THE GREEN TAX, AN ANALYSIS OF ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN SPANISH SHORT SEA TRAFFICS. Authors: Dr. F.Xavier Martínez de Osés & Marcel·la Castells Sanabra Nautical Engineering and Sciences Department – TRANSMAR Research Group Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – UPC Pla de Palau, 18 08003 - BARCELONA ABSTRACT The European transport policy aims to achieve a sustainable communication system. A reduction in pollutant emissions, accident rate and traffic congestion is central to reaching this goal. These factors are encouraging the public and private stakeholders to use more extensively the freight rail mode and of course the maritime alternative, in a constant search for the best solution. Most of the developed countries use a national net of roads to move freight, despite it being the most expensive, pollutant transport mode, maintaining the highest rate of fuel consumption per cargo unit. The maritime sector is one of the less pollutant ways in addition to the capacity of contributing to reduce the road congestion in Europe. Particularly, the short sea shipping is thought to be the quickest way to reach the sustainability goal. However, this opportunity could pose some other inconveniences such as a superior traffic growth and a subsequent increase of the pollutant emissions in the port areas. One of the cost advantages of ships over trucks and trains is lower fuel consumption, which depends on the relatively low speed. On the other hand, the massive use of every day fastest ships allows them to compete with the truck, removing the ecological ticket from the marine sector to other means, due to its greater needs in terms of power and consumption, and thus emissions. This question is going to be analysed in this paper for further evaluate the possibility of an ecological bonus for the trucks using the maritime transport. KEYWORDS 1. Short Sea Shipping 2. External costs 3. Ecological bonus INTRODUCTION The European transport policy aims to achieve a sustainable communication system. A reduction in pollutant emissions, accident rate and traffic congestion is central to reaching this goal. In many countries a shift from congested highways to other alternatives for freight transport has been observed. Apart from railway transport, the maritime option is often preferred to relieve road traffic congestion and its negative environmental effects. After Spain joined the European Union at the end of 1985, the traffic volume increase had grown from 2.8% to 8.4% per year, accounting for a movement of 70 million tonnes in both directions. This means a daily average of 3,500 trucks travelling through La Jonquera and Irún passes. At this rate, by the year 2020, freight transport could increase to a total of 250 million tonnes, with over 30,000 trucks crossing the Pyrenees.i In view of this and the consequences of traffic congestion, a change from traditional unimodal to multimodal transport chains involving the sea and road modes is desirable. Freight transport is currently shared by both chains, with a slight advantage of road over maritime transport, particularly in short distances like trips between France and Spain while the sea option logically becomes more common as distances increase. According to the review of the EU White Paper on Transport Policy, a 59% increase in tonnes carried by Short Sea Shipping is expected between 2000 and 2020. The main benefit of Short Sea Shipping lies in the possibility of combining the inherent advantages provided by the involved modes, thus reducing costs and increasing freight transport capacity over long distances. However, for multimodal transport to become a real alternative to the road-only mode, the feasibility of routes must be explored with several variables related to freight transport. Moreover, friction costs derived from the mode shift must be quantified and reduced. Conventional ships are typically regarded as the most viable solution since they can penetrate the road market, sometimes leading to a decline in internal and especially external costs. While this opinion is based on the fact that sea transport should compete price-wise with other modes, it must be born in mind that high-speed vessels offer greater speeds, which may be perceived as quality of service by some shippers. In some routes, high-speed vessels can become serious competitors to road transport although these ships pose operational problems in bad weather. Through the Strategy for Sustainable Development of the EU White Paper on Transport Policy,ii the European Union has expressed concern about transport-related impacts. For this reason, appropriate policies to balance transport growth and its environmental effects are being made. In general, road transport accounts for over 80% of CO2 emissions. It is, therefore, the most polluting mode of transportation whereas sea transport remains the least polluting. The same applies to NOx emissions. Road transport is responsible for 51% of these pollutant emissions in the European Union, as opposed to 12% for the other modes. Nevertheless, the highest SO2 emissions into the atmosphere are attributable to maritime transport. Emitting the same levels as road transport modes could only be achieved