MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING SYSTEM FOR SOLAR HIGHWAY IN CALIFORNIA Shailja Raval B.E., C.U.Shah College of Engineering & Technology, India, 2007 Krupen Amin B.E., C.U.Shah College of Engineering & Technology, India, 2005 PROJECT Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO FALL 2009 MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING SYSTEM FOR SOLAR HIGHWAY IN CALIFORNIA A Project by Shailja Raval Krupen Amin Approved by: __________________________________________________, Committee Chair Dr. John C. Balachandra ___________________________________________________, Second Reader Dr. Fethi Belkhouche ________________________________ Date ii Students: Shailja Raval Krupen Amin I certify that these students have met the requirements for format contained in the university format manual and that this project is suitable for shelving in the library and credits to be rewarded for the Project. _______________________________, Graduate Coordinator Dr. Preetham B. Kumar iii _______________ Date Abstract of MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING SYSTEM FOR SOLAR HIGHWAYS IN CALIFORNIA by Shailja Raval Krupen Amin This project is about generation of power through the solar panels in Californian highways and storing it in a storage system. The plan is to build up charging stations for electric vehicles on highways and this stored form of energy can be used in these charging stations which would be helpful in charging of hybrid and electric cars that pass through the highways. It would boost the usage of electric vehicles. We could also use the generated electricity to light the interchange at night as it was implemented by the Oregon Solar Highway Project. A lot of energy saving could be done if we implement the installation of the solar panels on the highways. Our main focus in this project would be to determine the solar insolation levels for different targeted areas, getting estimates on the generation of electricity on the basis of different conditions prevailing in those areas and on the maximum power point tracking system for the PV (Photovoltaic) cells in different conditions which helps to maximize the power output of the solar panel. We iv would be using Matlab for doing our simulations for the solar insolation and Maximum Power Point Tracking System. We would also be using the NREL data for our Calculations for different areas to determine the estimates. _________________________________________________ , Committee Chair Dr. John C. Balachandra _______________________ Date v TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………………….. vi List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………...viii List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………...... x Chapters 1. INTRODUCTION……………………………........................................................ 1 1.1 Basics Of Solar Cells………………………………………………….3 1.2 Physics Of Solar Cells………………………………………………...7 1.3 Solar Array’s…………………………………………………………10 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF A PV MODULE…………………………………….. 12 2.1 Types Of Solar Panels………………………………………………. 12 2.2 Electrical Connections Of The Modules……………………………..15 2.3 Tilt Angle And Orientation…………………………………………. 16 2.4 Sun Tracking Concentrator System………………………………… 17 2.5 Shading……………………………………………………………... 18 3. CALCULATIONS AND SIMULATIONS…………………………………….. 20 3.1 Calculation Of Solar Power Output On Highways Of California……20 3.2 Solar Insolation Calculation………………………………………… 21 3.3 Simulation Results For Solar Insolation………………………...….. 22 3.4 Estimations For The Favorable Site For Building Solar Panels…..... 26 3.5 Maximum Power Point Technique…………………………………. 32 vi 3.6 P&O Simulation Results For Different Values Of Insolation……… 34 3.7 P&O Simulation Results For Different Value Of Temperature…….. 38 3.8 Array Size Calculation……………………………………………… 40 4. SIMULATION CODES AND RESULTS……………………………………... 43 4.1 MATLAB Code For I-V Characteristic Of Solar Cell For Different Values Of Insoaltions And Temperature…………………………… 43 4.2 Matlab Code For Maximum Power Point Tracking system……….. 45 4.3 MATLAB Code For Solar Insolation…………………….……….... 47 4.4 Results………………………………………………………….…… 48 References………………………………………………………………………. 50 vii LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. Figure 1 Oregon Solar Highway……………………………………………….... 2 2. Figure 2 Formation of a solar array……………………………………………… 3 3. Figure 3 Photovoltaic cell showing surface contact patterns……………………. 4 4. Figure 4 A solar module and its connection in series……………………………. 4 5. Figure 5: Solar Cell equivalent to a battery……………………………………… 6 6. Figure 6: Cross section of a p-n homojunction cell……………………………… 8 7. Figure 7: Generation and movement of free carriers in a p-n junction solar cell…9 8. Figure 8: Insolation graph for Sacramento region……………………………… 22 9. Figure 9: Insolation graph for Fresno region…………………………………… 23 10. Figure 10: Insolation graph for San Diego Region……………………………... 24 11. Figure 11: Insolation graph for Daggett Region ……………………………….. 25 12. Figure 12: P&O algorithm……………………………………………………… 33 13. Figure 13: Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 250W/m² and Temp = 25ºC……………………………………………………………………. 34 14. Figure 14: Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 500W/m² and Temp = 25ºC…………………………………………………………………… 35 15. Figure:15 Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 750W/m² and Temp = 25ºC…………………………………………………………………… 36 16. Figure:16 Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 1000W/m² and Temp = 25ºC………………………………………………………………….. 37 17. Figure 17 Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 250 W/m² and Temp = 25ºC………………………………………………………………….. 38 viii 18. Figure 18 Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 250 W/m² and Temp = 50ºC………………………………………………………………….. 