Publications for Mark Adams 2016

Publications for Mark Adams
Publications for Mark Adams
Adams, M., Turnbull, T., Sprent, J., Buchmann,
N. (2016). Legumes are different: Leaf nitrogen,
photosynthesis, and water use efficiency.
Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS),
113(15), 4098-4103. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Jenkins, M., Bell, T., Poon, L., Aponte, C.,
Adams, M. (2016). Production of pyrogenic
carbon during planned fires in forests of East
Gippsland, Victoria. Forest Ecology and
Management, 373, 9-16. <a
028">[More Information]</a>
TASHI, S., Singh, B., Keitel, C., Adams, M.
(2016). Soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in forests
along an altitudinal gradient in the eastern
Himalayas and a meta-analysis of global data.
Global Change Biology, 22(6), 2255-2268. <a
re Information]</a>
Paul, K., Roxburgh, S., Chave, J., England, J.,
Zerihun, A., Specht, A., Lewis, T., Bennett, L.,
Baker, T., Adams, M., et al (2016). Testing the
generality of above-ground biomass allometry
across plant functional types at the continent
scale. Global Change Biology, 22(6), 2106-2124.
re Information]</a>
Pfautsch, S., Dodson, W., Madden, S., Adams,
M. (2015). Assessing the impact of large-scale
water table modifications on riparian trees: a
case study from Australia. Ecohydrology, 8(4),
642-651. <a
e Information]</a>
Possell, M., Jenkins, M., Bell, T., Adams, M.
(2015). Emissions from prescribed fires in
temperate forest in south-east Australia:
Implications for carbon accounting.
Biogeosciences, 12(1), 257-268. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Dijkstra, F., Adams, M. (2015). Fire eases
imbalances of nitrogen and phosphorus in woody
plants. Ecosystems, 18(5), 769-779. <a
1-1">[More Information]</a>
Adams, M., Shen, Z. (2015). Introduction to the
characteristics, impacts and management of
forest fire in China. Forest Ecology and
Management, 356, 1-1. <a
019">[More Information]</a>
Gharun, M., Turnbull, T., Henry, J., Adams, M.
(2015). Mapping spatial and temporal variation
in tree water use with an elevation model and
gridded temperature data. Agricultural and
Forest Meteorology, 200, 249-257. <a
.09.027">[More Information]</a>
Gharun, M., Azmi, M., Adams, M. (2015).
Short-Term Forecasting of Water Yield from
Forested Catchments after Bushfire: A Case
Study from Southeast Australia. Water, 7(2),
599-614. <a
re Information]</a>
Gharun, M., Turnbull, T., Pfautsch, S., Adams,
M. (2015). Stomatal structure and physiology do
not explain differences in water use among
montane eucalypts. Oecologia, 177(4),
1171-1181. <a
2-3">[More Information]</a>
Gharun, M., Vervoort, R., Turnbull, T., Adams,
M. (2014). A test of how coupling of vegetation
to the atmosphere and climate spatial variation
affects water yield modelling in mountainous
catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 514, 202-213.
.037">[More Information]</a>
Turnbull, T., Buckley, T., Barlow, A., Adams,
M. (2014). Anatomical and physiological
regulation of post-fire carbon and water
exchange in canopies of two resprouting
Eucalyptus species. Oecologia, 176(2), 333-343.
2-5">[More Information]</a>
Wesolowski, A., Adams, M., Pfautsch, S. (2014).
Insulation capacity of three bark types of
temperate Eucalyptus species. Forest Ecology
and Management, 313(1 February), 224-232. <a
015">[More Information]</a>
Knight, J., Minasny, B., Maggio, F., Barbour,
M., Adams, M., McBratney, A. (2014).
Modelling Nitrous Oxide Emissions from
Pasture. 20th World Congress of Soil Sciences,
Jeju, Korea: International Union of Soil Sciences
Erisman, J., Leach, A., Adams, M., Agboola, J.,
Ahmetaj, L., Alard, D., Austin, A., Awodun, M.,
Bareham, S., Bird, T., et al (2014). Nitrogen
deposition effects on ecosystem services and
Publications for Mark Adams
interactions with other pollutants and climate
change. In Mark A. Sutton, Kate E. Mason, L
Sheppard, H Sverdrup, R Haeuber, W Hicks
(Eds.), Nitrogen Deposition, Critical Loads and
Biodiversity, (pp. 493-507). Dordrecht: Springer.
9-6_51">[More Information]</a>
Jenkins, M., Bell, T., Norris, J., Adams, M.
(2014). Pyrogenic carbon: the influence of
particle size and chemical composition on soil
carbon release. International Journal of Wildland
Fire, 23(7), 1027-1033. <a
re Information]</a>
Pfautsch, S., Peri, P., Macfarlane, C., Van
Ogtrop, F., Adams, M. (2014). Relating water
use to morphology and environment of
Nothofagus from the world's most southern
forests. Trees - Structure and Function, 28(1),
125-136. <a
5-4">[More Information]</a>
Baron, J., Barber, M., Adams, M., Agboola, J.,
Allen, E., Bealey, W., Bobbink, R., Bobrovsky,
M., Bowman, W., Branquinho, C., et al (2014).
The effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition
on terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity. In
Mark A. Sutton, Kate E. Mason, L Sheppard, H
Sverdrup, R Haeuber, W Hicks (Eds.), Nitrogen
Deposition, Critical Loads and Biodiversity, (pp.
