GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope LAT System Engineering WBS 4.1.2 Dick Horn SLAC System Engineering Manager 650 926-8578 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 1 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Topics • LAT System Engineering Overview – – – – • • • • D. Horn Design Review Summary Key System Performance Metrics Configuration Management And Technical Baseline Risk Management Requirements, Traceability & Interfaces System FMEA/PRA/Reliability System Verification Cost & Schedule Summary Document: LAT-PR-01967 T. Thurston T. Leisgang D. Horn Section 7 Systems Engineering 2 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT System Engineering Overview Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7-1 Section 7 Systems Engineering 3 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 WBS 4.1.2 System Engineering 4.1.2 LAT System Engineering D. Horn System Integration & Audits D. Lung/T. Thurston Interface Develop. & Verif. R. Bielawski • FMEA/FTA/PRA • Risk Management • Ground System Interfaces • System Reviews • Internal ICD’s • Spacecraft ICD • Interface Verification Configuration Mgmt N. Cramar • Document Control & Release Document: LAT-PR-01967 Test Planning & Verif. T. Leisgang/S. Sawyer • LAT System Verification Plan • Performance Test Planning • Test Procedure Audits • Test Discrepancy Resolution Requirements Mgmt W. Davis • Requirements Management • Configuration Item Data List • System Metrics Section 7 Systems Engineering 4 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Design Maturity Summary Fiscal Years 2000 SRR 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 PDR Delta Baseline Review Subsystem CDR Peer Reviews PDR Critical Design Review PER Begin LAT I&T 2006 2011 LAT Ready For S/C I&T PreShip Review Ops. Prelim. & Sys. Design Final Design Engr’g Models Build & Test Flight Units FABRICATION PHASE LAT I&T Observatory I&T COMMISSIONING PHASE Mature & Stable Requirements Since SRR Key Interfaces With Spacecraft Established and Reflected in CDR Design Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 5 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 PDR & DPDR, Peer Review RFA Closure • PDR RFA’s Submitted, 43 of 57 Closed – Key residual issues: • Calorimeter to grid attachment • Closure of Tracker Engineering Model Results • EMI/EMC box level acceptance test • dPDR RFA’s Submitted, 17 of 20 Closed – – Current Status of all RFA’s Available at LAT System Engineering Website No design drivers identified LAT Initial responses under review by GSFC • Subsystem CDR Peer Review RFA’s Subsystem Closed/Total ACD 17/19 Calorimeter 12/30 Electronics/FSW 23/26 Tracker 17/39 Mechanical 19/48 I&T 17/21 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Subsystem talks will address key open RFA’s Section 7 Systems Engineering 6 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT Mass Status Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 7 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT Power Status Item 5-Apr-03 Estimate (Watts) ACD 9.4 2.3 3.9 3.2 10.5 152.4 1.5 0.0 150.9 153.0 64.9 0.0 0.0 64.9 65.0 326.2 211.5 114.7 0.0 327.5 20.4 20.4 0.0 0.0 35.0 Instrument Total 573.3 235.7 118.5 219.0 591.0 Instrument Allocation 650.0 % Reserve 13.4% Calorimeter Trigger & Data Flow Grid/thermal CALC (Watts) MEAS (Watts) ALLOC. (Watts) PARA - Best Estimate based on conceptual design parameters CALC - Estimate based on Calculated power from detailed design documentation MEAS - Actual power measurements of components Goals estimated using guidelines given in ANSI/AIAA G-020-1992 "Estimating and Budgeting Weight and Power Contingencies for Space Craft Systems" LAT-TD-00125-04 PDR Reserve Was 15.2% Goal for CDR Reserve > 10% Goal for PSRR Reserve > 5% LAT Power 700 650 Power - Watts Tracker PARA (Watts) 600 550 PDR 7/30/02 I 500 450 CDR 5/1/03 I PSRR 9/05 I 400 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Subsystem allocations have been reduced to CDR estimates to ensure LAT system CCB action for future power growth Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 8 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 FSW Resource Usage Current Estimates LAT-TD-1121-02 Resource Total Available Anticipated Usage Margin Factor EPU Boot PROM 256 kB 128 kB 2 SIU Boot PROM 256 kB 128 kB 2 EPU EEPROM 4 MB 1.5 MB 2.7 SIU EEPROM 8 MB 1.5-2.5 MB 3-5 EPU CPU cycles 200% in 2 EPUs 30% >6 SIU CPU cycles 100% in 1 SIU 25% 4 EPU memory 128 MB 16-32 MB 4-8 SIU memory 128 MB < 16 MB 8 Bandwidth – instrument to EBM 45 MB/sec 10 MB/sec 4.5 Bandwidth – EBM to CPU 20 MB/sec 5 MB/sec 4 Bandwidth – CPU to EBM 2.5 MB/sec 20 kB/sec 125 Bandwidth – EBM to SSR 5 40 kB/sec 125 Document: LAT-PR-01967 MB/sec Section 7 Systems Engineering 9 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key Science Performance Metrics Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 10 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Management Plans Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 11 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Configuration Management LAT CM Change Control Process Need for Change Identified RPE submits Change Request (CR) for manager approval. Impact to requirements, cost, schedule? NO Level 4 change. Change is implemented and DCN is distributed to LAT team. YES LAT CM Elements Level 2 or 3 change. RPE submits a Change Request (CR) for CCB screening. GLAST Project Office 433-PROC-0001 CR is sent to the Configuration Control Board for approval. GSFC approval required? NO, Level 3 YES, Level 2 Spectrum Astro CR is sent to GSFC for approval. LAT Configuration Management LAT-MD-00068-01 If approved, the change is implemented and the CR and DCN are distributed to the LAT team. LAT CM LAT CM Defined By LAT MD-00068-01 Major Supplier CM • Major Supplier CM defined internally Tracker SLAC/UCSC LAT-MD-00068-01 ACD/GSFC LAT-MD-00845-01 CAL/NRL LAT-MD-01486-01 • Key Subsystem Doc CM Transferred to LAT CM upon Subsystem Delivery to LAT • Change Control Process In Place Italy Document: LAT-PR-01967 France Section 7 Systems Engineering 12 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Change Control Thresholds Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 13 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Risk Management Project Team Assessments Expert Interviews Lessons Learned FMEA/FTA Consolidation by PRM Review by Risk Review Board Risk Assessment Networked Schedules Cost vs Effectiveness Development of Mitigation Strategy Review by Risk Review Board Risk Identification Risk Information Database Fault Trees/Event Trees Networked Schedules Work Accomplished Performance Margin • Parallel Process To GSFC …. • Continuous Process Across LAT • Risk Ranked By Probability and Impact to Technical, Cost & Schedule Risk Ranking Risk Analysis 5 4 3 2 1 Risk Information Database (Watch Lists, Contingency Plans) Risk Planning,Mitigation and Tracking Mitigation Activities LAT Risk Management Defined By LAT-MD-00067-03 13 11 9 7 5 16 14 12 10 8 1 2 19 17 15 13 11 3 Probability 22 20 18 16 14 25 23 21 19 17 4 5 Low Risk (Selected Mitigation) Moderate Risk (Selected Mitigation) Monitoring of Project Performance by Managers/Risk Review Board TPM Charts High Risk (Mitigation Required) Corrective Action Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 14 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Top System Risks ID # CAL004 Proj Mgt 001 Proj Mgt 002 Risk Rank Risk Description Risk Mitigation Status •A higher CDE manufacturing rate is an option to the French contract but may present financial and technical risks. The higher rate would deliver the later modules on schedule. • Current top program issue High •Delay in deliveries of flight CDEs •Our French collaborators are in the middle