Publications for Rosanne Taylor 2016

Publications for Rosanne Taylor
Publications for Rosanne Taylor
Fletcher, J., Taylor, R. (2016). Associations
between neurologic dysfunction and lesions in
canine fucosidosis. Genes, Brain and Behavior,
15, 420-428. <a
re Information]</a>
Mazrier, H., Vogelnest, L., Thomson, P., Taylor,
R., Williamson, P. (2016). Canine atopic
dermatitis: breed risk in Australia and
evidence for a susceptible clade. Veterinary
Dermatology, 27, 167-174. <a
re Information]</a>
Pan, A., Chew, T., Willet, C., Taylor, R.,
Williamson, P. (2015). Cerebellar abiotrophy is
more than a simple Mendelian disorder in the
Australian working kelpie dog. Genome 2015:
36th Lorne Genome Conference, N/A: N/A.
Pan, A., Taylor, R., Williamson, P. (2015).
Expression profiling of cerebellar abiotrophy
genes in Australian working kelpie dogs. Boden
Research Conference, Adelaide, n/a: N/A.
Pan, A., Taylor, R., Williamson, P. (2015).
Integrated genomic analysis of cerebellar a
biotrophy in Australian working kelpie dogs. The
8th International Conference on Advances in
Canine and Feline Genomics and Inherited
Disease, N/A: N/A.
Kondagari, G., Fletcher, J., Cruz, R.,
Williamson, P., Hopwood, J., Taylor, R. (2015).
The effects of intracisternal enzyme replacement
versus sham treatment on central neuropathology
in preclinical canine fucosidosis. Orphanet
Journal of Rare Diseases, 10, 1-12. <a
7-z">[More Information]</a>
Pan, A., Taylor, R., Wade, C., Williamson, P.
(2014). A preliminary investigation into the
genetics and histopathology of early onset
cerebellar abiotrophy in the Australian Kelpie
dog. Miami 2014 Winter Symposium: The
Molecular Basis of Brain Disorder, N/A: N/A.
Ramanathan, P., Wei, J., Martin, I., Thomson, P.,
Moran, C., Taylor, R., Williamson, P. (2014). An
integrated genomics approach to identify genetic
regions associated with neonatal growth trait in
mice. Animal Biotechnology, 25(2), 85-97. <a
814571">[More Information]</a>
Klupiec, C., Pope, S., Taylor, R., Carroll, D.,
Ward, M., Celi, P. (2014). Development and
evaluation of online video teaching resources to
enhance student knowledge of livestock
handling. Australian Veterinary Journal, 92(7),
235-239. <a
re Information]</a>
Mazrier, H., Vogelnest, L., Taylor, R.,
Williamson, P. (2014). Expression of the
microRNA, miR-31, is reduced in leukocytes of
dogs with atopic dermatitis. Genetics Society of
AustralAsia, n/a: N/A.
Fletcher, J., Kondagari, G., Vite, C., Williamson,
P., Taylor, R. (2014). Oligodendrocyte loss
during the disease course in a canine model of
the lysosomal storage disease fucosidosis.
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental
Neurology, 73(6), 536-547. <a
0000075">[More Information]</a>
Mazrier, H., Vogelnest, L., Taylor, R.,
Williamson, P. (2013). Identification of a clade
of dog breeds susceptible to atopic dermatitis
with a unique immunophenotypic profile.
Genetics Society of AustralAsia Inc Annual
Conference Sydney - Genetics in the Harbour
City, Sydney: Genetics Society of AustralAsia,
Wei, J., Ramanathan, P., Martin, I., Moran, C.,
Taylor, R., Williamson, P. (2013). Identification
of gene sets and pathways associated with
lactation performance
in mice. Physiological Genomics, 45(5),
171-181. <a
.00139.2011">[More Information]</a>
Van Gelderen, I., Taylor, R., Hendry, G.,
Matthew, S. (2013). Work based learning
programmes in the final year of veterinary
degree programmes in Australia. 2013 AVA
Annual Conference: Into the Future, St
Leonards: Australian Veterinary Association.
