Experiments Sensitive to Low-x Gluon Density L.C. Bland, Brookhaven National Laboratory OUTLINE • Introduction: physics goals • Inclusive particle production • Forward di-pion correlations: probing low x at RHIC • Conclusions • Outlook Quantifying the Properties of Hot QCD Matter (INT-10-2a) Seattle, 1 June 2010 Relativisitic Heavy Ion Collider 2 RHIC as a Polarized Proton Collider RHIC pC Polarimeters Absolute Polarimeter (H jet) BRAHMS PHOBOS Completed in run 5 Completed in run 6 Siberian Snakes polarized p+p collisions Siberian Snakes 62 s 500 GeV PHENIX STAR Spin Rotators (longitudinal polarization) Spin Rotators (longitudinal polarization) Pol. H Source LINAC BOOSTER Helical Partial Siberian Snake 200 MeV Polarimeter AGS AGS pC Polarimeter Strong AGS Snake 3 STAR • Large acceptance near midrapidity • Windows to large rapidity 4 Goals I What is the structure of the proton? Proton structure is understood via parton distribution functions f(x). These functions are global fits to world data and give the probability to find a parton (quark, gluon or antiquark) carrying a fraction x of the proton’s momentum. 5 World Data for (unpolarized) DIS Combination of fixed-target experiments and results from the HERA collider (DESY) provides a precise determination of the x and Q2 dependence of the F2 structure function and is the primary data for global fits to parton distribution functions. Summary plot from arXiv:hep-ex/0507024, and references therein. Rapid rise of the gluon density at lowx evident from F2(x)/lnQ2 at fixed x (Prytz relation) 6 Fixed Target Experiments Deep Inelastic Scattering from Nuclear Targets Kinematic Coverage Restricted to Fixed Target Experiments (no EIC, yet) From Hirai, Kumono, Nagai PRC 70 (2004) 044905, and references therein • Growth of gluon distribution at low-x within the proton cannot continue forever • Gluon density in nucleus only known to x~0.02 since g(2x)~F2(x,Q2)/ln(Q2) 7 Gluon Saturation and the Color Glass Condensate t = ln(1/x) Iancu, Venugopalan hep-ph/0303204 • Does the low-x gluon density saturate, and is this a highenergy phase of matter? • Would a Color Glass Condensate be universal for both nuclear DIS and hadronic probes of nuclei at high energy? 8 Why is Gluon Saturation Important? “The Color Glass Condensate is important to search for at RHIC because …it provides a rigorous QCD theoretical description of the initial state in A+A from which the QGP must evolve” New Forms of QCD Matter Discovered at RHIC, M. Gyulassy and L. McLerran [nucl-th/0405013] “Some crucial open questions that need to be addressed are… what is the gluon momentum distribution in the atomic nucleus?” Study of the Fundamental Structure of Matter with an Electron-Ion Collider, A. Deshpande, R. Milner, R. Venugopalan, W. Vogelsang, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 55 (2005) 165. 9 RHIC Hard-Scattering Probes Polarized proton collisions / hard scattering probes of DG d+Au collisions / hard scattering probes of nuclear gluon density quark pion or jet quark gluon c d dxa dxb dzc f a ( xa ) f b ( xb ) Dc ( zc )dˆ ab a ,b , c Describe p+p particle production at RHIC energies (s 62 GeV) using perturbative QCD at Next to Leading Order, relying on universal parton distribution functions and fragmentation functions 10 RHIC Spin Probes - II Unpolarized cross sections as benchmarks and heavy-ion references 0 +cross Large ,K,p sections for p+p, s=200 GeV p + rapidity pp s =GeV 200 GeV + p, sX, = 200 PRD 76 (2007) 051106 PRL 97 (2006) 252001 jets PRL 98 (2007) 252001 PRL 92 (2004) 171801 direct g PRL 98 (2007) 012002 Good agreement between experiment and theory 11 calibrated hard scattering probes of proton spin and low-x gluons Why do forward 0 production in a hadron collider? 0 E p E d N qq xqp q xgp qg EN p Au 2E s s 2E N E z q Eq h ln(tan( )) 2 p h xg T e g xq xF / z s (collinear approx.) Q 2 ~ pT2 xF • Large rapidity production (h~4) probes asymmetric partonic collisions • Mostly high-x valence quark + low-x gluon p p ,h 3.8, s 200GeV <z> 0 • 0.3 < xq< 0.7 • 0.001< xg < 0.1 <xq> NLO pQCD Jaeger,Stratmann,Vogelsang,Kretzer • <z> nearly constant and high 0.7 ~ 0.8 <xg> • Large-x quark polarization is known to be large from DIS • Directly couple to gluons probe of low x gluons 12 Expectations from Color Glass Condensate () t related to rapidity of tln1xproduced hadrons. 