of a competitive procurement for the industrial partner that will fabricate all flight CDEs. The procurement process must follow French law and is potentially subject to the delay of administrative reviews •The selected industrial partner must design and fabricate appropriate tooling, develop controlled manufacturing process, fabricate and qualify CDE prototypes, and then fabricate 108 CDE for the CAL Qual model by mid Sept, 2003 Moderate •Inadvertent use of non-flight qualified processes, parts or materials; results in cost/schedule impact. •EEE Parts Plan In-place. Material Review Board. Preproduction readiness reviews • Processes in place •ASIC’s fail to meet requirements; results in schedule impact •Focused review & test. Margin for reruns protected where possible •Individual risks Identified by subsystem • Processes in place Moderate Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 15 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Top System Risks (continued) ID # SE-0010 Risk Rank Moderate Risk Description Inadequate End to End LAT test simulation leads to undetected H/W or S/W problem until at observatory test or on orbit Risk Mitigation •Key early performance & integration interface testing through engineering model test bed •Early integration of Spacecraft Simulator into development and I&T Status •Evaluation of planned functional & performance tests to identify residual risks (6/17/03) •Finalizing details of S/C Simulator (TBD) •Audit test opportunities and value (Airplane test, T/C Tests) SE-0007 Moderate Critical component failure post LAT integration requiring deintegration impacting cost & schedule Document: LAT-PR-01967 •Extensive use of EM test bed to support flight H/W & S/W development •Thorough qualification and acceptance tests •Pre planned I&T actions for deintegration • Completed evaluation for improving access (9/02) • Qual & acceptance planning in-place •I&T developing contingency plans Section 7 Systems Engineering 16 GLAST LAT Project Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope Document: LAT-PR-01967 CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System Requirements, Traceability & Interfaces Section 7-2 Section 7 Systems Engineering 17 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Specification Tree MAR EMI Rqmts. Doc. In Development LAT IOC/MOC/ SSC Interface Control Documents Mission System Specification 433-SPEC-0001 Science Rqmts Mission Rqmts Interface Rqmts Mission Ground System Requirement Documents LAT-SC Interface Requirements Document Interface 433-IRD-0001 Rqmts Mission Level 2a Science Requirements Document 433-SRD-0001 TCS Performance Specification LAT-SS-00715 Trigger & Dataflow Subsys. Specification LAT-SS-00019 TKR Subsystem Specification LAT-SS-00017 ACD Subsystem Specification LAT-SS-00016 Radiator Design Specification LAT-SS-00394 X-LAT Plate Design Specification LAT-SS-01240 ACD Design Specification LAT-SS-00352 Grid Box Design Specification LAT-SS-00775 Document: LAT-PR-01967 LAT IOC Performance Specification LAT-SS-00015 LAT-GBM Interface Control Document Power Subsystem Specification LAT-SS-00136 SAS Subsystem Specification LAT-SS-00020 CAL Subsystem Specification LAT-SS-00018 LAT Flight SW Specification LAT-SS-00399 LAT Trigger Specification LAT-SS-00284 LAT Dataflow Specification LAT-SS-00285 LAT TKR Design Specification LAT-SS-00134 LAT Readout Electronic Specification LAT-SS-00152 Tower Power Supplies Specification LAT-SS-01537 LOF Subsystem Specification LAT-SS-00021 SAS Design Specification LAT-SS-00505 CAL Design Specification LAT-SS-00210 LAT Operations Facility Specification LAT-SS-01783 Section 7 Systems Engineering LAT Subsystem Level 3 Mechanical Subsystem Specification LAT-SS-00115 LAT-SC Interface Control Document Design Specification Level 4 LAT Performance Specification LAT-SS-00010 LAT Level 2b 1553 Definition LAT Environmental Specification LAT-SS-00778 18 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Requirements Development Level 2 Reqts Peer Reviews (Aug. 2000) Level 2 Reqts placed under LAT CM Line-by-line reviews of LAT and IOC Performance Specs by Subsystem Mgrs, Engineering and Science Leads Updates require approval of LAT change control board Preliminary Design Reviews (Jan. & Jul. 2002) Reqts. docs imported and linked in DOORS Level 4 Reqts developed by subsystems Level 4 Reqts placed under subsystem CM Subsystem design specifications are controlled at the subsystem level. Level 4 requirements are managed and tracked at subsystem level. Document: LAT-PR-01967 LAT System Requirements Review (Sep. 2000) Level 3 Reqts Peer Reviews (Mar.-Apr. 2001) Top-level subsystem performance requirements were reviewed by Subsystem Mgrs and LAT Engineering and Science Leads CCB changes, document updates and test planning Level 3 Reqts placed under LAT CM Updates require approval of LAT change control board Reqts. in DOORS linked to planned tests and analyses. Critical Design Review (May 12-16, 2003) Impacts from changes are flowed up or down as they are identified. Resulting Level 3 traceability to verification plans is documented in LAT-TD-02084-01 Section 7 Systems Engineering 19 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key Requirements Flow Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 20 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key Level 2 Requirements Description Doc./ Para. LAT-SS-00010 5.2.1 5.2.2 LAT Instrument Performance Specification Energy Range The LAT shall measure gamma rays in the range of 20 MeV to greater than 300 GeV. The instrument shall have an Effective Area > 300 cm 2 at 20 MeV, > 3000 cm 2 at 100MeV, and > 6400 cm 2 at 300 GeV. Energy Resolution 5.2.3 The energy resolution of normal incidence gamma rays shall be < 50% for 20-100 MeV, < 10% for 100 MeV - 10 GeV, and < 20% for 10 - 300 GeV. Equivalent Gaussian 1 sigma. The energy resolution for tracked gamma rays of greater than 60° incidence shall be better than 6% in the energy range 10 to 300 GeV, with an effective area > 10% that of normal incidence. Peak Effective Area 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.8 5.2.12 5.2.13 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.6 The Peak Effective Area of the LAT shall be greater than 8000 cm 2. Single Photon Angular Resolution - On-axis at 68% Containment For 100 MeV: better than 3.5° (conversion in front of tracker) and better than 6° (conversion in back of the tracker). For 10GeV - 300 GeV: better than 0.15° (front of tracker) and better than 0.3° (back of tracker) Single Photon Angular Resolution - On-axis at 95% Containment Better than 3 times the single photon angular resolution at 68% containment. Field of View The field of view shall be greater than 2 steradians. Background Rejection LAT shall have a background rejection capability such that the contamination of the observed high latitude diffuse flux (assumed to be 1.5 x 10-5 cm-2 s -1 sr-1) in any decade of energy ( > 100 MeV) is less than 10%, assuming a photon spectral index of -2.1 with no spectral cut-off. Dead Time The dead time shall be less than 100 usec per event. Science Data Interface The SI shall output science data to the spacecraft via a LVDS data bus interface as specified in the SI/SC IRD. (Includes data volume limit of 26 gigabits in 24 hours.) Data Services The SI shall communicate with the spacecraft via a serial command, telemetry, and data (CTDB) bus as defined by MIL-STD-1553B as specified in the SI/SC IRD. Mass The mass of the SI shall be less than 3000 kg. Average Power The average power dissipation of the SI shall not exceed 650 W per orbit. Document: LAT-PR-01967 Comply Method Y T, A Y T, A Y T, A Y T, A Y T, A Y T, A Y T, A Y T, A Y T, A Y T, D Y T, D Y T Y T, A Section 7 Systems Engineering 21 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Requirements