465-480). Dordrecht: Springer. <a
9-6_49">[More Information]</a>
Adams, M., Cunningham, S., Taranto, M.
(2013). A critical review of the science
underpinning fire management in the high
altitude ecosystems of south-eastern Australia.
Forest Ecology and Management, 294, 225-237.
042">[More Information]</a>
Huber, E., Bell, T., Adams, M. (2013).
Combustion influences on natural abundance
nitrogen isotope ratio in soil and plants following
a wildfire in a sub-alpine ecosystem. Oecologia,
173(3), 1063-1074. <a
5-0">[More Information]</a>
Attiwill, P., Adams, M. (2013). Mega-fires,
inquiries and politics in the eucalypt forests of
Victoria, south-eastern Australia. Forest Ecology
and Management, 294, 45-53. <a
015">[More Information]</a>
Adams, M. (2013). Mega-fires, tipping points
and ecosystem services: Managing forests and
woodlands in an uncertain future. Forest Ecology
and Management, 294, 250-261. <a
039">[More Information]</a>
Turnbull, T., Barlow, A., Adams, M. (2013).
Photosynthetic benefits of ultraviolet-A to
Pimelea ligustrina, a woody shrub of sub-alpine
Australia. Oecologia, 173(2), 375-385. <a
0-9">[More Information]</a>
Franks, P., Adams, M., Amthor, J., Barbour, M.,
Berry, J., Ellsworth, D., Farquhar, G.,
Ghannoum, O., Lloyd, J., McDowell, N., et al
(2013). Sensitivity of plants to changing
atmospheric CO2 concentration: From the
geological past to the next century. New
Phytologist, 197(4), 1077-1094. <a
re Information]</a>
Koch, A., McBratney, A., Adams, M., Field, D.,
Hill, R., Crawford, J., Minasny, B., Lal, R.,
Abbott, L., O'Donnell, A., et al (2013). Soil
Security: Solving the Global Soil Crisis. Global
Policy, 4(4), 434-441. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Gharun, M., Turnbull, T., Adams, M. (2013).
Stand water use status in relation to fire in a
mixed species eucalypt forest. Forest Ecology
and Management, 304, 162-170. <a
002">[More Information]</a>
Stockmann, U., Adams, M., Crawford, J., Field,
D., Henakaarchchi, N., Jenkins, M., Minasny, B.,
McBratney, A., De Remy De Courcelles, V.,
Singh, K., Wheeler, I., et al (2013). The knowns,
known unknowns and unknowns of sequestration
of soil organic carbon. Agriculture, Ecosystems
and Environment, 164, 80-99. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Gharun, M., Turnbull, T., Adams, M. (2013).
Validation of canopy transpiration in a
mixed-species foothill eucalypt forest using a
soil-plant-atmosphere model. Journal of
Hydrology, 492, 219-227. <a
.051">[More Information]</a>
Pfautsch, S., Adams, M. (2013). Water flux of
Eucalyptus regnans: defying summer drought
and a record heatwave in 2009. Oecologia, 172,
317-326. <a
4-6">[More Information]</a>
Matta, P., Quilty, J., Singh, B., Cowie, A., Singh,
Publications for Mark Adams
B., Adams, M. (2012). Assessment of
autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration in
'paired' pine-pasture land uses in Australia. 5th
Joint Australian and New Zealand Soil Science
Conference, Warragul, Victoria: Australian
Society of Soil Science Incorporated.
Buckley, T., Turnbull, T., Pfautsch, S., Gharun,
M., Adams, M. (2012). Differences in water use
between mature and post-fire regrowth stands of
subalpine Eucalyptus delegatensis R. Baker.
Forest Ecology and Management, 270, 1-10. <a
008">[More Information]</a>
Kruse, J., Turnbull, T., Adams, M. (2012).
Disentangling respiratory acclimation and
adaptation to growth temperature by Eucalyptus.
New Phytologist, 195(1), 149-163. <a
2.04155.x">[More Information]</a>
Barton, C., Duursma, R., Medlyn, B., Ellsworth,
D., Eamus, D., Tissue, D., Adams, M., Conroy,
J., Crous, K., Liberloo, M., et al (2012). Effects
of elevated atmospheric [CO2] on instantaneous
transpiration efficiency at leaf and canopy scales
in Eucalyptus saligna. Global Change Biology,
18(2), 585-595. <a
1.02526.x">[More Information]</a>
Bleby, T., Colquhoun, I., Adams, M. (2012).
Hydraulic traits and water use of Eucalyptus on
restored versus natural sites in a seasonally dry
forest in southwestern Australia. Forest Ecology
and Management, 274, 58-66. <a
029">[More Information]</a>
Kruse, J., Hopmans, P., Rennenberg, H., Adams,
M. (2012). Modern tools to tackle traditional
concerns: Evaluation of site productivity and
Pinus radiata management via d13C- and
d18O-analysis of tree-rings. Forest Ecology and
Management, 285, 227-238. <a
011">[More Information]</a>
Buckley, T., Turnbull, T., Adams, M. (2012).
Simple models for stomatal conductance derived
from a process model: Cross-validation against
sap flux data. Plant, Cell and Environment,
35(9), 1647-1662. <a
2.02515.x">[More Information]</a>
Merchant, A., Buckley, T., Pfautsch, S.,
Turnbull, T., Samsa, G., Adams, M. (2012).
