Grants for Graduate Students Funding Opportunities in the Liberal Arts

Grants for
Graduate Students
Funding Opportunities in the Liberal Arts
This list of grant opportunities is designed to help graduate students in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of
Texas at Austin identify support for the various phases of their graduate careers. It includes 214 grants; 187 support
graduate study in the social sciences, and 109 fund work in the humanities. Fifty-one opportunities are open to
international students and another 132 state no specific citizenship requirements. The grants cover multiple phases of
study including coursework, pre-dissertation research and travel, professional training opportunities, dissertation
research, and dissertation writing.
While this list is not intended to be comprehensive, it does represent three years of careful searching for opportunities
for Liberal Arts graduate students. We hope you find it useful as one resource in your grant search.
—Liberal Arts Grants Services, August 2014
How to Use this List
Please skim: Only a fraction of the
opportunities here will be relevant to any
individual student's specific area of study.
The format is designed to be easy to skim so
that you can identify these more quickly.
Deadlines: A majority of the opportunities
here recur on an annual basis, but in some
cases the sponsor had not posted a new
deadline at the time the list was compiled.
Please use previous year's deadlines as a
guideline and check back with sponsors that
interest you for updates.
Some grants may be submitted directly to the
sponsor, others require the university to
officially approve and submit your grant. In all
cases, the deadline listed is the date of
required first contact. If the grant will be
submitted through Liberal Arts Grants
Services, the listed deadline is three weeks in
advance of the sponsor's deadline.
How to apply: Most grants are either
submitted directly to the sponsor or through
Liberal Arts Grants Services. There are others,
however, that require special procedures
such as departmental review, approval by the
Graduate School, or competitive universitywide review. Please read the "how to apply"
section carefully for the grants that interest
you and be sure to contact the individuals
listed there for additional information, if
International Students: A handful of grants,
especially those funded by the U.S.
government, restrict applications to U.S.
citizens and permanent residents.
In this list, "Y" indicates that the sponsor
accepts applications from international
students. In some cases, the sponsor may
designate specific nationalities that may
apply, or they may require that the
international student should be enrolled in a
U.S. university at the time of application.
"N" indicates that the sponsor will accept
applications from U.S. citizens or permanent
residents only.
"Unknown" means that the solicitation was
not clear on nationality or citizenship
requirements. International students
interested in these opportunities should
clarify by reading the solicitation carefully
and contacting the sponsor if need be.
Discipline: Grants have been marked as
Humanities, Social Sciences or both for your
convenience. Individual sponsors may have
nuanced interpretations of this division, so be
sure to read the solicitation carefully to make
sure that the sponsor accepts proposals from
your discipline.
Some sponsors are more interested in your
methodology than your home department—
if you use methodological tools from other
disciplines (i.e. humanists who use
ethnography or linguistic methods, and social
scientists who draw on archival research) be
sure to consider opportunities in your
broader, interdisciplinary base.
Title: Louis Owens Awards for Graduate
Student Presenters at WLA Conferences
Sponsor: Western Literature Association
Deadline: 09/01/2014
Amount: $500
Description: The WLA honors the great writer
and scholar Louis Owens for his contributions
to western American and American Indian
literary studies and for his unfailing
generosity as a colleague, teacher, and
mentor. The goal of the Louis Owens Awards
is to build for the future of the Western
Literature Association by modeling Owens’
own support and encouragement of diverse
graduate student engagement in western
literature and culture studies. The Owens
Awards are intended to foster ever-greater
diversity within the WLA membership, to help
broaden the field of western American
literary studies, and to recognize both
graduate student scholarship and financial
need. To be eligible for this award, you must
be registered as a graduate student at the
time of the conference. You are not eligible
for this award if you have received it
How to Apply: Submit a paper proposal for
participation in the conference by June 15. If
your paper is accepted, apply directly to
sponsor by September 1. See grant
announcement for complete list of materials
to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Methodology, Measurement, and
Statistics (MMS), Doctoral Dissertation
Research Improvement Grant (DDRIG) (NSF
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 09/01/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The MMS Program supports
supports the development of innovative
analytical and statistical methods and models
for those sciences. The Program interacts
with the other programs in Social, Behavioral,
and Economic Sciences (SBE) as well as other
programs in the Foundation, most notably
the Statistics Program in the Directorate for
Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS).
The Program also partners with a consortium
of federal statistical agencies to support
research proposals that further the
development of new and innovative
approaches to surveys and to the analysis of
survey data.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
September 1.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Fulbright U.S. Student Program
Sponsor: U.S. Department of State (DOS)
Deadline: 09/03/2014
Amount: Varies
Description: The 2015-2016 Fulbright U.S.
Student competition will open on May 1,
2014. The Fulbright U.S. Student program is
open to graduate students at all levels,
undergraduates who will have completed
their degree by the beginning of the grant
period (for most countries, Sept. 1, 2014) and
non-students who hold a bachelor's degree.
The program is restricted to U.S. citizens. The
grants are for study and research abroad, and
are available for most countries. Grants are
awarded for all disciplines, including the
sciences, social sciences, humanities,
engineering, and the performing and creative
arts. A number of countries also offer grants
for those who wish to serve as English
teaching assistants. NOTE: U.S. Student
Fulbright Grants should not be confused with
the discontinued Fulbright-Hays Doctoral
Dissertation Grant.
How to Apply: Contact the UT Austin
Fulbright advisor at as soon as
possible to indicate your intent to apply. The
email should give the applicant's name,
contact information, and academic status
(i.e., undergrad, grad, alumnus), country or
region of interest, and area of study or
research topic. The applicant must submit
copies of all application materials
electronically to the UT Austin Fulbright office
by 2 PM on September 3.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Dissertation Grants
Sponsor: American Educational Research
Association (AERA)
Deadline: 09/04/2014
Amount: $20,000
Description: AERA invites education-related
dissertation proposals using National Center
for Educational Statistics (NCES), National
Science Foundation (NSF), and other federal
databases. Dissertation Grants are available
for advanced doctoral students and are
intended to support the student while writing
the doctoral dissertation. Applications are
encouraged from a variety of disciplines, such
as but not limited to, education, sociology,
economics, psychology, demography,
statistics, and psychometrics.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
September 4. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship
Program in Entrepreneurship
Sponsor: Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Deadline: 09/10/2014
Amount: $15,000
Description: The Kauffman Dissertation
Fellowship Program is an annual competitive
program that awards up to fifteen
Dissertation Fellowship grants of $15,000
each to Ph.D., A.D.B., or other doctoral
students at accredited U.S. universities to
support dissertations in the area of
entrepreneurship. The Kauffman Dissertation
Fellowship Program is one of three academic
recognition programs established by the
Kauffman Foundation to aid the Foundation
in achieving its goal of building a body of
respected entrepreneurship research and
making entrepreneurship a highly regarded
academic field.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
September 10. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Lizette Peterson-Homer Injury
Prevention Award
Sponsor: American Psychological Foundation
Deadline: 09/10/2014
Amount: $5,000
Description: The annual award program
supports research into psychological and
behavioral aspects of the prevention of
injuries in children and adolescents as
reflected in the activities and interests within
pediatric psychology of the late Lizette
Peterson-Homer and her commitment to
improving the status of children. Specifically,
the grant supports research related to the
prevention of injuries in children and
adolescents through accidents, violence,
abuse, or suicide. To be eligible, applicants
must be students and/or faculty at an
accredited university and demonstrate
research competence and commitment to
this area of research.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
September 10.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Multi-Arts Production (MAP) Fund
Sponsor: Creative Capital, Doris Duke
Charitable Foundation, and the Andrew W.
Mellon Foundation
Deadline: 09/12/2014
Amount: $10,000-$45,000
Description: The MAP Fund is founded on the
principle that experimentation drives human
progress, no less in art than in science or
medicine. We welcome applications from
artists, ensembles, producers and presenters
of a high artistic standard, whose work in the
disciplines of contemporary performance
embodies this spirit of exploration and deep
inquiry. MAP is particularly interested in
supporting work that examines notions of
cultural difference or "the other," be that in
class, gender, generation, race, religion,
sexual orientation or other aspects of
diversity. MAP supports most direct costs
related to the conception, creation and
premiere of a new work. These include but
are not limited to commissioning fees and
artists' salaries, research costs, rehearsal and
workshop expenses, promotion, and
audience outreach and production costs up
to and including the premiere run of the
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
September 12.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Documenting Endangered Languages
(DEL) Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) (NSF 14-580)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 09/15/2014
Amount: $12,000/2 yrs. (direct costs)
Description: This funding partnership
between the National Science Foundation
(NSF) and the National Endowment for the
Humanities (NEH) supports projects to
develop and advance knowledge concerning
endangered human languages. The program
supports projects that contribute to data
management and archiving, and to the
development of the next generation of
researchers. Funding can support fieldwork
and other activities relevant to the digital
recording, documenting, and archiving of
endangered languages, including the
preparation of lexicons, grammars, text
samples, and databases.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
September 15.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Moody Research Grants, & the Harry
Middleton Fellowship in Presidential Studies
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin, LBJ
Deadline: 09/15/2014
Amount: $500-$5,000
Description: Twice a year, The LBJ
Foundation awards Moody Research Grants,
ranging from $500 to $2,500, and the Harry
Middleton Fellowship in Presidential Studies,
in the amount of $5,000. Moody Research
Grants may be used for research for
dissertations, theses, senior papers,
publications and other projects.
The Middleton Fellowship is given to students
whose research highlights how history can
illuminate current and future policy
issues. While post-doctoral fellows may
apply, preference is given to doctoral
students. The fellowship requires recipients
to conduct research at the LBJ Library and at
least one other NARA facility. The application
deadline for both is September 15 for the
spring term (January 1 – August 31) and
March 15 for the fall term (June 1 –
December 31).
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
September 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation
Program in Buddhist Studies
Sponsor: American Council of Learned
Societies (ACLS), Robert H. N. Ho Family
Deadline: 09/17/2014
Amount: $30,000-$200,000
Description: Grants will be given in four
categories: 1) Dissertation Fellowships will
provide one-year stipends for Ph.D.
candidates to devote full time to preparing
dissertations., and may be used for fieldwork,
archival research, analysis of findings, or for
writing after research is complete. 2)
Postdoctoral Fellowships will provide two
years of funding to recent recipients of the
Ph.D. for residence at a university for the
purpose of revising the dissertation into a
publishable manuscript or for beginning the
first new project. 3) Collaborative Research
Grants will support work that may be
interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary. Projects
that relate different Buddhist traditions to
each other or that relate scholarship on the
broad Buddhist tradition to contemporary
concerns in other academic fields are
especially welcome. 4) A Distinguished
Visiting Professorships will allow universities
and colleges to host accomplished scholarteachers in Buddhist studies as visiting
professors for one semester or one academic
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
How to Apply: Applicants in the Collaborative
Research and Distinguished Visiting
Professorship categories should contact their
departmental Grants and Contracts Specialist
or Liberal Arts Grants Services
( and return
Proposal Review Form by September 17.
Dissertation and Postdoctoral Fellowship
applicants may apply directly to sponsor by
October 8.
Title: Clara Mayo Grant Program in Support
of Masters’ Theses and Pre-Dissertation
Research on Sexism, Racism, or Prejudice
Sponsor: Society for the Psychological Study
of Social Issues (SSPI)
Deadline: 09/24/2014
Amount: $1,000
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Public Health Fellowship Program
Sponsor: Association of Schools and
Programs of Public Health (ASPPH), Centers
for Desease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Deadline: 09/18/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The ASPPH/CDC Public Health
Fellowship Program was established in 1995.
Its goal is to address emerging needs of
public health, and to provide leadership and
professional opportunities at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for
students and graduate students of ASPPH
member graduate schools and programs of
public health. The fellowships are from one
to two years in duration, depending on the
needs of CDC and the fellow. The Fellowship
Program was established to strengthen the
relationship between the academic public
health community and public health practice
agencies. The types of fellowships will vary
according to specific areas of research or
training within CDC´s Centers/
Institutes/Offices (CIOs). To be eligible,
students must have received a MPH or
doctorate degree prior to the beginning of
the fellowship. Early career professionals
with MPH or doctorate degrees (within 5
years of graduation) may also apply for the
fellowship program.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
September 18. See grant announcement for
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Description: The Clara Mayo Grant program
was set up to support masters’ theses or predissertation research on aspects of sexism,
racism, or prejudice, with preference given to
students enrolled in a terminal master’s
program. Studies of the application of theory
or the design of interventions or treatments
to address these problems are welcome.