Mazrier, H., Vogelnest, L., Wei, J., Taylor, R.,
Williamson, P. (2012). An Integrated analysis of
atopic dermatitis: Differentially expressed
immunoregulatory pathways. The 8th
International Conference on Advances in Canine
and Feline Genomics and Inherited Disease,
N/A: N/A.
Mazrier, H., Vogelnest, L., Taylor, R.,
Williamson, P. (2012). Comparative analysis of
atopic dermatitis dogs identifies a clade of
susceptible breeds. The seventh World Congress
of Veterinary Dermatology, n/a: N/A.
Publications for Rosanne Taylor
Matthew, S., Taylor, R., Ellis, R. (2012).
Relationships between students' experiences of
learning in an undergraduate internship
programme and new graduates' experiences of
professional practice. Higher Education: the
international journal of higher education
research, 64(4), 529-542. <a
9-4">[More Information]</a>
Kondagari, G., Ramanathan, P., Taylor, R.
(2011). Canine Fucosidosis: A Neuroprogressive
Disorder. Neurodegenerative Diseases, 8(4),
240-251. <a
ore Information]</a>
Croitoru-Lamoury, J., Lamoury, F., Caristo, M.,
Suzuki, K., Walker, D., Takikawa, O., Taylor,
R., Brew, B. (2011). Interferon-y regulates the
Proliferation and Differentiation of
Mesenchymal Stem cells via Activation of
Indoleamine 2,3 Dioxygenase (IDO). PloS One,
6(2), e14698, 1-e14698, 13. <a
4698">[More Information]</a>
Kondagari, G., Yang, J., Taylor, R. (2011).
Investigation of cerebrocortical and cerebellar
pathology in canine fucosidosis and comparison
to aged brain. Neurobiology of Disease, 41(3),
605-613. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Shearman, J., Cook, R., McCowan, C., Fletcher,
J., Taylor, R., Wilton, A. (2011). Mapping
cerebellar abiotrophy in Australian Kelpies.
Animal Genetics, 42, 675-678. <a
1.02199.x">[More Information]</a>
Fletcher, J., Kondagari, G., Wright, A.,
Thomson, P., Williamson, P., Taylor, R. (2011).
Myelin genes are downregulated in canine
fucosidosis. Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease, 1812 (11),
1418-1426. <a
001">[More Information]</a>
Matthew, S., Ellis, R., Taylor, R. (2011). New
graduates' conceptions of and approaches to
veterinary professional practice, and
relationships to achievement during
undergraduate internship programme. Advances
in Health Sciences Education, 16(2), 167-182. <a
2-5">[More Information]</a>
Kondagari, G., King, B., Thomson, P.,
Williamson, P., Clements, P., Fuller, M.,
Hemsley, K., Hopwood, J., Taylor, R. (2011).
Treatment of canine fucosidosis by intracisternal
enzyme infusion. Experimental Neurology,
230(2), 218-226. <a
.04.019">[More Information]</a>
Mazrier, H., Vogelnest, L., Taylor, R.,
Williamson, P. (2010). Analysis of
cytokines/chemokines in canine atopic
dermatitis. 40th Annual ASI conference,
Australia: Australasian Society for Immunology.
Fletcher, J., Williamson, P., Horan, D., Taylor,
R. (2010). Clinical signs and neuropathologic
abnormalities in working Australian Kelpies with
globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease).
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
Association, 237(6), 682-688. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Tran, J., Pupovac, A., Taylor, R., Wiley, J.,
Byrne, S., Sluyter, R. (2010). Murine epidermal
Langerhans cells and keratinocytes express
functional P2X7 receptors. Experimental
Dermatology, 19(8), e151-e157. <a
9.01029.x">[More Information]</a>
Matthew, S., Taylor, R., Ellis, R. (2010).