Traceability and Verification Example of Flowdown from Science Requirements Science Requirements Document Effective Area LAT Level 2(b) Specification LAT-SS-00010 5.2.3 ACD Level 3 Specification LAT-SS-00016 Peak Effective Area Tracker Level 3 Specification LAT-SS-00017 Calorimeter Level 3 Specification LAT-SS-00018 5.6 Mean Thickness 5.2 Gamma Ray Conversion Efficiency 5.9 Low Energy Trigger Signal 5.8 False VETO due to Electrical Noise 5.3 Converter Configuration 5.10 High Energy Trigger Signal 5.11.2 Fast VETO Signal Latency 5.5 Geometric Area 5.11.3 Logic VETO Signal 5.11 Self Trigger 5.11.4 Logic VETO Signal Latency 5.12 Data Noise Occupancy 5.11.5 Logic VETO Signal Timing 5.11.6 Fast VETO Signal Width 5.11.7 Fast VETO Recovery Time for Large Signals 5.11.9 ACD Trigger Primitives Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 22 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Requirements Traceability and Verification Effective Area Requirement Flowdown SRD Requirement 2 Effective Area > 8,000 cm Maximum (as function of energy) effective area at normal incidence. Includes inefficiencies necessary to achieve required background rejection. Effective area peak is typically in the 1 to 10 GeV range. LAT Level 2b Requirement LAT-SS-00010 A map of the tiles that produce VETO signals shall be generated for each Level 1 Trigger Acknowledge. The map of VETO signals shall be latched by the time the ADC's conversions are completed. Verification SVAC Plan Measurement S1 Fraction of Reconstructed Photons (Effective Area) Verification Interaction Analysis, Shield/Blanket Analysis CPT (LAT-TD-01112), Step 19, 30 CPT (LAT-TD-01112), Step 44 CPT (LAT-TD-01112), Step 8 GARC Functional Test 5.11.5 The logic VETO map shall represent the state of all ACD discriminators at the time of the particle passage (± 200 ns) causing the Level 1 Trigger Acknowledge. CPT (LAT-TD-01112), Step 8 5.11.6 The fast VETO output signal shall have a commandable width of 50 - 400 nsec, after 'de-glitching' on 2 successive clock pulses. The leading and trailing edges must be synchronous with clock pulses. FREE Functional Test (ACD-PROC-000051) 5.11.7 For a signal equivalent to 200 MIPs, the logic VETO signal shall be no longer than 10 ìs. (current design will be < 5 usec). FREE Functional Test (ACD-PROC-000051) 5.2.3 5.6 5.8 5.11.2 5.11.3 5.11.4 2 The Peak Effective Area of the LAT shall be greater than 8000 cm . ACD Level 3 Requirements LAT-SS-00016 The ACD, support structure, and micrometeorite shield shall absorb less than 6% of the incident gamma radiation in the LAT field of view. The false VETO signal rate due to noise shall result in a rejection of no more than 1% of triggered gamma rays. The fast VETO signal latency shall be commandable from 200-1600 ns after particle passage Example from LAT-TD-02084-01, LAT Requirements Tracking Report Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 23 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Requirements Traceability and Verification • Future Work – Near term • Incorporate all CCB-approved Level 2 and 3 changes in requirements document revisions (ECD 6/30/2003) – Long term • Complete compliance verification table for level 2 and 3 requirements – Link requirements to test procedures (ECD June 2004) – Link compliance to test data packages & analysis reports (On-going as tests & analyses are completed. ECD June 2005) Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 24 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key LAT Interface Overview Tracker (TKR) Anticoincidence Detector (ACD) Structural Thermal Electrical I&T Structural Thermal Electrical Grid bolted joint, shear pins Conductive bolted joint; Radiative coupling w/ TKR 3.3V, 28V; Data, Temp sensors, S/W Lift fixture, Electrical test stand I&T Grid Ti flexure mount Conductive Cu strap 1.5V, 2.5V, 2.5VDig, 150V Bias; Data, Temp sensors, S/W Lift fixture, Electrical test stand Electronics Structural Calorimeter (CAL) Structural Thermal Electrical I&T Thermal Grid pinned/bolted joint Conductive bolted joint 3.3V, 3.3VDig,100V Bias; Data, Temp sensors, S/W Alignment Tool, Lift fixture, Electrical test stand Electrical I&T Stand-off to CAL; Bolted stack; Cabling Thermal joint to X-LAT Plate 27-29V Regulated, Data, S/W Test bed GBM Structural Thermal Electrical Spacecraft Structural Thermal Electrical I&T Four-point mount to SC flexures, Two-point pinned struts for each radiator Isolated (SC Mount, Radiator struts); Radiative (S/A) 27-29V Regulated, 25-35V Unregulated, MIL-STD-1553B, Analog and digital sensors, LVDS, EMI/EMC, High speed serial science data Grid perimeter ring, Radiator handling fixture, Radiator lift fixture, Purge, LAT test point Document: LAT-PR-01967 I&T Cabling None LVDS, 1553 Telecommands None TCS/X-LAT Plate/Radiators Structural Thermal Electrical I&T Bolted/pinned joints Heat pipes, Heaters 27-29V Regulated, 25-35V Unregulated; Temp sensors, S/W Radiator handling fixture, Radiator lift fixture, X LAT Plate lift fixture, Electrical test stand Section 7 Systems Engineering 25 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Structural/Thermal Interface Overview ACD Thermal Structural EMI/Grounding Accommodation Direction of arrow signifies direction of reliance, structural support or heat flow TKR Grid Base Ass’y Rad Mnt Bkt Radiator EMI Skirt Electronics Htr Sw Box Radiator Solar Array CAL EMI Skirt Htr Sw Box Rad Mnt Bkt X-LAT Plate Spacecraft Solar Array LV Payload Attach Fitting Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 26 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Spacecraft-LAT Electrical Interface 4 Voltages SC 4 Temperatures, 8 Voltages Grid and Antifreeze Survival Heaters C&DH 4 Voltages 32 Temperatures LAT +Y Science Data Command & Telemetry SIU SC PDU SC PRU 25V – 35V 28V ± 1V LPDU SIU Timing 8 Discrete Controls DAQ +X VCHP 4 Discrete Monitors 6 Temperatures, 12 Voltages EGSE 22 Temperatures Burst Trigger 4 Voltages LVDS 1553 Power Signal Document: LAT-PR-01967 GBM Note: Redundancy not shown Section 7 Systems Engineering 27 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Internal LAT Electrical Interfaces Heater Switch Box (x2) 25-35 V Heaters (VCHP, Antifreeze, Grid) Power Command Data 3.3V, 28V Monitors GASU ACD BEA Elec 24 Temp, 48 Volt 1.5V, 2.5V, 2.5V Dig, 150V Bias TKR Tower Module (x16) 28+/-1 V 8 Temp PDU Radiator Mount Brackets Document: LAT-PR-01967 TKR CAL Module (x16) TEM (x16) 16 Temp VCHP Heaters ACD 3.3V, 3.3V Dig, 100V Bias CAL Mech 194 Temp Temp Sensors (VCHP, Radiator, Grid, X-LAT, Antifreeze, CAL Baseplate) 100 Temp Temp Sensors (VCHP, Radiator, Grid, X-LAT, ACD) Section 7 Systems Engineering EMI Shield 28 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key TKR-LAT Interface Requirements* Section Number 6 6.2.3 7.2 8 8.1 9 11 Description Comply Method Mechanical Interface TKR Tower Center of Gravity The maximum X/Y center of gravity offset from the geometric center of a Tracker module is +/- 10 mm. The maximum Z center of gravity position is 245 mm where Z=0 is at the top of the grid. Structural Limit Loads and Environmental Requirements The Tracker to Grid interface shall meet the structural limit loads and environmental requirements of the LAT Environmental Specification. Dimensions Static Stay-Clear Dimensions TKR components shall stay within the stay-clear volume described in LAT-DS-00851. Thermal Interface and Heat Transfer The TKR shall meet the temperature requirements in the LAT Environmental Specification. The LAT Grid and the LAT thermal control system shall maintain the TKR modules within the temperatures shown in the LAT Environmental Specification. Power Maximum power power consumption of the Tracker subsystem is 155W. Y Y T T Y A, T Y I TBR A,T TBR A,T Y T A=Analysis, D=Demonstration, I=Inspection, T=Test * TKR-LAT Mechanical and Thermal ICD, LAT-SS-00138 and TKR-LAT Electrical ICD, LAT-SS-00176 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 29 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key CAL-LAT Interface Requirements* Section Number 6 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.5 7 7.1 8 8.6 10 Description Comply Method Mechanical Interface CAL Module Mass Variation The maximum allowable mass variation among CAL modules shall be +/- 2 kg. CAL Module Center of Gravity The maximum X/Y center of gravity offset from the geometric center of a Cal module is +/- 10 mm. The maximum Z center of gravity position from the CAL-grid interface is 116 mm. Structural Limit Loads and Environmental Requirements The CAL Base Plate to Grid interface shall meet the structural limit loads and environmental requirements of the LAT Environmental Specification. Dimensions Static Stay-Clear Dimensions CAL components shall stay within the stay-clear volume described in LAT-DS-00233. Electrical Interface Power Consumption Maximum power draw for the combined digital and analog 3.3V interfaces is 1.25 watts per AFEE card. Maximum power draw for the PIN photodiode bias supply is 0.001 Watts. Thermal Interface and Heat Transfer The CAL shall meet the temperature requirements in the LAT Environmental Specification. The LAT Grid and the LAT thermal control system shall maintain the CAL modules within the temperatures shown in the LAT Environmental Specification. Y I Y Y T T TBR A, T Y I Y Y T T Y A, T Y A,T A=Analysis, D=Demonstration, I=Inspection, T=Test * CAL-LAT Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical ICD, LAT-SS-00238 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 30 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key ACD-LAT Interface Requirements* Section Number 6 6.3.2 6.5 7 7.1 8 8.6 10 Description Mechanical Interface Center of Gravity The maximum X/Y center of gravity offset from the geometric center of the ACD shall be +/- 10 mm. The Z-axis CG position shall be less than 340 mm where Z=0 is the top of the grid. Structural Limit Loads and Environmental Requirements The ACD to Grid interface shall meet the structural limit loads and environmental requirements of the LAT Environmental Specification. Dimensions Static Stay-Clear Dimensions The ACD subsystem components shall stay within the stay-clear volume described in LAT-DS-00309. Electrical Interface Power Consumption The worst-case total consumption of the 12 HVBSs shall be less than 5.0 W at 29V, maximum bus voltage. Thermal Interface and Heat Transfer The ACD shall meet the temperature requirements in the LAT Environmental Specification. The LAT Grid and the LAT thermal control system shall maintain the ACD within the temperatures shown in the LAT Environmental Specification. Comply Method Y Y T T Y A, T Y I Y T Y A,T Y A,T A=Analysis, D=Demonstration, I=Inspection, T=Test * ACD-LAT Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical ICD, LAT-SS-00363 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 31 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key Electronics-LAT Interface Requirements* Section Number 6 6.6 8 8.1 9 10 Description Comply Method Mechanical Interface Structural Limit Loads and Environmental Requirements The Electronics to LAT interfaces shall meet the structural limit loads and environmental requirements of the LAT Environmental Specification. Dimensions Static Stay-Clear Dimensions Electronic modules shall stay within the stay-clear volume described in LAT-DS-01630. Thermal Interface and Heat Transfer The Electronic modules shall meet the temperature requirements in the LAT Environmental Specification. The LAT X-LAT Plate and the LAT thermal control system shall maintain the Electronic modules within the temperatures shown in the LAT Environmental Specification. Thermal Control System Meet the functional requirements of the LAT Thermal Control System. Y A, T Y I TBR A,T TBR A,T Y T A=Analysis, D=Demonstration, I=Inspection, T=Test * Electronics-LAT Mechanical and Thermal ICD, LAT-SS-01794 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 32 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key Open Internal LAT Interface Issues INTERFACE KEY OPEN ISSUES Tracker Validating TKR-Grid copper strap thermal design. Calorimeter Validating CAL Base Plate to Grid structural design. ACD None Electronics Validating X-LAT Plate to Electronics box thermal joint design. Document: LAT-PR-01967 STATUS Detailed design complete. Testing is underway. RESOLUTION ECD TKR to complete thermal testing as 8/1/03 part of Engineering Model test plan closure. 7/15/03 Focused on a pinned design Perform design trades. implemented with bolts to the Grid. Preliminary analysis and Perform analyses and tests to tests indicate design has verify design has positive negative margins. margins. Other design options have Maintain large design been identified and are under margins for joint load capability. investigation. Thermal design developed using vel-therm and parallel thermal paths. Preliminary analysis confirms design meets interface temperature requirements. Finalize detailed interface design. 7/15/03 Engineering Model testing to validate design. Section 7 Systems Engineering 33 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Internal LAT Interface Compliance Issues Doc/Section Number LAT-SS-00138, 9.1.2 Description Comply Method TKR-LAT Mech,Therm ICD - Thermal Interface and Heat Transfer The LAT and the LAT thermal control system shall maintain the tracker modules within the temperatures shown in the LAT Environmental Specification, LAT-SS-00778. LAT-SS-00238, LAT-SS-01794, 9.1.2 TBR A, T The CAL-Grid interface design shall meet the interface limit load requirements as specified in the LAT Environmental Specification, LAT-SS-00778. Electronics-LAT Mech,Therm ICD - Thermal Interface and Heat Transfer TBR A, T The LAT and the LAT thermal control system shall maintain the electronic box base plates within the temperatures shown in the LAT Environmental Specification, LAT-SS-00778. TBR A, T CAL-LAT ICD - CAL-Grid Interface Loads at CAL Tabs A=Analysis, D=Demonstration, I=Inspection, T=Test Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 34 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key LAT-SC Interface Requirements 1/3 Section Number 4 4.2 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5.1 4.6 5 5.2 5.3 Description Comply Method Mechanical Interface Size The LAT with integrated radiators shall not exceed the envelope defined in the LAT-SC IRD. The LAT shall not exceed the dynamic envelope shown in Appendix A. Mass, Center of Mass, and Moments of Inertia The launch mass for the LAT shall not exceed 3000 kg as defined in the LAT-SC IRD. Requirement is The LAT center of mass shall not exceed the values defined in the LAT-SC IRD. The LAT mass moments of inertia shall not exceed the values defined in the LAT-SC IRD. being developed Modes and Stiffness The LAT fixed base stiffness, fixed at the interface points, shall produce a first mode frequency greater than 50 Hz. LAT Sensor Mounting The LAT shall be mounted at four locations as shown in the LAT-SC IRD. Cable Routing and Connector Locations The LAT shall locate the external connectors to the SC harness as shown in Appendix A. Thermal Interfaces Thermal Conduction The total worst-case conductive heat exchange between the SC and LAT through the interface locations at the Grid and all cables between the LAT and SC shall not exceed ±5W. Thermal Radiation The LAT thermal design shall accommodate the radiative heat leak through the MLI, assuming SC average temperatures varying between -10°C and +50°C. Y Y I A, T Y Y TBD I T A Y A, T Y I Y I Y A, T Y A, T A=Analysis, D=Demonstration, I=Inspection, T=Test Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 