39 19. Figure 19 Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 250 W/m² and Temp = 75ºC …………………………………………………………………. 40 ix LIST OF TABLES Pages 1. Table 1 Comparison between solar cell and conventional battery………………. 6 2. Table 2 PV System Specification for all regions……………………………….. 27 3. Table 3 Sacramento Area Readings…………………………………………….. 28 4. Table 4 Fresno Area Readings………………………………………………….. 29 5. Table 5 San Diego Area Readings……………………………………………… 30 6. Table 6 Daggett Area Readings………………………………………………… 31 7. Table 7 Current Values defined for different value of Insolation………………. 48 8. Table 8 Current Values defined for different value of Insolation (2)……………. 49 x xi 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Scarcity of energy resources is a burning topic in today’s time. Due to extensive use of energy resources there has arouse a need to use natural methods to create energy to protect the extinct of energy resources and also help in reducing pollution. Our project is targeting to one such renewable method. The project is about generation of power through the solar panels in Californian highways and storing it in a storage system. The plan is to build up charging stations for electric vehicles on highways and this stored form of energy can be used in these charging stations which would be helpful in charging of hybrid and electric cars that pass through the highways. Doing this would increase the usage of electric cars for even longer runs. It would boost the usage of electric vehicles and henceforth the consumption of fuel would be decreased. This produced energy could also be used to light up the highway at nights and that can save a lot of electricity being used. There is much more that could be extracted from this power plant. Our main focus in this project would be to determine the solar insolation levels for the targeted areas, getting estimates on the generation of electricity on the basis of different conditions prevailing in those areas and on the maximum power point tracking system for the PV (Photovoltaic) cells in different conditions which helps to maximize the power output of the solar panel. 2 California is blessed with abundant sunlight and we should make efficient use of that energy available. In 2008, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) completed the nation’s first solar photovoltaic project in the highway. It used the energy to light the interchange at night. The innovative idea of using that energy in building a charging station is being proposed to increase the usage of electric vehicles so they can be used for longer commute. The solar panels would be builded alongside the highway. Below is an image of one such solar power plant that was built in Oregon. Figure1: Oregon Solar Highway [12] 3 1.1 Basics Of Solar Cell We would be digging into the basics of solar array’s and would explore that how is it possible to generate power from them. The basic part of the solar array is a solar cell. Solar cells are made of semiconductor material, such as silicon. A number of solar cells electrically connected to each other and mounted in a support structure or frame is called a photovoltaic module. The term photovoltaic system is from Greek word of light “Photo” and the physicist “Volta” (the inventor of electric battery). It is applied to direct conversion of light into energy by means of solar cells. These modules supply electricity at a certain voltage. The current produced is directly dependent on how much light strikes the module. Figure2: Formation of a solar array [1] 4 Multiple modules can be wired together to form an array. The larger the area of a module or array, the more electricity would be produced. These arrays would be used in building up solar panels on the highways. The solar cell is the basic building block of solar photovoltaics. Solar cell is a two terminal device. We can consider it just as a diode in the dark and it is in its active state when it’s in sunlight. It generates a photo voltage when it is charged by sun. It is basically a thin slice of semiconductor material around 100 cm2 in area. It appears dark blue or black in color. A pattern of metal contacts is imprinted on the surface to make electrical contact; this unit is shown in fig (3). When this unit is charged by sun it generates a dc photo voltage of 0.5 to 1 volt and when it is in short circuit mode it is Figure 3 : Photovoltaic cell showing surface contact patterns [2] Figure 4 : A solar module and its connection in series [2] able to generate around ten’s of milliamps per cm2. The voltage acquired from this cell is too small for many applications to run and hence these cells are connected together in 5 series and encapsulated into modules. A module generally contains 28 to 30 cells in series and this module would be able to generate around 12V in standard illumination conditions (fig 4). Now according to the power demanded by the application, these modules can now be connected in parallel or series to form an array to obtain larger voltage and current output. [2] In simple electric terms the solar cell can take place of a battery. In the dark its just like Figure 5: Solar Cell equivalent to a battery [2] Fig (a) and does nothing. When light falls, the solar cell gets switched and behaves like fig (b) creating voltage and e.m.f, analogous to the e.m.f to the battery. The voltage developed when the terminals are isolated (infinite load resistance) is known as the open circuit voltage (Voc). When the terminals are connected together a current is developed which is known as the short circuit current (Isc). Hence for any load resistance Rl the cell develops a voltage V between Voc and 0 and is capable of delivering current