Site-specific responses to short-term
environmental variation are reflected in leaf and
phloem-sap carbon isotopic abundance of field
grown Eucalyptus globulus. Physiologia
Plantarum, 146(4), 448-459. <a
2.01638.x">[More Information]</a>
Buckley, T., Adams, M. (2011). An analytical
model of non-photorespiratory CO2 release in
the light and dark in leaves of C3 species based
on stoichiometric flux balance. Plant, Cell and
Environment, 34(1), 89-112. <a
0.02228.x">[More Information]</a>
Bell, T., Adams, M. (2011). Attack on all fronts:
functional relationships between aerial and root
parasitic plants and their woody hosts and
consequences for ecosystems. Tree Physiology,
31(1), 3-15. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Adams, M., Attiwill, P. (2011). Burning Issues:
sustainability and Management of Australias
Southern Forests. Australia: CSIRO Publishing.
Merchant, A., Wild, B., Richter, A., Bellot, S.,
Adams, M., Dreyer, E. (2011).
Compound-specific differences in 13C of soluble
carbohydrates in leaves and phloem of
6-month-old Eucalyptus globulus (Labill). Plant,
Cell and Environment, 34(9), 1599-1608. <a
1.02359.x">[More Information]</a>
Pfautsch, S., Keitel, C., Turnbull, T.,
Braimbridge, M., Wright, T., Simpson, R.,
O'Brien, J., Adams, M. (2011). Diurnal patterns
of water use in Eucalyptus victrix indicate
pronounced desiccation-rehydration cycles
despite unlimited water supply. Tree Physiology,
31(10), 1041-1051. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Zeppel, M., Lewis, J., Medlyn, B., Barton, C.,
Duursma, R., Eamus, D., Adams, M., Phillips,
N., Ellsworth, D., Forster, M., et al (2011).
Interactive effects of elevated CO2 and drought
on nocturnal water fluxes in Eucalyptus saligna.
Tree Physiology, 31(9), 932-944. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Buckley, T., Turnbull, T., Pfautsch, S., Adams,
M. (2011). Nocturnal water loss in mature
subalpine Eucalyptus delegatensis tall open
forests and adjacent E. pauciflora woodlands.
Ecology and Evolution, 1(3), 435-450. <a
Huber, E., Bell, T., Simpson, R., Adams, M.
(2011). Relationships among microclimate,
edaphic conditions, vegetation distribution and
soil nitrogen dynamics on the Bogong High
Plains, Australia. Austral Ecology, 36(2),
Publications for Mark Adams
Jenkins, M., Adams, M. (2011). Respiratory
quotients and Q10 of soil respiration in
sub-alpine Australia reflect influences of
vegetation types. Soil Biology and Biochemistry,
43(6), 1266-1274. <a
.017">[More Information]</a>
Singh, B., De Remy De Courcelles, V., Adams,
M. (2011). Soil Respiration in Future Global
Change Scenarios. In Singh, Bhupinder Pal;
Cowie, Annette L.; Chan, K. Yin (Eds.), Soil
Health and Climate Change, (pp. 131-153).
Berlin: Springer.
Henry, J., Pfautsch, S., Adams, M. (2011). Tales
from the dark side – how nature complicates
ecohydrological research. The Forrester, 54, 6-7.
Kruse, J., Rennenberg, H., Adams, M. (2011).
Tansley Review: Steps towards a mechanistic
understanding of respiratory temperature
responses. New Phytologist, 189, 659-677. <a
0.03576.x">[More Information]</a>
Buckley, T., Adams, M. (2010). An analytical
model of non-photorespiratory CO2 release in
the light and dark in leaves of C3 species based
on stoichiometric flux balance. Plant, Cell and
Environment, 34(1), 89-112. <a
0.02228.x">[More Information]</a>
Pfautsch, S., Gessler, A., Rennenberg, H.,
Weston, C., Adams, M. (2010). Continental and
local climatic influences on hydrology of
eucalypt-Nothofagus ecosystems revealed by
delta H-2, delta C-13, and delta O-18 of
ecosystem samples. Water Resources Research,
46(W03510), 1-9. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Stockmann, U., Adams, M., Crawford, J., Field,
D., Henakaarchchi, N., Jenkins, M., McBratney,
A., De Remy De Courcelles, V., Singh, K.,
Wheeler, I. (2010). Managing the soil plant
system to mitigate atmospheric CO2.
Merchant, A., Peuke, A., Keitel, C., Macfarlane,
C., Warren, C., Adams, M. (2010). Phloem sap
and leaf delta13C, carbohydrates, and amino acid
concentrations in Eucalyptus globulus change
systematically according to flooding and water
deficit treatment. Journal of Experimental
Botany, 61(6), 1785-1793. <a
ore Information]</a>
Merchant, A., Tausz, M., Keitel, C., Adams, M.
(2010). Relations of sugar composition and
delta13C in phloem sap to growth and
physiological performance of Eucalyptus
globulus (Labill). Plant, Cell and Environment,
33(8), 1361-1368. <a
0.02143.x">[More Information]</a>
Huber, E., Bell, T., Simpson, R., Adams, M.