by reducing sulphur content of marine fuels or installing exhaust gas cleaning systems in ships. Picture 1: Berthed ships in Palamós port (NE of Spain). The drop in cargo movements has brought some owners to park some ships in cheaper ports. Source the authors, 2008. This paper analyzes selected intermodal transport chains and pollutant emissions from different power output ships, and compares them with those generated by road transport. These emissions are then translated into environmental costs, based on existing quantification databases. In some cases, maritime transport proves to be a better alternative, justifying the granting of some kind of environmental bonus by the administration to promote the sea option. The paper concludes with a brief discussion on how to best implement this bonus to achieve a real balance between transport modes. THE SCENARIO In 1998, the European Union published the White Paper on Fair Payment for Infrastructure Use: A Phased Approach to a Common Transport Infrastructure Charging Framework in the EU COM (1998) 466, where “the user pays” and “the polluter pays” principles were established. It was initially suggested that dues charged on vehicles having a maximum payload of over 12 metric tonnes should be based on marginal infrastructure costs per kilometre and marginal urban congestion costs. The first tariff scheme for infrastructure use proposed in studies conducted in Europe like DESIRE (2001) and INFRAS (2004) was meant to be implemented in Germany in 2003 with an initial tariff of 0.17 €/km on all vehicle and truck units with a maximum loading capacity exceeding 12 metric tonnes passing through or delivering goods in Germany. However, after repeated delays, it was in 2005 that the scheme was launched with a tariff of 0.124 €/km. In 2007 the average rate increased to 0.135 €/km and tariffs were reviewed again in October 2008. As far as waste gas emissions are concerned, charges depend on the exact number of kilometres travelled on paid motorway sections, number of vehicle axes and engine class. Regarding pollutant emissions, in 1988 the European Parliament adopted the first Euro regulation, followed by Euro II, III and IV. Euro V and VI are increasingly stricter regulations on vehicle pollutant emissions, in particular particle emissions and nitrogen oxides (NOx) limits. Coming into force on 1st September 2009, Euro V establishes an 80% decrease in particle emission limits, which implies the need for future fitting of particle filters in vehicles. Euro VI will come into force in 2014 and impose limits of up to 68% of current levels on oxides. Maritime transport emissions are mainly regulated by the MARPOL Conventioniii and some specific European regulations. The new directives concerning SO2 and NOx maximum emission levels aim to reduce these chemical compounds, which will be the weak point of maritime transport in the future. Of all modes of transport, the maritime one is responsible for the largest amount of SO2 emitted into the atmosphere, only to be compensated by the use of low sulphur content fuels or exhaust gas cleaning systems. However, sulphur emissions from maritime transport account for 6% to 12% of total anthropogenic emissions onlyiv. Despite this scenario, in 2000 about 44% of total NOx emissions into the atmosphere in Europe were attributable to road transport and 36% to maritime transport (TERM 2002). Road transport is the main source of CO2 emissions, contributing 91.7% of total EU transport greenhouse gas emissions. When including sea shipping in a breakdown of transport-related CO2 emissions, it appears that in Europe maritime transport accounts for only about 6% of total greenhouse gas emissions, which explains the interest in reducing the share of road transport. Annex VI to the MARPOL Convention and the NOx technical code amendments were approved at the Maritime and Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 58th session (October 2008), following the draft amendments on prevention of air pollution from ships agreed by the IMO Sub-Committee on Bulk and Liquid Gases (BLG) at its 12th session, held in February 2008, and further agreed at the MEPC 57th session (April 2008). STUDY METHODOLOGY This section explains the methodology used to calculate the environmental impact and the external costs, using data from REALISEv, a thematic network on short sea shipping which provides prices of external costs from both sea and road transport. The following criteria are considered: a) The cost categories are divided into two: - Environmental external costs: local air pollution, global warming and noise pollution. - Non-environmental external costs: accidents and traffic congestion. b) To evaluate the impact of the evolution of transport emissions, the scenario considered is a future hypothetical improved condition where future stricter regulations are applied, like the Euro V, to road (in force for new trucks as of September 2009) and maritime transport, resulting in a 10% decrease in all current emissions, except for S, SO2 and NOx. Emissions factors ROAD Euro V SSS SO2 (g/kg fuel) 0,114 30 NOx (g/kg fuel) 18,75 19,36 CO (g/kg fuel) 5,75 8,1 Nm-VOC (g/kg fuel) 2,316 2,466 PM (g/kg fuel) 0,45 6,84 CH4 (g/kg fuel) 0,095 