I based on V=IRl. Thus we can determine both I and V depending on the intensity of illumination and the load. [2] 6 We discussed the basic behavior of the solar cell. According to that aspect at this point it would come in everyone’s mind that solar cell and conventional battery are both similar. But that is not true; we would briefly describe the differences between a solar cell and a conventional battery. SOLAR CELL CONVENTIONAL BATTERY Solar cell derives its e.m.f from a temporary change in electrochemical potential caused by light. Power delivered by the solar cell is dependent on incident light intensity and not primarily on the load. Solar cell is never exhausted, as it can be continually recharged with light. The solar cell is characterized on the illumination source and hence Isc and Voc must be quoted for a known spectrum. It is modeled electrically as a current generator. The e.m.f of a battery is due to the permanent electrochemical potential difference between two phases in the cell. Power delivered by the battery to a constant load resistance is relatively constant. Battery is completely discharged when it reaches the end of life. The battery is characterized by its e.m.f, its charge capacity and by a polarization curve (determines how e.m.f varies with current) and is modeled electrically as a voltage generator. Table 1: Comparison between solar cell and conventional battery 7 1.2 Physics Of Solar Cells: As we all now know that solar cells are made up of silicon. When silicon is stripped of all impurities it makes an ideal neutral platform for the transmission of electrons. Silicon also has some atomic level properties which make it more attractive for the creation of solar panels. Silicon atoms have room for 8 electrons in the outer band, but carry only four in their natural state hence it has room for four more electrons. If one silicon atom contacts another silicon atom, each receives the other atom’s four electrons. This eventually creates a strong bond, there is no positive or negative charge present because the eight electrons satisfy the atom’s needs. Silicon atoms can combine for years to result in a large piece of pure silicon. This is the material which is used to form the plates of solar panels. Just two plates of silicon are not able to generate electricity because they do not possess positive or negative charge. Hence they are created by combining silicon with other elements that do have positive or negative charges like for example phosphorous and boron. The solar cells contain a junction between two different materials across which has a ‘built-in’ electric field. When light is absorbed by the solar cell, they create mobile electrons and holes. They flow in opposite directions across the junction. In this manner the flow of absorbed photons is then converted into a flow of DC power from the illuminated cell. The solar cell is made up of a large area of p-n junction made from silicon. Usually the solar cells are made by diffusing an n-type do pant into one side of a p-type wafer (or vice versa). 8 If p-type silicon and n-type silicon are placed in intimate contact with each other then a diffusion of electrons occurs from n-type side of junction because it is has high electron concentration into p-type side of junction because it has a low electron concentration. When the electrons diffuse across the p-n junction, they recombine with holes on the ptype side. An electric field is created by the imbalance of charge immediately on either side of the junction and hence the diffusion of carriers does not happen indefinitely. The electric field established across the p-n junction creates a diode that promotes charge flow, known as drift current, and it eventually balances the diffusion of electron and holes. The region where electrons and holes have diffused across the junction is called the depletion region because it no longer contains any mobile charge carriers. It is also known as the space charge region. The structure as a whole remains electrically neutral, but the junction region contains an electric double layer, consisting of two space-charge regions or depletion regions as shown in the fig 6. The depletion regions are typically less than a Figure 6: Cross section of a p-n homojunction cell [3] 9 Micron thick and the chares they contain are those of the ionized dopants. The generation and movement of free carriers in a p-n junction solar cell is shown in the fig below, it shows the working of an illuminated c-Si cell. The absorption of photons of energy Figure 7: Generation and movement of free carriers in a p-n junction solar cell [3] greater than the band-gap energy of silicon promotes electrons from the valence band to the conduction band, creating hole-electron pairs throughout the illuminated part of the cell, which in c-si cells extends well into the base layer. In c-Si and most other semiconductors, these hole-electron pairs quickly dissociate into ‘free’ carriers – mobile holes and electrons that move independently of each other. Those free carriers that approach the junction come under the influence of the built-in electric field, which sweeps electrons from the p to the n side, and holes from the n to the p side. [3] 10 1.3 Solar Array’s: A solar array also known as photovoltaic array is a linked collection of photovoltaic modules. These modules are made up of a collection of solar cells. The cell converts solar energy into direct current electricity via the photovoltaic effect. The electrical requirements of a home or a business can be taken care of by one such module, hence the modules should be linked together to form an array to support huge demands. Most PV array’s use an inverter to convert the DC power produced by the modules by the alternating current