Individuals who are SPSSI members and who
have matriculated in graduate programs in
psychology, applied social science, and
related disciplines may apply. Matching funds
from University preferred.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
September 24.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grant (DDRIG) in Sociology
(NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 09/24/2014
Amount: $12,000 (including indirect costs)
Description: The Sociology Program
dissertation improvement grants are
awarded to support high-quality doctoral
dissertation research in sociology. The
suitability of a research idea is based on the
extent to which the research contributes to
sociological theory and knowledge, not on
specific topics. Grants are for direct research
costs associated with either original data
collection or the analysis of existing datasets.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
September 24.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Research Grants
Sponsor: Lesbian Health Fund (LHF)
Deadline: 09/24/2014
Amount: $10,000
Description: The Fund supports research in
the areas of understanding social, family, and
interpersonal influences as sources of stress
or support; eliminating inequalities in health
care, including barriers to care, and
improving quality of care and utilization
rates; development and testing of
interventions to address mental and physical
health needs of lesbians and other sexual
minority women, including but not limited to
depression, identity related issues, eating
disorders, substance abuse, obesity, cancer
risks, cardiovascular disease, and sexually
transmitted infections; and sexual and
reproductive health, including family and
parenting issues.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
September 24.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: World Politics and Statecraft Fellowship
Sponsor: Smith Richardson Foundation
Deadline: 09/24/2013
Amount: $7,500
Description: Supports Ph.D. dissertation
research on American foreign policy,
international relations, international security,
strategic studies, area studies, and diplomatic
and military history. The fellowship’s
objective is to support the research and
writing of policy-relevant dissertations
through funding of fieldwork, archival
research, and language training. In
evaluating applications, the Foundation will
accord preference to those projects that
could directly inform U.S. policy debates and
thinking, rather than dissertations that are
principally focused on abstract theory or
debates within a scholarly discipline.
Applicants should be ABD by the time of
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review form by
September 24.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Drug Abuse Dissertation Research (R36)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Deadline: 09/25/2014
Amount: $50,000/yr., up to 2 yrs.
Description: The National Institute on Drug
Abuse (NIDA) announces the availability of
NIH Dissertation Award grants (R36) to
support drug abuse doctoral dissertation
research in epidemiology, prevention,
treatment, services, and/or women and
sex/gender differences, areas in which there
is a significant need for new investigators.
Grant support is designed to encourage
doctoral candidates from a variety of
academic disciplines and programs to
conduct research in these areas of interest to
NIDA. It is hoped that this program will
ultimately facilitate the entry of promising
new investigators into the field of drug abuse
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
September 25.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Harry S. Truman Library Institute
Research Grants
Sponsor: Harry S. Truman Library Institute for
National and International Affairs
Deadline: 10/01/2014
Amount: $2,500/1-3 wks.
institutions, and sites to be visited. Inclusion
of correspondence with potential contacts in
China is desirable. A working knowledge of
Chinese is required.
Description: These grants are intended to
enable graduate students, post-doctoral
scholars and other researchers to come to
the Harry S. Truman Library for one to three
weeks to use its collections. Awards are to
offset expenses incurred for this purpose
only. Graduate students and post-doctoral
scholars are particularly encouraged to apply,
but applications from others engaged in
advanced research will also be considered.
Preference will be given to projects that have
application to enduring public policy and
foreign policy issues and that have a high
probability of being published or publicly
disseminated in some other way. The
potential contribution of a project to an
applicant’s development as a scholar will also
be considered. An individual may receive no
more than two Research Grants in a five-year
period. Applications accepted twice per year
in April and October.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
October 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
October 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Program in China Studies
Predisserations Summer Grants
Sponsor: American Council of Learned
Societies (ACLS)
Deadline: 10/01/2014
Amount: $5,000
Description: The Henry Luce
Foundation/ACLS Program in Studies seeks to
maintain the vitality of China Studies in the
U.S. through fellowships and grants designed
primarily for scholars early in their careers.
Predissertation grants provide funding for
graduate students to explore venues and
make preliminary research arrangements,
and to gain advice from potential
collaborators regarding subsequent research
in China. Application essays must provide the
rationale for the research agenda with
particular attention to the evidence needed
to answer research questions. The essay
should present a rational for the need for a
summer visit to China prior to dissertation
research. It should also provide a plan for
travel in China, identifying the individuals,
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Dennis Weatherstone Predoctoral
Fellowship Program
Sponsor: Autism Speaks
Deadline: 10/02/2013
Amount: $29,500/yr., 2 yrs.
Description: Autism Speaks invites
applications from pre-doctoral students
interested in pursuing careers in autism
research. The Dennis Weatherstone Fellows
will work directly with mentors who are
leading scientists in autism related research.
This program supports the growth of a
promising cadre of young scientists who will
make autism research their chosen field. In
order to cross-fertilize ideas and facilitate a
network of collaboration, the Weatherstone
program will include group interaction among
the class of fellows and an annual meeting
with the Weatherstone family and the
Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
How to Apply: Submit Letter of Interest
directly to sponsor by October. 2. Contact
your departmental Grants and Contracts
Specialist or Liberal Arts Grants Services
( and return
Proposal review form by October 26.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Dissertation Fellowship Program
Sponsor: National Academy of Education &
the Spencer Foundation
Deadline: 10/03/2014
Amount: $25,000
Description: The Dissertation Fellowship
Program seeks to encourage a new
generation of scholars from a wide range of
disciplines and professional fields to
undertake research relevant to the
improvement of education. These fellowships
support individuals whose dissertations show
potential for bringing fresh and constructive
perspectives to the history, theory, or
practice of formal or informal education
anywhere in the world. Applicants should
plan to complete their dissertation in one to
two years. International students studying at
U.S. universities may apply.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
October 3. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Dissertation Proposal Development
Fellowship (DPDF): Student Fellowship
Sponsor: Social Sciences Research Council
Deadline: 10/15/2014
Amount: $5,000
Description: The DPDF Student Fellowship
Competition is organized to help mid-stage
graduate students in the humanities and
social sciences formulate effective research
proposals through scholarly exchange within
interdisciplinary areas of study. Each year,
the program offers dissertation proposal
development workshops led by pairs of
tenured senior faculty in the US and abroad
who define emerging or reinvigorated
multidisciplinary research fields. Students
may apply for up to $5,000 to cover summer
research costs. Travel and accommodations
to attend both workshops are covered by the
DPDF Program.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
October 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Clara Mayo Grants
Sponsor: The Society for the Psychological
Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)
Deadline: 10/5/2014
Amount: $1,000
Description: The Clara Mayo Grant program
was set up to support masters’ theses or predissertation research on aspects of sexism,
racism, or prejudice, with preference given to
students enrolled in a terminal master’s
program. Studies of the application of theory
or the design of interventions or treatments
to address these problems are welcome.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
October 5. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation
Fellowship in Women’s Studies
Sponsor: Woodrow Wilson National
Fellowship Foundation
Deadline: 10/15/2014
Amount: $5,000
Description: These fellowships support the
final year of dissertation writing for Ph.D.
candidates in the humanities and social
sciences whose work addresses topics of
women and gender in interdisciplinary and
original ways. The program encourages
original and significant research about
women that crosses disciplinary, regional, or
cultural boundaries. Applicants must plan to
complete their dissertations during the
fellowship year. International candidates who
are enrolled in U.S. institutions are eligible to
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
October 15. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Dissertation Fieldwork Grants
Sponsor: Wenner-Gren Foundation
Deadline: 10/17/2014
Amount: $20,000
Description: Dissertation Fieldwork Grants
are awarded to aid doctoral or thesis
research. The program contributes to the
Foundation's overall mission to support basic
research in anthropology and to ensure that
the discipline continues to be a source of
vibrant and significant work that furthers our
understanding of humanity's cultural and
biological origins, development, and
variation. The Foundation supports research
that demonstrates a clear link to
anthropological theory and debates, and
promises to make a solid contribution to
advancing these ideas. There is no preference
for any methodology, research location, or
subfield. The Foundation particularly
welcomes proposals that employ a
comparative perspective, can generate
innovative approaches or ideas, and/or
integrate two or more subfields. Students
must be enrolled in a doctoral program (or
equivalent, if applying from outside the
United States) at the time of application.
Students of all nationalities are eligible to
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by October
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS
Dissertation Fellowships in American Art
Sponsor: American Council of Learned
Societies (ACLS)
Deadline: 10/22/2014
Amount: $27,000
Description: ACLS invites applications for the
Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Dissertation
Fellowships in American Art designated for
graduate students in any stage of Ph.D.
dissertation research or writing. Ten
fellowships are available for a nonrenewable, one-year term beginning
between June and September 2015 for the
2015-2016 academic year. The fellowships
may be carried out in residence at the
Fellow's home institution, abroad, or at
another appropriate site for the research.
The fellowships, however, may not be used to
defray tuition costs or be held concurrently
with any other major fellowship or grant.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens or
permanent residents.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
October 22. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: N
More Info:
Title: Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion
Sponsor: American Council of Learned
Societies (ACLS), Andrew W. Mellon
Deadline: 10/22/2014
Amount: $33,000
Description: Supports a year of research and
writing to help advanced graduate students
in the humanities and related social sciences
in the last year of Ph.D. dissertation writing.
Applicants must: 1) be Ph.D. candidates in a
humanities or social science department in
the United States (international students are
eligible); 2) have completed all requirements
for the Ph.D. except the dissertation and
obtained ABD (all but dissertation) status by
the application deadline; 3) be no more than
six years in the degree program, awardees
can hold this Fellowship no later than their
seventh year; and 4) must be prepared to
complete their dissertations within the
period of their fellowship tenure.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
Ocbober 22. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Excellence in Counseling Research
Sponsor: Chi Sigma Iota (CSI)
Deadline: 10/24/2014
Amount: $2,500
Description: With the aim of providing
recognition for outstanding achievement and
service within the field of counseling, CSI
awards grants for projects focused on
professional advocacy, professional identity,
and leadership research; wellness counseling
research; and/or developmental counseling
research. Funding priorities are 1)
professional advocacy, professional identity,
and leadership research; 2) wellness
counseling research; and 3) developmental
counseling research. To be eligible, applicants
must be a member of CSI in good standing at
the time of application and throughout the
duration of the proposed project.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by October
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Minority Fellowship Program
Sponsor: American Political Science
Association (APSA)
Deadline: 10/25/2013
Amount: $4,000
Description: The APSA Minority Fellows
program is designed primarily for minority
students applying to enter a doctoral
program in political science. Applicants must
be members of one of the following
racial/ethnic minority groups: African
Americans, Asian Pacific Americans,
Latinos/as, and Native Americans (federal
and state recognized tribes); must be
college/university seniors, college/university
graduates, or students currently enrolled in a
Master’s Program applying for doctoral study
at another political science
program/institution; must demonstrate an
interest in teaching and potential for research
in political science; and must be a United
States citizen at time of award.
How to Apply: Submit directly to sponsor by
October 25. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: N
More Info:
Title: Science to Achieve Results (STAR)
Fellowship (CFDA 66.514)
Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency
Deadline: 10/30/2012
Amount: $42,000/yr.
Description: EPA's STAR graduate fellowship
program supports masters and doctoral
candidates in environmental studies. Each
year, students in the United States compete
for STAR fellowships through a rigorous
review process. Students can pursue degrees
in traditionally recognized environmental
disciplines as well as other fields such as
social anthropology, urban and regional
planning, and decision sciences. Master's
level students may receive support for a
maximum of two years. Doctoral students
may be supported for a maximum of three
years, usable over a period of five years.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens or
permanent residents.