0,099 CO2 (g/kg fuel) 3323 2853 S (g/kg fuel) 0,05 15 Table 1. Emission rates for the diesel EURO V road and sea, transport (Source: Own based on ICF model from REALISE). c) The cargo capacities of the selected Ro/Pax ships are considered, keeping in mind that they are real ships serving short sea shipping traffic, as the conventional one in Figure 1. Cargo capacity was calculated dividing the ship’s total linear capacity by 19.5 meters,vi including the number of trucks (assumed FEUs) that the ship is able to carry. The cargo is measured in FEU (very close to trailer length) as it is the common unit of freight in sea and road legs, assuming the container to be filled to 75% of its full capacity. Thus, the maximum container payload of 25 tonnes (maximum total weight allowed is 40 tonnes) is limited to 18.5 metric tonnes on average. d) The main engine specific fuel consumption rate is strongly affected by the installed propulsion systems, such as engine (Table 2), gear, shaft and propulsion arrangements. Nevertheless, modern diesel engines use half the fuel consumed daily by old inefficient steam engines with the same power outtakevii. For instance, the largest old passenger liners, like the Olympic and the Titanic, burned 620 tonnes of coal per day at 21.7 knots on average.viii The main reasons for the decrease in consumption lie in the improved energy efficiency of the fleet (note the phasing out of steam ships) and the reduction in speed and installed power in certain types of vessels. For our purposes, we consider the hourly consumption of each ship on the basis of 200 g/kW per hour. Because almost all ships mentioned here are propelled by four-stroke diesel engines, the final consumption rate depends on the main engine output and working rate. Engine type Diesel Turbine oil Turbine coal Steam engine oil Steam engine coal Reported SFC in g/kWh 200-240 290-305 700 Table 2. Specific fuel consumption for different engine and fuel types (Source Endresen et al. A historical reconstruction of ships’ fuel consumption and emissions 2007) Although the total fuel consumption rate depends on the engine’s maximum output, the average power is assumed to be 85% of MCR (Maximum Continuous Rate) of installed power. However, the average main engine load and speed vary dramatically for different ship types. Some authors have reported an average load of 80% MCR based on statistical data. For example, bulk carriers tend to have slightly lower average values (72% MCR) than tankers (84% MCR). Accordingly, load can range from about 60% MCR up to 95% MCR for the analyzed shipsix. For our purposes, the selected engine load was fixed to 80% of engine load when sailing and 20% for time spent at ports due to operations.x e) The emission factors considered are taken from the REALISE database. The following table shows the necessary data and the initial data obtained needed for calculate the external costs. Origin Destination Route Obligatory data Data obtained Road unimodal distance (km) Maritime distance (km) Road intermodal distance (km) Ship's Name Linear meters Speed of ship (in knots and km/h) Ship's Power (kW) Number of FEU (theoretical) Load Factor (SHIP) Hours of navigation by SSS Type of ship Fuel consumption (kg/h) Fuel consumption (kg/h) SHIP Load (truck) - maximum 25 Tm LOAD FACTOR (TRUCK) Table 3. Calculation of initial data and results obtained for any route and any ship The above data allow assessment of the external costs for the entire unimodal (road) and intermodal chains in the selected route. The expected results will be assessed on the comparison of a carried FEU by intermodal and unimodal, modes. Of course, the ship emissions are divided by the number of trucks while supplying the cost per FEU of the sea leg. By adding the external costs of sea legs, the external cost of the total intermodal chain should be obtained. This value is then compared with that of the road-only chain and the difference provides the external cost savings (if any) per FEU and trip. Finally, these savings are divided by road distance and the resulting figure is the economic savings per FEU and kilometre not travelled. Potential savings (€) per FEU Savings (€) per FEU and road km not traveled Table 4. Total external costs savings obtained by comparison of the unimodal and intermodal solutions, taking the 200 g/h kW consumption rate (Source: Own, based on pricing costs from REALISE, 2005). In the end a database (Figure 2) with all the above calculations would allow to the user a rapid comparison between new or existing unimodal and multimodal routes by either selecting a vessel currently serving a Short Sea Shipping route or introducing the necessary values for the calculation of a new ship. Figure 2. Initial Screen of the database for the calculation of the SSS viability analysis (Source: Own) Further, new routes may be analysed introducing the sea and road distances, truck and vessel load factors can be modified and data of ships under construction can be introduced to assess the feasibility of Short Sea Shipping. Figure 3. General report obtained of the database for the calculation of the SSS viability analysis (Source: Own) The possibility to propose some kind of environmental bonus by the administration to promote the sea option will be analysed in the project. The base hypothesis has been settles as follows: 1. Define of the existing routes which are currently exploited by European and Spanish shipping companies and with origin and destination in several European and Spanish ports has been conducted. 