(2010). Relationships among microclimate,
edaphic conditions, vegetation distribution and
soil nitrogen dynamics on the Bogong High
Plains, Australia. Austral Ecology, 36(2),
142-152. <a
0.02128.x">[More Information]</a>
Pfautsch, S., Bleby, T., Rennenberg, H., Adams,
M. (2010). Sap flow measurements reveal
influence of temperature and stand structure on
water use of Eucalyptus regnans forests. Forest
Ecology and Management, 259(6), 1190-1199.
006">[More Information]</a>
Merchant, A., Arndt, S., Rowell, D., Posch, S.,
Callister, A., Tausz, M., Adams, M. (2010).
Seasonal changes in carbohydrates, cyclitols, and
water relations of 3 field grown Eucalyptus
species from contrasting taxonomy on a common
site. Annals of Forest Science, 67(1),
104p1-104p7. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Petit, G., Pfautsch, S., Anfodillo, T., Adams, M.
(2010). The challenge of tree height in
Eucalyptus regnans: when xylem tapering
overcomes hydraulic resistance. New
Phytologist, 187(4), 1146-1153. <a
0.03304.x">[More Information]</a>
Barton, C., Ellsworth, D., Medlyn, B., Duursma,
R., Tissue, D., Adams, M., Eamus, D., Conroy,
J., McMurtrie, R., Parsby, J., et al (2010).
Whole-tree chambers for elevated atmospheric
CO2 experimentation and tree scale flux
measurements in south-eastern Australia: The
Hawkesbury Forest Experiment. Agricultural
and Forest Meteorology, 150(7-8), 941-951. <a
.03.001">[More Information]</a>
Adams, M., Simon, J., Pfautsch, S. (2010).
Woody legumes: a (re)view from the South. Tree
Physiology, 30(9), 1072-1082. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Bleby, T., Colquhoun, I., Adams, M. (2009).
Architectural plasticity in young Eucalyptus
marginata on restored bauxite mines and adjacent
natural forest in south-western Australia. Tree
Physiology, 29(8), 1033-1045. <a
Publications for Mark Adams
>[More Information]</a>
Winters, A., Adams, M., Bleby, T., Rennenberg,
H., Steigner, D., Steinbrecher, R., Kreuzwieser,
J. (2009). Emissions of isoprene, monoterpene
and short-chained carbonyl compounds from
Eucalyptus spp. in southern Australia.
Atmospheric environment, 43, 3035-3043. <a
03.026">[More Information]</a>
Maleknia, S., Bell, T., Adams, M. (2009).
Erratum to "Eucalypt smoke and wildfires:
Temperature dependent emissions of biogenic
volatile organic compounds" [Int. J. Mass
Spectrom. 279 (2–3) (2009) 126–133].
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry,
281(3), 167-168.
Maleknia, S., Bell, T., Adams, M. (2009).
Eucalypt smoke and wildfires: temperature
dependent emissions of biogenic volatile organic
compounds. International Journal of Mass
Spectrometry, 279(2-3), 126-133. <a
27">[More Information]</a>
Rowell, D., Ades, P., Tausz, M., Arndt, S.,
Adams, M. (2009). Lack of genetic variation in
tree ring delta(13)C suggests a uniform,
stomatally-driven response to drought stress
across Pinus radiata genotypes. Tree Physiology,
29(2), 191-198. <a
>[More Information]</a>
McIntyre, R., Adams, M., Grierson, P. (2009).
Nitrogen mineralization potential in rewetted
soils from a semi-arid stream landscape,
north-west Australia. Journal of Arid
Environments, 73(1), 48-54. <a
9.011">[More Information]</a>
Pfautsch, S., Rennenberg, H., Bell, T., Adams,
M. (2009). Nitrogen uptake by Eucalyptus
regnans and Acacia spp. - preferences, resource
overlap and energetic costs. Tree Physiology,
29(3), 389-399. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Close, D., Davidson, N., Johnson, D., Abrams,
M., Hart, S., Lunt, I., Archibald, R., Horton, B.,
Adams, M. (2009). Premature Decline of
Eucalyptus and Altered Ecosystem Processes in
the Absence of Fire in Some Australian Forests.
Botanical Review, 75, 191-202. <a
7-y">[More Information]</a>
Merchant, A., Arndt, S., Callister, A., Adams, M.
(2009). Quercitol plays a key role in stress
tolerance of Eucalyptus leptophylla (F. Muell) in
naturally occurring saline conditions.
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
65(2-3), 296-303. <a
.09.007">[More Information]</a>
McIntyre, R., Adams, M., Ford, D., Grierson, P.
(2009). Rewetting and litter addition influence
mineralisation and microbial communities in
soils from a semi-arid intermittent stream. Soil
Biology and Biochemistry, 41(1), 92-101. <a
.021">[More Information]</a>
Bell, T., Adams, M. (2009). Smoke from
wildfires and prescribed burning in Australia:
Effects on Human Health and Ecosystems. In
Andrzej Bytnerowicz, Michael Arbaugh, Allen
Riebau, Christian Andersen (Eds.), Wild Land
Fires and Air Pollution, 8, (pp. 289-316). New
York: Elsevier.
Maleknia, S., Vail, T., Cody, R., Sparkman, D.,
Bell, T., Adams, M. (2009).
