GLAST LAT Project Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Electronics, Data Acquisition & Flight Software LAT Electronics Design Engineering Gunther Haller Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Manager, Electronics, DAQ & FSW LAT Chief Electronics Engineer (650) 926-4257 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 1 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT Electronics Physical TKR Front-End Electronics (MCM) ACD ACD Front-End Electronics (FREE) TKR CAL Front-End Electronics (AFEE) CAL Global-Trigger/ACD-EM/Signal-Distribution (GAS) Unit* Spacecraft Interface Unit – Storage Interface Board (SIB): EEPROM SC MIL1553 control & data – LAT control CPU – LAT Communication Board (LCB): LAT command and data interface 16 Tower Electronics Modules – DAQ electronics module (DAQ-EM) – Power-supplies for tower electronics 3 Event-Processor Units (2+1 spare) – Event processing CPU – LAT Communication Board (LCB) – Storage Interface Board (SIB) EPU-1 EPU-2 Pw r Dist. Box spare spare GASU spare spare spare SIU-P SIU-R EPU-3 Power-Distribution Unit (PDU)* – Spacecraft interface, power – LAT power distribution – LAT health monitoring * Primary & Secondary Units shown in one chassis Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 2 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT Electronics • • • • • • • • TKR: Tracker CAL: Calorimeter ACD: Anti-Coincidence Detector EPU: Event Processor Unit SIU: Spacecraft Interface Unit GAS Unit: Global Trigger-ACD-Signal Distribution Unit TEM: Tower Electronics Module There are – 2 prim EPU’s, 1 redundant EPU (not shown) – 1 prim SIU, 1 redundant SIU (not shown) – 1 prim GAS, 1 redund. GAS (not shown) – 1 prim PDU (not shown), 1 redundant PDU (not shown) Document: LAT-PR-01967 SC SC Science Commanding Data EPU 0 EPU 1 SIU GAS Unit Event Builder TEM 0 C A L T K R Command Response Unit Global Trigger TEM 1 C A L T K R TEM 15 C A L T K R ACD Electronics Module A C D A C D A C D 0 1 11 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 3 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Tracker Electronics GTRC ASIC • • GTFE ASIC TKR sub-system electronics • Si-Strip Detectors • 24 GTFE (GLAST Tracker Front-End) ASICs (1,536 signal channels) • 2 GTRC (GLAST Tracker Readout Controller) ASICs • MCM (Multi-Chip Module) • Flex-cables Presented in tracker sub-system presentation Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 4 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Calorimeter Electronics GCRC ASIC GCFE ASIC • • CAL sub-system electronics • Diodes • 48 GCFE (GLAST Calorimeter Front-End) ASICs • 4 GCRC (GLAST Calorimeter Readout Controller) ASICs • AFEE (Analog Front-End Electronics) board Presented in calorimeter sub-system presentation Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 5 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 ACD Electronics • • GAFE ASIC ACD sub-system electronics • PMT’s • 18 GAFE (GLAST ACD Front-End) ASICs • 1 GARC (GLAST ACD Readout Controller) ASIC • FREE (Front-End Electronics) board • High-Voltage Supply board (not shown) Presented in ACD sub-system presentation Document: LAT-PR-01967 GARC ASIC Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 6 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 DAQ Electronics • • DAQ sub-system electronics • SIU, EPU, GASU, PDU, TEM, Harness, Instrument Software – Example shown is Tower Electronics Module Engineering Unit Presented in DAQ & Instrument Software presentations Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 7 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Changes since PDR • Spacecraft Selection and Meetings: – PDU was moved to opposite side of SIU to match SC power/C&DH physical partitioning – Signal levels (discretes, 1 PPS, Science Interface, GBM GRB signal) were officially changed to LVDS (before undefined or RS422), March 03 – Recently finalized