35 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key LAT-SC Interface Requirements 2/3 Section Number Description Electrical Interface Electrical Connections The interface connectors between the LAT and the SC harness are shown in Table 6-1. Detailed pin assignments shall be as shown in Appendix B. Average Operational Power During normal operations the LAT shall not exceed an orbit average of 650 W of regulated power. Average Survival Power During survival operations the LAT shall not exceed an orbit average of 270 W from the following sources: A.50W Regulated VCHP heater power. B.220W - Unregulated passive survival heater power. Peak Power The LAT shall consume no more than 758 W for less than a total of 10 minutes per orbit. The SIU shall not exceed a maximum of 32 W. The DAQ shall not exceed a maximum of 668 W. The VCHP reservoir heaters shall not exceed a maximum of 58 W. The passive survival heater power shall not exceed a maximum of 560 W. 6.3.2 Power Distribution The LAT shall tolerate instantaneous removal of power without damage or degradation to itself or the SC. Regulated Feed Exclusivity The LAT shall tolerate, without damage or degradation to itself or the SC, primary and redundant power feeds that are active at the same time. Unregulated Feed Exclusivity The LAT will passively control the manner by which the survival heater circuit is closed. 6.4 Command and Data Handling The analog telemetry signals shall be block redundant between the SC and LAT as shown in Figure 6-3. All other signals shall be cross-strapped as shown in Figure 6-4. Comply Method Y Y I T Y A, T Y A, T Y Y Y Y Y A, A, A, A, A, Y T Y A Y D Y Y T T 6 6.2 A=Analysis, D=Demonstration, I=Inspection, T=Test Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 36 T T T T T GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key LAT-SC Interface Requirements 3/3 Section Number Description High Speed Serial Science Data The LAT shall limit science data generation to no more than 26 gigabits in any single 24-hour period. The maximum signal frequency of any one interface signal shall 8.25 MHz. The high speed Serial Data interface transmitters and receivers shall use LVDS drivers and receivers compatible with IEEE 1596.3SCI LVDS and be compatible with ANSI/TIA/EIA 644-1996 LVDS standards. 6.4.3 Discrete Electrical Interfaces The LAT is redundantly allocated the following discrete command and telemetry interfaces: A. 1 Discrete Time Pulse B. 8 Discrete Control Commands. B. 4 Discrete Monitor Telemetry C. 96 Passive Analog Telemetry. Discrete Time Pulse The PPS signal shall be accurate to ±1.5 usec when the SC is receiving Global Positioning System (GPS) updates. The PPS signal shall not drift more than ±1 usec in any given 100 second period when GPS signals are unavailable. The PPS signal characteristics shall be of LVDS type. Digital Control Circuit and Signal Characteristics The digital control signal characteristics shall be of LVDS type. Bi-Level Circuit and Signal Charateristics The digital monitor signal characteristics shall be of LVDS type. 7 Flight Software 7.2 Command and Telemetry Formats All 1553 message protocol formats shall be as documented in the GLAST 1553 Protocol Document. 9 LAT Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Interface 9.1 Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE) The LAT contractor shall provide all MGSE for support, lifting and handling of LAT hardware. The LAT MGSE shall not exceed the allowable volume shown in Appendix A. 9.2 Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) The LAT test point connector(s) shall be located as shown in Appendix A. LAT EGSE shall interface to SC EGSE using an Ethernet connection. 12 Environment The LAT shall demonstrate environment compliance. The LAT shall be capable of withstanding flight environments and test levels. Comply Method Y Y T T Y D Y D Y Y Y T T D Y D Y D Y D Y Y A, D I Y Y I D Y Y A, T A, T 6.4.1 A=Analysis, D=Demonstration, I=Inspection, T=Test Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 37 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Key Open External LAT Interface Issues* INTERFACE KEY OPEN ISSUES Spacecraft Radiator mechanical interface details need to be finalized. STATUS Radiator mount concepts exchanged. RESOLUTION GSFC to clarify IRD requirement. Evaluate impacts to current design. LAT evaluating MOI request. ECD 6/1/03 Spacecraft Development of new LAT Moment of Inertia requirement. Spectrum Astro requests using LAT worst case MOI estimate vs LAT allocation. Spacecraft Potential Radiator static stay-clear envelope growth. Evaluate potential solutions and assess impacts. 6/1/03 Connector locations indentified. Hold frequent splinter meetings until issue is resolved. 8/1/03 Detailed harness routing being worked. Status issue at weekly interface meeting. Issue identified as part of CDR work. 6/1/03 Potential design options have been identified. Most solutions affect only LAT while others affect the SC. Spacecraft Finalize harness definition and routing. *Face-to-face technical interchange meeting is scheduled for May 21 & 22 to discuss remaining interface issues. Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 38 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Interface Documentation Status Document LAT-SC Interface Control Document (Spectrum Astro Managed Document) 1196 EI-Y46311-000 1553 Bus Potocol Document 1196 EI-S46310-000 GBM-LAT Interface Control Document 433-ICD-0001 Calorimeter LAT-DS-00233-3: CAL-LAT Interface Definition Drawing LAT-SS-00238-4: CAL-LAT Mech, Therm, Elec Interface Control Document ACD LAT-DS-00309-3: ACD-LAT Interface Definition Drawing LAT-SS-00363-5: ACD-LAT Mech, Therm, Elec Interface Control Document Tracker LAT-DS-00851-1: TKR-LAT Interface Definition Drawing LAT-SS-00138-5: TKR-LAT Mech, Therm Interface Control Document LAT-SS-00176-2: TKR-LAT Elec Interface Control Document Electronics LAT-DS-01630-1: Electronics-LAT Interface Definition Drawing LAT-SS-01794-1: Elec-LAT Mech, Therm, Elec Interface Control Document Document: LAT-PR-01967 Status Released 25 Apr 03 Released 25 Apr 03 Final draft out for review In signature cycle Released 13 Mar 03 Released 22 Apr 03 Released 28 Apr 03 First draft in-progress Released 14 Apr 03 Released 27 Jan 03 First draft in-progress First draft out for review Section 7 Systems Engineering 39 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Summary • Weekly Telecons and Frequent Splinter Meetings have resulted in: – – – – – LAT-SC ICD released LAT-SC 1553 ICD released TKR, CAL and ACD ICD’s released and contain 0 TBX’s Electronics ICD w/ 5 TBX’s in review Interface Definition Drawings released or near release • Complete Implementation of LAT-GBM ICD • All key open interface issues to be resolved by August 2003 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 40 GLAST LAT Project Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System Engineering LAT FMEA/PRA/Reliability Section 7-3 Tim Thurston SLAC Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 41 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System FMEA/PRA/Reliability Instrument Reliability Target: RLAT .85 for 5 year Mission Life Instrument Element Reliability Targets (Established 05/2001) RCAL .96 RTKR .96 RACD .96 RT&DF .96 RTML/STRU RCAL Document: LAT-PR-01967 RTKR .99 RACD RT&DF RTML/STRU Section 7 Systems Engineering 42 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System FMEA/PRA/Reliability LAT Instrument Reliability Block Diagram TEM TEM-PS 15 of 16 CAL TEM TEM-PS 15 of 16 RCAL = .9776 TKR RTKR = .9668 EPU BEA TDA AEM GASU SIU MMS/MLI AEM Standby 11 of 12 94 of 96 RACD = .9568 STRU PDU EPU GASU Standby SIU Standby RT&DF = .9884 PDU 2 of 2 Standby EPU Standby 2 of 3 TML