PROLAW - LL.M. in Rule of Law for Development

PROLAW - LL.M. in Rule of Law for Development
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
John Felice Rome Center
Scholarship Application Form: Academic Year 2016-2017
PROLAW offers a limited number of scholarships each year for exceptionally qualified students, based on the
following criteria:
excellent academic records
excellent professional merit demonstrating the likelihood of making a sustained impact on
governance and rule of law initiatives in transitioning and developing countries through their work
added value to the diversification of the student body
demonstrated financial need
demonstrated effort of seeking external funding
All applicants who wish to apply for a PROLAW scholarship should complete this application. Note that the
scholarship application has no impact on the application for admission. Given the limited number of
scholarships available, prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to seek other funds early on in the
application process. Information on external funding sought to date should be detailed in box 5.
1. Personal Details
First name(s)
Date of Birth
2. Other Details
Civil Status
Do you own or rent
your home?
Details of any rental or
mortgage agreement
Detail of dependents
(name, age,
employment details)
3. Employer Financial Support
Name of current employer
Gross earnings last financial year
(local currency)
Details of salary/benefits to be
received whilst attending PROLAW
Will you be able to return to your
present position/employer after
The cost of attending PROLAW in 2016-2017 is estimated at ca. $52,000 as follows:
Tuition and fees: $41,190
Estimated living expenses in Rome for 7 ½ months: $10,800
Further details on these costs can be found on our website.
Please indicate in the table below how you intend to finance your attendance of PROLAW:
4. Financing Your LLM in Rule of Law for Development
Committed $ Amount
Government loans
Private loans
Personal resources
External funding/grants/
Employer salary/
Other (please specify)
Details (name of provider, etc.)
5. Applications For External Funding (non-PROLAW)
$ Amount
Status of Application
Documents to be attached to the application form
Proof of income and family wealth (tax certificates, payslips, bank statements)
Loan documentation
Scholarship and grant award letters
Sponsorship letter
Letter from employer guaranteeing a specific salary/benefit for the duration of the program
Motivation letter for scholarship (1 page)
Student’s declaration
I certify that the statements made above are accurate (any false statement will render the scholarship
application null and void) and authorize PROLAW to disclose all necessary information with concerned
external organizations for the purpose of securing funds for a scholarship.
I agree to inform PROLAW if I am successful in receiving additional external funding to that detailed above
before the start of the program, and I understand that my PROLAW scholarship may be adjusted accordingly.
Signature: _________________________________________________(type if submitting electronically)
Date: _____________________________________________________
Applicants must submit this form, with the required attachments, to
LL.M. in Rule of Law for Development (PROLAW)
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
John Felice Rome Center
Via Massimi, 114/A
00136 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 06 355 881
Fax: +39 06 35588352