power, analog monitoring, and discrete interface to SC – Defined MIL1553 command set/interface – Separated SIU prime and redundant into separate (and identical) crate assemblies since cross-connection to SC prime and redundant was solved on the SCLAT interface level and lead to removal of direct SIU-SIU interconnections Document: LAT-PR-01967 Before SC selection spare EPU-1 EPU-2 EPU-3 spare spare GASU spare spare SIU P/R Pwr Dist. Box P/R After SC selection EPU-1 EPU-2 Pwr Dist. Box spare spare GASU spare spare spare SIU-P SIU-R EPU-3 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 8 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Changes since PDR (Con’t) • • Event-Builder was moved from CPU crates to GAS unit – Reduced complexity of inter-connections – Reduced hardware from 3 event-builder blocks to 2 (1 prime, 1 redundant), and power dissipation from two event-builder blocks to one SIU crate was modified to be the same as EPU crate – Removes mechanical, thermal, electrical design effort for one assembly – Moved SC science interface from Spacecraft Interface Board in SIU to event-builder in GASU (renamed SIB to Storage Interface Board) – Additional benefit that SIB board is almost identical to existing SECCI version (both boards are designed by NRL/Silver Engineering), major simplification – Science interface on GASU is small change since GASU already transmits event data to LAT CPU’s, so additional target is incremental – Added SIB board in each EPU crate to provide local EEPROM • Simplification in software effort. • No remote booting code development/testing required. Document: LAT-PR-01967 SC SC Science Commanding Data EPU 0 EPU 1 SIU GAS Unit Event Builder TEM 0 C A L T K R Command Response Unit Global Trigger TEM 1 C A L T K R TEM 15 C A L T K R ACD Electronics Module A C D A C D A C D 0 1 11 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 9 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT Spacecraft Interface • • • • • • • • Power (to SIU, PDU, Heaters) – 28V regulated and unregulated MIL1553 (to/from SIU) – Commanding, house-keeping Science Interface (from GASU) – Transport of science data to spacecraft solidstate recorder 1-PPS timing signal (to GASU) – Timing pulse GBM GRB Candidate signal (to GASU) – Notification of candidate Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB), from GBM routed through SC Discretes (to/from SIU)) – Pulsed and level digital signals from and to spacecraft Analog Monitoring (from entire LAT) – Temperature and voltage monitoring by SC; available even when LAT is off Two sets of power & signals: Prime and redundant Spectrum Astro SC-LAT Interface Document Document: LAT-PR-01967 Power MIL1553 SPACECRAFT Science Data LAT 1 PPS GBM GRB Candidate Discretes Digital Analogs Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 10 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Power Interface to Spacecraft • • • • • • • All power feeds from spacecraft can be turned off/on via ground Heaters are on separate power feeds Each SIU is powered via one dedicated SC power feed Rest of LAT power is on main feed – One primary, one redundant Cross-connected in LAT PDU – Can use either SC main feed to power either PDU Spacecraft turns off SIU/DAQ feeds when going to survival mode LAT start-up ICD: LAT-TD-01536 – Describes process of cold and warm boot (bring-up) of LAT Spacecraft To other thermostats/ heater zones Unregulated Voltage Primary to to to to GRID or AntiFreeze Heaters, several zones, each zone has its own set of thermostats/ heaters Prime To other thermostats/ heater zones Unregulated Voltage Primary to to to to Redundant To other switches (12 total) Regulated VCHP Voltage Primary Prime To other switches (12 total) Turn on control from SIU P and SIU R VCHP survival/ operational heaters Regulated VCHP Voltage Redundant All switches are controlled by spacecraft Redundant Turn on control