RTKR = .989 Document: LAT-PR-01967 RLAT = .882 Section 7 Systems Engineering 43 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System FMEA/PRA/Reliability Reliability Calculations Assumptions/Methodology – Both Mil-HDBK-217F and vendor provided data are being used for the of failure rates estimates. – LAT level reliability analysis extracted some component reliability numbers from element level reliability reports. Because of slightly different view of reliability relationships and partitioning, LAT level results vary slightly from reliability stated in element reliability reports. – All reliability numbers normalized to 30 °C ambient using Mil-HDBK-217F derating factors. The conservative factor is 1.5x improvement per 10 ° C reduction. – Massively redundant detections components, CAL and TKR, allowed to degrade up to 10%, ACD detection components allowed to degrade 2 of 96, Tower modules allowed to degrade to 15 of 16, and ACD BEA allowed to degrade to 11 of 12. All degradations expected to be within science performance margins. – Some passive elements such as resistors and wires are not included in the model. Failure rates for these elements are considered extremely low. Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 44 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System FMEA/PRA/Reliability • CAL Module Reliability Block Diagram CAL Power Feed CAL Signal Feed CAL AFEE CAL Power Feed CAL Signal Feed CAL AFEE CAL Power Feed CAL Signal Feed CAL AFEE CAL Power Feed CAL Signal Feed CAL AFEE CAL Power Feed CAL Signal Feed CAL AFEE CAL Power Feed CAL Signal Feed CAL AFEE CAL Power Feed CAL Signal Feed CAL AFEE CAL Detector Element 43 of 48 CAL Detector Element 43 of 48 CAL Power Feed CAL Signal Feed CAL AFEE RCAL(x) = .99964 Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 45 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System FMEA/PRA/Reliability Fault Tree Analysis – LAT-TD-01757-01 Rev 24, Tower Electronic Module Power Supply Fault Tree (L-TPS) 11 Mar. 2003 Page 10 of 13 Rev 24, Tower Electronic Module Fault Tree 11 Mar. 2003 (L-TEM) Page 9 of 13 Rev 24, Spacecraft Interface Unit Fault Tree 11 Mar. 2003 (L-SIU) • FTA’s completed on EPU’s, ACD, CAL, TKR, STR, TML, GASU’s, PDU’s, SIU’s, TEM’s, & TEM/PS’s Page 7 of 13 • ~160 fault elements/components • MMS & MLI are the only single point failures identified. Probability of failure is not realistic (L-PDU) Global-Tirgger/ACD-EM/Signal Distribituion Unit (GASU) Fault Tree Page 5 of 13 (L-GAS) Rev 24, 11 Mar. 2003 Loss of GASU System Function C-12, GAS-INS Electronic Processing Unit Fault Tree Page 4 of 13 (L-EPU) Loss of EPU Sytem Function C-5, EPU-INS • No other single point failures without ground contingency – (Software) Loss of EPU Loss of EMI Shielding Loss of EPU S/W Function Loss of GASU/EPU Comm. C-26, STR-EPU/SIU/GAS L-EPU-07 L-EPU-01 EPU Backplane Failure (EPU Redundant - 2 of 3) L-EPU-02 EPU SI Board Failure (EPU Redundant - 2 of 3) L-EPU-03 Loss of Electronics Bay Cooling C-33, TML1- PDU,SIU,GAS,EPU GASU/EPU Connector/Cable Failure (Open) L-EPU-05 EPU LC Board Failure (EPU Redundant - 2 of 3) L-EPU-04 Loss of EPU Power C7, GAS-EPU EPU Malfunction EPU RAD750 Board Failure (EPU Redundant - 2 of 3) • Most components multiple redundant Power Distribution Unit/SC Power Bus Fault Tree Rev 24, 11 Mar. 2003 Page 6 of 13 Rev 24, 11 Mar. 2003 EPU Code Failure Software Contingency Reload Filter software EPU Power-On Chip Failure (EPU Redundant - 2 of 3) GASU/EPU Connector/Cable Failure (Short to ground/signal) (EPU Redundant) L-EPU-14 L-EPU-06 Loss of EPU Power Feed C-9, PDU-EPU Failure Mode & Effects Analysis - PDU/EPU Power Feed Connector/Cable Failure (open) L-EPU-09 PDU/EPU Power Feed Conn./ Cable Failure (Short to ground/ signal) (EPU Redundant) L-EPU-08 Legend - OR Gate LAT-TD-00374-01 - SUM Gate - AND Gate • ~ 800 failure modes identified Failure Consequence (connection with other FTA sheets) Ground Contingency EPU/PS PolyFuse Failure (EPU Redundant) L-EPU-15 EPU/PS Connection Failure (Open) L-EPU-11 EPU 5.0V PS Failure (EPU Redundant - 2 of 3) L-EPU-13 EPU 3.3V PS Failure (EPU Redundant - 2 of 3) L-EPU-12 EPU/PS Conn. Failure (Short to ground/signal) (EPU Redundant) L-EPU-10 Non-Redundant Failure Non-Redundant Failure within Redundant System Redundant Failure Non-LAT Hardware failure Failure Consequence Ref. To: LAT-SS-00010 L-II(b) Graceful Failure Consequence Failure Consequence & Propagation • No severity category 1 failure modes • One element to watch w/severity category 2 failure mode • Four elements to watch w/ failure mode severity category of 2R, Two elements to watch w/ severity category of 2MR Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 46 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System FMEA/PRA/Reliability LAT-TD-02083-01 (Draft) • Likelihood estimates made for all fault sequences with failure mode categorization of 1, 2, 2R, 2MR • PRA watch list provided with fault sequences prioritized from most likely to least likely. • PRA watch graphically summarized in a 5x5 risk matrix. Probability of Severity Occurrence Category Mitigating Actions Falls within mission reliability requirements 0.01000 2 Probability Redundancy design in electronics and PMT's yields reliability of 2R Severity ACD system that falls within mission reliability requirements 0.03350 Component Occurrence Category Mitigating Actions Redundancy design yields reliability that falls within mission EPU system reliability requirements 0.00740 0.00990 2R No action, design optimized to meet ACD tile failure rate. MMS 2 Redundancy design yields reliability that falls within mission Circuit redundancy in conjunction with cabling redundancy, SIU system reliability power requirements 0.00400 2R redundancy Mission 1 > Pf >.1 0/0 0/0 and thermal 0/0control, meets 0/0 0/0 0/0 system0/0 Redundancy design yields reliability that falls within mission Requirements PDU Circuit 0.06120 2R PDU system reliability SIU requirements 0.00193 2R module redundancy in conjunction with cabling TKR/TEM/TEM-PS Redundancy design yields reliability that falls mission redundancy, power redundancy andwithin thermal control, meets 0/0 .1 >2MR Pf >.01 reliability 0/0 3/4 0/4 0/0 system SIU Rad750 Board requirements 0.03320 0.04860 Mission system0/0 Requirements0/0 2R CAL/TEM/TEM-PS Redundancy reliability falls within SIU design moduleyields redundancy in that conjunction withmission cabling system reliability redundancy, requirementspower redundancy and thermal control, meets 0.02240 2MR Redundancy design yieldsRequirements reliability that falls within mission Mission system SIU LC Board 0.01970 0/0 .01 > Pf >.001 2R 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/20 3/3 1/1 TML system reliability SIU requirements 0.01000 2MR module redundancy in conjunction with cabling Elements MMS/MLI SIU SI Board SIU Backplane Probability of Occurance (Mission Success) Probablistic Risk Assessment – redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements Failure Unlikely - No 0.01370 known failure 2R mechanism, large margins 0/0 0/0 0/3 1/116 2/9 0/7 SIU module redundancy in conjunction with cabling 0.00764 Failure not Credible 2R Specific mitigation action 0/2 5 No Effect Elem./Comp. 