Temperature-dependent release of volatile
organic compounds of eucalypts by direct
analysis in real time (DART) mass spectrometry.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry,
23(15), 2241-2246. <a
e Information]</a>
Stephens, S., Adams, M., Handmer, J., Kearns,
F., Leicester, B., Leonard, J., Moritz, M. (2009).
Urban-wildland fires: how California and other
regions of the US can learn from Australia.
Environmental Research Letters, 4(1), 1-5. <a
14010">[More Information]</a>
Pfautsch, S., Gessler, A., Adams, M.,
Rennenberg, H. (2009). Using amino-nitrogen
pools and fluxes to identify contributions of
understory Acacia spp. to overstory Eucalyptus
regnans and stand nitrogen uptake in temperate
Australia. New Phytologist, 183(4), 1097-1113.
9.02909.x">[More Information]</a>
Jenkins, M., Adams, M. (2009). Vegetation type
determines heterotrophic respiration in subalpine
Australian ecosystems. Global Change Biology,
16(1), 209-219. <a
9.01954.x">[More Information]</a>
Pfautsch, S., Bleby, T., Rennenberg, H., Adams,
M. (2009). Water and stand management in the
world's most productive temperate hardwood
forests. Old Forests, New Management
Conference 2008, Netherlands: Elsevier.
Cullen, L., Adams, M., Anderson, M., Grierson,
Publications for Mark Adams
P. (2008). Analyses of δ13C and δ18O in tree
rings of Callitris columellaris provide evidence
of a change in stomatal control of photosynthesis
in response to regional changes in climate. Tree
Physiology, 28, 1525-1533.
Bell, T., Adams, M. (2008). Chapter 14 Smoke
from Wildfires and Prescribed Burning in
Australia: Effects on Human Health and
Ecosystems. Developments in Environmental
Science, 8, 289-316.
Grigg, A., Macfarlane, C., Evangelista, C.,
Eamus, D., Adams, M. (2008). Does initial
spacing influence crown and hydraulic
architecture of Eucalyptus marginata? Tree
Physiology, 28, 753-760.
Adams, M., Pfautsch, S., Rennenberg, H.,
Weston, C., Gessler, A. (2008). Drought and
topographic effects on ecosystem delta2H,
delta13C and delta18O and growth and
hydrology of eucalypt-Nothofagus ecosystems at
Mt Donna Buang, Victoria. Old Forests, New
Management Conference 2008, Netherlands:
radiata. Tree Physiology, 28, 375-384.
Merchant, A., Peuke, A., Tausz, M., Adams, M.
(2008). Phloem derived diagnostic tools for
plant health. Salt & Water Stress in Plants,
Montana, United States: Gordon Research
Posch, S., Warren, C., Adams, M., Guttenberger,
H. (2008). Photoprotective carotenoids and
antioxidants are more affected by canopy
position than by nitrogen supply in 21-year-old
Pinus radiata. Functional Plant Biology, 35(6),
470-482. <a
e Information]</a>
Kruse, J., Adams, M. (2008). Sensitivity of
respiratory metabolism and efficiency
to foliar nitrogen during growth and
maintenance. Global Change Biology, 14(6),
1233-1251. <a
8.01566.x">[More Information]</a>
Tausz, M., Merchant, A., Kruse, J., Samsa, G.,
Adams, M. (2008). Estimation of drought related
limitations to mid-rotation aged plantation grown
Eucalyptus globulus by phloem sap analysis.
Forest Ecology and Management, 256(4),
844-848. <a
045">[More Information]</a>
Kruse, J., Hopmans, P., Adams, M. (2008).
Temperature responses are a window to the
physiology of dark respiration: differences
between CO2 release and O2 reduction shed
light on energy conservation. Plant, Cell and
Environment, 31(7), 901-914. <a
8.01808.x">[More Information]</a>
Attiwill, P., Adams, M. (2008). Harnessing forest
ecological sciences in the service of stewardship
and sustainability: A perspective from
'down-under'. Forest Ecology and Management,
256, 1636-1645. <a
024">[More Information]</a>
Kruse, J., Adams, M. (2008). Three parameters
comprehensively describe the
Maleknia, S., Adams, M. (2008). Impact of
volatile organic compounds from wildfires on
crop production and quality. Aspects of Applied
Biology, 88, 93-97.
Kruse, J., Adams, M. (2008). Integrating two
physiological approaches helps relate respiration
to growth of Pinus radiata. New Phytologist, 180,
841-852. <a
8.02601.x">[More Information]</a>
Callister, A., Arndt, S., Ades, P., Merchant, A.,
Rowell, D., Adams, M. (2008). Leaf osmotic
potential of Eucalyptus hybrids responds
differently to freezing and drought, with little
clonal variation. Tree Physiology, 28,
Posch, S., Warren, C., Kruse, J., Guttenberger,
H., Adams, M. (2008). Nitrogen allocation and
the fate of absorbed light in 21-year-old Pinus
temperature response of respiratory oxygen
reduction. Plant, Cell and Environment, 31(7),
954-967. <a
8.01809.x">[More Information]</a>
Warren, C., Bleby, T., Adams, M. (2007).
Changes in gas exchange versus leaf solutes as a
means to cope with summer drought in
Eucalyptus marginata. Oecologia, 154(1), 1-10.
Adams, M., Polglase, P., Buckley, T. (2007).
Climate Impacts on Hydrology of Montane and
Subalpine Forests and Woodlands. Hydrological
Consequences of Climate Change. Cutting Edge
Science Symposium.