Students' experiences of clinic-based learning
during a final year veterinary internship
programme. Higher Education Research &
Development, 29(4), 389-404. <a
7903">[More Information]</a>
Gadeock, S., Tran, J., Georgiou, J., Jalilian, I.,
Taylor, R., Wiley, J., Sluyter, R. (2010). TGF-B1
prevents up-regulation of the P2X7 receptor by
IFN-y and LPS in leukemic THP-1 monocytes.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes,
1798 (11), 2058-2066. <a
07.022">[More Information]</a>
Taylor, R. (2009). Defining, constructing and
assessing learning outcomes. O I E Revue
Scientifique et Technique, 28(2), 779-788.
Tammen, I., Baguley, J., Collier, M., Hawke
(Boulton), C., Sheehy, P., Taylor, R., Matthew,
S. (2009). Embedding orientation and leadership
activities in disciplinary teaching. Australasian
Veterinary Education Symposium (AVES):
Preparing for Practice, Australia: Australasian
Veterinary Education.
Fletcher, J., Williamson, P., Taylor, R. (2009).
Krabbe disease in the Australian Working
Kelpie. Orbit: University of Sydney
Undergraduate Research Journal, 1(1), 57-74.
Publications for Rosanne Taylor
Norris, J., Krockenberger, M., Sheehy, P.,
Taylor, R. (2009). ResourceBuilder: The
Australian Model. Veterinary Educator
Collaborative Organisational Symposium,
Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State College.
Collier, M., Jobbins, S., Taylor, R. (2009).
Student perceptions of graduate attributes in the
Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience.
UniServe Science, The University of Sydney
Conference 2009, Australia: Uniserve Science.
Stevenson, R., Taylor, R., Wiley, J., Sluyter, R.
(2009). The P2X(7) receptor mediates the uptake
of organic cations in canine erythrocytes and
mononuclear leukocytes: comparison to
equivalent human cell types. Purinergic
Signalling, 5(3), 385-394. <a
3-1">[More Information]</a>
Zaki, S., Taylor, R., Baguley, J., Matthew, S.
(2008). Outcomes based clinical competency
assessment: a case study in curriculum
development. Association of American
Veterinary Medical Colleges Educational
Symposium AAVMC 2008, USA: Association of
American Veterinary Medical Colleges.
Zaki, S., Matthew, S., Baguley, J., Taylor, R.
(2008). Outcomes-based clinical competency
assessment: A case study in curriculum
development. Journal of Veterinary Medical
Education, 35(3), 418-418.
Forsyth, H., Laxton, R., Moran, C., van der
Werf, J., Banks, R., Taylor, R. (2008).
Postgraduate coursework in Australia: issues
emerging from university and industry
collaboration. Higher Education: the
international journal of higher education
research, 57(5), 641-655. <a
7-8">[More Information]</a>
Ramanathan, P., Martin, I., Gardiner-Garden, M.,
Thomson, P., Taylor, R., Ormandy, C., Moran,
C., Williamson, P. (2008). Transcriptome
analysis identifies pathways associated with
enhanced maternal performance in QSi5 mice.
BMC Genomics, 9, 1-13. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Taylor, R., Collier, M. (2008). Writing critically
about science: a curriculum structure for animal
scientists. UniServe Science Symposium 2008,
Sydney, NSW, Australia: Uniserve Science.
Ramanathan, P., Taylor, R., Williamson, P.
(2007). A Comparative Genomics Approach To
Identify Lactation Candidate Genes. 54th annual
conference of the Genetics Society of
Sluyter, R., Shemon, A., Hughes, W., Stevenson,
R., Georgiou, J., Eslick, G., Taylor, R., Wiley, J.
(2007). Canine erythrocytes express the P2X7
receptor: greatly increased function compared to
human erythrocytes. American Journal of
Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and
Comparative Physiology, 293(5), R2090-R2098.