so that it could be plugged into the existing infrastructure to power lights, motors and other loads. The modules in a PV array are usually first connected in series to obtain the desired voltage. Then they are connected in parallel to allow the system to produce more current. The measurement of solar arrays is done by the peak electrical power they produce, in watts, kilowatts or even megawatts. [7] Solar arrays are the best source of creating renewable energy resource. PV is the second fastest growing energy technology in the world. But as every coin has its two sides it does have a few drawbacks. The first being its intermittence and seasonality of sunlight. It would be able to generate power only when sunlight is available. The lack of inexpensive and efficient methods to store electrical energy, and the poor match between the solar and electrical demand peaks in many locations and applications, are the main hurdles for PV. The other aspect is its low power density. The solar power received at Earth’s surface, averaged over day and night, winter and summer varies from around 100 W m-s in temperate locations to about 300 Wm-2 in Sunbelt regions. The solar technologies hence require areas to be covered by solar converters or by optical 11 concentrators coupled to solar converters, for substantial amounts of power to be generated. Hence it brings us to another drawback of solar energy is its cost. Manufacture of most cell types requires careful control of semiconductor growth and purity and many processing steps. The PV systems are expensive. The high costs for PV- generated electricity are often compared unfavorably with typical retail prices for grid electricity which make them a better choice than PV because it seems expensive in locations with immediate access to the grid, where distribution costs are subsidized. The PV system is an emerging technology its ignorance is one of its main drawback. Even if customers are aware of the benefits of the benefits of PV they seldom take it into consideration and end up in buying the regular category of products that uses conventional electricity. [3] 12 Chapter 2 CHARACTERISTICS OF A PV MODULE Effects Of Temperature On Solar Panels 2.1 Types Of Solar Panels: All the solar Panels are affected by temperature. By all it means there are different kinds of solar panels available in the market. The three most common types of solar panels available are Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline and Amorphous. We would go in a little bit detail for these types of solar panels. Monocrystalline: These are made from a single large crystal and are cut from ingots. They are considered as most efficient and along with that are the most expensive. They are better in low light conditions. Polycrystalline: These are cast blocks of silicon which contain many small crystals. These are the most common types in the market at this point. They are less efficient than a single crystal but when they are put together with other cells rounding up to around 35 or more cells the actual difference between watts per square foot is not that much. Amorphous: These are also known as thin film. They consist of large plates or flexible laminates and silicon is directly spread on those. They are less efficient and are very cheap compared to the other types and hence this sums up to use more panels of amorphous to derive the same power. Uni solar is one example. [4] Hence the effect of temperature in all these would be different according to the type of the solar cell. But the operation for all of these remains the same. 13 We would now dig deep into the role played by the temperature in the solar panels. The solar cells are encapsulated into a PV module. One of its unwanted characteristics is that due to the encapsulation disturbs the heat flow into and out of the PV module which increases the operating temperature of the PV module. The increase in temperature in turn reduces the voltage and eventually lowers the output power. Due to the increase in temperature stresses associated with thermal expansion increases and it increases degradation rates by a factor of about two for each 10 C increase in temperature. We can determine the operating system of a module by equilibrium between the heat produced by the PV module, the heat lost to the environment and the ambient operating temperature. The heat produced by the module depends on the operating point of the module, the optical properties of the module and solar cells, and the packing density of the solar cells in the PV module. The heat lost can proceed via one of the three mechanisms; conduction, convention and radiation. These mechanisms depend on the thermal resistance of the module materials, the emissive properties of the PV module and the ambient condition in which the module is mounted. [5] We would now see how heat is generated into the PV modules. As we all are aware when a PV module is exposed to electricity it produces both heat and electricity. For a commercial PV module operating at its maximum power point, only 10 to 15% of the incident sunlight is converted into electricity and the remainder gets converted into heat. The factors that affect the heat of the module are: [5] The electrical operating point of the module : 14 The fraction of light that is generated into electricity in a solar module is the electrical operating point or the efficiency of the PV module. If the module is operating in short circuit current or open circuit voltage than all power generated by the module is converted into heat and no electricity is produced. The packing density of the solar cells The design of solar cells is done as such they can absorb maximum solar radiation. The cells would generate heat usually higher than the module