Project Name

Project Name
Document Version 1.0
Prepared by Jane Doe, ITS
Last Edited July 23, 2016
TO THE DOCUMENT OWNER: This template is provided as a guideline and resource. The structure and instructions
give detail about what might go into a completed document. Only you and your team, however, know what will
best fit the needs of your specific effort, and you are encouraged to adapt the template as appropriate to meet
those needs.
Training Plan
The Training Plan details the training approach for the project. The purpose of this document is to assist
the project manager and project team in managing the training materials produced by the project as
well as the delivery of the training. Training materials can include: seminars, Wiki pages, presentations,
workbooks, self-study tutorials, etc. Please note that although the Training Plan and other training
material templates can be used by projects of any size, they are most often used by the larger, more
complex, and more critical projects.
Executive Summary
Provide a brief description of the project from a management perspective. Provide a high-level summary
of the Training Plan and its scope.
Training Overview
Describe the target audiences for training to be developed. Target audiences may include technical
professionals, business users, help desk users, students, professors, etc. Describe the tasks that must be
taught to meet objectives successfully and the skills that must be learned to accomplish those tasks. A
matrix may be used to provide this information.
Training Requirements
Describe the training needs for each target audience. If appropriate, this subsection should discuss needs
and courses in terms of staff groups, such as specific colleges or departments.
Training Approach
Discuss the approach used to develop quality training materials. Describe the methodology used to
analyze training requirements in terms of performance objectives and to develop course objectives that
ensure appropriate instruction for each target group. The topics or subjects on which the training must
be conducted should be listed or identified.
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Project Name
Document Version 1.0
Training Resources
When applicable, describe the resources required for the training, including facilities, such as meeting
rooms; equipment such as an projector, flipchart or visual aids panel with markers, and computer and
printer workstations; and materials such as memo pads, pens, or copies of the presentation.
Training Administration and Schedule
Present a high-level schedule for implementing the training strategy and indicating responsible parties.
Include key tasks to be completed, such as when to set up training facilities and schedule participants;
other activities essential to training; and dates on which those tasks and activities must be finished.
Future Training
Discuss scheduled training modifications and improvements. This includes periodic updating of course
contents, planned modifications to training environments, retraining of employees, and other predicted
Training Materials List
Provide a list of deliverables that will be developed and delivered to support the training plan and
Document Name
Due Date
Define all terms and acronyms required to interpret the Training Plan properly. It may be appropriate to
refer to another document or other external source.
Include any relevant appendices.
Revision History
Identify changes to the Training Plan.
Training Plan
Updater Name
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Project Name
Document Version 1.0
Formal written signoff is preferred for larger, more complex projects.
Training Plan
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