&list_uids=17761513">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, G., McCarthy, N., Sheehy, P., Taylor, R.
(2007). Comparison of the Behavior of Neural
Stem Cells in the Brain of Normal and twitcher
Mice after Neonatal Transplantation. Stem Cells
and Development, 16(3), 429-437.
Ramanathan, P., Martin, I., Thomson, P., Taylor,
R., Moran, C., Williamson, P. (2007).
Genomewide Analysis of Secretory Activation
in Mouse Models. Journal of Mammary Gland
Biology and Neoplasia, 12(4), 305-314. <a
2-6">[More Information]</a>
Taylor, R., Canfield, P. (2007). Learning to be a
Scholarly Teaching Faculty: Cultural Change
through Shared Leadership. In Angela Brew &
Judyth Sachs (Eds.), Transforming a university:
the scholarship of teaching and learning in
practice, (pp. 233-247). NSW, Australia: Sydney
University Press.
Matthew, S., Taylor, R., Baguley, J., Ellis, R.
(2007). Students' Perceptions of a Final Year
Clinic-based Learning Curriculum. 32nd Annual
WSAVA Congress, Sydney Australia: World
Small Animal Veterinary Association.
Matthew, S., Baguley, J., Hawke, C., Taylor, R.
(2007). Workbased learning in Veterinary
Science at the University of Sydney. EdHealth
Conference 2007, Australia: University of
Ramanathan, P., Gardiner-Garden, M., Martin, I.,
Sheehy, P., Wynn, P., Taylor, R., Ormandy, C.,
Moran, C., Williamson, P. (2006). A
Comparative Analysis Of Gene Expression
Profiles During Lactation In CBA And QSi5
Mice. Lorne Genome Conference 2006.
Taylor, R., Sheehy, P., Canfield, R., McGreevy,
P., Tammen, I., Collier, M., Baguley, J. (2006).
Assessing to encourage integration across
disciplines- does it enhance learning early in a
professional degree? CST Teaching and
Learning Showcase 2006, Australia: CST
Teaching and Learning Showcase 2006.
Publications for Rosanne Taylor
Sheehy, P., Marcus, G., Costa, F., Taylor, R.,
Norris, J., Krockenberger, M. (2006). E-Learning
Resources and Blended Delivery Models in
Veterinary Science at The University of Sydney Invited Paper. 14th Annual Congress of the
Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations.
Sheehy, P., Marcus, G., Costa, F., Taylor, R.
(2006). Implementing elearning across a facultyfactors that encourage uptake. 23rd Annual
Conference of the Australasian Society for
Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education
ASCILITE 2006, Australia: Sydney University
Taylor, R., Lee, J., Palacino, J., Bower, K., Li, J.,
Vanier, M., Wenger, D., Sidman, R., Snyder, E.
(2006). Intrinsic resistance of neural stem cells to
toxic metabolites may make them well suited for
cell non-autonomous disorders: evidence from a
mouse model of Krabbe leukodystrophy. Journal
of Neurochemistry, 97(6), 1585-1599.
Sheehy, P., Tammen, I., Taylor, R. (2006).
Learning through Inquiry in Cellular Biology.
CST Teaching and Learning Showcase 2006,
Australia: CST Teaching and Learning Showcase
Croitoru-Lamoury, J., Williams, K., Lamoury,
F., Veas, L., Ajami, B., Taylor, R., Brew, B.
(2006). Neural transplantation of human MSC
and NT2 cells in the twitcher mouse model.
Cytotherapy, 8(5), 445-458.
Tammen, I., Taylor, R., Sheehy, P. (2006).
Research led learning and teaching in Cell
Biology - a first year unit of study in Veterinary
Science. CST Teaching and Learning Showcase
2006, Australia: CST Teaching and Learning
Showcase 2006.
Collier, M., Jobbins, S., Taylor, R., Cattle, S.,
Sheehy, P., Van Ekris-Schouten, I.,
Bartimote-Aufflick, K., Tan, D. (2005).