encapsulated and rear backing layer. Therefore, a higher packing factor of solar cells increases the generated heat per unit area. Absorption of low energy (infrared) light in the module or solar cells Light can be of different type, the one that has an energy below that of the band gap of the solar cells is not able to contribute to electrical power. When this light is absorbed by solar cells it would contribute in heating. The aluminum present at the rear of the solar cells usually absorbs this infrared light and in the solar cells which do not have this coverage the infrared passes through the solar cells and exits from the module. The reflection from the top surface of the module The sunlight that is reflected from the front surface of the module is not helpful in generating electrical power. We need to minimize such light as it contributes to the electrical loss mechanism. The reflected light does not contribute to the heating of the modules. We can calculate the maximum power rise by multiplying incident power and 15 reflection. Usually we have a glass top surface on the PV modules adding that factor the reflected light contains about 4% of the incident energy. Absorption of sunlight by the PV module in regions which are not covered by solar cells: The amount of light absorbed by the parts of the module other than the solar cells also is a contributor to the generation of heat. The amount of light absorbed and reflected is determined by the color and material of the rear backing layer of the module.[5] 2.2 Electric Connection Of The Modules [6]: A number of modules can be connected in series string to increase the voltage level, in parallel to increase the current level or in a combination of two. The current and voltage requirements of the load circuitry fed by the system output decide the exact configuration. If we match the interconnected modules in respect with their outputs we can maximize the efficiency of an array. One shaded module in a series connected string could act as a load in the same manner a shaded solar cell in a module can act as a load. Considering it within the cell, the damage can take place due to the heat produced by the current that flows through the module. As such the severity of the problem does vary according to the number of the modules in the string and also the partial shading of the string depending on the system design and location. The damage caused by the shading situation can be overcome by inserting by pass diodes. The bypass diode is connected in parallel with the module and if a module is shaded the current flows through the diode rather than through the module. 16 The addition of bypass diodes adds cost and also reduces the output of the string by a small amount due to the voltage that is dropped across the diode. If there are large modules the bypass diodes are incorporated in the manufacturing stage by placing several diodes protecting different sections. This reduces the need for extra wiring but it becomes an issue to replace the diode in a case of a failure. In systems where shading reduces the output of one of the strings substantially below that of the others, they normally include a blocking diode connected in series with each string. This prevents the current from the remainder of the array being fed through the shaded string and causing damage. Including blocking diodes reduces the output of the system but provides protection. The design of the system, protection from shading and many other aspects decide whether the use of blocking or bypass diodes is beneficial. 2.3 Tilt Angle And Orientation [6]: The intensity of the sunlight falling on a modules surface can be measured by the orientation of the module with respect to the direction of the sun. The tilt angle and the azimuth angle are the two main parameters that describe this factor. The tilt angle is the angle between the plane of the module and the horizontal and the Azimuth angle is the angle between the plane of the module and due south (or sometimes due north depending on the definitions used). We can determine the correction of the direct normal irradiance to that on any surface using the cosine of the angle between the normal to the sun and the module plane. 17 The optimum array orientation depends on the latitude of the site, prevailing weather conditions or the loads to be met. For low latitudes the maximum annual output is obtained when the array tilt angle is roughly equal to the latitude angle and the array faces due south (in the northern hemisphere) or due north for the southern hemisphere. The optimum tilt angle is affected by the proportion of diffused radiation in the sunlight, since diffuse light is only weakly directional. For locations with a high proportion of diffuse sunlight, the effect of tilt angle is reduced. If a constant or reasonably constant load is to be met or particularly if the winter load is higher than the summer load, then the best tilt angle may be higher in order to boost winter output. The incorporation in the support structure plays an important role in deciding on the array orientation. It is necessary to trade off the additional output from the optimum orientation against any additional costs that might be added to accomplish this. The aesthetic issues must also be considered. 