Precision Measurements (with electrons and neutrons) Betsy Beise University of Maryland parity violating electron scattering weak NN interactions neutron beta decay electric dipole moments (probably won’t cover) June 2008 1 Elizabeth Beise, U Md caveats • these topics reflect my personal expertise and interest, and by no means the breadth of the field • there are many precision measurements; some measurements I discuss are not “precise”. All involve the weak interaction. • I’m an experimentalist: my focus will be on experimental techniques June 2008 2 Elizabeth Beise, U Md some references • General: – “Subatomic Physics 3rd edition”, Henley & Garcia (2007) – “Quarks & Leptons”, Halzen & Martin – “Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics”, Cahn & Goldhaber • PV electron scattering: – M.J. Musolf et al., Phys. Rep. 239 (1994) 1. – E. Beise, M.L. Pitt and D.T. Spayde, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 54 (2005) 289. – M. Pitt, NNPSS Lecture notes (Bar Harbor, ME) • Neutrons: – J. Nico and W.M. Snow, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 55 (2005) 27. – M.J. Ramsey-Musolf & S. Page, Ann. Rev. of Nucl. Part. Sci. 56 (2006) 1. – NNPSS 2007 Lecture notes, G. Greene. Thanks for slides, photos, etc.: B. Filippone, P. Mumm, J. Nico, K. Pashke, M. Pitt, X. Zheng, P. Reimer, H. Gao, J. Martin, and many others June 2008 3 Elizabeth Beise, U Md “The Fall of Parity” from the NIST virtual museum T.D. Lee & C.N. Yang, Phys. Rev. 104 (1956) 254. (October 1956) Co60Ni e e 60 C.-S. Wu, E. Ambler, R. W. Hayward, D. D. Hoppes, and R. P. Hudson, Phys Rev 105 (1957) 1413. (January 1957) June 2008 4 Elizabeth Beise, U Md The 60Co experiment (go to the NIST museum!) pseudoscalar J pe <J> = average nuclear polarization of 60Co (in B-field and low T (0.01K) anisotropy of g’s measures the degree of pol’n of 60Ni (now used for thermometry – see F. Pobell, “Matter and Methods at Low Temperature”) June 2008 5 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Weak interactions involving nucleons (and electrons) • electron scattering • neutron decay u d Z e d n N use well-understood target (nucleon) to perform precision test of EW physics e • weak NN interactions Z,W OR use weak force to probe new aspects of strong interaction June 2008 W u d p u e EXPERIMENTAL SIGNATURE IS VIOLATION OF PARITY 6 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Neutral current e-quark interactions PV SM L GF 2 C 5 e g g e q g q C e g e q g g q 1q 5 2q q A x V V x A product of V and A violates parity Ciq’s are “weak charges” of quarks (1=“vector”, 2=“axial”) If scattering directly from quarks, can measure these, e.g. 1 4 C1u sin 2 W 2 3 If scattering from a nucleon, have to take into account that quarks are bound inside nucleon via strong interaction to disentangle the Ciq’s: these are typically embedded in nucleon “form factors” June 2008 7 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Elastic electron (electromagnetic) scattering from nucleons quark “charges” are buried in nucleon form factors d E 1 Mott GE2 (Q 2 ) GM2 (Q 2 ) d E (1 ) G N e qg q e' e Q ( , q ) qN 4 u 1 d 1 s G GE GE GE 3 3 3 2 u 2 d 1 s n GE GE GE GE 3 3 3 p E = Q2/4M2 = [1+2(1+)tan2(/2)]-1 contributions to charge, similar for magnetism GE and GM for both proton and neutron are now very well known via precision electron scattering exps. But not enough information to disentangle individual quark pieces from these alone. June 2008 8 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Weak nucleon form factors point-like fermions: ieQ f g EM : Qf 0 gM Z Weak : i g gVf g Af g 5 4M W gVf gAf 1 1 e, 1 u,c,t +2/3 1 8/3 sin2W 1 d,s,b 1/3 1 + 4/3 sin2W +1 1 + 4 sin2W +1 nucleons: 2 4 sin G 1 4 sin G G uE ,,Mp 3 4 sin 2 W G gE ,,Mp G EZ,,Mp G Ed,,Mp G Es ,,Mp J 2 W W June 2008 E ,M g ,p 2 Z 5 g ,p E ,M G gE ,,Mn G EZ,,Mp G gE ,,Mn G EZ,,Mp Z 2 1 2 u N GA (q )g GP (q )q g 5u N MN combine weak and EM information to separate (u,d,s) contributions to proton’s charge and magnetism axial part is related to proton’s spin ignore 9 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Parity Violating Electron-Proton Scattering g polarized electrons, unpolarized target R L A R L e few parts per million p e g p 2 and want to measure to ~ 5% Statistics : 1013-1014 counts for precision measurement high beam intensity, very thick targets, large acceptance detector (sometimes can’t count individually scattered