1 dAu R dAu 2 * 197 pp D. Kharzeev hep-ph/0307037 As y grows Iancu and Venugopalan, hep-ph/0303204 CGC expects suppression of forward hadron production 13 STAR STAR d+Au forward π0 PRL 97, 152302 η = 4.0 (NPA 765, 464) Sizable suppression 1 dAu R dAu 2 * 197 pp pQCD+Shadowing expects suppression, but not enough CGC gives best description on pT dependence 14 RdAu rapidity dependence η = 04 BRAHMS PRL 93, 242303 STAR PRL 97, 152302 η=4 0 1 dAu R dAu 2 * 197 pp Observe significant rapidity dependence similar to expectations from the CGC framework 15 An initial glimpse: correlations in d+Au PRL 97, 152302 (2006) • are suppressed at small <xF> and <pT,π> consistent with CGC picture 25<E<35GeV <pT,π> ~ 1.0 GeV/c Fixed h,as E & pT grows <pT,π> ~ 1.3 GeV/c π0: |<η>| = 4.0 h±: |η| < 0.75; pT > 0.5 GeV/c • are similar in d+Au and p+p at larger <pT,π> (<xF>) Asexpected expected by as by HIJING HIJING 16 Guzey, Strikman and Vogelsang Phys. Lett. B603 (2004) 173 • constrain x value of gluon probed by high-x quark by detection of second hadron serving as jet surrogate. • span broad pseudorapidity range (-1<h<+4) for second hadron span broad range of xgluon • provide sensitivity to higher pT for forward 0 reduce 23 (inelastic) parton process contributions thereby reducing uncorrelated background in Df correlation. PYTHIA Simulation 17 Run-8 Results from STAR Forward Meson Spectrometer (FMS) Full azimuth spanned with nearly contiguous electromagnetic calorimetry from -1<h<4 approaching full acceptance detector 18 STAR Detector Forward Meson Spectrometer commissioned/operated in RHIC run 8. Forward direction can be viewed at STAR, but present instrumentation is limited and not completely compatible with high luminosity polarized p+p collisions 19 STAR Forward Meson Spectrometer • 50 larger acceptance than the run-3 forward pion detector (FPD). • 2 azimuth for 2.5<h<4.0 • Discriminate single g from 0gg up to ~60 GeV North half of FMS before closing Runs 3-6 FPD Phys. Rev. Lett. 101:222001 (2008) Run 8 FMS 20 Two forward pions can probe very low xg For plot: 1) Pythia simulation 3) Plot rapidity of all other 2) Trigger on one 0 pions between 1.5 GeV/c and forward (3<h<4) with pT of the trigger pion as function of x pT>2.5 GeV/c Forward-Forward FMS-FMS This region can be probed with FMSendcap calorimeter Forward-Central FMS-Barrel calorimeter See Ermes Braidot, Quark Matter 2009 proceedings, arXiv:0907.3473 Forward-Forward probes lowest x 21 Forward-Central Correlations A brief summary of findings from Quark Matter 2009 E. Braidot, arXiv:0907.3473 22 Azimuthal Correlations (Dh3) “GSV” Selection “GSV” Selection 2.5 GeV/c<pT(<h>=3) 1.5 GeV/c<pT(|h|<0.9)<pT(<h>=3) dAu – pp = 0.09±0.04 “GSV” selection leads to clear back-to-back peak with similar pp/dAu widths as expected by pQCD E. Braidot, arXiv:0907.3473 23 Azimuthal Correlations (Dh3) “lower-pT” Selection “GSV” Selection 2.5 GeV/c<pT(<h>=3) 1.5 GeV/c<pT(|h|<0.9)<pT(<h>=3) dAu – pp = 0.09±0.04 “lower-pT” Selection 2.0 GeV/c<pT(<h>=3) 1.0 GeV/c<pT(|h|<0.9)<pT(<h>=3) dAu – pp = 0.19±0.03 Evidence of pT dependent azimuthal broadening of signal E. Braidot, arXiv:0907.3473 24 STAR Forward+central correlations Const (BG) “gsv” pp Peak Area Peak Width dAu Df pT1 1.5 pT2 0.5 2.0 1.0 2.5 1.5 3.0 GeV/c 2.0 GeV/c • dAu width larger than pp (consistent with FMS-BEMC results) • dAu back-to-back peak area larger than pp at lower pT 25 • Work in progress towards even lower p A. Ogawa, CATHIE/TECHQM Summary Forward-Central Correlations • Run-8 FMS results reproduce run-3 FPD Gaussian widths and other features. • Comparison of Df0(FMS)+0(EMC) for pp and dAu indicates azimuthal broadening in dAu. • Data are qualitatively consistent with a pT dependent picture of gluon saturation of the gold nucleus. 26 Forward-Forward Correlations Probing Au nucleus at lowest x A brief summary of new results since QM09 arXiv:1005.2378 Forward-Forward Forward-Central 27 Forward Di-pion Selection Selection motivated by Guzey, Strikman, Vogelsang, Phys. Lett. B603 (2004) 173. 