2.4 Sun Tracking/Concentrator Systems [6]: The flat plate array uses a configuration of a fixed array with no change of orientation during operation. Some arrays are designed to track the path of the sun. We can track two axis to capture the sun’s movement fully and can only track in one axis from east to west to track the sun partially. By using a flat-plate array and single-axis tracking we can have an increase in an output up to 30% for a location with predominantly clear sky conditions. In two axis tracking where the array follows both the daily east-west and north-south movement of the sun, can provide a further increase of about 20%. For locations where frequent 18 overcast conditions prevail the benefits of tracking are considerably less. It is more economical to install a larger panel with locations of less than about 3000 hours of direct sunshine per annum. For both the cases, the additional output from the system must be compared to the additional cost of including the tracking system, which controls the control system and the mechanism of moving the array. For concentrator systems the system should be able to track the sun to maintain the concentrated light falling onto the cell. As the concentration ratio increases it increases the cost of tracking system and the accuracy of tracking. 2.5 Shading [6]: Shading in any part of the array would reduce its output. The output of any cell or module that is shaded would be reduced according to the reduction of the light intensity falling on it. If the shaded cell or module is electrically connected to other cells and modules which are unshaded then due to a mismatch situation it reduces the performance. For example, if a single module of a series string is partially shaded its current output would be reduced and it would dictate the operating point of the whole string. If there are several modules that are shaded the string voltage may be reduced to a point where the open circuit voltage of that string is below the operating point of the rest of the array, and then that string would not contribute to the array output. As discussed earlier we can include a blocking diode for this kind of string protection. The reduction in output from shading of an array can be significantly greater than the reduction in illuminated area, because it results from: The loss of output from shaded cells and modules. 19 The loss of output from illuminated modules in any severely shaded stings that cannot maintain operating voltage; and The loss of output from the remainder of an array because the strings are not operating at their individual maximum power points. In the case of an open environment in the case of the highway solar panels, shading would not that be such an issue as unlike in city areas it would not be obstructed by buildings and any other structures. The only hindrance it would cause would be the natural shading occurred due to the clouds and other aspects. 20 Chapter 3 CALCULATIONS AND SIMULATIONS 3.1 Calculation Of Solar Power Output On The Highways Of California Now we are well versed with the working and the characteristics of the solar panels. As California has abundant of sunlight energy available we are targeting 4 areas for our calculations to make fair estimates in respect with the solar insolation and the cost of generating electricity in these areas and then after analyzing the results we can come to a conclusion of where would be the best place to install the solar panels. The areas were we would be doing our calculations are Sacramento, Fresno, San Diego and Daggett. The first step to our calculation would be to have reliable solar insolation data for these locations. Once we have the solar insolation data we would be able to calculate through our code as to what amount of power output would be generated so we could come to a conclusion as to which area is most suitable for building up the solar panels. The solar insolation data could be analyzed by the simulations carried out on the basis of the geographical parameters of each area and taking their latitude into consideration. 21 3.2 Solar Insolation Calculation: I = S cos Z I = Solar Insolation S = 1000 W/m² = Clear day solar insolation on a surface perpendicular to incoming solar radiation. This value actually varies greatly due to atmospheric variables. Z = Zenith Angle (Zenith Angle is the angle from the angle from the zenith (point directly overhead to the sun’s position in the sky.) The zenith angle is dependent upon latitude, solar declination angle and time of the day. Z = cos‾¹ (sin Ø sin C + Cos Ø Cos C Cos H) Ø = Latitude H = Hour Angle (Angle of radiation due to time of day) = 15º x (Time -12) Time is given as the hour of the day from midnight C = Solar Declination Angle Solar Declination Angle for the northern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox Mar. 21/22 C = 0º Summer solstice Jun 21/22 C = +23.5º Autumnal Equinox Sept 21/22 C = 0º Winter Solstice Dec 21/22 C = -23.5º [11] 22 3.3 Simulation Results For Solar Insolation: The simulation results show us the solar insolation data on an hourly basis and as summer is the peak time for the highest solar energy available we would be taking it into consideration. Figure 8: Insolation graph for Sacramento region 23 Figure 9: Insolation graph for Fresno region 24 Figure 10: Insolation graph for San Diego Region 25 Figure 11: Insolation graph for Daggett Region From the simulation graphs we come to a conclusion that the solar insolation available in these areas is nearly close to each other and is ranging between 960 and 980. So it would not be a fair estimate to judge the locality on the basis of the solar insolation of each areas, we should dig in more into the details like insolation on a yearly basis, cost effectiveness of each area, maximum power tracking system, environmental challenges and then come to a wise conclusion. 