Curriculum alignment and innovation in a new
degree: Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary
Biosciences. CST T&L Showcase 2005,
Australia: College of Sciences and Technology,
Sydney University.
Taylor, R., Sheehy, P., Canfield, R. (2005).
Evaluating integrated assessments: Do they
improve the quality of student learning? CST
T&L Showcase 2005, Australia: College of
Sciences and Technology, Sydney University.
Baguley, J., Feletti, G., Taylor, R., Hodgson, D.,
Ratcliffe, R., Robson, M., Costa, F. (2005).
Implementation and evaluation of a
comprehensive approach to the professional
development of final year veterinary science
students. CST Teaching and Learning Showcase
2005, Sydney, Australia: College of Sciences and
Technology, Sydney University.
Taylor, R., Collier, M., Sheehy, P. (2005).
Integrated assessments- do they improve
student's perceptions and approaches to learning
in a professional course? 2005 Evaluations and
Assessment Conference, Sydney: University of
Technology Sydney.
Ellis, R., Marcus, G., Taylor, R. (2005). Learning
through inquiry: student difficulties with online
course-based material. Journal of Computer
Assisted Learning, 21, 239-252.
Matthew, S., Taylor, R., Ellis, R. (2005).
Students' experiences of learning in professional
placements. CST Teaching and Learning
Showcase 2005, Sydney, Australia: College of
Sciences and Technology, Sydney University.
Canfield, P., Taylor, R. (2005). teaching and
Learning at the Faculty of veterinary Science,
University of Sydney. Journal of Veterinary
Medical Education, 32, 349-358.
Marcus, G., Taylor, R., Ellis, R. (2004).
Implications For The Design Of Online
Case-Based Learning Activities Based On The
Student Blended Learning Experience.
ASCILITE 2004 - Beyond the Comfort Zone: 21st
ASCILITE Conference, Online: ASCILITE.
Taylor, R., Barton, J., Collins, H., Bosward, K.,
Krockenberger, M., Hodgson, J., Marcus, G.,
Norris, J., Sangster, N., Sheehy, P., Tammen, I.,
Toribio, J., Van Ekris-Schouten, I., Windsor, P.,
Zaki, S. (2003). Developing graduate attributes
in team work throughout a professional
curriculum. Graduates for the world. A
Vice-Chancellors' teaching and learning
showcase of scholarly reflection & inquiry,
Sydney Australia: University of Sydney.
Collins, G., Taylor, R. (2002). Atributes of
Australian veterinary Graduates: Report of a
workshop held at the Veterinary Conference
Centre, Faculty of Veterinary Science,
University of Sydney, January 28-29 2002.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, ,
Park, K., Ourednik, J., Ourednik, V., Taylor, R.,
Aboody, K., Auguste, K., Lachyankar, M.,
Redmond, D., Snyder, E. (2002). Global gene
and cell replacement strategies via stem cells.
Gene Therapy (Basingstoke), 9, 613-624.
Taylor, R., Whitfield, P., Sharp, P., Meikle,, P.
(2001). Quantification of Galactosylsphingosine
in the Twitcher mouse using electrospray
Publications for Rosanne Taylor
ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of
Lipid Research, 42 (12), 2092-2095.
Taylor, R., Hyde, M., Sheehy, P., Collier, M.,
Cattle, S., Maxwell, C. (2001). The Influence of
Learning Context on Student Learning
Approaches and the Quality of Outcomes. VC's
Showcase in Scholarly Inquiry in Teaching and
Hyde, M., Taylor, R. (2000). Assessment
Strategies to Improve Learning Outcomes.
DETYA National Teaching Forum.
Taylor, R., Hyde, M. (2000). Learning Context
and Students' Perceptions of Learning Context
Influence Learning Sudent Learning Approach
and Outcomes in Animal Science 2. TEDI