particles....) Systematic Effects: High quality beam (intensity, position, energy) over a long time Minimize systematic effects in detection that depend on initial beam state (feedback on energy, position, angle and intensity of incident beam) June 2008 10 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Deep inelastic e-D scattering C.Y. Prescott, et al, PL 77B (1978) 347 SLAC 1978: e + d (DIS) : led to correct description of neutral weak force: reverse beam via g-2 precession reverse handedness of electron beam June 2008 A ~ 60 ± 10 ppm sin2 θW = 0.20 ± 0.03 11 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Polarized Electrons D.T. Pierce et al., Phys. Lett. 51A (1975) 465. Electron retains circular polarization of laser beam: Pe ~ 85% Reverse pol’n of beam at rate of 30 Hz Feedback on laser intensity and position at high rate See also Physics Today, Dec 2007 June 2008 12 Elizabeth Beise, U Md False asymmetries from the beam Ameas Aphys 1 Y ΔPi i 1 2Y Pi N At the injector: Dx < 1 micron June 2008 detector sensitivity beam property (x,,E,intensity) Measurement at > 1 km: Dx ~5 – 10 nm 13 Elizabeth Beise, U Md JLab polarized beam : 2005 G0 beam: • strained GaAs (PB ~ 73%) • 32 ns pulse spacing • 40 A beam current Beam Parameter HAPPEX-II beam: • superlattice (PB > 85%) • 2 ns pulse spacing • 35 A beam current G0 beam HAPPEX beam Charge asymmetry 0.14 ± 0.32 ppm 2.6 ± 0.15 ppm Position difference 4 ± 4 nm 8 ± 3 nm Angle difference 1.5 ± 1 nrad 4 ± 2 nrad Energy difference 29 ± 4 eV 66 ± 3 eV Total correction to Asymmetry 0.02 ± 0.01 ppm 0.08 ± 0.03 ppm June 2008 14 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Electron accelerators (for nuclear physics) Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA Mainz Microtron (Germany) PVA4 MIT-Bates Lab, Middleton, MA JLab: 6 GeV beam, getting ready for upgrade to 12 GeV Also, parity-violating Moller scattering (E158) carried out at SLAC…. now the MIT R&E center June 2008 15 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Parity Violation at JLab: “HAPPEX” High precision measurement at selected kinematics H target data A. Acha, etal PRL 98 (2007) 032031 Araw = 0.95 0.20 ppm Using H and 4He targets, get precise determination of s-quark contributions to proton’s charge radius and magnetic moment June 2008 16 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Parity Violation at JLab: “G0” D.S. Armstrong etal, PRL 95 (2005) 092001 smaller distance • H and D targets, wide range of distance scales • Independently determine neutral weak charge, magnetism and axial form factors June 2008 17 Elizabeth Beise, U Md PV-A4 at Mainz PbF2 Calorimeter phases I &II: forward angles, H target I : Aexp 5.6 0.6 0.2 ppm II : Aexp 1.36 0.29 0.13 ppm F. Maas et al., PRL 93 (2004) 022002, PRL 94 (2005) 152001 phase III: backward angles, H and D targets June 2008 18 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Strange quarks, charge and magnetism Dashed ellipse: R. Young et al., PRL 97, 102002 (2006) Solid ellipse: K. Pashke, private comm, (agrees w/ J. Liu et al., PRC 76, 025202 (2007)) strange quark contribution: to proton’s magnetism ≤ 5% to charge radius ≤ 1% s GE,M 1 % contrib p 100 GE,M 3 G Es ,M 1 4 sin 2W GgE ,,Mp GgE ,,Mn G EZ,,Mp June 2008 thanks to K. Pashke and R. Young 19 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Precision tests of TeV-scale Electroweak Physics Indirect searches for extensions to Standard Model of particle physics using precision measurements of sin2W at several energy scales are complementary to experiments at the LHC. Case 1: electron-electron scattering (Moller) SLAC E158 Ameas = 131 ± 14 ± 10 parts per billion P. Anthony et al., PRL 95 (2005) 081601 Limits existence of new e-e interactions on scale of 7-16 TeV June 2008 from M. Pitt 20 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Precision tests of TeV-scale Electroweak Physics Case 2: e-p scattering: Weak Charge of the Proton LL PV SM L PV NEW GF g2 q e g g 5e C1q q g q e g g e h q g q 5 V 2 4 2 q q precise measurement of known e-q interactions (C1u, C1d) can place limits on existence of new ones on scale of a few TeV June 2008 from M. Pitt 21 Elizabeth Beise, U Md QWeak: Parity violating e-p scattering R. Carlini, etal QWeak toroidal magnet at MIT-Bates lab combined existing PV electron scattering data provide most precise experimental limit on proton’s weak charges expected asymmetry ~ 0.3 ppm measure to