26 3.4 Estimations For The Favorable Site For Building Solar Panels: “NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory is the nation’s primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development (R&D)” [8] . It has undergone many researches in all renewable resources. It also has an extensive database to carry out researches based on the solar energy. We contacted NREL and came across a PVWATT calculator used by them in order to specify the estimates of building up the solar photovoltaic systems in the desired area. The calculator uses the meteorological year weather data and determines the solar radiation incident on the PV array and the PV cell temperature for each hour of the year. . The calculator works by creating hour-by-hour performance simulations that provide estimated monthly and annual energy production in kilowatts.[8] As we had targeted these 5 areas we would develop calculations based on the PVWATT calculator and come with the numbers and a conclusion as to which area would be the best to install the solar panels. We would be listing the charts below based on the areas: We are assuming 1000kW output to be generated. A 2-Axis tracking system for all calculations as it gives the highest performance the only drawback it has is that it is costly. The PV specification for all the system remains the same as we are doing a comparative analysis. The cost of electricity in the whole of California remains the same being 12.5¢/kwh so the calculations for the cost measurement are done on this fixed rate. The PV specifications are also listed below: 27 PV System Specification DC Rating 1000.0kW DC to AC Derate Factor 0.770 AC Rating 770.0kW Array Type 2-Axis Tracking Table 2: PV System Specification for all regions 28 Station Details City Sacramento Latitude 38.52° N Longitude 121.50º W Elevation 8m Sacramento Area Readings Results Month Solar Radiation (kWh/m²/day) AC Energy (kWh) Energy Value ($) 1 3.14 72363 9045.38 2 5.02 103707 12963.38 3 6.61 151904 18988.00 4 8.64 189468 23683.50 5 10.11 222264 27783.00 6 11.15 234329 29291.12 7 11.25 239928 29991.00 8 10.53 22497 28121.75 9 9.22 191823 23977.88 10 7.16 156535 19566.88 Year 7.55 1954444 244305.50 Table 3: Sacramento Area Reading 29 Station Details City Fresno Latitude 36.77° N Longitude 119.72º W Elevation 100m Fresno Area Readings Results Month Solar Radiation (kWh/m²/day) AC Energy (kWh) Energy Value ($) 1 3.52 79975 9996.88 2 5.49 112704 14088.00 3 7.38 165857 20732.12 4 9.39 202560 25320.00 5 10.64 230984 28873.00 6 11.30 230769 28846.12 7 11.64 241589 30198.62 8 10.80 221863 27732.88 9 9.27 187147 23393.38 10 7.69 165371 20671.38 Year 8.00 2031522 253940.24 Table 4: Fresno Area Reading 30 Station Details City San Diego Latitude 32.73° N Longitude 117.17º W Elevation 9m San Diego Area Readings Results Month Solar Radiation (kWh/m²/day) AC Energy (kWh) Energy Value ($) 1 6.13 138172 17271.50 2 6.74 136814 17101.75 3 7.54 170694 21336.75 4 8.72 188541 23567.62 5 7.88 176924 22115.50 6 8.16 175258 21907.25 7 8.62 189038 23629.75 8 8.89 192983 24122.88 9 7.53 158404 19800.50 10 7.41 164388 20548.50 Year 7.52 1968866 246108.24 Table 5: San Diego Area Readings 31 Station Details City Daggett Latitude 34.87° N Longitude 116.78º W Elevation 588m Daggett Area Readings Results Month Solar Radiation (kWh/m²/day) AC Energy (kWh) Energy Value ($) 1 7.26 165202 20650.25 2 7.85 156764 19595.50 3 9.50 214221 26777.62 4 11.21 241118 30139.75 5 11.42 247078 30884.75 6 12.14 148975 31121.88 7 11.59 240178 30022.25 8 10.84 225358 28169.75 9 10.17 207169 25896.12 10 8.93 194040 24255.00 Year 9.61 2459570 307446.24 Table 6: Daggett Area Reading 32 From the calculations so far Sacramento seems to be the most promising as it is having the solar radiation of 7.55 Kwh/m²/day on a yearly basis and the most important factor is that it is the most cost effective from all the other areas. The availability of huge highways is also a benefit for the Sacramento region. 3.5 Maximum Power Point Technique: The selection of the site is being done. Now our major concern would be as to how we can get maximum output from the solar panels in each and every condition. To make this happen we have the Maximum Power Point Technique in the picture to give us a clear idea. A maximum power point technique is a highly efficient DC to DC converter. It functions as an optimal electrical load for a solar cell or an array. It then converts the power to a voltage or current level which is the most suitable to the designed load system. This system tracks the maximum value of current and voltage of the solar panel and gives the maximum output. [10] We are taking into consideration the P&O algorithm also known as pertube and observe algorithm for the design of this system. P&O is the most efficient algorithm and also very simple to implement on an industrial basis for the maximum power point tracking system. It is known for its simple control structure and very few measured parameters. 33 P&O Algorithm: We have made a P&O algorithm and is as below: Input V, I Power=V*I YES NO Power_New>Power YES NO NO Vref_new>V Vnew=Vref_ new+a YES Vref_new>V Vnew=Vref_ new-a Vnew=Vref_ new-a END Figure 12: P & O Algorithm Vnew=Vref_ new+a 34 3.6 P&O Simulation Results For Different Values Of Insolation: Figure 13: Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 250W/m² and Temp = 25ºC 35 Figure 14: Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 500W/m² and Temp = 25ºC 36 Figure 15: Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 750W/m² and Temp = 25ºC 37 Figure 16: Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 1000W/m² and Temp = 25ºC 38 3.7 P&O Simulation Results for different value of Temperature: Figure 17: Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 250 W/m² and Temp = 25ºC 39 Fig ure 18: Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 250 W/m² and Temp = 50ºC 40 Figure 19: Plot of Voltage Vs Power for insolation = 250 W/m² and Temp = 75ºC All the simulation results shown above give us the maximum power output in different conditions like different value of insolation and different temperatures. 