1) Find all clusters in the FMS 2) Find leading PT(gg) pair and require that it be above UpperThreshold=2.5 GeV/c 3) Find all other possible sub-leading cluster pairings with 0.05<M(gg)<0.25 GeV/c2 PT(gg)>LowerThreshold=1.5 GeV/c Sub-leading PT 0 Leading PT 0 Forward-Forward pair masses: Leading All subleading pp Leading All subleading dAu M(gg) 28 M(gg) leading Forward-Forward Df(00) Beam view Plots are normalized to number of events with leading PT pion > 2.5 GeV. subleading Plots do not yet have any efficiency corrections. Df0 (near side) Df Df0 (near side) Df (away side) pp data Observation of expected away-side correlations in pp Near side correlations similar for both pp and dAu Df (away side) dAu data (dAu)σ(pp)=0.11±0.06 29 Azimuthal broadening from pp to dAu Forward-Forward Df(00): PT Dependence Leading PT pion > 2.5 GeV 2.0 GeV Plots do not have any efficiency corrections. Df0 (near side) Df (away side) pp data Azimuthal broadening is PT dependent. PT dependence is stronger for ForwardForward than Forward-Central Df (away side) Df0 (near side) dAu data (dAu)σ(pp)=0.52±0.05 30 Comparing peripheral / central dAu collisions Use Au-side BBC as measure of collision centrality. EAST BBC faces the Au beam. Sum all charge in small tiles of East BBC. d This is roughly proportional to the multiplicity of particles between 3.5<h<5.0 (18 ADC counts per MIP) Au East BBC 375 cm Define “peripheral” events to look like pp. Central dAu data Peripheral pp data 31 Centrality dependence of forward di-pion decorrelation Leading PT pion > 2.0 GeV dAu peripheral dAu all data pp data Away-side peaks evident in peripheral dAu and pp. dAu data dAu central Away-side peaks in peripheral dAu are roughly 50% wider than in pp. Significant dependence on centrality is evident in azimuthal decorrelation. 32 Centrality from Multiplicity - I For p+p collisions, BBC response can be quantitatively described by PYTHIA+GSTAR+slow-simulator. The slow-simulator converts GEANT energy deposition to ADC count via measured photostatistics and measured phototube properties. 33 Centrality from Multiplicity - II Extend p+p strategy to d+Au via HIJING+GSTAR+slow-simulator, and correlate experimental measure of multiplicity (SQ) with impact parameter from HIJING. 34 Centrality from Multiplicity - III For d+Au collisions, BBC SQ response can be semi-quantitatively described by HIJING+GSTAR+slow-simulator. Data shows higher probability than simulation for largest SQ 35 Centrality from Multiplicity - IV Correlate simulated BBC SQ response with impact parameter from HIJING. SQ range <b> (fm) b (fm) SQ<500 6.8 1.7 SQ>2000 2.7 1.3 36 Efficiencies / p+p - I Strategy: apply same reconstructions used for data to PYTHIA+GSTAR simulations. If model description is valid, then compare reconstructions to azimuthal correlations from PYTHIA alone. 37 Conclusion: PYTHIA+GSTAR simulations describe the p+p data Efficiencies / p+p - II Strategy: given similarity of data to PYTHIA+GSTAR simulations, associate PYTHIA primaries with reconstructed PYTHIA+GSTAR clusters to understand signal and background. Conclusion: background is primarily combinatoric g(0 1 )g(0 2) 38 Efficiencies / d+Au Strategy: basic notion is to repeat the strategy that worked for p+p, replacing PYTHIA+GSTAR by HIJING+GSTAR. Begin by looking at HIJING 1.383 forward dipion correlations. 39 Conclusion: HIJING 1.383 looks nothing like p+p or d+Au(peripheral) Efficiencies / d+Au Why does HIJING 1.383 not work for p+p or d+Au(peripheral)? Strategy: investigate what HIJING does Conclusion: HIJING 1.383 uses Duke-Owen 1 parton distribution functions that predate HERA e+p collider; consequently, HIJING does not know about the rapid 40 rise of the gluon density at low x. Efficiencies / d+Au Why does HIJING 1.383 not work for p+p or d+Au(peripheral)? Strategy: use PYTHIA to investigate impact of parton distribution functions on forward di-pion azimuthal correlations Conclusion: rapid rise of gluon density at low-x is required for consistency with p+p forward di-pion azimuthal correlations (and forward 00 Df in peripheral d+Au)41 Efficiencies / d+Au (over)estimate impact of additional d+Au multiplicity by embedding study Strategy: quantify impact of additional multiplicity in d+Au relative to p+p by embedding forward di-pion events from p+p PYTHIA/GSTAR into d+Au minimum bias Conclusion: overestimated impact of multiplicity does not cause disappearance42of away-side correlations in d+Au(central) collisions Forward Dipion Correlations pT dependence Phase space available at large rapidity limits ability to probe the scale dependence of the low-x gluon density. Model studies for p+p indicate less discriminatory power between different parton distribution functions, as pT increases. 