2. The minimum frequency to select a sea line is to call at least once per week in a Spanish port. 3. Two areas where the maritime lines have similar sea and road distances has been defined, i.e. Mediterranean and Atlantic, corresponding exactly with two of the four defined motorways of the sea, proposed in the van Miert report (April 2003) as a priority Project in the TEN-Txi. In this sense, we see that the defined routes in the Atlantic Arc would be covered in the Western Europe Motorway, and the ones in the Mediterranean Arc, would be included in the West Mediterranean motorway. It will be assessed a correlation among all the ships, carrying out the same route , obtaining the most favourable condition represented by a ship and also an average to obtain all the values offered by the considered ships. This process will be repeated in every route, getting an average external unitary cost by carried FEU, the potential savings by each carried FEU by sea way, and the equivalent potential saving per FEU and road kilometre not done, by each possible route in the Atlantic and Mediterranean arcs. EXPECTED RESULTS FROM THE ANALYSIS Comparison of the results obtained for each maritime zone reveals that both have rather similar mean cost values. The mean values of average routes in the Mediterranean and Atlantic zones are: Average external cost savings per FEU and kilometre of road not travelled Mediterranean route Atlantic route 0,24 0,21 Table 5. Average external cost savings per FEU and kilometre of road not travelled of the Mediterranean and Atlantic routes. (Own source) A slight advantage of the Mediterranean arc can always be observed, particularly in the annual results since, in the case of trips, weekly frequencies increase, implying more annual trips and greater accumulated savings. A discount calculated by multiplying the constant found by the number of kilometres of road not travelled could be offered to carriers covering any new Short Sea Shipping route between Spain and Europe to be implemented or on already operating susceptible of being included in one of the above zones. Moreover, economic and environmental costs would decline and road traffic would be alleviated. CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH The savings in external costs, could justify some public grants as an economic incentive to convince the user to utilize the maritime transport. The exact quantity of the bonus would depend on the route and ship type and could be evaluated by the above proposed method that is, obtaining a savings figure per kilometer not travelled by road. This figure could account for 20% of ship fares. Moreover, fuel tire wear and driver salary and driving time costs would be reduced. Ships should improve the operational and environmental efficiency of their engines in order to be capable to compete with road transport. An example is the environmental bonus offered by the Italian government in several routes to endorse trailers and trucks boarding ships instead of covering routes by road only. This action has also been taken by the Basque autonomous government in Spain, which assures that the sea option has been increased by 20% in the funded lines. i According to La Fundación Transpirenaica. El transporte a través del Pirineo. European Commission. COM (2001) 370. European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to Decide. Brussels iii Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78. (1998). Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships and NOx Technical Code. IMO Publication. ISBN 928060893. London, United Kingdom. iv Chengfeng, W. et al. (2007). The costs and benefits of reducing SO2 emissions from ships in the US West Coastal waters. Transportation Research Part D 12. v Lloyd, M.; Vassallo, W. (2005). Realise Project: Regional Action for Logistical Integration of Shipping across Europe. WP 3 – Environmental Impact Analyses. Final Report. Disponible en: vi Trailer length is considered 19.5 meters, as stated by the EC Directive 2002 of 18th February 2002 as maximum length for an articulated trailer of 16.5m, 1.5 meters being added between trucks. vii Data obtained from the Emission Inventory Guidebook (EIG) on the COPERT III calculation model (2002). viii Encyclopaedia Titanic, ix Floedstroem, E. Energy and emission factors for ships in operation. KFB Rep. (1997). Swedish Transport and Commerce Res. Board. Swedish Maritime Administration and Mariterm AB. Gothenburg. Sweden. x On page 15 of the above paper, Endresen, O. explains that the fuel consumed by auxiliary engines in ports and at sea may amount to less than 10% of installed power. We adopt a 20% figure in view of the greater amount of electric power required by a Ro/Pax ship as that considered in our study. xi The Trans European Transport Network (TEN-T) has as the main goal to promote the establishment of new freight regular connections among member states, promoting the sustainability. ii