Callister, A., Ades, P., Arndt, S., Adams, M.
(2007). Clonal variation in shoot respiration and
tree growth of Eucalyptus hybrids. Canadian
Journal of Forest Research, 37(8), 1404-1413.
Merchant, A., Callister, A., Arndt, S., Tausz, M.,
Adams, M. (2007). Contrasting Physiological
Responses of Six Eucalyptus Species to Water
Deficit. Annals of Botany, 100(7), 1507-1515.
Publications for Mark Adams
Macfarlane, C., Hoffman, M., Eamus, D., Kerp,
N., Higginson, R., McMurtrie, R., Adams, M.
(2007). Estimation of leaf area index in eucalypt
forest using digital photography. Agricultural
and Forest Meteorology, 143(3-4), 176-188. <a
.10.013">[More Information]</a>
Macfarlane, C., Arndt, S., Livesley, S., Edgar,
A., White, D., Adams, M., Eamus, D. (2007).
Estimation of leaf area index in eucalypt forest
with vertical foliage, using cover and fullframe
fisheye photography. Forest Ecology and
Management, 242(2-3), 756-763. <a
021">[More Information]</a>
Turnbull, T., Adams, M., Warren, C. (2007).
Increased photosynthesis following partial
defoliation of field-grown Eucalyptus globulus
seedlings is not caused by increased leaf
nitrogen. Tree Physiology, 27(10), 1481-1492.
Turnbull, T., Warren, C., Adams, M. (2007).
Novel mannose-sequestration technique reveals
variation in subcellular orthophosphate pools do
not explain the effects of phosphorus nutrition on
photosynthesis in Eucalyptus globulus seedlings.
New Phytologist, 176(4), 849-861.
Adams, M. (2007). Nutrient Cycling in Forests
and Heathlands: An EcosystemPerspective from
the Water-Limited South. In Petra Marschner,
Zdenko Rengel (Eds.), Nutrient Cycling in
Terrestrial Ecosystems, (pp. 37-64). Springer.
Abe, H., Katayama, A., Sah, B., Toriu, T., Samy,
S., Pheach, P., Adams, M., Grierson, P. (2007).
Potential for rural electrification based on
biomass gasification in Cambodia. Biomass and
Bioenergy, 31(9), 656-664. <a
06.023">[More Information]</a>
Maleknia, S., Bell, T., Adams, M. (2007).
PTR-MS analysis of reference and plant-emitted
volatile organic compounds. International
Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 262(3), 203-210.
10">[More Information]</a>
Merchant, A., Ladiges, P., Adams, M. (2007).
Quercitol links the physiology, taxonomy and
evolution of 279 eucalypt species. Global
Ecology and Biogeography, 16(6), 810-819.
Maleknia, S., Adams, M. (2007). Reactions of
Oxygen-Containing Terpenes with Peptides and
Proteins. 7th Australian Peptide Conference / 4th
International Peptide Symposium / 2nd
Asia-Pacific Peptide Symposium, Australia:
Australian Peptide Association.
Ford, D., Cookson, W., Adams, M., Grierson, P.
(2007). Role of soil drying in nitrogen
mineralization and microbial community
function in semi-arid grasslands of north-west
Australia. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39(7),
Livesley, S., Adams, M., Grierson, P. (2007).
Soil Water Nitrate and Ammonium Dynamics
under a Sewage Effluent - Irrigated Eucalypt
Plantation. Journal of Environmental Quality,
36(6), 1883-1894.
Turnbull, T., Kelly, N., Adams, M., Warren, C.
(2007). Within-canopy nitrogen and
photosynthetic gradients are unaffected by soil
fertility in field-grown Eucalyptus globulus. Tree
Physiology, 27(11), 1607-1617.
Callister, A., Arndt, S., Adams, M. (2006).
Comparison of four methods for measuring
potential of tree leaves. Physiologia Plantarum,
127(3), 383-392.
Merchant, A., Tausz, M., Arndt, S., Adams, M.
(2006). Cyclitols and carbohydrates in leaves and
roots of 13 Eucalyptus species suggest
contrasting physiological responses to water
deficit. Plant, Cell and Environment, 29(11),
Warren, C., Dreyer, E., Tausz, M., Adams, M.
(2006). Ecotype adaptation and acclimation of
leaf traits to
rainfall in 29 species of 16-year-old Eucalyptus
at two common gardens. Functional Ecology,
20(6), 929-940.
Warren, C., Adams, M. (2006). Internal
conductance does not scale with photosynthetic
capacity: implications for carbon isotope
discrimination and the economics of water and
nitrogen use in photosynthesis. Plant, Cell and
Environment, 29(2), 192-201.
Bidwell, S., Attiwill, P., Adams, M. (2006).
Nitrogen availability and weed invasion in a
remnant native woodland in urban Melbourne.
Austral Ecology, 31(2), 262-270.
Miehle, P., Livesley, S., Li, C., Feikema, P.,
Adams, M., Arndt, S. (2006). Quantifying
uncertainty from large-scale model
predictions of forest carbon dynamics. Global
Change Biology, 12(8), 1421-1434.