43 Back-to-back Angular Correlations pQCD 22 process =back-to-back di-jet (Works well for p+p) Forward jet p p d+Au in HIJING Kharzeev, Levin, McLerran (NPA748, 627) Mid-rapidity jet With high gluon density 21 (or 2many) process = Mono-jet ? Mono-jet Dilute parton system (deuteron) Dense gluonfield (Au) PT is balanced by many gluons CGC predicts suppression of back-to-back correlation Conventional shadowing changes yield, but not angular correlation 44 Comparison w/ Marquette CGC with Q02=1.5 GeV2 CM doing b strips to make better comparison Cyrille Marquet: arXiv:0708.0231 Nucl.Phys.A796:41-60,2007 arXiv:1005.4065 b=0 CGC calculation “predicts” away-side peak disappearance for central d+Au 45 Comparison with Tuchin Kirill Tuchin: arXiv:0912.5479v1 normalized to peak height CGC with Q02 ~ ? Quantitative differences between CGC calculations of Marquet and Tuchin Tuchin calculation confirms basic disappearance of away-side peak in central d+Au 46 What is the Common Factor? Transverse Single Spin Asymmetries and Low-x Physics PRL 101 (2008) 222001. Collinear parton distribution functions are an incomplete description of the structure of hadrons. kT dependence (i.e., gluons) is an essential step beyond the simple parton model. Many issues then arise in theoretical descriptions of data. The most robust measurements to confront theory are Drell-Yan production 47 Mapping Saturation Scales need to get to lower x Parton Gas Qs,g2 CGC x in 2 2 process x in 2 1 process A.Ogawa 48 Conclusions • Jet-like correlations are observed in forward dipions produced in p+p and peripheral d+Au collisions • Jet-like correlations of forward dipions produced in p+p collisions require a rapidly rising gluon density at low x, consistent with HERA data. • Away-side forward di-pion correlations are strongly suppressed in central d+Au collisions • Gluon saturation occurs at momentum fractions and scales that are relevant to RHIC collisions, based on qualitative consistency between measurement and color-glass condensate expectations of away-side peak disappearance for forward dipion correlations 49 Outlook Large Rapidity Drell Yan Production Large rapidity (xF) means asymmetric partonic collisions, xF=x1-x2 Importance of large x1 for spin physics is natural if spin is dominantly from valence quarks. RHIC can access x2~10-4 by large-xF Drell-Yan production. DY has the most robust theoretical understanding of any hadroproduction experiments. Future measurements include • transverse single spin asymmetries in pp like/unlike color charge forces • accessing lowest x possible at RHIC, with robust theory understanding • angular distribution of di-leptons Lam-Tung violations in pp/p(d)Au Major forward upgrades at STAR or PHENIX required Letter of Intent submitted to 2010 program committee for DY feasibility50 Backup 51 Off-peak Analysis • Off-mass-peak azimuthal correlations for d+Au(peripheral) similar to on-peak results • Evidence for jet-like correlations • Azimuthal broadening essentially identical on-peak and off-peak 52 Transverse Single Spin Asymmetries Definition and Examples pi, momentum vector, (i can be initial or final state) Spin vector, S • Transverse single spin asymmetries (SSA) refer to either final state polarization (P) or analyzing power, where S is determined in the initial state. • In general, parity-allowed transverse SSA ~ S (p1 p2) / |P|; i.e., projection of the transverse spin vector onto a plane defined by two momenta. Classic Examples of Transverse SSA in Hadro-production • p + p L + X hyperons from unpolarized proton collisions are polarized • h(,p,…) + p g* + X l+l¯ + X violation of Lam-Tung relation in Drell Yan • p + p + X analyzing power for pion (meson) production 53 (Unpolarized) Drell-Yan Production Virtual photon angular dependence… 1 d 2 3 2 2 1 cos sin 2 cos f sin cos 2 f d 4 ( 3) 2 Lam-Tung relation interrelates ,, given that quarks have spin ½ … 1 2 Lam-Tung relation (analog of Callan-Gross relation for DIS) NA10 ¯+W, p=194 GeV/c Z. Phys. C31 (1986) 513. 