from SIU P and SIU Rl Regulated SIU-Prime Voltage SIU Prime Regulated SIURedundant Voltage Regulated Main DAQ Prime Voltage Regulated Main DAQ Redundant Voltage Document: LAT-PR-01967 LAT SIU Redun dant Crossconnected: either PDU can use either feed Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 PDU Prime Power to rest of LAT PDU Redun dant 11 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Spacecraft 1-PPS and GRB Candidate Signal (to GASU) Spacecraft 1-PPS P LAT Multiplexer S1 E D S2 N CB Fan-Out GASU DAQ Board Prime 1-PPS R Multiplexer S1 E D S2 N CB Multiplexer S1 E D S2 N CB E.g SIU P To other crates GASU DAQ Board Redundant • • • • • • 1-PPS signal from spacecraft (prime and redundant) are connected to both GASU boards (prime and redundant) GASU selects which SC signal to use Result is fanned out to all processor crates (SIU’s as well as EPU’s) – prime and redundant signals are connected to discrete RAD750 processor inputs (PID’s) • Software select which 1-PPS to use SC-LAT components are fully cross-connected Same for GBM GRB candidate signal LAT needs to know which SC-port or GBM-port to listen to – Ground commanding Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 12 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Spacecraft Discrete Signals & MIL1553 (to SIU) Spacecraft LAT CPU Discretes P SIU Crate Prime Discretes R SIU Crate Redundant • • • Discrete Signals from SC to LAT: – Discrete LVDS-signals from spacecraft prime and redundant are connected to both SIU crates (prime and redundant) – Reset discrete: P and R SC signal is logically Or’ed and used as CPU reset – Spare discretes: CPU selects whether to use P or R input and result is routed to CPU discrete inputs (3 prime and 3 redundant) Discrete Signals from LAT to SC (not shown) – Discrete LVDS-signals from LAT SIU P and SIU R are driven to both, prime and redundant, spacecraft C&DH (Control & Data Handling) systems MIL1553 Command/Data (not shown) – Command & Data interface to both, SIU P and SIU R Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 13 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT-SC Science Interface (from GASU) Spacecraft LAT To other LAT CPU’s Switch Receiver P Multiplexer D E S1 N S2 BC SIU P GASU Event-Builder Prime Receiver R Multiplexer D E S1 N S2 BC To other LAT CPU’s 2 SIU’s, 3 EPU’s EPU R GASU Event Builder Redundant • • • GASU event builder – Directs data from TEM’s to any of the CPU’s (not shown) – Directs data from CPU to CPU – Directs data from CPU to spacecraft Any CPU can direct data via either GASU Event-Builder (P or R) to SC Data is driven to both SC sections (P and R) – SC needs to select which GASU to listen to – LAT GASU needs to know which SC port (P or R) flow-control line is active – All configured via ground commanding Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 14 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Connections LAT/Spacecraft and to LAT EMI Shield 16 pr pwr (2 pr tm + 2 pr vm, pdu Prim & rdnt) + (2 pr tm + 2 pr vm, gasu Prim & rdnt) SC PRU Prim 25A regulated 28 pr tm ACD Temp Sensor Bracket JL-131 +Y Grid Rad Intf (4 tm) 2 +Y Grid Make Up Heater (4 tm) +Y Radiator (8 tm) 32 pr tm 2 pr pwr (AWG18) JL-133 2 pr pwr (AWG18) JL-136 4 pr pwr +Y Heater Control Box HTR JL-134 4 pr pwr 2 +Y Grid Make Up Heater Prim JL-137 4 pr pwr 2 +Y Grid Make Up Heater Rdnt 2 pr pwr + 2 pr vm (+Y VCHP, sum of 6 Prim sw & sum of 6 Rdnt sw) JL-127 JL-128 4 pr pwr 12 pr pwr 2 +Y Rad Antifreeze Heater Prim 6 +Y VCHP Heater Prim 2 pr pwr + 2 pr vm (+Y VCHP, sum of 6 Prim sw & sum of 6 Rdnt sw) JL-129 JL-130 4 pr pwr 12 pr pwr 2 +Y Rad Antifreeze Heater Rdnt 6 +Y VCHP Heater Rdnt 16 pr tm 16 pr tm ACD Electronics Box (x 24) ACD [ FROM ACD TO PDU ] ACD BEA-Grid Intf (4 tm) ACD PMT Rail (8 tm) ACD Shell (4 tm) EPU Box (test only) JL-154 4 pr tm + 4 pr vm JL-204 … 227 +Y Radiator Bracket 32 pr tm SC PDU Prim unregulated [ FROM ACD TO SC ] ACD Tiles (10 tm) ACD PMT Rail (8 tm) ACD Shell (10 tm) JL-152 +Y VCHP-XLHP Intf (4 tm) 6 +Y VCHP Heater (12 tm) 1 pr im JL-155 1 pr im EGSE 16 pr tm JL-126 4 pr tm 48 pr tm 4 pr tm JL-180 … 203 JL-105 JL-69 JL-39 JL-35 +Y VCHP Heaters (24 tm) +Y VCHP-XLHP Intf (12 tm) +Y VCHP-DSHP Intf (12 tm) JL-37 11 pr science 8 pr tm XLAT plate ?? EPU EPU Box (x 3) 4 pr pwr + 2 pr tm + 2 pr vm JL-113 100 JL-231 JL-5 JL-153 4 pr tm + 4 pr vm x3 GASU 16 pr LATP + 8 pr pwr + 2 pr tm + 2 pr vm 16 pr LATP + 8 pr pwr + 2 pr tm + 2 pr vm 16 pr pwr PDU (8 c)*2 + 8 gnd 4 pr pwr JL-112 2 pr vm JL-116 JL-120 2 pr vm 12 c + 6 gnd 51 11 pr science 2 pr 1PPS + 2 pr GRBM JL-125 JL-34 TEM Box (x 16) TEM JL-89-104 12 c + 6 gnd 4 pr pwr + 4 pr tm + 2 pr vm Grid (12 tm) Cal baseplate (16 tm) JL-? JL-106 JL-36 JL-38 SPARE ANALOGS 48 pr tm -Y VCHP Heaters (24 tm) -Y VCHP-XLHP Intf (12 tm) -Y VCHP-DSHP Intf (12 tm) 36 pr tm Grid Rad Intf (8 tm) Radiator (20 tm) Radiator Antifreeze Heaters (8 tm) JL-139 2 pr 1PPS + 2 pr GRBM 16 pr tm 2 pr pwr + 2 pr vm (-Y VCHP, sum of 6 Prim sw & sum of 6 Rdnt sw) JL-140 JL-141 12 pr pwr 4 pr pwr 6 -Y VCHP Heater Prim 2 -Y Rad Antifreeze Heater Prim 2 pr pwr + 2 pr vm (-Y VCHP, sum of 6 Prim sw & sum of 6 Rdnt sw) JL-142 JL-143 12 pr pwr 4 pr pwr 6 -Y VCHP Heater Rdnt 2 -Y Rad Antifreeze Heater Rdnt 2 pr pwr (AWG18) JL-146 JL-147 4 pr pwr 2 -Y Grid Make Up Heater Prim 2 pr pwr (AWG18) JL-149 JL-150 4 pr pwr 2 -Y Grid Make Up Heater Rdnt 16 pr tm 4 pr pwr HTR -Y Heater Control Box LAT EMI shield -Y Radiator Bracket 4 pr tm + 4 pr vm 8 pr tm + 40 pr vm 1 pr im 1 pr im JL-32 JL-124 11 pr science SC PDU Rdnt unregulated JL-30 28 pr tm JL-73-88 JL-114 4 pr pwr + 4 pr vm 4 pr vm GRBM Prim/ Rdnt JL-13 … 28 22 pr science + 2 pr 1PPS + 2 pr GRBM vm 4 pr tm + 20 pr vm Timing Prim/ Rdnt JL-4 x 16 22 pr science + 2 pr 1PPS + 2 pr GRBM vm SC PRU Rdnt 2.8 A regulated JL-6 SIU R SIU Rdnt 2 pr vm 4 pr tm + 4 pr vm JL-50 … 65 JL-43 JL-108 JL-42 JL-118 JL-122 SC Analog Monitor Rdnt 2 pr tm 16 pr pwr x 16 12 pr discrete 12 pr discrete PDU Box JL-8 JL-45 JL-110 100 JL-1 JL-230 1 pr mil1553 JL-33 JL-3 1 pr mil1553 JL-235 JL-46,47,48 GASU Box SC C&DH Rdnt JL-31 JL-7 JL-234 JL-49 x 24 100 JL-40 JL-229 JL-44 JL-228 1 pr mil1553 JL-109 1 pr mil1553 JL-233 JL-29 JL-2 JL-156 … 179 JL-232 JL-12 x3 (8 c)*2 + 8 gnd 12 pr discrete SC C&DH Prim JL-9,10,11 100 JL-41 12 pr discrete JL-117 JL-121 2 pr vm SIU P SIU Prim 2 pr tm SC Analog Monitor Prim 12 c + 6 gnd JL-107 4 pr pwr vm 4 pr tm + 20 pr vm Grid (12 tm) Cal baseplate (16 tm) 4 pr pwr + 2 pr tm + 2 pr vm 28 pr tm 2 pr vm JL-115 2 pr vm 14 pr tm 12 c + 6 gnd vm JL-119 14 pr tm 4 pr pwr + 4 pr vm JL-66,67,68 SC PRU Prim 2.8A regulated JL-111 4 pr vm JL-70,71,72 JL-123 11 pr science 32 pr tm SC PRU Rdnt 25A regulated JL-144 32 pr tm 6 -Y VCHP Heater (12 tm) -Y VCHP-XLHP Intf (4 tm) -Y Grid Rad Intf (4 tm) 2 -Y Grid Make Up Heater (4 tm) -Y Radiator (8 tm) (2 pr tm + 2 pr vm, pdu Prim & rdnt) + (2 pr tm + 2 pr vm, gasu Prim & rdnt) Heater & Monitoring Box 16 pr pwr Spacecraft Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 15 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Grounding and Shielding SURVIVAL LAT Grounding an Shielding Diagram SPACECRAFT PDU HEATERS RADIATOR SIU 1553 SSR T 28 VOLT DISTRIBUTION NOTE: PDU, SIU, EPU,TEM_TPS, TKR, CAL, BEA, and GASU are housed in aluminum enclosures LAT RF SHIELD GRID IS BONDED TO SPACECRAFT AT FOUR LOCATIONS, ONE ON EACH SIDE OF THE LAT. FILTER TKR & CAL FILTER (1 of 16) BEA BONDED TO THE GRID GASU ACD BEA FILTER RESISTIVE LOAD TEM_TPS (1 of 16) FILTER TRANSFORMER ISOLATION & DC-DC CONVERTER 28 VOLT DISTRIBUTION FILTER EPU (1of2) LAT GRID (GROUND) HSKP PDU FILTER FILTER HEATERS FILTER SPACECRAFT CD&H FILTER SPACECRAFT PRU LAT (1 of 8) ACD CABLING • EMI/EMC: GSFC-355-RQMT Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 16 