Brandes, E., Kodama, N., Whittaker, K., Weston,
C., Rennenberg, H., Keitel, C., Adams, M.,
Gessler, A. (2006). Short-term variation in the
isotopic composition of
organic matter allocated from the leaves to the
stem of Pinus sylvestris: effects of
photosynthetic and postphotosynthetic carbon
isotope fractionation. Global Change Biology,
Publications for Mark Adams
12(10), 1922-1939.
Merchant, A., Richter, A., Popp, M., Adams, M.
(2006). Targeted metabolite profiling provides a
functional link among eucalypt taxonomy,
physiology and evolution. Phytochemistry, 67(4),
Zeng, F., Bleby, T., Landman, P., Adams, M.,
Arndt, S. (2006). Water and nutrient dynamics in
surface roots and soils are not modified by
short-term flooding of phreatophytic plants in a
hyperarid desert. Plant and Soil, 279(1-2),
129-139. <a
8-2">[More Information]</a>
Callister, A., Adams, M. (2006). Water stress
impacts on respiratory rate, efficiency and
substrates, in growing and mature foliage of
Eucalyptus spp. Planta: an international journal
of plant biology, 224(3), 680-691. <a
7-7">[More Information]</a>
Pfautsch, S., Adams, M., Gessler, A. (2005).
Climate, topography, growth and carbon isotope
composition of Nothofagus cunninghamii at Mt
Donna Buang, Victoria, Australia. 22nd
International Union of Forest Research
Organizations World Congress IUFRO 2005,
United Kingdom: Commonwealth Forestry
Warren, C., McGrath, J., Adams, M. (2005).
Differential effects of N, P and K on
photosynthesis and partitioning of N in Pinus
pinaster needles. Annals of Forest Science, 62,
Warren, C., Tausz, M., Adams, M. (2005). Does
rainfall explain variation in leaf morphology
and physiology among populations of red
(Eucalyptus sideroxylon subsp. tricarpa) grown
in a
common garden? Tree Physiology, 25(11),
Tausz, M., Warren, C., Adams, M. (2005).
Dynamic light use and protection from excess
light in upper canopy and coppice leaves of
Nothofagus cunninghamii in an old growth, cool
temperate rainforest in Victoria, Australia. New
Phytologist, 165(1), 143-156.
Macfarlane, C., Hansen, L., Edwards, J., White,
D., Adams, M. (2005). Growth efficiency
increases as relative growth rate increases in
shoots and roots of Eucalyptus globulus deprived
of nitrogen or treated with salt. Tree Physiology,
25(5), 571-582.
Tausz, M., Warren, C., Adams, M. (2005). Is the
bark of shining gum (Eucalyptus nitens) a sun or
a shade leaf? Trees - Structure and Function,
19(4), 415-421. <a
0-5">[More Information]</a>
Adams, M., Richter, A., Hill, A., Colmer, T.
(2005). Salt tolerance in Eucalyptus spp.: identity
and response of putative osmolytes. Plant, Cell
and Environment, 28(6), 772-787.
Merchant, A., Adams, M. (2005). Stable
osmotica in Eucalyptus spathulata - responses to
salt and water deficit stress. Functional Plant
Biology, 32(9), 797-805.
Warren, C., Adams, M. (2005). What determines
interspecific variation in relative growth rate of
Eucalyptus seedlings? Oecologia, 144(3),
373-381. <a
2-6">[More Information]</a>
Bleby, T., Burgess, S., Adams, M. (2004). A
validation, comparison and error analysis of two
heat-pulse methods for measuring sap flow in
Eucalyptus marginata saplings. Functional Plant
Biology, 31, 645-658.
Bennett, L., Adams, M. (2004). Assessment of
ecological effects due to forest harvesting:
approaches and statistical issues. Journal of
Applied Ecology: ecology with management
relevance, 41(4), 585-598.
Warren, C., Adams, M. (2004). Capillary
Electrophoresis of the Major Anions and Cations
in Leaf Extracts of Woody Species.
Phytochemical Analysis, 15(6), 407-413.
Bennett, L., Adams, M. (2004). Ecological
effects of harvesting in Victoria's native forests:
quantification of research outputs. Australian
Forestry, 67(3), 212-221.
Bell, T., Adams, M. (2004). Ecophysiology of
ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Pinus spp.
in low rainfall areas of Western Australia. Plant
Ecology, 171(1-2), 35-52.
Warren, C., Adams, M. (2004). Evergreen trees
do not maximize instantaneous photosynthesis.
Trends in Plant Science, 9(6), 270-274.
Arndt, S., Kahmen, A., Arampatsis, C., Popp,
M., Adams, M. (2004). Nitrogen fixation and
metabolism by groundwater-dependent perennial
plants in a hyperarid desert. Oecologia, 141,
385-394. <a
5-7">[More Information]</a>
Macfarlane, C., Adams, M., White, D. (2004).
Productivity, carbon isotope discrimination and
leaf traits of trees of Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
Publications for Mark Adams
in relation to water availability. Plant, Cell and
Environment, 27, 1515-1524.
Adams, M., Ineson, P., Binkley, D., Cadisch, G.,
Tokuchi, N., Scholes, M., Hicks, K. (2004). Soil
Functional Responses to Excess Nitrogen
Inputs at Global Scale. Ambio: a journal of the
human environment, 33(8), 530-536.
Macfarlane, C., White, D., Adams, M. (2004).
The apparent feed-forward response to vapour
pressure deficit of stomata in droughted,
field-grown Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Plant,
Cell and Environment, 27, 1268-1280.