1-2 Lam-Tung violations E615 ¯+W, p=252 GeV/c PRD 39 (1989) 92 E866 p+p/d, pp=800 GeV/c PRL 39 (2007) 082301 54 Lam-Tung Violations from E615 + W, p = 294 GeV/c PRD 39 (1989) 92 Present understanding: LamTung violations (at low pT) are due to the Boer-Mulders function. [D. Boer, PRD 60 (1999) 014012] 55 Hyperon Polarization p+BeLX, pp=400 GeV/c PRD 40 (1989) 3557 Hyperons produced in unpolarized collisions are observed (via weak decay asymmetry) to be polarized. Weak decay asymmetry… 1 dN * 1 P cos L L * N d cos * : polar angle of decay in rest frame L=0.642±0.013 (weak decay asymmetry) PL, polarization with respect to axis P is found to be a function of xF, pT 56 Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries (AN) Analyzing power is a tool to measure polarization and is one example of transverse single spin asymmetries (SSA) with origins yet to be fully understood Probing for (1) orbital motion within transversely polarized protons; (2) Evidence of transversely polarized quarks in polarized protons. 57 A Brief History… p p X s=20 GeV, pT=0.5-2.0 GeV/c • QCD theory expects very small (AN~10-3) transverse SSA for particles produced by hard scattering. • The FermiLab E-704 experiment found strikingly large transverse singlespin effects in p+p fixed-target collisions with 200 GeV polarized proton beam (s = 20 GeV). • Similar AN(xF) observed at lower s 0 – E704, PLB261 (1991) 201. +/- - E704, PLB264 (1991) 462. • • 58 Expectations from Theory What would we see from this gedanken experiment? F0 as mq0 in vector gauge theories, so AN ~ mq/pT or,AN ~ 0.001 for pT ~ 2 GeV/c Kane, Pumplin and Repko PRL 41 (1978) 1689 59 Two of the Explanations for Large Transverse SSA Collins mechanism requires transverse quark polarization and spindependent fragmentation Sivers mechanism requires spin-correlated transverse momentum in the proton (orbital motion). SSA is present for jet or g 60 Require experimental separation of Collins and Sivers contributions xF Dependence of Inclusive 0 AN RHIC Runs 3,5,6 with FPD STAR PRL 101, 222001 (2008) arXiv:0801.2990v1 [hep-ex] Fits to SIDIS (HERMES) is consistent with data AN at positive xF grows with increasing xF U. D’Alesio, F. Murgia Phys. Rev. D 70, 074009 (2004) arXiv:hep-ph/0712.4240 C. Kouvaris, J. Qiu, W. Vogelsang, F. Yuan, Phys. Rev. D 74, 114013 (2006). 61 pT Dependence of Inclusive 0 AN RHIC Runs 3,5,6 with FPD STAR B.I. Abelev et al. (STAR) PRL 101 (2008) 222001 • xF dependence is consistent with Sivers model • Rising pT dependence is not explained STAR, PRL 101 (2008) 222001 62 xF and pT dependence of AN for p+p±+X, s=62 GeV I. Arsene, et al. PRL101 (2008) 042001 • AN(+) ~ -AN(-), consistent with results at lower s and u,d valence differences • At fixed xF, evidence that AN grows with pT 63 Conclusions and Summary • Transverse spin asymmetries are present at RHIC energies • Transverse spin asymmetries are present at large rapidity (h) • Particle production cross sections and correlations are consistent with pQCD expectations at large h where transverse spin effects are observed • Essential to go beyond inclusive meson production to disentangle dynamical origins 64 Drell Yan Feasibility Study at IP2 Letter of Intent submitted to 21-22 June 2010 BNL Program Advisory Committee xF Dependence of Inclusive 0 AN RHIC Run 6 with FPD/FPD++ STAR PRL 101, 222001 (2008) arXiv:0801.2990 [hep-ex] Fits to SIDIS (HERMES) is consistent with data AN at positive xF grows with increasing xF U. D’Alesio, F. Murgia Phys. Rev. D 70, 074009 (2004) arXiv:hep-ph/0712.4240 C. Kouvaris, J. Qiu, W. Vogelsang, F. Yuan, Phys. Rev. D 74, 114013 (2006). 