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Shielding Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 17 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Power Allocation Quantity Total Mech On-Board Power 1 TEM--Tower Electronics Module TEM board 16 Power Supplies TKR,CAL,TEM 16 GASU--Global Tgr ACD, Signal Dist. Unit EP, AEM, Sig Dist & Supplies Current Current Case Estimate Allocation 286.20 313.79 318.00 359.85 38.00 35.00 38.00 38.00 43.20 46.70 48.00 54.32 2.70 2.92 3.00 3.39 148.50 163.29 165.00 186.72 9.28 10.21 19.80 22.37 1 Other Boxes SIU--Spacecraft Interface Unit Cold 1 EPU Total Hot Case 11.67 22.00 24.90 22.37 74.70 81.43 83.00 93.92 21.60 23.89 24.00 27.16 38.70 42.60 43.00 48.66 EPU--Event Processor Unit 2 19.35 21.30 21.50 24.33 PDU--Power Distribution Unit 1 14.40 14.93 16.00 18.11 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 18 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Monitoring • • • • Spacecraft monitors – Voltages & Temperatures • PDU, SIU, GASU, VCHP switches – Temperatures • Locations outside LAT EMI shield PDU monitors – Voltages & Temperatures • TEM, EPU, SIU – Temperatures • Locations outside LAT EMI shield GASU monitors – Voltages & Temperatures • ACD TEM monitors – Voltages & Temperatures • CAL, TKR Document: LAT-PR-01967 T to SC P T to SC R V/T to SC P/R V/T to SC P/R V/T to SC P/R V/T to V/T to SC P/R SC P/R SIU P Sensors P external of LAT EMI shield SIU R PDU Monitoring P Sensors P external of LAT EMI shield GASU Monitoring R Via Communication Protocol Via Sensor Wires EPU P0 EPU R TEM 15 TEM 0 C A L T K R C A L T K R A C D A C D 0 11 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 19 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Temperature Monitoring (SC & PDU) SC Action if low or high limit is reached Location of Sensor Sensor Type Sensors by processed Spacecraft Sensors by processed PDU Prime Redundant Prime Redundant ACD Tiles Thermal 5 5 ACD TSA Shell (inside) Thermal 5 5 ACD TSA Shell (outside) Thermal 2 2 ACD BEA-Grid interface Thermal 2 2 ACD PMT Rail Thermal 4 4 Calorimeter Baseplate Thermal 16 16 SIU Thermal 2 2 PDU Thermal 2 2 EPU Thermal 3 3 GASU Thermal TEM DAQ Board Thermal 16 16 TEM pwr Supply Thermal 16 16 Radiator Anti-Freeze Htr Thermal 4 4 Radiators Thermal 8 8 10 10 Grid-Radiator interface Thermal 4 4 4 4 Grid Make-up Heaters Thermal 4 4 VCHP-XLHP interface Thermal 4 4 12 12 X-LAT Plate Thermal 4 4 VCHP-DSHP interface Thermal 12 12 Grid Thermal 12 12 VCHP's Reservoir Htr Thermal 12 12 24 24 VCHP Reservoir Htr Pri/Sec Voltage 4 4 Spare Temp. Channels Thermal 8 8 Document: LAT-PR-01967 4 2 4 2 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 20 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Temperature Monitoring (TEM & GASU) Sensor processed by Location Sensor Type TEM GASU Prime Redundant 12 12 ACD FREE Thermal CAL AFEE Thermal AEM Power Supply Thermal 1 1 AEM DAQ Board Thermal 1 1 TKR Cables Thermal 128 256 • LAT Instrumentation Plan: LAT-SS-00890 • Spacecraft ICD: GSFC-IRD-433 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 21 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Voltage/Current Monitoring Location Sensor Type Sensed by PDU Sensed by Spacecraft Prime Redundant Prime Sensed by TEM Sensed by GASU Redundant VCHP Reservoir Htr Pri/Sec Voltage 4 4 SIU Pri/Sec 3.3/5V V Voltage 2 2 PDU Pri/Sec 3.3V V Voltage 2 2 GASU Pri/Sec 3.3/28V/3.3VA V Voltage 2 2 EPU 3.3V V Voltage 4 4 TEM 3.3V V Voltage 16 16 ACD FREE V 6 6 Voltage 12 12 ACD FREE I Current 1 1 ACD HV (I) Current 24 24 TKR V Voltage 64 TKR I Current 64 CAL V Voltage 48 CAL I Current 48 TEM DAQ V Voltage 16 TEM DAQ I Current 16 LAT SIU Bus V Pri/Sec Voltage 2 2 LAT VCHP Bus V Pri/Sec Voltage 2 2 Spare Voltage Channels Voltage 18 18 32 32 43 43 Total 20 20 256 Note: LAT does not monitor currents or voltages on SC-LAT feeds Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 22 