tests – Functional Tests in accordance with LAT-TD-4085-01 • Validation Tests include – Verify Acceptance Testing has been performed and is not due for re-test – Configuration inspection – Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection – Electrical STM tests – Perform tests described in LAT-TD-4085-01, Para. 5.5.4, Basic Test I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 43 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 STATUS OF TEM TEST STAND • Documentation – CAL Test Stand set up procedure, LAT-DS-02861, released – TKR Test Stand set up procedure, LAT-DS-03605, released – TEM/TPS Test Procedure, LAT-TD-4085-01, released – EICIT Procedure, TEM, LAT-TD-03875-02, released – SVT Procedure, TEM, LAT-TD-04097-02, released – EICIT Procedure, TPS, LAT-TD-03875-02, released – SVT Procedure, TPS, LAT-TD-04098-01, released • Two Test Stands delivered to I&T • Inspection, acceptance test, validation pending development of flight documentation I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 44 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 GASU TEST STAND – TESTS IN 1X1 • Acceptance Tests include – Configuration inspection LAT-TD-04267-02 – Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection – EICIT and SVT tests – Functional Tests in accordance with LAT-TD-04267-02 • Validation Tests include – Verify Acceptance Testing has been performed and is not due for re-test – Configuration inspection – Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection – Electrical STM tests – Perform tests described in LAT-TD-4085-01, Para. 5.5.4, Basic Test I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 45 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 STATUS OF GASU TEST STAND • Documentation – Assembly and test procedure, LAT-TD-04267-02, released – Validation test, run LAT-TD-4085-01, released – EICIT Procedure, GASU, LAT-TD-04260, released – SVT Procedure, GASU, LAT-TD-04382, in work (12/1) • Delivered to I&T • Inspection, acceptance test, validation pending development of flight documentation I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 46 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 GASU/PDU TEST STAND – TWO TOWER • Acceptance Tests include – Configuration inspection LAT-TD-04267-02 – Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection – EICIT and SVT tests – Functional Tests in accordance with LAT-TD-04267-02 • Validation Tests include – Verify Acceptance Testing has been performed and is not due for re-test – Configuration inspection – Interface integrity and cleanliness, inspection – Electrical STM tests – Perform tests described in • LAT-TD-02544-01, Para. 5.3.6, PDU-GASU Interface and electrical load tests • LAT-TD-4085-01, Para. 5.5.4, Basic Test I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 47 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 STATUS OF GASU/PDU TEST STAND • Documentation – Assembly and test procedure, LAT-TD-04267-02, released – PDU Validation LAT-TD-02544, released – Validation test, run LAT-TD-4085-01, released – EICIT Procedure, PDU, LAT-TD-04332, released – SVT Procedure, PDU, LAT-TD-04332, in work (12/1) – EICIT Procedure, GASU, LAT-TD-04260, released – SVT Procedure, GASU, LAT-TD-04382, in work (12/1) • Delivered to I&T • Inspection, acceptance test, validation pending development of flight documentation I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 48 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 TEST PROCEDURE STATUS • I&T Test procedures are being written prior to completion of test plan. • CAL Test Procedure – Draft complete and in review – Draft must be updated with new input from CAL subsystem (received after procedure completed) – Complete one week after CAL final update • TKR Test Procedure – Draft was complete and in review three weeks ago – Draft was updated with new input from TKR subsystem (received after procedure completed) – Complete one week after TKR final update I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 49 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 TEST PROCEDURE STATUS (cont) • Single Tower Test – Draft in review in I&T – Affected by change to subordinate documents • References to be updated and test descriptions re-written – Complete 12/15 • Two Tower Test – Draft begun – Complete 12/31 • VG and CR Data Runs for LAT Integration I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 50 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 IFCT Part III. Integration Facility 1. Cleanroom 2. Computing I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 51 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Cleanroom • Building 33 Clean Rooms functional and occupied – Monitoring system fully operational. – Clean Rooms fully certified. – All computers and oxygen sensors have battery back ups. • Upgrades – Grounding system for ESD and Multi-point ground to be installed. ECD 1/3/05 – 15 ton crane to get two speed option, after initial Grid handling. ECD 3/1/05 (TBR) – Stand alone hot water boiler. ECD 3/1/05 (TBR) – Upgrade environmental controls on clean room air handler. ECD 3/1/05 (TBR) – Substation upgrade. ECD 3/31/05 – Extend back up generator lease thru Jun 05. ECD 12/31/04 I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 52 GLAST LAT Project November 18, 2004 Computing • Hardware and networking – Online network / firewall fully operational – SLAC centrally administered accounts (active directory) working • Upgrades – RAID5 servers in hand (3 units+spare) and migration is in progress; ECD Dec.18 – Environmental test computing infrastructure design in progress I&T Two Tower IRR - Dept. of IFCT 53