How to Apply: Contact Liberal Arts Grants
Services ( in the
Liberal Arts Grants Services and return
Proposal Review Form 3 weeks in advance of
sponsor deadline.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: N
More Info:
Title: AIA Fellowships, Grants, and
Sponsor: Archeological Institute of America
Deadline: 11/01/2014
Amount: Varies
Description: The AIA is pleased to offer
fellowships for travel and study to deserving
scholars and a number of scholarships and
grants for students, publications, and AIA
Societies. AIA scholarships, fellowships, and
grants are open to members of the
Archaeological Institute of America.
Fellowship Programs include: German
Archaeological Institute (DAI) Fellowship for
Study in Berlin, Colburn Fellowship for study
at The American School of Clasical Studies at
Athens, Pomerance Fellowship to support
Aegean Bronze Age archaeology, Woodruff
Fellowship of the AIA and the American
Academy in Rome, James Traveling
Fellowship for travel and study in the
Mediterranean region, and the Archaeology
of Portugal Fellowship, among others.
How to Apply: Multiple deadlines through
January 2016. Submit directly to sponsor.
Apply directly to sponsor. See grant
announcement for complete list of materials
to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Fellowships in the Humanities and
Social Sciences in Turkey
Sponsor: American Research Institute in
Turkey (ARIT)
Deadline: 11/01/2014
Amount: Varies
Description: Fellowships for research in
Turkey are available to scholars and advanced
graduate students engaged in research on
ancient, medieval, or modern times in
Turkey, in any field of the humanities and
social sciences. Grants are available for up to
one year, but shorter projects may receive
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Grant-in-Aid Program
Sponsor: Rockefeller Archive Center
Deadline: 11/01/2014
Amount: $4,000
Description: The Rockefeller Archive Center
in Sleepy Hollow, New York, annually offers a
competitive grant-in-aid program to foster,
promote, and support research by serious
scholars in the collections located at the
center, which houses the records of the
Rockefeller family, Rockefeller University,
Rockefeller Foundation, and other
Rockefeller-associated philanthropies and
individuals. Potential applicants are required
to contact an archivist no later than October
15 in order to provide ample time for the
archivist to provide assistance.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Luce Scholars Program Scholarship
Sponsor: Luce Foundation
Deadline: October TBA
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The Luce Scholars Program is a
nationally competitive fellowship program. It
was launched by the Henry Luce Foundation
in 1974 to enhance the understanding of Asia
among potential leaders in American society.
The program provides stipends, language
training, and individualized professional
placement in Asia for 15-18 Luce Scholars
each year, and welcomes applications from
college seniors, graduate students, and young
professionals in a variety of fields who have
had limited exposure to Asia. The program is
unique among American-Asian exchanges in
that it is intended for young leaders who
have had limited experience of Asia and who
might not otherwise have an opportunity in
the normal course of their careers to come to
know Asia. Those who already have
significant experience in Asia or Asian studies
are not eligible for the Luce Scholars
Program. To be eligible, candidates must be
U.S. citizens who would not have reached
their 30th birthday by July 1st of the year
they enter the program.
How to Apply: Nomination by UT Graduate
School required. Internal competition
deadline in October annually. Contact
Elizabeth Korves
(, Assistant
Fellowship Manager, for application
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for
New Americans
Sponsor: Soros Foundation
Deadline: 11/01/2014
Amount: $25,000 maintenance/yr., $20,000
Description: This fellowship program honors
the American immigrant tradition. It has,
since 1998, provided 30 fellowships annually
to New Americans - naturalized citizens or
"green card" holders, or children of
naturalized citizens. Selection criteria
emphasize sustained accomplishments that
show unusual creativity, originality and
initiative. We seek individuals who will use
their graduate education to advance their
abilities and commitment to contribute to
American society and to be active citizens in a
free country. Applicants must be not yet be
31 years old, and must not be beyond the
second year of the graduate degree program
for which support is requested.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Predoctoral Fellowships
Sponsor: Getty Foundation
Deadline: 11/01/2013
Amount: $25,000
Description: Getty Predoctoral and
Postdoctoral Fellowships are intended for
emerging scholars to complete work on
projects related to the Getty Research
Institute's annual theme. The 2014-15 theme
is “Object—Value—Canon,” encourages
exploration of the traditional art-historical
process of interpretation of an object,
discussion of value, to canonization through
an interdisciplinary lens. Recipients are in
residence at the Getty Research Institute,
where they pursue research to complete
their dissertations or to expand them for
publication. Fellows make use of the Getty
collections, join in a weekly meeting devoted
to the annual theme, and participate in the
intellectual life of the Getty.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 1. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Professor Rahamimoff Travel Grants
Program for Young Scientists
Sponsor: U.S.-Israel Binational Science
Deadline: 11/03/2014
Amount: $4,000
Description: The Prof. Rahamimoff Travel
Grants Program is open to U.S. and Israeli
Ph.D. students doing research that requires
facilities or expertise not available in their
home countries. The trips will be only to a
higher education or a research facility in the
U.S.A. (for Israelis) or Israel (for Americans).
The program will not support participation in
conferences or trips by late-stage Ph.D.
students. Eligible fields include psychology,
economics, and sociology, among other
disciplines in the physical and life sciences.
How to Apply: Contact Elizabeth Korves
( in the Office
of Graduate Studies for application
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research
Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral
Fellowship (Parent F31) (PA-14-147)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Deadline: 11/03/2014
Amount: $22,476/ yr. stipend; $4,200
institutional allowance; tuition
Description: The purpose of the KirschsteinNRSA predoctoral fellowship (F31) award is to
enable promising predoctoral students to
obtain individualized, mentored research
training from outstanding faculty sponsors
while conducting dissertation research in
scientific health-related fields relevant to the
missions of the participating NIH Institutes
and Centers. The proposed mentored
research training must reflect the applicants
dissertation research project and is expected
to clearly enhance the individuals potential to
develop into a productive, independent
research scientist. Applicants are encouraged
to apply early to allow adequate time to
make any corrections to errors found in the
application during the submission process by
the due date.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
November 3.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Graduate Research Fellowship Program
(GRFP) (13-584)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 11/04/2014
Amount: $30,000 stipend, $12,000 tuition
Description: The GRFP provides three years
of support for the graduate education of
individuals who have demonstrated their
potential for significant achievements in
science (including social science) and
engineering research. Applicants must be
United States citizens, nationals, or
permanent residents of the United States by
the application deadline. Fellowships are
awarded to individuals in the early stages of
their graduate study, and are eligible to apply
during the senior year of college, after
graduating college and before entering
graduate school, during the first year of
graduate school, or prior to completing the
fall term of the second year of graduate
school. International applicants are not
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor. See
grant announcement for complete list of
materials to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Tribeca All Access
Sponsor: Tribeca Film Institute (TFI)
Deadline: 11/05/2014
Amount: $15,000
Description: Tribeca All Access supports
working filmmakers in the United States and
Puerto Rico from communities statistically
underrepresented in the film industry with
grants, year-round resources, and greater
access to industry contacts. The program
seeks feature-length narrative and
documentary submissions from established
and emerging filmmakers whose team
includes a U.S.-based director or screenwriter
from a community that is statistically
underrepresented in the film industry.
Projects may be in any stage of development,
from treatment/screenplay to postproduction. Projects of any genre and/or
budget range are eligible for a grant.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 5. See solicitation for list of
materials to be submitted with the
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research
Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral
Fellowship to Promote Diversity in HealthRelated Research (Parent F31-Diversity) (PA14-148)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Deadline: 11/10/2014
Amount: $22,476/ yr. stipend; $4,200
institutional allowance; tuition
Description: The purpose of this KirschsteinNRSA predoctoral fellowship (F31) award is to
enhance the diversity of the health-related
research workforce by supporting the
research training of predoctoral students
from population groups that have been
shown to be underrepresented in the
biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research
workforce. Such individuals include those
from underrepresented racial and ethnic
groups, those with disabilities, and those
from disadvantaged backgrounds. Through
this award program, promising predoctoral
students will obtain individualized, mentored
research training from outstanding faculty
sponsors while conducting well-defined
research projects in scientific health-related
fields relevant to the missions of the
participating NIH Institutes and Centers. The
proposed mentored research training is
expected to clearly enhance the individuals
potential to develop into a productive,
independent research scientist. Applicants
are encouraged to apply early to allow
adequate time to make any corrections to
errors found in the application during the
submission process by the due date.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
November 10.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes
for U.S. Graduate Students (EASPI) (NSF 13593)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 11/13/2014
Amount: $5,000
Description: NSF and selected foreign
counterpart science and technology agencies
sponsor international research institutes for
U.S. graduate students in seven East Asia and
Pacific locations at times set by the
counterpart agencies between June and
August each year. The Summer Institutes
(EAPSI) operate similarly and the research
visits to a particular location take place at the
same time. Although applicants apply
individually to participate in a Summer
Institute, awardees become part of the
cohort for each location. Applicants must
propose a location, host scientist, and
research project that is appropriate for the
host site and duration of the international
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 13. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Dissertation Fellowships
Sponsor: Ford Foundation
Deadline: 11/14/2014
Amount: $25,000
Description: These fellowships provide one
year of support for individuals working to
complete a dissertation leading to a Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Science
(Sc.D.) degree. The awards will be made to
individuals who, in the judgment of the
review panels, have demonstrated superior
academic achievement, are committed to a
career in teaching and research at the college
or university level, show promise of future
achievement as scholars and teachers, and
are well prepared to use diversity as a
resource for enriching the education of all
students. The foundation is especially
interested in applicants who are members of
the following underrepresented groups:
Alaska natives, Black/African Americans,
Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos,
Native American Indians, Native Pacific
Islanders, Puerto Ricans.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 14. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral
Dissertation Fellowship in Religion and Ethics
Sponsor: Woodrow Wilson National
Fellowship Foundation
Deadline: 11/15/2014
Amount: $25,000
Description: The Charlotte W. Newcombe
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are
designed to encourage original and significant
study of ethical or religious values in all fields
of the humanities and social sciences, and
particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these
fields complete their dissertation work in a
timely manner. In addition to topics in
religious studies or in ethics (philosophical or
religious), dissertations appropriate to the
Newcombe Fellowship competition might
explore the ethical implications of foreign
policy, the values influencing political
decisions, the moral codes of other cultures,
and religious or ethical issues reflected in
history or literature. The Newcombe
Fellowships are provided to Ph.D. candidates
at American institutions located in the United
States who will complete their dissertations
during the fellowship year.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Fellowships at the Huntington
Sponsor: The Huntington Library, Art
Collections, and Botanical Gardens
Deadline: 11/15/2014
Amount: $3,000-$50,000
Description: The Huntington is an
independent research center with extensive
holdings in British and American history,
literature, art history, and the history of
science and medicine, with the collections
ranging chronologically from the eleventh
century to the present. The Huntington will
award to scholars over 150 fellowships for
the academic year 2015-2016. These
fellowships derive from a variety of funding
sources and have different terms. Recipients
of all fellowships are expected to be in
continuous residence at the Huntington and
to participate in and make a contribution to
its intellectual life. Short- and long-term
awards are available, including a Mellon
dissertation fellowship.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation
Research in Original Sources
Sponsor: Council on Library and Information
Resources (CLIR) & Andrew W. Mellon
Deadline: 11/15/2013
Amount: $25,000
Description: The Council on Library and
Information Resources (CLIR) is pleased to
offer fellowships generously funded by The
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for
dissertation research in the humanities or
related social sciences in original sources.
Traditional proposals for original source
research in such fields as history will be
welcome and the committee will give
preference to sound non-traditional projects
in all eligible fields such as those that use
newly available or little studied sources,
make interdisciplinary use of sources, use
sources in innovative, creative ways, use
sources in repositories that cannot,
themselves, provide financial assistance to
researchers. Fellows may propose to work in
more than one repository during the
fellowship period, including repositories
abroad. Preference is given to applicants
working away from their home institutions.
International students are eligible to apply.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: American Dissertation Fellowships
Sponsor: American Association of University
Women (AAUW)
Deadline: 11/17/2014
Amount: $20,000
Description: Dissertation Fellowships offset a
scholar’s living expenses while she completes
her dissertation. The fellowship must be used
for the final year of writing the dissertation.
