Updated 12/2013 Constitution Template

Updated 12/2013
Constitution Template
This document is intended to serve as a template for you to follow when drafting a constitution
for your organization. Your actual constitution should be expanded and modified, as long as the
group abides by all state and federal laws, rules and regulations of the University and Student
Activities & Greek Affairs. Keep in mind that an organization’s constitution should allow for
year-to-year continuity, outline the basic rules governing the organization, and address the
procedure for various situations that may arise within an organization.
The bolded portions of this template are the aspects that should be addressed in each
constitution. The content in the (parentheses) is left open because it will vary extensively by
organization. Please refer to the sample constitution to see some of these sections fully
Article I – Name and Purpose
Section 1
The name of this organization shall be… (Provide complete, official name,
specific and variations on the name which the organization might use in the
business it conducts.
Section 2
The purpose of this organization shall be to… (Be as detailed as possible since
your group will be limited to the purpose listed here. Use action words such as:
promote, develop, and serve)
Section 3
National Affiliations? (Identify, if any, affiliations with national, regional, etc.
groups and specify what the relationship is between the local group and the other
Article II – Non-Discrimination Statement
Section 1. Non-discrimination Statement**
Article III – Membership
Section 1
Requirements for Membership… (List the qualifications, requirements, rights,
duties, and all other conditions for membership in the organization. If desired,
include benefits and privileges of membership. Specify if dues are to be affiliated
with membership).
Section 2
Removal of Members… (Describe the grounds that may terminate membership
and the process to be carried out if such a situation arises)
Section 3
Appeal of Removal of Members… (Explain the process by which a member may
appeal their removal from the organization)
Article IV - Officers
Section 1
Elected Officers: (State the number of officers and their titles. RSOs are required
to have, at minimum, a president, treasurer and CAN representative).
Section 2
Qualifications for Holding Office: (If any; GPA requirement, necessary
experience, etc.)
Section 3
Elections: (Explain when elections will be held as well as the nomination, election,
and transition processes)
Section 4
Duties of Officers: (Thoroughly list and describe the responsibilities of each
individual officer)
Section 5
Vacancy of an Office: (How the organization will handle an unfilled position, who
will handle the respective responsibilities, etc.)
Section 6
Changes in Officers: (All changes in officers shall be submitted to Student
Activities & Greek Affairs via OrgSync within two weeks of such a change.)
Section 1
Article V - Meetings
Meetings: (Describe and outline terms for business meetings, non-business
meetings, and executive board meetings).
Section 2
Special Meetings: (Describe purpose and procedure for calling a special meeting).
Section 3
Quorum: (Explain what the organization will consider quorum {the minimum
number of members present to proceed with a business meeting}).
Section 1
Article VI – Advisors
Agreement and Expectations
A. The _____ club shall maintain at least one full time faculty or staff advisor at all
times, per the requirement set out for all registered student organizations by
Student Activities and Greek Affairs.
B. The advisor shall: (list expectations for advisor, including attendance at events
and meetings)
C. Any changes in advisor shall be submitted to Student Activities & Greek Affairs
via OrgSync within two weeks of such a change
Section 1
Article VII – Anti-Hazing
Anti-hazing Statement***
Article VIII - Amendments
Section 1
A. A proposed amendment to this constitution shall be presented to the members
at least _____ weeks prior to the meeting at which the vote shall be held.
B. Ratification of an amendment to this constitution shall require a _________(1/2,
2/3, ¾, majority) of the voting membership of the voting members present at a
regularly scheduled business meeting of the organization.
**No student is to be excluded from membership or participation on the basis of his or her race,
color, genetic information, creed, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, age, veteran’s status, marital status, political affiliation or physical, mental or medical
disability unrelated to the purpose of the organization. Discriminatory behavior regarding
organizational activities or the actions of members is a violation of University policy and may be
addressed by the University as inappropriate.
***The ___________ Club considers hazing to be a destructive and degrading activity which is
inconsistent with the standards of this student organization. Hazing, defined as, “…any
intentional or reckless action or situation, created to produce emotional or physical discomfort,
harassment, humiliation or ridicule”, is strictly prohibited the _____________ club recognizes the
dignity of every individual and opposes all forms of hazing.