66 Attractive vs Repulsive Sivers Effects Unique Prediction of Gauge Theory ! Simple QED example: DIS: attractive Drell-Yan: repulsive Same in QCD: As a result: Transverse Spin Drell-Yan Physics at RHIC (2007) http://spin.riken.bnl.gov/rsc/write-up/dy_final.pdf 67 Transverse spin direct g Theory expects repulsive color charge interactions to result in an opposite sign to spin-correlated momentum imbalance for g+jet. Bacchetta et al., PRL 99, 212002 also Kouvaris,Qiu,Vogelsang and Yuan and, Teryaev and Ratcliffe • Estimate that sign change is accessible with Lint = 30 pb-1 and Pbeam=0.65 • Best done at s = 200 GeV for 0/g separation • Best done before removal for STAR Forward TPC As part of the 2008 update to Plans for the RHIC Spin Physics Program 68 Future Opportunities Transverse spin for forward g+jet Test of predictive power of theory (A. Bacchetta et al. PRL 99 (2007) 212002) Restricting the measurement of the forward photon to Eg>35 GeV at <hg>=3.2 produces a signal:background ratio of 2.1. 69 As part of the 2008 update to Plans for the RHIC Spin Physics Program Future Opportunities Transverse spin for forward g+jet Test of predictive power of theory 104 useable forward photon + jet coincidences are expected in a 30 pb-1 data sample with 60% beam polarization 70 As part of the 2008 update to Plans for the RHIC Spin Physics Program RHIC is a Unique Collider… Source: • • • http://www.agsrhichome.bnl.gov/RHIC/Runs/ …capable of colliding essentially all positive ions over a broad range of s …with large L/s, where L is free space at interaction region large xF possible …with a broad and diverse physics program aimed at important questions o What is quark-gluon plasma? heavy-ion collisions o How does the proton get its spin? polarized proton collisions 71 o Does the gluon density saturate in a heavy nucleus? d+Au/p+Au collisions Status • Luminosity gains projected for s=200 GeV polarized proton collisons were not realized, so Lint=30 pb-1 and Pbeam=65% for transverse spin direct photon would be challenging. • Theory community has revisited whether color-charge interactions are robustly calculable [arXiv:1001.2977] for transverse single-spin asymmetries for processes other than Drell Yan production • Low-x/saturation physics looks to be very interesting at RHIC collision energies. Non-universality of kT dependent distribution functions for di-jets may impact small-x as well as transverse spin [arXiv:1003.0482]. This should not be the case for low-x probed by Drell-Yan production establishing the requirements for a large-xF Drell Yan production experiment will provide the most robust test of theory for transverse spin, and lead to future avenues that provide the most robust interconnections between low-x probed at RHIC and low-x probed at eRHIC. 72 Collision Energy Dependence of Drell Yan Production Comments… • qq γ* has σ̂ 1/ŝ • partonic luminosities increase with s • net result is that DY grows with s • in any case, largest s probes lowest x Consider large-xF DY at s=500 GeV Transverse Spin Drell-Yan Physics at RHIC (2007) http://spin.riken.bnl.gov/rsc/write-up/dy_final.pdf 73 Pair mass from bare EMcal arXiv:0906.2332 arXiv:0907.4396 • pair mass backgrounds well modeled • J/ye+e- observation at <xF>~0.67 emboldens DY consideration 74 Motivations for DY Feasibility at IP2 Report to NSAC from the Subcommittee on Performance Measures (August, 2008) http://www.sc.doe.gov/np/nsac/docs/PerfMeasEvalFinal.pdf • Timeliness – HP13 milestone completion by 2015. This could be accomplished during W program if 3IR impact is acceptable. • Acceptance/background rejection – severe space constraints at STAR and PHENIX require major changes in the forward direction. Space constraints are not present at IP2. • Is charge sign a requirement? Objective of DY feasibility test is to establish the requirements for future major forward upgrades at STAR and PHENIX that would be used in a future p+Au or d+Au run that would emphasize Drell Yan production to probe low-x through 75 scaling violations or virtual photon pT dependence. Requirements for DY Background Reduction • electron/hadron discrimination / Q. What hadronic suppression required? • Charged/Neutral discrimination and photon conversion background • Is charge sign discrimination required for like-sign pair subtraction? 