Applicants must have completed all course
work, passed all preliminary examinations,
and received approval for their research
proposals or plans by the preceding
November. Students holding fellowships for
writing a dissertation in the year prior to the
AAUW fellowships year are not eligible. Open
to applicants in all fields of study. Scholars
engaged in science, technology, engineering,
and math fields or researching gender issues
are especially encouraged to apply.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens or
permanent residents.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 17. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Fellowships and Grants for the History
of Science and Technology in East Asia
Sponsor: D. Kim Foundation
Deadline: 11/17/2014
Amount: $2,500-$55,000
Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts Grants
Services ( and
return Proposal Review Form by November
17. Dissertation and Postdoctoral Fellowship
applicants may apply directly to sponsor
December 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Predoctoral Fellowships
Sponsor: Ford Foundation
Deadline: 11/19/2014
Amount: $20,000/yr.
Description: These fellowships provide three
years of support for individuals engaged in
graduate study leading to a Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Science
(Sc.D.) degree. The awards will be made to
individuals who, in the judgment of the
review panels, have demonstrated superior
academic achievement, are committed to a
career in teaching and research at the college
or university level, show promise of future
achievement as scholars and teachers, and
are well prepared to use diversity as a
resource for enriching the education of all
students. The foundation is especially
interested in applicants who are members of
the following underrepresented groups:
Alaska natives, Black/African Americans,
Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos,
Native American Indians, Native Pacific
Islanders, Puerto Ricans.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 19. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Description: The D. Kim Foundation provides
fellowships and grants in support of graduate
students and young scholars pursuing studies
in the history of science and technology in
East Asia from the beginning of the 20th
century to the present. Comparative studies
of East Asia and the West as well as studies in
related fields (mathematics, medicine, and
public health) are also welcome. The
foundation offers postdoctoral and
dissertation fellowships as well as grants for
travel/research and for group projects.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
How to Apply: Faculty applying for
travel/research or group funding should
contact their departmental Grants and
Description: This program is open to students
who are Canadian citizens applying to a
doctoral program or in their first or second
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Scholarships
Sponsor: Trudeau Foundation
Deadline: November TBA
Amount: $60,000/yr., up to 4 yrs.
year of a doctoral program in the social
sciences or humanities. Applicants must be
pursuing research on one or more of the
Foundation's four themes: human rights and
dignity, responsible citizenship, Canada in the
world, and people and their natural
How to Apply: Nomination by UT Graduate
School required. Internal competition
deadline in November annually. Contact
Elizabeth Korves
(, Assistant
Fellowship Manager, for application
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y (Canada only)
More Info:
Title: History of Art: Institutional Fellowships
Sponsor: Kress Foundation
Deadline: 11/30/2014
Amount: $30,000/yr.
Description: Six Kress Institutional
Fellowships in the History of European Art
will be awarded each year for a two-year
research appointment hosted with one of the
following (six) European research centers:
Florence Kunsthistorisches Institut / Institute
for Art History, Leiden Kunsthistorisch
Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit / Art Historical
Institute, Rijksuniversiteit, London Courtauld
Institute of Art & Warburg Institute of Art
(jointly administered), Munich Zentralinstitut
für Kunstgeschichte / Central Institute for Art
History, Paris Institut national d'histoire de
l'art (INHA) / National Institute for the History
of Art, Rome Bibliotheca Hertziana.
Restricted to pre-doctoral candidates in the
history of art and related disciplines (such as
archaeology, architecture, or classics).
Nominees must be U.S. citizens or individuals
matriculated at an American university.
Dissertation research must focus on
European art from antiquity to the early 19th
century. Candidates must be nominated by
their academic department.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
November 30. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Political
Science (NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 12/01/2014
Amount: $14,000 (including indirect costs)
Description: The Political Science Program
supports scientific research that advances
knowledge and understanding of citizenship,
government, and politics. Research proposals
are expected to be theoretically motivated,
conceptually precise, methodologically
rigorous, and empirically oriented.
Substantive areas include, but are not limited
to, American government and politics,
comparative government and politics,
international relations, political behavior,
political economy, and political institutions.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 1.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Research on
Science and Technology Enterprise: Statistics
and Surveys (NSF 12-545)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 12/01/2014
Amount: $12,000
Description: The National Center for Science
and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) funds
doctoral dissertation research on science,
engineering, technology, and innovation
(S&T) issues and policies that affect the U.S.
in its international setting. It supports high
quality doctoral research that may lead to (1)
improved survey methodologies to generate
S&T data, (2) creation or improvement of S&T
indicators reflecting science, research and
development, innovation activities,
engineering, technology, or the science and
engineering workforce, (3) strengthening of
methodologies to analyze statistical S&T
data, or (4) development of novel means to
convey the information in these data to a
variety of audiences. NCSES encourages
proposals that analyze NCSES S&T data or
NCSES data in conjunction with relevant data
from other sources, but also accepts
proposals to analyze data from non-NCSES
sources alone, including international data.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 1.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Methodology, Measurement, and
Statistics (MMS), Doctoral Dissertation
Research Improvement Grant (DDRIG) (NSF
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 12/01/2014
Amount: Varies
Description: The Methodology,
Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) Program
supports the development of innovative
analytical and statistical methods and models
for those sciences. The Program interacts
with the other programs in Social, Behavioral,
and Economic Sciences (SBE) as well as other
programs in the Foundation, most notably
the Statistics Program in the Directorate for
Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS).
The Program also partners with a consortium
of federal statistical agencies to support
research proposals that further the
development of new and innovative
approaches to surveys and to the analysis of
survey data. Awards will be made in three
categories: regular research awards; awards
for conferences, workshops and communitydevelopment activities; and doctoral
dissertation research improvement (DDRI)
awards. Research experiences for
undergraduate (REU) supplements are also
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 1.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Predoctoral Residential Fellowship
Sponsor: Carter G. Woodson Institute for
African American & African Studies
Deadline: 12/01/2013
Amount: $20,000/yr.
Description: The Carter G. Woodson Institute
for African-American and African Studies at
the University of Virginia invites scholars
whose work focuses on Africa and/or the
African Diaspora to apply for a two-year predoctoral research fellowship. The fellowship
covers two years beginning in August. The
Woodson Institute fellowship is open to
qualified candidates without restriction as to
citizenship or current residence.
How to Apply: Submit directly to sponsor by
December 1. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Research Grants
Sponsor: Leakey Foundation
Deadline: 12/01/2014
Amount: $15,000 (doctoral), $25,000 (postdoc/senior researcher)
Description: The Leakey Foundation was
formed to foster research into human origins.
The Foundation exclusively funds research
related specifically to human origins,
including paleoanthropology, genetics,
primate behavior, and studies of modern
hunter-gatherer groups. Other areas of study
are generally not funded. Human origins
research projects from Ph.D.s and Ph.D.
Candidates (ABD) are eligible for Leakey
Foundation Research Grants. There are no
citizenship restrictions.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 1.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Decision, Risk, and Management
Sciences (DRMS) Doctoral Dissertation
Research Improvement Grant (DDRIG) (PD
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 12/02/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The Decision, Risk and
Management Sciences program supports
scientific research directed at increasing the
understanding and effectiveness of decision
making by individuals, groups, organizations,
and society. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary
research, research, and workshops are
funded in the areas of judgment and decision
making; decision analysis and decision aids;
risk analysis, perception, and communication;
societal and public policy decision making;
management science and organizational
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 2.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Cultural
Anthropology (NSF 14-560)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 12/02/2014
Amount: $20,000 (plus added indirect costs)
Description: The primary objective of the
Cultural Anthropology Program is to support
basic scientific research on the causes,
consequences, and complexities of human
social and cultural variability. Anthropological
research spans a wide gamut, and
contemporary cultural anthropology is an
arena in which diverse research traditions
and methodologies are valid. Recognizing the
breadth of the field’s contributions to
science, the Cultural Anthropology Program
welcomes proposals for empirically
grounded, theoretically engaged, and
methodologically sophisticated research in all
sub-fields of cultural anthropology.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 2.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Decision,
Risk, and Management Sciences (NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 12/02/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The Decision, Risk and
Management Sciences program supports
scientific research directed at increasing the
understanding and effectiveness of decision
making by individuals, groups, organizations,
and society. Research is funded in the areas
of judgment and decision making; decision
analysis and decision aids; risk analysis,
perception, and communication; societal and
public policy decision making; management
science and organizational design.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 2.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Economics
(NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 12/02/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The Economics program
supports research designed to improve the
understanding of the processes and
institutions of the U.S. economy and of the
world system of which it is a part. This
program also strengthens both empirical and
theoretical economic analysis as well as the
methods for rigorous research on economic
behavior. It supports research in almost every
area of economics, including econometrics,
economic history, environmental economics,
finance, industrial organization, international
economics, labor economics,
macroeconomics, mathematical economics,
and public finance.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 2.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Law and
Social Sciences (NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 12/02/2014
Amount: $20,000 (plus indirect costs)
Description: The Law and Social Sciences
Program considers proposals that address
social scientific studies of law and law-like
systems of rules. Successful proposals
describe research that advances scientific
theory and understanding of the connections
between law or legal processes and human
behavior. Social scientific studies of law
often approach law as dynamic, made in
multiple arenas, with the participation of
multiple actors.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 2.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Linguistics
(NSF 14-551)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 12/02/2014
Amount: $12,000 (plus indirect costs)
Description: The Linguistics Program
supports basic science in the domain of
human language, encompassing
investigations of the grammatical properties
of individual human languages, and of natural
language in general. Research areas include
syntax, linguistic semantics and pragmatics,
morphology, phonetics, and phonology.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 2.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in
Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics
(MSS) (NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 12/02/2014
Amount: $16,000 (including indirect costs)
Description: The Methodology,
Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) Program
is an interdisciplinary program in the Social,
Behavioral, and Economic Sciences that
supports the development of innovative
analytical and statistical methods and models
for those sciences. MMS seeks proposals that
are methodologically innovative, grounded in
theory, and have potential utility for multiple
fields within the social and behavioral
sciences. As part of its larger portfolio, the
MMS Program partners with a consortium of
federal statistical agencies to support
research proposals that further the
development of new and innovative
approaches to surveys and to the analysis of
survey data.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 2.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Endangered Languages Documentation
Program (ELDP)
Sponsor: Hans Rausing Endangered
Languages Project, SOAS University of
Deadline: 12/02/2013
Amount: £10,000-£150,000, 6 mo.-3yrs.
Description: The key objectives of ELDP are
to support the documentation of as many
endangered languages as possible, to
encourage fieldwork on endangered
languages, especially by younger scholars
with skills in language documentation, and to
create a repository of resources for the
linguistic, social science, and the language
communities. Small Grants can be used for a
range of purposes related to the
documentation of endangered languages,
such as to carry out fieldwork, develop a pilot
project, or complete a project already begun.
Individual Graduate Scholarship projects last
for 12 to 36 months and typically provide a
stipend and field research expenses.
Researchers at an early stage in their
academic career may apply for the Individual
Postdoctoral Fellowships of between 12 and
24 months. Major Documentation Project
funding can cover elements including
fieldwork costs, equipment, researchers'
salaries, and graduate students' stipends for
a duration of 6 to 36 months.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
December 2.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: William Randolph Hearst Endowed
Fellowships for Minority Students
Sponsor: Aspen Institute
Deadline: 12/05/2014
Amount: $2,000-$4,000
Description: The Aspen Institute Program on
Philanthropy and Social Innovation (PSI) in
Washington, DC, offers the William Randolph
Hearst Endowed Fellowship three times
annually (March, July, and December). The
fellowship, which is based on academic
excellence and need, is open to both
undergraduate and graduate students of
color. The Hearst Fellow serves as an intern
with PSI in the Washington, DC office of the
Aspen Institute. Through this fellowship, PSI
seeks to introduce a diverse group of
students to issues and challenges affecting
philanthropy, social enterprise, nonprofit
organizations, and other actors in the social
sector. Recipients may arrange with their
colleges or universities to receive academic
credit for this experience. This is a
professional opportunity, and international
applicants are not eligible.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
December 5. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Stephen J. Brady STOP Hunger
Sponsor: Sodexo Foundation
Deadline: 12/10/2014
Amount: $10,000
Description: The Sodexo Foundation, which
works to ensure that every child in the United
States grows up with dependable access to
enough nutritious food to fuel a healthy and
productive life, is inviting applications for its
Stephen J. Brady STOP Hunger Scholarship
program. The national program honors the
efforts of students—from kindergarten to
graduate school—who are working to end
hunger in the United States.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
December 10. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Fellowship Grant Program (USDA-NIFAAFRI-004031, CFDA 10.310)
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA), National Institute of Food and
Agriculture (NIFA), Agriculture and Food
Research Initiative (AFRI)
Deadline: 12/12/2013
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The NIFA Fellowship Request for
Applications focuses on developing the next
generation of research, education, and
extension professionals in the food and
agricultural sciences who will lead agriculture
into the future by solving current and future
challenges facing our society. The AFRI NIFA
Fellowships Grant Program targets talented,
highly-motivated doctoral candidates and
postdoctoral trainees that demonstrate
remarkable promise and the potential to
become gifted education, extension, and
research professionals in the United States.