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 4 3 2MR 2R 2 Loss of nonDegraded Loss of Science critical function Mission (meets (Does not meet a) not needed, minimum minimum science b) backup science Mission) available mission) Severity Category - Consequence of Failure Limited Life Item Analysis LAT-MD-00551-02 • No limited life items identified within the 5-year design life Document: LAT-PR-01967 0/0 redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements Section 7 Systems Engineering 47 0/0 1S 1R 1 Total loss of mission GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System FMEA/PRA/Reliability Probability of Occurance (Mission Success) Probabilistic Risk Assessment/FMECA Summary 1 > Pf >.1 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 .1 > Pf >.01 0/0 0/0 0/0 2/4 1/4 0/0 0/0 .01 > Pf >.001 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/20 3/3 1/1 0/0 Failure Unlikely - No known failure mechanism, large margins 0/0 0/0 0/3 1/114 2/11 0/7 0/0 Failure not Credible Specific mitigation action 0/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 5 No Effect Element/Component 0/0 0/0 4 3 2MR 2R 2 Loss of nonDegraded Loss of Science critical function Mission (meets (Does not meet a) not needed, b) minimum minimum science backup available science mission) Mission) 1S 1R 1 Total loss of mission Severity Category - Consequence of Failure Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 48 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System FMEA/PRA/Reliability Probabilistic Risk Assessment – Element Watch List Elements MMS/MLI ACD system EPU system SIU system PDU system TKR/TEM/TEM-PS system CAL/TEM/TEM-PS system TML system Probability of Severity Occurrence Category Mitigating Actions Falls within mission reliability requirements 0.01000 2 Redundancy design in electronics and PMT's yields reliability that falls within mission reliability requirements 0.03350 2R Redundancy design yields reliability that falls within mission reliability requirements 0.00740 2R Redundancy design yields reliability that falls within mission reliability requirements 0.00400 2R Redundancy design yields reliability that falls within mission reliability requirements 0.00193 2R Redundancy design yields reliability that falls within mission reliability requirements 0.03320 2MR Redundancy design yields reliability that falls within mission reliability requirements 0.02240 2MR Redundancy design yields reliability that falls within mission reliability requirements 0.01000 2MR Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 49 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System FMEA/PRA/Reliability Probabilistic Risk Assessment – Component Watch List (1 of 2) Component MMS PDU Circuit SIU Rad750 Board SIU LC Board SIU SI Board SIU Backplane Probability of Severity Occurrence Category Mitigating Actions No action, design optimized to meet ACD tile failure rate. 0.00990 2 Circuit redundancy in conjunction with cabling redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements 0.06120 2R SIU module redundancy in conjunction with cabling redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements 0.04860 2R SIU module redundancy in conjunction with cabling redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements 0.01970 2R SIU module redundancy in conjunction with cabling redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements 0.01370 2R SIU module redundancy in conjunction with cabling redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements 0.00764 2R Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 50 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System FMEA/PRA/Reliability Probabilistic Risk Assessment – Component Watch List (2 of 2) Probability of Severity Component Occurrence Category Mitigating Actions Circuit redundancy in conjunction with cabling redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements AEM Circuit 0.00522 2R Circuit redundancy in conjunction with cabling redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements GASU Circuit 0.00437 2R EPU module redundancy in conjunction with cabling redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements EPU Rad750 Board 0.04860 2MR EPU module redundancy in conjunction with cabling redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements EPU LC Board 0.01970 2MR EPU module redundancy in conjunction with cabling redundancy, power redundancy and thermal control, meets Mission system Requirements EPU SI Board 0.01370 2MR CAL Module redundancy, power distribution, and redundant readout yields CAL system that far exceeds reliability target CAL AFEE Board 0.01100 2MR Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 51 GLAST LAT Project Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 System Engineering Test Verification Planning Section 7-4 Tom Leisgang LAT Systems Engineering Test & Verification Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 52 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Requirements Verification Process SPECIFICATIONS Test Plans GLAST Project 433-SPEC 433-SRD 433-IRD 433-MAR 433-RQMT Procedures T-VAC SV&C IPVP LAT-MD-00466 LAT-MD-00488 Test Report Funct Test Report CPT EMI TKR CAL LAT IIB LAT-SS-00010 LAT-SS-00778 Results Test Report Dynamics Test Report ACD Thermal Survey & Alignment Mech T&DF LAT III LAT-SS-00016 LAT-SS-00017 LAT-SS-00018 LAT-SS-00019 LAT-SS-00020 LAT-SS-00021 LAT-SS-00115 LAT-SS-00136 LAT-SS-00715 Analysis Report Dynamics Flt S/W EMI/EMC Analysis Report Analysis Report Weight & CG Parse into DOORS Identify Rqt. Link to Verification Correllate Results Create Verification Matrix Requirements Traceability LAT Systems Engineering A tested and certified instrument Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 53 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT Test Plan Organization LAT Instrument Performance Verification Plan LAT-MD-00408 T. Leisgang Subsystem Test Plans LAT Performance & Operation Test Plans LAT Integration & Test Plan LAT-MD-01376 E. Bloom LAT Mechanical Integration LAT-PS-00676 E. Gawehn L. Wai Tracker Tower Test Plan LAT-TD-00155 Calorimeter Test Plan Component Aliveness Tests Subsystem Integration Tests LAT-SS-00262 ACD Test Plan LAT Limited Performance Tests ACD-PLAN-000050 Thermal S/S Test Plan LAT Comprehensive Performance Tests No Number LAT Operational Performance Tests LATTrigger & Datflow Test Plan LAT-TD-00296 SUI TEM PDU EP GASU L. Wai LAT Contamination Control LAT-MD-00404 Plan E. Gawehn J. Cullinan M-GSE LAT-MD-01462 Facilities LAT-MD-01386 LAT Instrumentation Plan LAT-MD-00890 M. Lovellette W. Davis E-GSE Development M. Huffer LAT-MD-01533 LAT Survey & Alignment L. Wai LAT-MD-01586 LAT Survey Plan LAT-TD-00895 M. Nordby L. Wai Mechanical Weight & CG LAT-MD-01598 L. Wai E. Gawehn Dynamics Tests No Number M. Lovellette E. Gawehn Mechanical S/S Test Plan LAT-SS-00493 LAT Flight Software Test Plan LAT-TD-00786 E. Gawehn LAT Handling &Transportation Plan LAT-MD-00452 LAT-MD-00649 LAT Dynamics Test Plan LAT-MD-01196 M. Lovellette Y Ismael Electrical Performance Tests LAT-MD-01055 L. Wai Thermal Tests LAT-MD-0xxxx M. Lovellette E. Gawehn LAT EMI Tests LAT-MD-01838 M. Lovellette Instrument Calibration LAT-MD-01587 E. Do e Couto E Silva LAT Thermal Test Plan LAT-MD-01600 M. Lovellette J. Wang LAT EMI/EMC Test Plan No Number M. Lovellette T. Leisgang LAT SV&C Test Plan LAT-MD-00446 E. Do Couto E Silva T. Leisgang LAT Beam and Particle Test Plans LAT-MD-0440 G. Godfrey EGSE Workstation & Software Validation Plan LAT-MD-01533 R. Claus Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 54 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT Performance Verification LAT Integration Tower Integration Observatory Integration LAT Test TKR CAL Grid Integrate TKR/CAL & TEM's with Grid E A TEM/PS O F Survey E EPU C C F A Integrate E-Boxes w/ Grid M Survey (2) EMI/EMC Thermal Vacuum Environmental Tests L Balance C Cycling C M L M C Survey LAT Integration SIU Weight PDU GASU L Sine Vibe Sine Burst O Survey Htr Switch Box EMI Shield L Install Radiators Weight & CG O Final L C O M Survey C Thermal Vac L C M Remove Radiators Modal survey Integrate EMI Skirt, Htr F switch boxes E C C L Acoustic Ship to SLAC ACD E X-LAT Plate F Integrate ACD Ship to NRL C Integrate F X LAT Plate E M Survey O C Store LAT Survey L Mechanical Fit-Checks @ Spectrum