3.8 Array Size Calculation: One of the major factors affecting to build up a solar power plant is to see how we can determine the size of the solar system that would be able to power up the electrical needs. In our case we would be having high electrical needs so a large number of panels should be required. Oregon was one of the first ones to install the solar highways in USA. It 41 generates 112,000 kilowatt hours (ac) annually and had a project capacity of 104 kilowatts (dc). [12] We would present a procedure of calculating the solar array size. For our assumption if we are taking into consideration a 100 amp-hours/day current to drive our load. The steps for the calculation are listed below: We multiply the current by 1.2 to account for the battery loss to the current required. 100 x 1.2 = 120 amp-hours/day Now assuming the Average sun hours per day = 3.07 kWh/hr We divide the amp-hours/day with the average sun hours per day then we have the total solar array amp required 120 ÷ 3.07 = 39.08. That is the total solar array amp required Now ideally an 80 Watt module has around 4.5 amps Therefore the total number of solar modules required in parallel are 39.08/4.5 = 8.68 that is equivalent to 9. The number of module strings to provide DC battery voltage is equal to 4 modules. 42 Hence, total number of solar modules 4 x 9 = 36. That means that 36 modules would be required in each series string to supply necessary DC battery voltage. This method is useful in calculating the array size for our [9] 43 Chapter 4 SIMULATION CODES & RESULTS 4.1 MATLAB Code For I-V Characteristic Of Solar Cell For Different Values Of Insoaltions And Temperature function I= mysolar(V,G,Tc) V= solar module voltage; I= module current G= Solar insolation (1G=1000W/m2); Tc=Cell temperature; % first define all the constant A=1.2; Vg=1.12; Sc=36; k=1.38e-23; q=1.60e-19; diode ideality factor band-gap voltage number of series cell Boltzmann’s constant electron charge temp1=298; Is_temp1=3.80; Vo_temp1=21.06/Sc; % temp. in Kelvin temp2=348; Is_temp2=3.92; Vo_temp2=17.05/Sc; % temp. in Kelvin Tr=273+25; Tw=273+Tc; % reference temp working temperature Calculate light generated current Il_temp1=Is_temp1*G; a= (Is_temp2-Is_temp1)/Is_temp1; b= 1/(temp1-temp2); 44 c= a*b; Il=Il_temp1*(1+c*(Tw-temp1)); Vt_temp1=k*temp1/q; Reverse Saturation Current At Different Temperature A1= (exp (Vo_temp1/ (A*Vt_temp1))-1); B1= (exp (Vo_temp2/ (A*Vt_temp1))-1); Ir_temp1=Is_temp1/ A1 Ir_temp2=Is_temp2/ B1 d=Vg*q/A*k; Ir=Ir_temp1*(Tw/temp1). ^ (3/A).*exp (-d.*(1./Tw-1/temp1)); X=Ir_temp1/ (A*Vt_temp1) * exp (Vo_temp1/ (A*Vt_temp1)); dvdi_Vo=-1.15/Sc/2; Rseries=-dvdi_Vo-1/X; Series Resistant Vt_2=A*k*Tw/q; Cell Voltage Cv =V/Sc; I=zeros(size(Cv)); temp=zeros(size(Cv)); Vtemp=zeros(size(Cv)); for j=1:20; I=I-(Il-I-Ir.*(exp((Cv 1)).*Rseries./Vt_2) +I.*Rseries)./Vt_2)-1))/(-1-(Ir.*(exp((Cv +I.*Rseries)./Vt_2)- 45 temp(j)=I end plot(Vtemp,temp(j)); end 4.2 Matlab Code For Maximum Power Point Tracking system. function [out]= MPPT(V); Calling the function from previous program I=mysolar (V,.G,Tc); Power=V*I; a=0.5; % constant temp1=zeros(1,40); temp2=zeros(1,40); Vref_new=V+a; for i=1:40 I_new=mysolar(Vref_new,G,Tc) Power_new=I_new* Vref_new if (Power_new<Power) if (Vref_new>V) Vnew=Vref_new-a; else Vnew=Vref_new+a; end else 46 if (Vref_new>V) Vnew=Vref_new+a; else Vnew=Vref_new-a; end end % tenp1=Power_new % temp2=Vref_new Vref_new=Vnew Power=Power_new temp1(i)=Vnew temp2(i)=Power_new end plot(temp1,temp2) xlabel ('Voltage') ylabel ('Power') Vm=V; Ia=I_new; 47 4.3 MATLAB Code For Solar Insolation function [out]=New(latitude, hour, declination); a=sin(latitude*pi/180) * sin(declination*pi/180); b=cos(latitude*pi/180) * cos(declination*pi/180) * cos(15*(hour-12)*pi/180) ; c=a+b; I=1000*c plot(hour,I); xlabel (‘Hour’) ylabel (‘Insolation W/m2) end 48 4.4 Results: Values of current that we derived from our code for different values of Insoaltion Insolation (G) = 250 W/m² i/p o/p Current Voltage (Amp) (V) 0 0.9500 1 0.9500 2 0.9500 3 0.9500 4 0.9500 5 0.9500 6 0.9500 7 0.9500 8 0.9500 9 0.9499 10 0.9498 11 0.9495 12 0.9487 13 0.9467 14 0.9418 15 0.9300 16 0.9010 17 0.8311 18 0.6674 19 0.3089 19.5 0.0022 Insolation (G) = 500 W/m² i/p o/p Current Voltage (Amp) (V) 0 1.9000 1 1.9000 2 1.9000 3 1.9000 4 1.9000 5 1.9000 6 1.9000 7 1.9000 8 1.9000 9 1.8999 10 1.8997 11 1.8983 12 1.8974 13 1.8960 14 1.8902 15 1.8761 16 1.8414 17 1.7579 18 1.5624 19 1.1340 20 0.3185 20.29 0.0100 Table 7: Current Values defined for different value of Insolation 49 Insolation (G) = 750 W/m² i/p o/p Current Voltage (Amp) (V) 0 2.8500 1 2.8500 2 2.8500 3 2.8500 4 2.8500 5 2.8500 6 2.8500 7 2.8500 8 2.8500 9 2.8499 10 2.8497 11 2.8492 12 2.8481 13 2.8454 14 2.8387 15 2.8222 16 2.7819 17 2.6848 18 2.4574 19 1.9591 20 1.0107 20.73 0.01 Insolation (G) = 1000 W/m² i/p o/p Current Voltage (Amp) (V) 0 3.8000 1 3.8000 2 3.8000 3 3.8000 4 3.8000 5 3.8000 6 3.8000 7 3.8000 8 3.8000 9 3.7999 10 3.7996 11 3.7991 12 3.7979 13 3.7947 14 3.7871 15 3.7683 16 3.7223 17 3.6116 18 3.3523 19 2.7842 20 1.7028 21 0.1043 21.05 0.0220 Table8: Current Values defined for different value of Insolation (2) 50 REFRENCES [1] How do photovoltaics work? [2] Physics of solar panels: [3] Series of Photoconversion of Solar Energy -- Vol 1. Clean electricity from photovoltaics By Mary D.Archer, Robert Hill Imperial College Press [4] Innovative Solar: [5] Photovoltaics CDROM Christiana Honsberg and Stuart Bowden: [6] Photovoltaic Modules, Systems and Applications Nicola M. Pearsall and Robert Hill [7] [8] National Renewable Energy Laboratory: [9] AMECO: A Solar Energy source for Southern California Since 1974 [10] [11] [12] 51 [13] Evaluating MPPT Converter Topologies using PV Models [14] Advance Algorithm of MPPT Control of Photovoltaic systems. f [15] [16] 52