76 Schematic of detector considered Run-12 configuration (PHOBOS split-dipole expected to be in place, but not used) • Hcal is existing 9x12 modules from E864 (NIM406,227) • EMcal is modeled as only (3.8cm)2x(45cm) lead glass • Preshower would require construction http://www.star.bnl.gov/~akio/ip2/topview2.jpeg 77 Schematic of detector considered Run-13 configuration (Uses PHOBOS Split Dipole for charge sign) • Hcal is existing 9x12 modules from E864 (NIM406,227) • EMcal is modeled as only (3.8cm)2x(45cm) lead glass • Preshower would require construction • PHOBOS split-dipole magnetic field in GEANT model • Fiber tracker stations and MWPC require construction http://www.star.bnl.gov/~akio/ip2/topview_run13.jpeg 78 DY Expectations • Non-zero AN expected at moderate to large xF • Measurement with accuracy dAN<0.02 should be of great interest • With Pbeam=50%, require 10K events for dAN=0.02 • Uses Sivers function from EPJ A39 (2009) 89, that fits preliminary HERMES results and COMPASS deuteron results • s=500 GeV predictions very similar, since xF=x1-x2 is the relevant parameter (private communication) Anselmino, et al PRD 79 (2009) 054010 [arXiv:0901.3078] 79 Previous Work p+p DY at ISR, s=53,63 GeV Phys. Lett. B91 (1980) 475 Comments (note: large xF at collider breaks new ground)… • e+e- low-mass DY done at ISR and by UA2 [see review J.Phys. G19 (1993) D1] • UA2 [PLB275 (1992) 202] did not use magnet / CCOR did [PLB79 (1979) 398] • most fixed target experiments do +- DY 80 e+e- DY expectations at large xF at s=500 GeV Model 1 = EMcal (2m)2 / (0.2m)2 beam hole at 10m / no magnetic field Model 2 = L/R modular EMcal (0.9mx1.2m) at 5m / no magnetic field Comments… • reasonable efficiency can be obtained for large-xF DY with existing equipment • final estimates of DY yield must follow estimates of background rejection • critical question for decadal planning: is charge sign discrimination required? 81 Lepton daughters from g* Most important contributions for g* xF>0.1 at s=500 GeV … • high energy electrons and positrons (E>10 GeV) • require detection at very forward angles • e+(e-) from g* little affected by “modest” isolation (20mr half-angle cone) 82 • best solution for charge sign would be a dipole magnet (difficult for any collider) Azimuthal angle for g*e+e• e+ and e- in separate modules except when g* has large pT • Azimuthal angle required for analyzing power measurement • Resolution is primarily from measuring energies of e+ and e• Model 2 covers full azimuth despite modular coverage 83 Dileptons from open beauty at large xF Model 1 = EMcal (2m)2 / (0.2m)2 beam hole at 10m / no magnetic field Model 2 = L/R modular EMcal (0.9mx1.2m) at 5m / no magnetic field Comments… • open beauty dileptons are a background 2x larger than DY for PHENIX • direct production of open beauty results in ~15% background at large xF 84 • large forward acceptance for the future would require discrimination (isolation) Backgrounds • h±/e± discrimination – requires estimates of p+p collisions and EMcal response • charged/neutral discrimination • photon conversion background – requires estimates of p+p collisions and materials • PYTHIA 5.7 compared well to s=200 GeV data [PRL 97 (2006) 152302] • Little change until “underlying event” tunings for LHC created forward havoc Stick to PYTHIA 6.222 for estimates hep-ex/0403012 85 Strategy for estimates • ~1012 p+p interactions in 50 / pb at s=500 GeV full PYTHIA/GEANT not practical • Parameterize GEANT response of EMcal and use parameterized response in fast simulator applied to full PYTHIA events • Estimate rejection factors from GEANT for hadron calorimeter and preshower detector (both critical to h±/e± discrimination) GEANT simulation of EMcal response to E>15 GeV ± from PYTHIA 6.222 incident on (3.8cm)2x45cm lead glass calorimeter. GEANT response not so different from 57-GeV pion test beam data from CDF [hep-ex/0608081] • Explicit treatment in fast simulator to estimate pathlengths through key elements (beam pipe and preshower), to simulate photon conversion to e+e- pair • Estimate effects from cluster merging in EMcal (d < edcell / use e=1 for estimates) • Estimate/simulate EMcal cluster energy and position resolutions. E=15%/E and x(y)=0.1dcell, used to date for 0gg rejection. 