few %. R. Young et al., PRL 99 (2007) 122003 June 2008 22 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Precision tests of TeV-scale Electroweak Physics Case 3: Direct electron-quark scattering A C1i high precision return to SLAC 1978 measurement V V C2i y APV E E' E A GF Q2 a(x) f (y)b(x) 2 b( x) 2C2u C2 d expected error band w/ planned 6 GeV measurement at JLab X. Zheng, U Va & P.Reimer, ANL June 2008 23 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Weak interactions between nucleons (a brief interlude) from P. Mumm, NIST 1 fm Fundamental interaction is q-q weak interactions, but these are buried inside strongly bound systems typical size of effect < 10-7 5 leading contributions H. Griesshammer, coming soon... • need a minimum of 5 experiments (more is better, and preferably without too many nucleons) • need a theoretical framework to interpret the results chiral EFT June 2008 24 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Experimental program summary • Asymmetry in p-p and p-4He scattering p-p measurement from TRIUMF • spatial g asymmetry in n+p d+g and n+d t+g n+p d+g underway, moving from LANSCE to SNS • circular pol’n of g in n+p d+g • spin rotation of n in 4He and n in p underway at NIST • Also: laser spectroscopy on heavy rare isotopes (e.g., Francium) June 2008 25 Elizabeth Beise, U Md neutron spin rotation in 4He (at NIST) fPV from •p term in forward scattering amplitude (P odd) df ~ 10 7 rad/m dz June 2008 26 Elizabeth Beise, U Md NIST n-4He spin rotation June 2008 27 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Polarized neutron beta decay GF from -decay, apparently the same for quarks and leptons g GFVud define u d n p e d 2 2 V u d u W e gA 1.2695 0.0029 gV decay rate p p p p p p m dW gV2 3g A2 F ( Ee ) 1 a e b n A e B D e Ee E Ee E Ee E Ee measurable and non-zero T odd, P even neutron lifetime measures this piece June 2008 28 Elizabeth Beise, U Md neutron lifetime experiments Historically two techniques: 1) beam: send “cold” neutrons through a well-defined volume, determine the “loss rate” by counting decay products: decay product rate into a detector dN N dt n # neutrons incident on the defined volume 2) “bottle” or “storage”: trap neutrons, measure decay products vs time. t N (t ) N (0) exp exp 1 exp 1 1 n loss other loss mechanisms June 2008 29 Elizabeth Beise, U Md “cold” and “ultracold” neutrons “cold”: temperatur e K .E. 300 K 36 K 1 eV 40 2 K .E. v 760 m/s mn Produce by moderating thermal neutrons from reactor or spallation source Can be transported long distances by total internal reflection h 0.5 nm p “ultra-cold”: v 5 m/s T ~ few mK ~ 50 nm Scatter cold neutrons from solids, liquids, etc., that can absorb bulk of neutron KE into a “phonon” resonance Can be trapped: material walls magnetic fields gravity! June 2008 Golub & Pendelbury, 1977 30 Elizabeth Beise, U Md NIST Center for Neutron Research 20 MW reactor is source of “cold” neutrons: Tn ~10-5-10-2 eV reactor core June 2008 31 Elizabeth Beise, U Md NIST Center for Cold Neutron Research June 2008 32 Elizabeth Beise, U Md NIST lifetime experiment (beam type) n June 2008 N t t p Np L v 33 Elizabeth Beise, U Md neutron lifetime measurement at ILL (Grenoble, FR) 57 MW research reactor UCN “gravitational” trap neutrons A.P. Serebrov, etal cryostat ultracold neutrons in June 2008 34 Elizabeth Beise, U Md recent neutron lifetime measurements neutron lifetime measurements lifetime (s) 1000.0 beam storage 950.0 Serebrov, etal, Phys. Lett. B 605, 72 (2005) (878.5 ± 0.7 ± 0.3) seconds 900.0 850.0 800.0 0 5 10 15 20 exp number (time-ordered) NIST 2004 PDG average: (885 ± 0.8) seconds figure from J. Nico et al., PRC 71 (2005) 055502 June 2008 35 Elizabeth Beise, U Md NIST UCN lifetime experiment June 2008 36 Elizabeth Beise, U Md T-odd effects in polarized neutron decay D-coefficient measurement, emiT Slide from P. Mumm, NIST, 2007 June 2008 41 Elizabeth Beise, U Md T-odd CP odd: neutron EDM CP-violation is important to understanding of original of matter (vs antimatter) - + d•E s = 1/2 If neutron possesses has an electric dipole moment, then, in an electric field: H E d n E will reverse sign under reversal of E. This is CP-odd observable. many EDM experiments underway or proposed, in many systems. New U.S. experiment planned using ultracold neutrons at SNS –Oak Ridge June 2008 42 Elizabeth Beise, U Md Thanks and have fun on the tour June 2008 43 Elizabeth Beise, U Md