The Program seeks to develop the technical
and academic competence of doctoral
candidates and the research independence
and teaching competencies of postdoctoral
students in the food, forestry and agricultural
sciences, which are within NIFA’s challenge
areas, through well-developed and highly
interactive mentoring and training activities.
How to Apply: Submit required letter of
intent directly to sponsor by December 12.
Contact your departmental Grants and
Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts Grants
Services ( and
return Proposal Review Form immediately if
invited to submit a full proposal.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Fellowship Programs
Sponsor: Bibliographic Society of America
Deadline: 12/15/2014
Amount: $2,000-$6,000
Description: The Society invites applications
for its seventh annual Katharine Pantzer
Senior Fellowship in Bibliography and the
British Book Trades as well as its annual
short-term fellowships, all of which support
bibliographical inquiry and research in the
history of the book trades and in publishing
history. Eligible topics may concentrate on
books and documents in any field, but should
focus on the book or manuscript (the physical
object) as historical evidence. Such topics
may include establishing a text or studying
the history of book production, publication,
distribution, collecting, or reading. Thanks to
the generosity of donors, certain special
fellowships support research in particular
areas of study. Applicants should therefore
read the fellowship titles and guidelines here
to determine project eligibility and fit. Please
note: these fellowships do not support
enumerative bibliography (i.e. the
preparation of lists). Individuals who have not
received support in the previous five years
will be given preference.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
December 15. See grant announcement for
complete materials to be submitted with
More Info:
Title: Fellowships for the Promotion of Child
Sponsor: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Deadline: 12/15/2013
Amount: $25,000/yr., up to 2 yrs.
Description: The fellowships are designed to
identify and develop a new generation of
leaders interested in and capable of creating
practice and policy initiatives that will
enhance child development and improve the
nation's ability to prevent all forms of child
maltreatment. Fellows can be based at any
academic institution in the United States and
are selected from a range of academic
disciplines, including but not limited to social
work, public health, medicine, public policy,
education, economics, psychology, and
epidemiology. Applicants must be U.S.
citizens or permanent residents in the U.S.
How to Apply: Submit directly to sponsor by
December 15. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: N
More Info:
Title: General College Scholarships
Sponsor: Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF)
Deadline: 12/15/2013
Amount: $1,000-$5,000
Description: HSF/General College
Scholarships are designed to assist students
of Hispanic heritage obtain a college degree.
Scholarships are available on a competitive
basis to graduate and undergraduate
students. Applicants should be of Hispanic
heritage; be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent
resident with a permanent resident card or
passport stamped I-551 (not expired); have a
minimum cumulative grade point average
(GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale; have plans to
enroll full time at a two or four year U.S.
accredited institution in the U.S., Puerto Rico,
U.S. Virgin Islands or Guam; must apply for
federal financial aid by completing the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA);
and are pursuing first undergraduate or
graduate degree.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
How to Apply: Submit directly to sponsor by
December 15. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Doctoral
Dissertation Fellowships in Jewish Studies
Sponsor: Foundation for Jewish Culture (FJC)
Deadline: 12/15/2014
Amount: $16,000-$20,000
Description: Encourages scholarly research,
publication and teaching in the various
disciplines of Jewish studies. The Doctoral
Dissertation grant is intended to help
students in their last year of thesis writing
only. Applicants must be U.S. or Canadian
citizens or permanent residents, be ABD (and
have an approved prospectus), demonstrate
significant course work in Jewish studies at
the graduate level, and provide evidence of
proficiency in a Jewish language. A strong
preference is given to students who wish to
pursue academic careers in Jewish Studies in
the United States.
How to Apply: Not offered in 2013. If new
call is released, check solicitation for
submission instructions.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y (U.S & Canada only)
More Info:
Title: National Defense Science and
Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG)
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)
Deadline: 12/20/2013
Amount: $30,500-$31,500/yr., plus tuition
and fees
Description: The National Defense Science
and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG)
Fellowship is a highly competitive, portable
fellowship that is awarded to U.S. citizens and
nationals who intend to pursue a doctoral
degree in one of fifteen supported disciplines
(including cognitive, neural, and behavioral
sciences, and geosciences). NDSEG confers
high honors upon its recipients, and allows
them to attend whichever U.S. institution
they choose. NDSEG Fellowships last for
three years and pay for full tuition and all
mandatory fees, a monthly stipend, and up to
$1,000 a year in medical insurance.
How to Apply: Submit directly to sponsor by
December 20. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: N
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by January
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
More Info:
Title: Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund
Sponsor: Dolores Zohrab Liebmann
Deadline: December TBA
Amount: $18,000
Title: Health Policy Fellowship
Sponsor: AcademyHealth and the National
Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
Deadline: 01/05/2015
Amount: $51,630-$196,700
Description: This foundation was created for
the purpose of funding advanced education
and graduate study grants. The awards are
made to candidates who have outstanding
undergraduate records, have demonstrated a
need for financial assistance. Three
nominations are forwarded to the
Foundation by The University of Texas at
Austin. Eligibility: U.S. citizen. High grade
point average, outstanding academic record.
All disciplines.
Description: Each year, up to two individuals
may be selected as fellows to conduct their
research and work collaboratively with NCHS
staff on joint projects of mutual interest
while in residence at NCHS in Hyattsville,
Maryland. The 13 month fellowship allows
visiting scholars to conduct new and
innovative analyses and participate in
developmental and health policy activities
related to the design and content of future
NCHS surveys. Applicants may be at any stage
in their career from doctoral students (must
have completed course work and be at the
dissertation phase of their program) to senior
investigators. Applicants should also
demonstrate training and/or experience in
health services research and its methodology,
especially quantitative data analysis,
reflecting disciplines such as public health,
public administration, health care
administration, sociology, health economics,
health statistics, anthropology, and
behavioral sciences, or the health professions
(e.g., medicine, nursing, dentistry,
pharmacology, etc.). U.S. citizens and
permanent residents only.
How to Apply: UT Austin internal deadline
TBD, but usually falls in mid-December.
Contact your department regarding
application procedures.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grant (DDRIG) in Sociology
(NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 01/02/2015
Amount: $12,000 (including indirect costs)
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 5. See website for list of materials to
be submitted with application.
Description: The Sociology Program
dissertation improvement grants are
awarded to support high quality doctoral
dissertation research in sociology. The
suitability of a research idea is based on the
extent to which the research contributes to
sociological theory and knowledge, not on
specific topics. Grants are for direct research
costs associated with either original data
collection or the analysis of existing datasets.
More Info:
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: N
Title: Computational Science Graduate
Fellowship (CSGF)
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Deadline: 01/07/2014
Amount: $41,000 + tuition
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Description: The DOE CSGF is open to U.S.
citizens or permanent residents who are
planning full-time, uninterrupted study
toward a Ph.D. at an accredited U.S.
university. Senior undergraduate and firstyear doctoral students (at the time of
application) in engineering and in the
physical, computer, mathematical or life
sciences are eligible to apply. Fellowship
support is available for four years and must
be renewed annually. Please note: Students
in the second year of their doctoral studies
(at the time of application) are no longer
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 7. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: N
More Info:
Title: Scholars Program
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Deadline: 01/12/2014
Amount: $650/wk. + travel
Description: The DOE Scholars Program
introduces students or recent college
graduates to DOE’s mission and operations.
As a participant in the DOE Scholars Program,
you will have a competitive edge for
familiarizing yourself with DOE functions
while showcasing your education, talent, and
skills. Eligible disciplines: Engineering,
physical sciences, environmental sciences,
computer science and information
technology, physics, business, policy,
program management, mathematics,
statistics, safety and health, accounting and
finance, law, communications, and other
related areas. . U.S. citizens only;
undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate of
an accredited institute of higher education
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 12. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: N
More Info:
Title: History Fellowship
Sponsor: Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM)
Deadline: 01/15/2015
Amount: $4,000
Deadline: 01/15/2014
Amount: $40,000/2 yrs.
Description: The ACM History Committee is
preparing groundwork for a special history
workshop in 2015. Aiming at the workshop,
we will support research projects related to
ACM's professional and educational activities
and/or to ACM's rich institutional history
including its organization, publications, SIG
activities, and conferences. We may also
support synthetic projects that analyze
existing historical research on ACM, identify
topics needing future research, and outline
themes to illuminate ACM's nearly sevendecade history.
Description: Posen Society Fellows are an
international cohort of emerging scholars and
writers whose work deals with Jewish subject
matter. Each of the six winning fellows and
the two writers will receive $40,000 over two
years, and the opportunity to attend an
annual gathering led by prestigious scholars
and writers. Scholars should be completing a
doctoral dissertation on a topic related to
modern Jewish history or culture. The Society
includes six scholars and two fiction writers,
who will convene each summer to share
work, discuss progress, participate in
workshops, and attend lectures by senior
scholars and writers. Fellows will be expected
to attend two annual gatherings, and to
submit a report on their progress and adapt
their work for a public audience.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.a
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
Title: Dissertation Fellowships
Sponsor: U.S. Army Center of Military History
Deadline: 01/15/2015
Amount: $10,000
More Info:
Description: To encourage and support the
production of dissertations in military history
by qualified graduate students, the Center
offers up to two Dissertation Fellowships
each academic year. These fellowships carry a
$10,000 stipend and access to the Center’s
facilities and technical expertise. Although
the history of war on land is broadly defined
in the fellowship program, the selection of
winners gives preference to topics on the
history of the U.S. Army. Applicants must be
civilian citizens of the U.S. unaffiliated with
the U.S. government.
Title: Regular Advanced Fellowships
Sponsor: American School of Classical Studies
at Athens (ASCSA)
Deadline: 01/15/2015
Amount: $11,500 plus room, board and
waiver of fees
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Description: Several fellowships for the full
academic year at the School are available to
students who have completed the Regular
Program or one year as a Student Associate
Member and plan to return to the School to
pursue independent research, usually for
their Ph.D. dissertation. Please note that
some fellowships are designated for specific
areas of research. Regular Members and
Student Associate Members who wish to stay
another year in Athens are encouraged to
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
Title: Posen Society of Fellows
Sponsor: Posen Foundation
More Info:
Title: Research Fellowships
Sponsor: Harry Ransom Center (HRC),
University of Texas at Austin
Deadline: 01/15/2015
Amount: $1,500-$3,000/mo.; $1,200-$1,700
travel stipends
Description: The Harry Ransom Center, an
internationally renowned humanities
research library and museum at The
University of Texas at Austin, will award
approximately 70 fellowships for 2015–2016
for projects that require substantial on-site
use of its collections. The fellowships support
research in all areas of the humanities,
including literature, photography, film, art,
the performing arts, music, and cultural
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Short-Term Newberry Library
Fellowships in the Humanities
Sponsor: The Newberry Library
Deadline: 01/15/2014
Amount: $2,000 - $2,400 (one month)
Description: Newberry fellowships provide
assistance to researchers who wish to use our
collection. We promise you intriguing and
often rare materials; a lively, interdisciplinary
community of researchers; individual
consultations on your research with staff
curators, librarians, and other scholars; and
an array of both scholarly and public
programs. Applicants may apply for both
long- and short- term fellowships within one
academic year. Short-term fellowships are
generally restricted to postdoctoral scholars,
Ph.D. candidates, or holders of other terminal
degrees who live and work outside of the
Chicago area and who have a specific need
for Newberry collection. These fellowships
require residency at the Newberry, unless
otherwise noted.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor
between by January 15. See grant
announcement for complete list of materials
to be submitted with application
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Drugs, Security, and Democracy (DSD)
Sponsor: Social Science Research Council
Deadline: 01/20/2015
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The Drugs, Security, and
Democracy (DSD) fellowship program
supports research on drug policy, citizen
security, and democratic governance as well
as associated topics across the social sciences
and related disciplines. DSD-funded research
must address the theme of drugs and at least
one of the other two themes of security and
democracy in Latin America or the Caribbean.