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Heater Control • • • Survival Heaters (GRID & VCHP Anti-Freeze) – Powered by SC unregulated feed – Block redundant prime and redundant set – Thermostat control, not controlled by LAT electronics Survival & Operational Heaters (VCHP) – Powered by SC regulated feed – Block redundant prime and redundant set of 12 heaters – Controlled by LAT SIU • Temperature monitoring • Software algorithm in CPU • 12 hardware switches in SIB • Hardware watchdog to power heaters as default – Final responsibility of not exceeding low or high survival temperatures lays with SC LAT-SS-00715 Thermal Control System ICD Document: LAT-PR-01967 Spacecraft Power Thermostat Spacecraft Power MOS FET GRID/ VCHP AntiFreeze Heaters VCHP Heaters SIU Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 23 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Instrument Protection: High and Low Temperatures • • • • GRID/Anti-freeze heaters – turn on when T is below thermostats – no LAT active control VCHP heaters – LAT responsible for operational control Survival T – if T too high or too low • SC puts LAT into safe mode • SC turns-off LAT SIU and Main DAQ power • SC may need to switch heater feeds in cold case – SC responsible for LAT Document: LAT-TD-01553 Document: LAT-PR-01967 LAT-LAT Temp sensors LAT on, LAT processor operating, Thermal Control enabled LAT off or LAT processor stuck LAT SIU controls VCHP heater switches VCHP Heaters powered, Radiators isolated Within T limits Radiators not isolated (Malfunction of SIU/ heaters/SC feed) Within T limits T out of limits LAT-SC Temp sensors Yellow High Limit SC: Warning to Ground SC: Processing of Temperatures, monitoring of Heater Feeds Red High Limit SC: Turns LAT SIU/ DAQ Power off Yellow Low limit SC: Warning to Ground Red Low Limit SC: Turns LAT SIU/ DAQ Power off Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 24 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Instrument Protection: ACD PMT Protection SC SAA indication commands LAT on, LAT processor operating, LAT commanding enabled SAA LAT power on, processor mal-function LAT power off SAA No highvoltage ACD PMT high-voltage lowered At current limit Within current limit ACD high-voltage supplies limit current • • • LAT turns down PMT high-voltage levels during SAA passage to protect PMT’s – In response to SC SAA notification, or – When SC heard-beat is lost PMT’s are hardware protected within ACD in case of DAQ mishap – ACD HV supplies have built-in protection to limit current to PMT’s Document: LAT-TD-01553 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 25 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Instrument Protection: Over-Current • LAT does not monitor current on SC feeds • SIU power feed not fused on LAT, SC has current limit switch • Main DAQ feed power not fused on LAT, SC has current limit switch – LAT PDU distributes 28V to about 20 LAT loads. Each subfeed is fused on PDU via poly-switches • Tower Electronics Modules convert and distribute power (+1.5V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 0-100V, 0-150V) to TKR & CAL: Feeds are fused on TEMs via poly-switches Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 26 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Summary • • • • • Interface to SC defined Grounding and shielding of LAT defined Monitoring of temperatures, voltages, and currents defined Heater control defined Instrument protection tree documented – SC, not LAT has final responsibility to protect instrument from damage in respect to temperatures – SC has to meet power quality specifications to not damage LAT – LAT is responsible for SAA PMT survival • First layer of protection software controlled • Second layer (back-up) protection: hardware – Over-current protection of electronics components via polyfuses Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 8.2 LAT Elec Design v5 27