Kelly, N., Turnbull, T., Bren, L., Adams, M.
(2004). The geometry of light capture in
plantation Eucalyptus globulus labill. 4th
International Workshop on
Functional-Structural Plant Models,
Montpellier, France: UMR
Cirad-Cnrs-Ephe-Inra-Inria-Ird-Universite de
Montpellier II.
Warren, C., Adams, M. (2004). What determines
rates of photosynthesis per unit nitrogen in
Eucalyptus seedlings? Functional Plant Biology,
31(12), 1169-1178.
Ferguson, I., Adams, M., Bradshaw, J., Davey,
S., McCormack, R., Young, J. (2003).
Calculating Sustained Yield for the Forest
Management Plan (2004 – 2013). Stage 3
Keitel, C., Adams, M., Holst, T., Matzarakis, A.,
Mayer, H., Rennenberg, H., Gessler, A. (2003).
Carbon and oxygen isotope composition of
organic compounds in the phloem sap provides a
short-term measure for stomatal conductance of
European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Plant, Cell
and Environment, 26(7), 1157-1168.
Adams, M., Macfarlane, C., Bencini, R. (2003).
Climate. In P Attiwill, B Wilson (Eds.),
Ecology: an Australian perspective, (pp. 36-53).
Sth Melbourne, Victoria: Oxford University
Ford, D., Adams, M., Grierson, P. (2003). Does
soil chemistry influence vegetation change with
time since fire? An example from semi-arid
Western Australia. VIIth International
Rangeland Congress, Durban, South Africa: VII
International Rangeland Congress.
Grierson, P., Landman, P., Adams, M. (2003).
Ecological sustainability and changing land use
in the Pilbara region of Western Australia: A
question of scale and dynamics? VIIth
International Rangeland Congress, Durban,
South Africa: VII International Rangeland
Adams, M., Grierson, P., Burrows, C. (2003).
Fires, soils and plant nutrition in West Australian
forests: a focus on spatial and temporal
variability. In Ian Abbott and Neil Burrows
(Eds.), Fire in Ecosystems in south-west Western
Australia: Impacts and Management, (pp.
189-203). Leiden, The Netherlands: Backhuys
Landman, P., Grierson, P., Adams, M. (2003).
Landscape approach to understanding water use
by trees in the Pilbara region of north western
Australia. VIIth International Rangeland
Congress, Durban, South Africa: VII
International Rangeland Congress.
Holm, A., Watson, I., Loneragan, W., Adams, M.
(2003). Loss of patch-scale heterogeneity on
primary productivity and rainfall-use efficiency
in Western Australia. Basic and Applied
Ecology, 4(6), 569-578.
Warren, C., Dreyer, E., Adams, M. (2003).
Photosynthesis-Rubisco relationships in foliage
of Pinus sylvestris in response to nitrogen supply
and the proposed role of Rubisco and amino
acids as nitrogen stores. Trees - Structure and
Function, 17(4), 359-366.
Graham, J., Landman, P., Edwards, J., Adams,
M., Grierson, P. (2003). Root hydraulic
architecture and water use by the riparian species
Melaleuca argente W. Fitz. in the rangelands of
north western Australia. VIIth International
Rangeland Congress, Durban, South Africa: VII
International Rangeland Congress.
Macfarlane, C., Adams, M., Hansen, L. (2002).
Application of an enthalpy balance model of the
relation between growth and respiration to
temperature acclimation of Eucalyptus globulus
seedlingsco. Proceedings of the Royal Society B:
Biological Sciences, 269(1499), 1499-1507.
Sudmeyer, R., Adams, M., Eastham, J., Scott, P.,
Hawkins, W., Rowland, I. (2002). Broadacre
crop yield in the lee of windbreaks in the
medium and low rainfall areas of south-western
Australia. Australian Journal of Experimental
Agriculture ('09 renamed: Animal Production
Science), 42, 739-750.
Holm, A., Loneragan, W., Adams, M. (2002). Do
variations on a model of landscape function
assist in interpreting the growth response of
vegetation to rainfall in arid environments?
Journal of Arid Environments, 50(1), 23-52. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Bennett, L., Judd, T., Adams, M. (2002). Growth
and nutrient content of perennial grasslands
following burning in semi-arid, sub-tropical
Australia. Plant Ecology, 164, 185-199.
Publications for Mark Adams
Warren, C., Adams, M. (2002). Phosphorus
affects growth and partitioning of Nitrogen to
Rubisco in Pinus pinaster. Tree Physiology,
22(1), 11-19.
Adams, M., Bell, T., Pate, J. (2002). Phosphorus
sources and availability modify growth and
distribution of root clusters and nodules of native
Australian legumes. Plant, Cell and
Environment, 25, 837-850.
Warren, C., Adams, M. (2002). Possible causes
of slow growth of nitrate-supplied Pinus pinaster.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32(4),
Holm, A., Bennett, L., Loneragan, W., Adams,
M. (2002). Relationships between empirical and
nominal indices
of landscape function in the arid shrubland of
Western Australia. Journal of Arid
Environments, 50(1), 1-21. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Sudmeyer, R., Hall, D., Eastham, J., Adams, M.
(2002). The tree-crop interface: the effects of
root pruning in south-western Australia.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
('09 renamed: Animal Production Science), 42,