Eligible candidates may apply for one of the
following two fellowships: 1) Dissertation
Fellowship — open to Ph.D. and J.S.D.
candidates worldwide who have an approved
dissertation prospectus by July 1, 2013, but
have not completed writing for final
submission; or 2) Postdoctoral Fellowship —
open to Ph.D. and J.S.D. recipients worldwide
who have completed their Ph.D. within seven
years of the application deadline.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 20. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Keene Prize for Literature
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin,
College of Liberal Arts Student Affairs
Deadline: 01/21/2014
Amount: $50,000
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
Description: Mr. E. L. Keene, a 1942 graduate
of the College of Liberal Arts at the University
of Texas at Austin, envisioned a prize that
would honor and support the pursuit of great
American writing, and through his estate
made possible the Keene Prize in Literature.
In establishing this prize, Mr. Keene hoped
"to encourage the writing and publishing of
good American Literature, to lend financial
support to the creators of such literature, and
to enhance the prestige and reputation in the
world market of American writers both now
and in the future." According to Mr. Keene's
wishes, the recipient of this prize will be
selected from among those who create "the
most vivid and vital portrayal of the American
experience in microcosm." In addition, the
winner will be the student who demonstrates
"the greatest artistic merit and narrative
mastery of the English language and has
shown the greatest promise of becoming a
professional writer, as judged by the
Scholarship Committee of the College of
Liberal Arts."
More Info:
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 21. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Title: Point Foundation Scholarship
Sponsor: Point Foundation
Deadline: 01/20/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 20. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Description: Point Foundation empowers
promising lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
and queer students to achieve their full
academic potential–despite the obstacles
often put before them–to make a significant
impact on society. Point fills in the gaps and
provides funds not provided by other
scholarships, grants, loans, work/study
programs, etc.
More Info:
Title: Boren Fellowships (CFDA 12-552)
Sponsor: International Institute for Education
Deadline: 01/27/2015
Amount: $30,000
Description: Boren Fellowships provide up to
$30,000 to U.S. graduate students to add an
important international and language
component to their graduate education
through specialization in area study, language
study, or increased language proficiency.
Boren Fellowships promote long term
linguistic and cultural immersion. Boren
Fellowships support study and research in
areas of the world that are critical to U.S.
interests, including Africa, Asia, Central &
Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and
the Middle East. In exchange for funding,
recipients commit to working in the federal
government for a minimum of one year.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 27. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Anna Luiza Ozorio de Almeida Field
Research Grant
Sponsor: Teresa Lozano Long Institute of
Latin American Studies (LILAS)
Deadline: 01/30/2014
Amount: Varies
Description: Graduate students in any
department whose field research deals with
Brazil may apply for summer research
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 30. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Foreign Language and Area Studies
(FLAS) Fellowships
Sponsor: Teresa Lozano Long Institute of
Latin American Studies (LILAS)
Deadline: 01/30/2014
Amount: $2,500-$15,000, plus tuition and
Description: LILAS offers a limited number of
Foreign Language and Area Studies
Fellowships (FLAS) for study of Portuguese or
an arranged Amerindian language. These
highly competitive graduate fellowships are
funded by the Department of Education and
are available for both summer and academic
year studies. Applicants must be citizens or
permanent residents of the U.S.,
demonstrate potential for superior academic
achievement as indicated by a long-term
interest in Latin America, and be graduate
students in good standing at UT Austin or
accepted for regular admission to the UT
Austin Graduate School. Awards will not be
made to native speakers of the language or
to those who possess fluency equivalent to
educated native speakers in the language for
which the award is sought.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 30. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Chateaubriand Fellowship-Humanities
and Social Sciences (HSS)
Sponsor: French Embassy in the U.S.
Deadline: 01/31/2015
Amount: ~$1990/month (1,500 €) +
insurance and airfare
Description: HSS Chateaubriand is a
fellowship program offered by the Cultural
Services of the French Embassy in the U.S. It
targets outstanding Ph.D. students from
American universities who seek to engage in
research in France, in any discipline of the
Humanities and Social Sciences. HSS
Chateaubriand fellows are selected through a
merit-based competition, through a
binational collaborative process involving
expert evaluators from both countries. HSS
Chateaubriand grantees are applicants who
answer the program’s criteria of excellence
and whose sojourn in France will support the
program’s philosophy. The HSS
Chateaubriand fellowship program’s purpose
is to foster bilateral cooperation at Ph.D. and
research level, and to build and strengthen
bridges between our two nations. Candidates
must currently be working on their Ph.D.
International student may apply if enrolled in
a U.S. university.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 31. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Dissertation Fellowship
Sponsor: Boston College
Deadline: 01/31/2014
Amount: $30,060 stipend + health insurance
and $1,500 research costs
Description: Boston College’s African &
African Diaspora Studies Program (AADS)
invites scholars working in any discipline in
the Social Sciences or Humanities, with
projects focusing on any topic within African
and/or African Diaspora Studies, to apply for
our dissertation fellowship. We seek
applicants pursuing innovative, preferably
interdisciplinary, projects in dialogue with
critical issues and trends within the field.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 31. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Florence Terry Griswold Scholarship
Sponsor: Pan American Round Tables of
Deadline: 01/31/2014
Amount: $2,000-$2,5000
Description: Florence Terry Griswold
Scholarship 1 of $2,500 is awarded to a
woman who is a citizen of a Pan American
country (other than the United States) and is
pursuing a radiate degree at a statesupported college or university in Texas.
Florence Terry Griswold Scholarship 2 of
$2,000 is awarded to a woman who is a
native U.S. citizen and a legal Texas resident,
is classified as a graduate student or a college
faculty member engaged in specialized study
of the languages or cultures of a Pan
American country, and will study or do
research in a Pan American country (other
than the United States). More than $2000
may be awarded in years when funds are
available. One recipient will be selected for
each award. Award amounts may increase
depending on availability of funds.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 31. See website for materials to be
submitted with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y (Pan American only)
More Info:
Title: Grant Programs for U.S. Citizens
Sponsor: American Institute for Maghrib
Studies (AIMS)
Deadline: 01/31/2014
Amount: $6,000-$15,000
Description: The program offers grants to
U.S. scholars interested in conducting
research on North Africa in any Maghrib
country, specifically Algeria, Libya,
Mauritania, Morocco, or Tunisia. AIMS
sponsors three Overseas Research Centers in
the region in Oran, Tunis and Tangier and has
other institutional affiliations that support
AIMS scholars. AIMS only funds primary
research conducted in the Maghrib. Graduate
students currently enrolled in an M.A. or
Ph.D. program, independent scholars, and
faculty in all disciplines are eligible to apply.
All applicants must be U.S. citizens at the
time of application.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 31. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Grants
Sponsor: Horowitz Foundation for Social
Deadline: 01/31/2014
Amount: $7,500
Description: The Foundation makes targeted
grants for work in major areas of the social
sciences, including anthropology, area
studies, economics, political science,
psychology, sociology, and urban studies, as
well as newer areas such as evaluation
research. Preference will be given to projects
that deal with contemporary issues in the
social sciences and issues of policy relevance.
Awards are not allocated so as to ensure a
representative base of disciplines, but are
approved solely on merit. Candidates may
propose new projects, and they may also
solicit support for research in progress,
including final work on a dissertation,
supplementing research in progress, or travel
funds. Awards are only open to aspiring
Ph.D.s at the dissertation level whose project
has recieved approval from their apporpriate
department head/university. International
candidates may apply.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis
between July 1, 2013 and January 31, 2014.
See grant announcement for complete list of
materials to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Small Grant Program
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin, Clark
Center for Australian & New Zealand Studies
Deadline: 01/31/2014
Amount: $1,000-$5,000
Description: The Clark Center for Australian
and New Zealand Studies seeks to promote
research by graduate students and faculty
affiliated with UT Austin that advances
knowledge and understanding of Australian
or New Zealand politics and society, culture
and literature, economics and business.
Grants are intended to facilitate research in
Australia or New Zealand or facilitate
research collaboration with academics based
in Australia or New Zealand. Research may
focus exclusively on Australia or New
Zealand, or it may treat either country in
comparative context.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 31. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Youth Grants
Sponsor: Sodexo Foundation
Deadline: 01/31/2014
Amount: $500
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Description: Sodexo Foundation is calling on
young people to “take hunger personally”
and join the fight to end childhood hunger.
Sodexo Foundation Youth Grants of $500
grants are available for youth-led service
projects that bring together young people,
families, Sodexo employees and other
community members to address childhood
hunger. U.S. young people, ages 5-25, are
eligible to apply. Projects will take place on or
around Global Youth Service Day, April 11-13,
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
January 31. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Chavez/Eastman/Marshall Dissertation
Sponsor: Dartmouth College
Deadline: 02/01/2015
Amount: $28,500
Description: The goal of the
Chavez/Eastman/Marshall fellowship
program is to promote student and faculty
diversity at Dartmouth, and throughout
higher education, by supporting completion
of the doctorate by underrepresented
minority scholars (including AfricanAmerican, Latina/o, and Native American
scholars) and other graduate scholars with a
demonstrated commitment and ability to
advance educational diversity. The
Fellowships support graduate scholars for a
12 month residency at Dartmouth that
generally runs from September through
August. They offer an opportunity for
scholars who plan a career in higher
education and have completed all other Ph.D.
requirements to finish their dissertations with
access to the outstanding libraries,
computing facilities and faculty of Dartmouth
College. Fellows may be pursuing the Ph.D.
degree in any discipline or area taught in the
Dartmouth undergraduate Arts and Sciences
curriculum. Each Fellow will be affiliated with
a department or program at the College. US
citizens only.
More Info:
Title: Dissertation Year Fellowship
Sponsor: Harry S. Truman Library Institute for
National and International Affairs
Deadline: 02/01/2015
Amount: $16,000
Description: To encourage historical
scholarship of the public career of Harry S.
Truman or the Truman era, the Truman
Library Institute will annually give financial
support to one or two graduate students who
have completed the dissertation research and
are at the writing stage. This fellowship is
intended to free a doctoral student from
teaching or other employment to facilitate
completion of his or her dissertation.
Preference will be given to projects based on
extensive research at the Truman Library, but
since the research is presumed to be
complete, there is no requirement of
residence at the Library during the fellowship
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Fellowships
Sponsor: Cuban Heritage Collection (CHC)
Deadline: 02/01/2014
Amount: Varies
Description: The Cuban Heritage Collection
(CHC) Fellowships program provides
assistance to students and scholars who wish
to use the research resources available in the
Cuban Heritage Collection at the University of
Miami. The goal of the CHC Fellowships is to
engage scholars with the materials available
in the Cuban Heritage Collection and thus
contribute to the larger body of scholarship in
Cuban, hemispheric, and international
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: National Fellowships
Sponsor: Miller Center, University of Virginia
Deadline: 02/01/2014
Amount: $22,000
Description: The Miller Center National
Fellowship funds scholars completing
dissertations that employ history to shed
light on American politics, public policy,
foreign relations, the impact of global affairs
on the United States, or media and politics.
Applicants must be Ph.D. candidates
expecting to complete the dissertation by the
end of the fellowship year. International
students may apply.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration
and Field Research
Sponsor: American Philosophical Society
Deadline: 2/2/2015
Amount: $5,000
Description: The Lewis and Clark Fund
(initially supported by the Stanford
Ascherman/Baruch Blumberg Fund for Basic
Science, established by a benefaction from
the late Stanford Ascherman, MD, of San
Francisco) encourages exploratory field
studies for the collection of specimens and
data and to provide the imaginative stimulus
that accompanies direct observation.