Astro @NRL Ship to SA Radiators E Electrical InterfaceTests A Aliveness Tests Survey: Document: LAT-PR-01967 Functional Tests F O Optical L M Muon Limited Performance C Comprehensive Performance v3 CDR 4/21/03 Section 7 Systems Engineering 55 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT End to End System Verification A B LAT System Verification Engineering Models Qualification Units Calibration Units Integrated LAT Final Verification – By correlated analysis • 2 TKR CAL TEM CAL TEM CRU CAL Event Processor Event Builder SSR TEM 14 TKR CAL TEM 15 TKR CAL TEM 16 TKR CAL TEM Science Verifications – – – – • TEM Front End @ Subsystem 3 TKR T&DF In Test Bed 4 TKR Integrated LAT @ I&T System Throughput in Test Bed • Uses event simulators • Man-made events • CAL Global Trigger GASU Command / Response Unit – – – – TKR Command / Response Unit • 1 SIU TCU Event Processor Spacecraft Interface Simulator Discretes SIU TCU Event Processor AEM ACD Subsystem Test Bed PDU I&T and Test Bed I&T 1553 DataBus Risk – Event Processing @ orbital rates/distribution—not checked Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 56 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT Science Verification Science Verification Calibrations Particle tests Engineering Model Qual Modules Calibration Unit LAT Flight LAT TKR All Cal All ACD Pedestals(L) Detection Effcy. High Threshold Detect. Document: LAT-PR-01967 SLAC ES-A Positrons 1-45 Gev Photons tagged 100-1000 Mev Brems >20Mev-1000 Mev Protons 12Gev Van de Graaff Tracker Efficiency Alignment SSD,Ladder tray,tower inter-tower Tracker Si Strips noisy dead t threshold LAT Accuracy Dead Time Effective Area Absolute energy Energy Resolution Angular Distributions on and off axis Bacground Rejection Monte Carlo Simulation Validation LAT Alignment Calorimeter Light Yield Scintillat. Effcy Pedestals (L) Energy Range (L) Elex. Gain Integ. Non;Inearity Diff. Non;Inearity Light Asymetry Light Attenuation (17.6 MeV ) Van de Graaff (17.6 MeV ) Section 7 Systems Engineering 57 Cosmic Rays on the Ground Reconstruction Software Charged Track reconstruction effcy. Conversion point & effcy. Absolute Energy on and off axis CAL Effcy. for track Effcy. for track w/ACD hits Monte Carlo Simulation GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Subsystem Qualification Programs Qualification Test Sequence VIBRATION THERMAL TRR I/F Random LPT Thermal Vacuum CPT CPT I/F LPT LPT Humidity/ Storage CPT/LPT CPT C C Sine L C L L L L L L L EMI/EMC* C L C C EMI/EMC* CPT LPT* RFU Shock** **As required FINAL *EMI/EMC Tests may be performeed anywhere within the flow Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 58 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Subsystem Acceptance Test Program Acceptance Test Sequence TRR I/F Random LPT I/F CPT Thermal Vacuum CPT BurnIn CPT VIBRATION Document: LAT-PR-01967 Thermal CPT/LPT CPT RFU FINAL Section 7 Systems Engineering 59 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Performance Verification: Thermal Qual Proto-flight Acceptance LAT OBS OBS 4 Cycles T/V& T-Bal LAT 4 Cycles T/V& T-Bal Cables Tracker 4 Cycles T/V Calorimeter 4 Cycles T/V Document: LAT-PR-01967 X-LAT Plates EMI Shield Radiators TBD Cycles T/V & T-Bal ACD 4 Cycles T/V& T-Bal Tracker 12 Cycles T/V& T-Bal Grid Box Electronics 4 Cycles T/V Calorimeter 12 Cycles T/V& T-Bal Electronics 12 Cycles T/V& T-Bal Section 7 Systems Engineering 60 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Performance Verification: Mechanical OBS Shock S LAT LAT Acceptance S A Weight Cg A Modal SB Cables Tracker Proto-flight R S Sine Calorimeter R X-LAT Plates EMI Shield Electronics R ACD sub assy S SB R A Radiators S ACD SB R shell + BFA S R A SB Tracker Qual KEY SB S SB SineBurst Document: LAT-PR-01967 SB Calorimeter R R Random SB R Electronics S SB R Grid Box Static Load A Acoustic Section 7 Systems Engineering 61 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Qual Acceptance LAT Performance Verification: Electronics Power Operational Performance EMI RE,RS,CE,CS Power Limited Performance EMI CE(cm) CS(cm) Power Full Performance EMI Document: LAT-PR-01967 Full Suite I/F Verification Isolation Pwr Dist Hi-Pot Cmd. Dist Performance Aliveness Aliveness I/F Verification Performance Aliveness Functional Comprehensive Full Suite I/F Verification Full Suite Performance Aliveness Functional Comprehensive Section 7 Systems Engineering 62 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Performance Verification: Flight Software Supported Hardware Target Processor LAT Software Flight LAT Qualification Formal Qualification Test System Module/ Pkg Test Unit/ Component Test Interfaces Spacecraft EM-1 Event Filters DAQ Support AEM Configuration AEM Event Acquisition Multiple Tower Support Multiple TEM Support Operation Mode Transitions Engineering Safe Mode Housekeeping File Mgt. Interfaces LCB Command/Response LCB Event Acquisition DAQ Support Event Data Format Export TKR TKR/CAL/TEM Configuration TKR/CAL/TEM Status Calibration CAL Chg injection TKR Chg injection Document: LAT-PR-01967 CAL Event Filters Housekeeping Tower TEM Low Rate Science Multiple Towers Multiple TEMS GASU CRU EBM AEM GEM 1 CPU SIU Health, Status & Safety Attitude Time SIU EPU 1 Tower 1 TEM 1 CPU SIU Boot Boot CMD Processing CMD Distribution LAT Configuration EPU Derived TLM Mgt. Software Watchdog Instrument Physics Calibration & Diagnostics Test Bed EM-2 1553 Telemetry Command Event Data Marker Events ACD EPU Boot CMD Processing Configuration TLM Mgt Section 7 Systems Engineering 63 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 LAT Verification Summary • All LAT subsystems and LAT Instrument have complete requirements verification • All MAR test requirements are performed and verified • All Science Requirements are verified • Systems Engineering has a “closed loop” requirements verification process in place Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 64 GLAST LAT Project Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope Document: LAT-PR-01967 CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Cost/Schedule Summary Section 7-5 Section 7 Systems Engineering 65 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 CCB Actions Affecting 4.1.2 Change Request # Description Status LAT-XR-01395-01 Systems Engineering Manpower Approved $1.8M LAT-XR-01752-02 SLAC/HEPL Labor Escalation Rates Approved -$16K Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 66 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Budget, Cost, Performance Budget vs Actuals vs Performance DOE + NASA Project Expenditures 4.1.2 System Engineering $M, Then-Year Dollars 8 4 Actual Commitments ACWP BCWP BCWS+ Planned Commitments BCWS 0 . . . . . . FY00 Document: LAT-PR-01967 . . FY01 . . . . . . . . FY02 . . . . . . . . . . FY03 . . . . . . FY04 . . . . . . . . . . . . FY05 Section 7 Systems Engineering 67 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Cost/Schedule Status • Status as of March 31, 2003: Item In k$ Budget at Complete 6,453 Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled (a) 3,049 (a) Budgeted Cost for Work Performed (b) 3,049 (b) Actual Cost for Work Performed 3,029 Cost Variance 20 0.7% of (b) Schedule Variance 0 0% of (a) Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 68 GLAST LAT Project CDR/CD-3 Review May 12-16, 2003 Summary • Independent Technical Peer Reviews have been completed – Open issues identified – Closure plans in work (see Subsystem detailed talks) • • • • • • Configuration Management Processes in place Key metrics established Continuous Risk Management process in place LAT System Interfaces are established and under CCB Control LAT FMEA and Fault Tree Analyses baselined Verification planning and oversight in place Document: LAT-PR-01967 Section 7 Systems Engineering 69