86 Background Estimate Comments: • Conversion photons significantly reduced by 0gg veto • Preshower thickness tuned, although perhaps is not so critical given photon veto • Linearly decreasing dN/df estimates smaller hadronic background increased sophistication needed for reliable estimates, although other model uncertainties could 87 easily dominate. Magnetic Field Used for Charge Sign Simulations • The plan is to reuse the split-dipole magnet at IP2 designed, built and operated by the PHOBOS collaboration. • PHOBOS provided their field map and geometry files for GEANT for simulation studies. • Compared to use at IP10, splitdipole is rotated by 180o around vertical axis, to move aperture restriction from coils close to IP. Interaction Point Vertical component of B versus x,z at y=0 from PHOBOS split-dipole magnet 88 Raytracing DY di-electrons through apparatus • Assumes vertex distribution with z=20 cm relies on 9MHz RF system to reduce the diamond size. The z location of beam-pipe crossings would be broadened otherwise • 2-mm square scintillating fibers are assumed for tracking stations at z=80 and 200 cm. • MWPC assumed for tracking station at z=470 cm x-z , y-z and r-z views of trajectories through apparatus planned for run 13, including splitdipole field, used for charge-sign determination 89 Deflections from split-dipole field • dr is distance in x-y plane at tracking station between zero-field track intercept and full-field track intercept • difference between positive and negative charged particles produced in collisions is twice larger • Strategy to determine charge sign is to measure impulse delivered by magnet by measuring deviation of point at z=470 cm from line fitted to vertex and z=80,200 cm space points 90 Staging Assumptions: 1) ~4 week polarized proton test run at s=500 GeV in RHIC run 11 2) 12 week polarized proton W production run at s=500 GeV in RHIC run 12 3) 12 week polarized proton W production run at s=500 GeV in RHIC run 13 Planned Staging: 1) Hcal + newly constructed BBC at IP2 for RHIC run 11 with goals of establishing impact of 3IR operation and demonstrate calibration of Hcal to get first data constraints on charged hadron backgrounds 2) Hcal + EMcal + neutral/charged veto + BBC for RHIC run 12 with goals of zero-field data sample with Lint>50 / pb and Pbeam=50% to observe dileptons from J/y, Uand intervening continuum. Split-dipole tests envisioned. 3) Hcal + EMcal + neutral/charged veto + BBC + split-dipole for RHIC run 13 with goals data sample with Lint>50 / pb and Pbeam=50% to observe dileptons from J/y, U and intervening continuum to address whether 91 charge sign discrimination is required Conclusions • Acceptance with existing modular apparatus looks adequate for Drell Yan (DY) feasibility experiment • First estimates show that DY can dominate over hadronic, conversion photon and open beauty backgrounds • Requirements for charge sign determination in run-13 stage of DY feasibility experiment have been established, and will require construction of fiber tracking stations and MWPC. Proceed with development of Letter of Intent for DY feasibility test aimed at running in parallel with W measurement, pending demonstration that impact of third IR is acceptable 92 Transverse Spin Asymmetries at Midrapidity p+p 0/h± + X, s = 200 GeV PRL 95 (2005) 202001 Transverse single spin asymmetries are consistent with zero at midrapidity 93 STAR Results vs. Di-Jet Pseudorapidity Sum Run-6 Result VY 1, VY 2 are calculations by Vogelsang & Yuan, PRD 72 (2005) 054028 AN pbeam (kT(50%+ S)T) Emphasizes jet quark Sivers Boer & Vogelsang, PRD 69 (2004) 094025 pbeam into page jet Idea: directly measure kT by observing momentum imbalance of a pair of jets produced in p+p collision and attempt to measure if kT is correlated with incoming proton spin AN consistent with zero ~order of magnitude smaller in pp di-jets than in semi-inclusive DIS quark Sivers asymmetry! PRL 99 (2007) 142003 STAR 94 Can L be reconstructed via 0n? Jet-like n0 (collision vertex) L0n Combinatoric ngg (collision vertex) Reconstructed versus simulated vertex for triggered events With the vertex, Mggn can be reconstructed. Backgrounds mostly from Lg final states. • Forward L0n reconstruction appears feasible with FHC + FMS • Yields are model dependent, and may require elimination of hadronic showering in FMS 95