Applications are invited from disciplines with
a large dependence on field studies, such as
archeology, anthropology, biology, ecology,
geography, geology, linguistics, paleontology,
and population genetics, but grants will not
be restricted to these fields. Proposals that
are archival in nature or museum based will
not normally be considered. The proposed
work should be dissertation directed to the
extent possible given the applicant’s year in
the doctoral program.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 2. Letters of support should are due
to sponsor by January 30. See grant
announcement for complete list of materials
to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Yes
More Info:
Title: Latino Mental Health Research Training
Sponsor: University of Southern California,
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Deadline: 02/03/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The Latino Mental Health
Research Training Program is an 11-week
summer program designed to prepare
undergraduate and graduate level
researchers to address disparities in mental
health care of U.S. Latinos with serious
mental illness. The specific aims of the
program are: 1) To recruit the very best
young researchers from groups with
significant health disparities, particularly
Latinos; 2) To help the trainees develop the
research and professional skills to reduce and
eliminate mental health disparities for
Latinos; and 3) To increase the number of
researchers from communities with
significant health disparities who receive
research oriented doctoral degrees.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 3. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Congressional Research Grants
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin,
Dirksen Congressional Center
Deadline: 02/06/2015
Amount: $3,000
Description: The Dirksen Congressional
Center invites applications for grants to fund
research on congressional leadership and the
U.S. Congress. The competition is open to
individuals with a serious interest in studying
Congress. Political scientists, historians,
biographers, scholars of public administration
or American studies, and journalists are
among those eligible. The Center encourages
graduate students who have successfully
defended their dissertation prospectus to
apply and awards a significant portion of the
funds for dissertation research. Applicants
must be U.S. citizens who reside in the United
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
in the Liberal Arts Grants Services and return
Proposal Review Form by February 6.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: N
More Info:
Title: Foreign Language and Area Studies
(FLAS) Fellowships
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin, South
Asia Institute (SAI)
Deadline: 02/06/2014
Amount: $2,500-$15,000, plus tuition and
Description: The highly competitive Foreign
Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship
is funded by the U.S. Department of
Education. The fellowship assists meritorious
graduate students undergoing intensive
training in modern languages and related
area or international studies. SAI offers
academic year funding for the following
languages: Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, Pashto,
Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu, and other approved
contemporary South Asian languages.
Applicants must be citizens or permanent
residents of the U.S.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 6. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: American Philosophical Society Library
Resident Research Fellowship
Sponsor: American Philosophical Society
Deadline: 02/10/2014
Amount: $2,500/mo. (1-3 months)
Description: The American Philosophical
Society Library offers short-term residential
fellowships for conducting research in its
collections. The library is a leading
international center for research in the
history of American science and technology
and its European roots, as well as early
American history and culture. The
fellowships, funded by generous benefactors,
are open to both U.S. citizens and foreign
nationals. Applicants may be holders of the
Ph.D. or its equivalent, Ph.D. candidates who
have passed their preliminary examinations,
or degreed independent scholars. Applicants
in any relevant field of scholarship may apply.
Candidates who live 75 or more miles from
Philadelphia receive some preference.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 10. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Américo Paredes Endowed Scholarship
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin, Center
for Mexican American Studies (CMAS)
Deadline: 02/14/2014
Amount: $500-$3,000
Description: A world-renowned scholar of
folklore and the U.S./Mexico Borderlands,
Américo Paredes established an intellectual
and institutional legacy that endures to this
day. Given Professor Paredes's commitment
to activism, research, and social justice, three
types of awards will be made available to
students in the following categories: 1) U.S.Mexico Borderlands Research Award—Funds
up to $3,000 will be awarded to students
conducting original research in folklore or
Borderlands Studies; 2) Change in
Circumstance Award—Funds up to $500 will
be awarded to students to alleviate an
extraordinary, temporary change in
circumstances due to economic hardship or a
change in health or legal status; 3)
Community Service and Training Award—
Funds up to $1,000 will be awarded to
exceptional students who volunteer, intern,
or apprentice with key educational and
service organizations in the larger Austin
community. Applicants must be enrolled full
time and should be affiliated with the Center
for Mexican American Studies as an
undergraduate major, M.A. or portfolio
How to Apply: Submit directly to sponsor by
February 14. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Description: The Center for Retirement
Research at Boston College is
accepting proposals for the Dissertation
Fellowship Program in Retirement Income
and Disability Insurance Research. The
program is funded by the U.S. Social Security
Administration and provides funding
opportunities for doctoral candidates to
pursue cutting-edge research on retirement
issues. Priority areas include: Social Security
and disability insurance; macroeconomic
analyses of Social Security; wealth and
retirement income; program interactions;
international research; or demographic
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: BMEidea Competition
Sponsor: National Collegiate Inventors and
Innovators Alliance (NCIIA)
Deadline: 02/14/2014
Amount: $2,500-$10,000
Description: Since 2005, the BMEidea
competition has recognized innovative
biomedical engineering design with high
commercial potential and social impact. The
competition is open to both graduate and
undergraduate students (undergraduate-only
teams may also enter BMEStart). Graduate
and undergraduate student teams at colleges
and universities are eligible. Each team must
include at least one engineering student.
Teams are encouraged to incorporate
members from diverse fields such as
business, law, medicine, dentistry, nursing,
physical therapy, life sciences, physical
sciences, or other related disciplines. Projects
should focus on a new health-related
technology, be invented by students, and
address a real clinical need. Inter-institutional
collaborations are also encouraged; we
require a faculty advisor from each
How to Apply: Limited submission
opportunity. Submit the following items to
Liberal Arts Grants Services
( by Friday,
February 14, 2014 at 12:00PM (noon): 1)
Department Chair’s Letter of Nomination, 2)
Two-page maximum lay abstract describing
the aims/needs of the proposed research
project, 3) Short bio sketch/CV of students
and UT PI/Adviser.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Dissertation Fellowship Awards
Sponsor: Boston College, Center for
Retirement Research
Deadline: 02/14/2014
Amount: $28,000
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 14. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Multiple Grants
Sponsor: Institute of Turkish Studies (ITS)
Deadline: 02/14/2014
Amount: Varies
Description: The Institute of Turkish Studies
(ITS) is pleased to announce its 2014-2015
grant competition in the field of Turkish
Studies. The following grant opportunities are
available only for United States citizens (or
those who have acquired permanent resident
status in the U.S.) who are currently affiliated
with a university in the U.S. The institutional
grants are available only for educational
institutions located in the United States.
Grant categories include: Library Grants,
Post-Doctoral Summer Travel Research
Grants, Sabbatical Research Grants,
Subventions for Publications, Summer
Language Grants in Turkey for Graduate
Students, Teaching Aids Grants, and Turkish
Studies Conference Grants.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
February 14.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: WEF Canham Graduate Studies
Sponsor: Water Environment Federation
Deadline: 02/14/2014
Amount: $25,000
Description: This scholarship provides
$25,000 for a post-baccalaureate student in
the water environment field. The scholarship
is for education related expenses such as
room and board, tuition and books. The
scholarship may not be used to cover
stipends or wages. Applicants must be
members of the Water Environment
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
February 14.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor. by
February 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Albert J. Beveridge Grant for Research
in the History of the Western Hemisphere
Sponsor: American Historical Association
Deadline: 02/15/2015
Amount: $1,000
Description: The AHA is pleased to announce
the availability of modest grants to support
research in the history of the Western
hemisphere (United States, Canada, and Latin
America). The grants are intended to further
research in progress and may be used for
travel to a library or archive, for microfilms,
photographs, or photocopying (this list of
purposes is meant to be merely illustrative,
not exhaustive). Preference will be given to
Ph.D. candidates and junior scholars.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grant (DDRIG) in Biological
Anthropology (NSF 14-561)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 02/19/2015
Amount: $20,000 (plus indirect costs)
More Info:
Title: Rachel Tanur Prize for Visual Sociology
Sponsor: Social Sciences Research Council
Deadline: 02/17/2014
Amount: $500-$2,500
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
February 19.
Description: The purpose of the Rachel Tanur
Memorial Prize for Visual Sociology is to
encourage students to incorporate visual
analysis in their study and understanding of
social phenomena. The contest is open
worldwide to undergraduate and graduate
students (majoring in any social science).
Students must be currently enrolled or have
received their degrees no earlier than the
end of the term finishing just before the
meeting of the International Sociological
Association (ISA) at which the prize is to be
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
More Info:
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
Description: The Center for the United States
and the Cold War supports research on the
Cold War, especially on the ways in which this
ideological and geopolitical conflict with the
Soviet Union affected American politics,
culture, and society. The center offers a
dissertation fellowship, a post-doctoral
fellowship and travel grants. The postdoctoral, dissertation, and travel grant
recipients are selected on the basis of the
applicant's scholarly qualifications; the
scholarly significance of the project to the
Center's mission to support research on the
Cold War; and the appropriateness of the
proposed study to the Tamiment Library's
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 17. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Description: The Biological Anthropology
Program supports multifaceted research
which advances scientific knowledge of
human biology and ecology, including
understanding of our evolutionary history
and mechanisms which have shaped human
and nonhuman primate biological diversity.
Supported research focuses on living and
fossil forms of both human and nonhuman
primates, addressing time scales ranging
from the short-term to evolutionary,
encompassing multiple levels of organization
and analysis (molecular and organismal, to
the population and ecosystem scales), and
conducted in field, laboratory, and captive
research environments.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
Title: Center for the United States and Cold
War Fellowships
Sponsor: New York University
Deadline: 02/15/2014
Amount: $1,000-$45,000
awarded. Up to three cash prizes will be
awarded at the ISA's XVIII World Congress of
Sociology, Facing an Unequal World:
Challenges for Global Sociology, to be held in
Yokohama, Japan in July 2014. Attendance at
the Congress is not a requirement. The first
prize will be $2,500 USD, the second $1,500,
and the third $500. The prize will be awarded
every two years.
More Info:
Title: Harry E. and Bernice M. Moore
Sponsor: Hogg Foundation for Mental Health
Deadline: 02/20/2014
Amount: $20,000
Description: The Hogg Foundation for Mental
Health invites students from The University of
Texas at Austin pursuing a doctorate to apply
for the Harry E. and Bernice M. Moore
Fellowship. To be eligible for the fellowship,
candidates must be in the process of
completing a dissertation on the human
experience in crises, including those resulting
from natural or other major disasters or,
more broadly, stress and adversity. This
fellowship reflects Dr. Harry E. Moore’s
concern for and sociological contributions to
the study of the human experience in crisis.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 20. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Dwight D. Eisenhower/Clifford Roberts
Graduate Fellowship Program
Sponsor: The Eisenhower Institute,
Gettysburg College
Deadline: 02/21/2014
Amount: $10,000
Description: The Eisenhower Institute seeks
to support study and education dealing with
the role of government in a free society,
citizen public service, public policy, and
improved understanding of America's role in
world affairs. The Institute desires to
encourage and assist promising young
Americans to pursue studies and research in
fields such as history, government,
economics, business administration, and
international affairs, so they may provide
informed leadership in the conduct of our
national life. Applicants should be at an
advanced stage of their doctoral candidacies,
preferably at the point of preparing their
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by
February 21.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 23. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Title: Joseph L. Fisher Doctoral Dissertation
Sponsor: Resources for the Future (RFF)
Deadline: 02/21/2014
Amount: $18,000
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
Description: In honor of the late Joseph L.
Fisher, president of Resources for the Future
(RFF) from 1959–1974, RFF will award
fellowships for the coming academic year in
support of doctoral dissertation research on
issues related to the environment, natural
resources, or energy. RFF’s primary research
disciplines are economics and other social
sciences. Proposals originating in these fields
will have the greatest likelihood of success.
This fellowship is intended to be the principal
source of support for graduate students in
the final year of their dissertation research.
The program is open to both U.S. and nonU.S. citizens, provided the latter have proper
work and residency documentation.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 21. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Archer Fellowship Program
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin
Deadline: 02/23/2015
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The Archer Fellowship Program
empowers students by providing them with a
unique opportunity to live, work, and learn in
our nation’s capital during the fall or spring
semester. While in Washington, D.C.,
students complete UT Austin coursework
taught by esteemed professors and gain
hands-on work experience in an internship of
their choice. By living together in historic
town homes on Capitol Hill, Archer Fellows
build lasting friendships and professional
connections with each other. Tailored to
students’ own personal and intellectual
interests, the Archer Fellowship Program
provides an experience that students find
rewarding professionally, academically, and
More Info:
Title: William Randolph Hearst Endowed
Fellowships for Minority Students
Sponsor: Aspen Institute
Deadline: 02/27/2015
Amount: $2,000-$4,000
Description: The Aspen Institute Program on
Philanthropy and Social Innovation (PSI) in
Washington, DC, offers the William Randolph
Hearst Endowed Fellowship three times
annually (March, July, and December). The
fellowship, which is based on academic
excellence and need, is open to both
undergraduate and graduate students of
color. The Hearst Fellow serves as an intern
with PSI in the Washington, DC office of the
Aspen Institute. Through this fellowship, PSI
seeks to introduce a diverse group of
students to issues and challenges affecting
philanthropy, social enterprise, nonprofit
organizations, and other actors in the social
sector. Recipients may arrange with their
colleges or universities to receive academic
credit for this experience. International
applicants are not eligible.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor
February 27. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Community Engagement Award
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin,
Lozano Long Institute for Latin American
Studies (LLILAS) & Benson Latin American
Studies and Collections
Deadline: 02/28/2014
Amount: $500
Description: The Community Engagement
Award is designed to recognize a LLILAS
student who demonstrates a commitment to
community service, either in the United
States or in Latin America, through a strong
record of volunteerism and/or activism with
one or more community organizations.
Applicants will describe the nature and social
impact of their work and how it ties in and is
informed by their intellectual or research
interests in Latin America broadly defined
(i.e., work with organizations that serve
Latino immigrants in the US would be eligible,
for example). They also will need to submit a
letter of support from the community
organization in question. Our goal is to
promote and recognize agents of change who
improve the well-being of our region, and to
encourage and recognize the commitment to
social change of LLILAS students and their
involvement with local communities beyond
the university. Must be a currently enrolled
LAS undergraduate or graduate student in
good standing.
How to Apply: Submit directly to sponsor by
February 28. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: DAAD/AICGS Research Fellowship
Sponsor: Deutscher Akademischer
Austauschdienst (DAAD), American Institute
for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS)
Deadline: 02/28/2014
Amount: $4,725/mo.
Description: The DAAD/AICGS Research
Fellowship Program, funded by a generous
grant from the Deutscher Akademischer
Austauschdienst (DAAD), is designed to bring
scholars and specialists working on Germany,
Europe, and/or transatlantic relations to
AICGS for research stays of two months each.
Project proposals should address a topic
closely related to one or more of the
Institute’s three research and programming
areas: 1) Business and Economics, 2) Foreign
and Domestic Policy, and 3) Society, Culture
& Politics. Applicants must be German or
American citizens and should have completed
or currently be working on a Ph.D..
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 28. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application. Additional deadline in
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y (U.S. & German only)
More Info:
Title: E.D. Farmer International Fellowships
for Texans and Mexican Nationals
Sponsor: Teresa Lozano Long Institute for
Latin American Studies (LILAS)
Deadline: 02/28/2014
Amount: $4,000
Description: The Texas Legislature created
the E. D. Farmer International Fellowship
with the purpose of building friendship and
fostering goodwill between Texas and
Mexico. This fellowship provides financial
support to conduct research, fieldwork, or
studies in Mexico or to undertake
undergraduate or graduate studies or
research activities at The University of Texas
at Austin. The E. D. Farmer International
Fellowship is limited to applicants from
Mexico and Texas. Candidates must submit
their applications under one of three
categories: 1) Mexican students applying to
UT Austin, or 2) Mexican students currently
studying at UT Austin, or 3) applicants from
the state of Texas who plan to conduct
research in Mexico.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 28. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Harvey located at Emory University's
Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library.
Research fellows receive grants of $500 to
help defray expenses associated with travel
to and use of the archival collection.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 28. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Marcus Garvey Foundation Research
Sponsor: Marcus Garvey Foundation
Deadline: 02/28/2014
Amount: $500
Description: This fellowship, named in honor
of the Marcus Garvey Foundation, looks to
support doctoral candidates doing primary
research in the humanities and social
sciences on topics related to Africa and the
African diaspora. Those doctoral candidates
using archival collections and/or conducting
oral histories are especially encouraged to
apply. Research fellows receive grants of
$500 to help defray research expenses.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 28. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Jean Harvey Slappy Research
Sponsor: Marcus Garvey Foundation
Deadline: 02/28/2014
Amount: $500
Title: Pre-Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in
American Indian Studies
Sponsor: Michigan State University, American
Indian Studies Program
Deadline: 02/28/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: This fellowship -- named in
honor of long-time Marcus Garvey
Foundation board member Jean Harvey
Slappy -- looks to support doctoral candidates
working on aspects of the history of the
U.N.I.A. (Universal Negro Improvement
Association), the A.C.L. (African Communities
League), and/or Marcus Garvey's
organizational activities, and who wish to use
the recently deposited papers of Thomas W.
Description: The American Indian Studies
Program at Michigan State University invites
applications for the 2014-2015 Pre-Doctoral
Dissertation Fellowship Award in American
Indian Studies. The fellowship award provides
office space, access to Michigan State
University's outstanding library and
computing facilities and to the faculty
involved in the American Indian Studies
Program, benefits for the year, and a
substantial stipend. Applicants must be
finished with all doctoral work but the
dissertation, actively working in American
Indian Studies, and committed to a career in
Native Studies. It is expected that the Fellow
will complete the dissertation during the
award year. Applicants may be pursuing the
Ph.D. degree in any discipline or area offered
at Michigan State University. The successful
applicant will be required to teach one course
and will affiliate with a department or
program in one of the university's colleges, as
well as participate in activities of the
American Indian Studies Program. The Fellow
must reside in the East Lansing, Michigan
area for the duration of the fellowship.
How to Apply: Submit directly to sponsor by
February 28. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Research Grants Program
Sponsor: Association for Recorded Sound
Collections (ARSC)
Deadline: 02/28/2015
Amount: $1,000
Description: The ARSC Grants Program is
designed to encourage and support
scholarship and publication by individuals in
the field of sound recordings or audio
preservation. Specific projects eligible for
support include discography, bibliography,
historical studies of the sound recording
industry and its products, and any other
subject likely to increase the public's
understanding and appreciation of the lasting
importance of recorded sound. ARSC
encourages applications from individuals
whose research forms part of an academic
program at the master's or doctoral level.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 28. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Special Collections Research Travel
Sponsor: Penn State, Eberly Family Special
Collections Library
Deadline: 02/28/2014
Amount: $1,500
Description: The Eberly Family Special
Collections Library on the University Park
campus of Penn State offers travel awards of
$1,500 for researchers whose work would
benefit from access to the collections held at
Penn State. Currently, three travel grants are
available: The Dorothy Foehr Huck Research
Travel Award: Supports one award for
researchers using any collection from the
Special Collections Library. The Helen F. Faust
Women Writers Research Travel Awards:
Supports two awards for researchers working
on a project including women writers that
would benefit from use of the Eberly Family
Special Collections Library’s collections. The
Albert M. Petska Eighth Air Force Archives
Research Travel Award: supports one award
for researchers working on a project
pertaining to history of the Eighth Air Force
during World War II. Any faculty member,
graduate student, or independent scholar
with a research project requiring the use of
materials held by the Special Collections
Library is eligible to apply. All applicants must
reside outside of a 100-mile radius of State
College, Pennsylvania.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
February 28 See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Graduate Fellows
Sponsor: Property and Environment Research
Center (PERC)
Deadline: 03/01/2014
Amount: $1,800 (monthly stipend) + travel
Description: PERC'S fellowships for graduate
students and law students offer the ideal
opportunity for those who are interested in
researching issues related to natural
resources and the environment. Graduate
fellows spend three months at PERC in
Bozeman, Montana, researching and writing
a paper under the supervision of a PERC
senior fellow. While at PERC, fellows are
required to present two workshops to
outline, report on, and summarize their
research findings. A paper of publishable
quality is the expected result.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
March 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Higher Education Scholarship
Sponsor: Young Women's Alliance
Foundation (YWAF)
Deadline: 03/01/2014
Amount: $3,000
Description: The YWAF Higher Education
Scholarship is available to women attending
Central Texas universities who have
completed 60 hours of undergraduate
coursework or who are enrolled in graduate
school. Recipients are chosen based on
commitment to community service,
leadership potential, demonstrated financial
need, and academic achievement. In
addition, recipients are required to complete
at least 40 hours of service in a Community
Impact Project.
How to Apply: Submit directly to sponsor by
March 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Penn Pre-Doctoral Fellowships for
Excellence through Diversity
Sponsor: University of Pennsylvania
Deadline: 03/01/2014
Amount: $30,000
Description: This program is designed to
provide mentorship and access to Penn’s
resources for doctoral students in the
humanities or social sciences, enrolled at
universities other than Penn, as they
complete their dissertations. It supports
scholars from a wide range of backgrounds,
who can contribute to the diversity of Penn
and the higher education community. The
Fellowships support graduate students in the
final stages of dissertation research or writing
for residency at Penn for an academic year,
normally September through August.
Applicants must be citizens or permanent
residents of the U.S.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
March 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Louise Wallace Hackney Fellowship for
the Study of Chinese Art
Sponsor: American Oriental Society,
University of Michigan
Deadline: 03/01/2015
Amount: $8,000
Description: Open to post-doctoral scholars
as well as doctoral students, U.S. citizens
only. It is conceived to permit the study of
Chinese art, with special relation to painting
and its reflection of Chinese culture, and to
permit the translation into English of works
upon the said subject for the purpose of
furthering a better understanding of Chinese
painting in the United States. In no case shall
a fellowship be awarded to scholars of well
recognized standing, but shall be given to
either men or women who show aptitude for
promise in the said field of learning.
Applicants for the fellowship should have
completed three years study of the Chinese
language or its equivalent and should be able
to demonstrate that they have already
committed themselves to the serious study of
this important area of oriental art.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
March 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: N
More Info:
Title: Wadsworth International Fellowships
Sponsor: Wenner-Gren Foundation
Deadline: 03/01/2015
Amount: $17,500
Description: The Wadsworth International
Fellowships are intended to provide support
for students undertaking study leading to a
Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral degree at
universities where they can receive
international-level training in anthropology.
These fellowships are available only to
students from countries where anthropology
is underrepresented and where there are
limited resources to send students overseas
for training. Priority is given to applicants
who have not already begun graduate
training abroad, and who are likely to return
to an academic position in their home
country upon completion of their degree. The
purpose of the Wadsworth International
Fellowship is to offer support for students
who are in the early stages of their doctoral
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
March 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Wayne F. Placek Grants
Sponsor: American Psychological Association
Deadline: 03/01/2015
Amount: $15,000
Description: The grants support empirical
research from all fields of the behavioral and
social sciences on any topic related to
lesbian, gay, or bisexual issues. Proposals are
especially encouraged for empirical studies
that address the following topics: 1)
heterosexuals' attitudes and behaviors
toward lesbians and gay men, including
prejudice, discrimination, and violence; 2)
family and workplace issues relevant to
lesbians and gay men; 3) subgroups of the
lesbian and gay population that have
historically been underrepresented in
scientific research. Must be either doctoral‐
level researcher or graduate student
affiliated with an educational institution of a
501(c)(3) nonprofit research organization.
Graduate students and early career
researchers are encouraged to apply.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
March 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Phillips Fund for Native American
Sponsor: American Philosophical Society
Deadline: 03/02/2015
Amount: $2,500-3,500
Description: The Phillips Fund of the
American Philosophical Society provides
grants for research in Native American
linguistics, ethnohistory, and the history of
studies of Native Americans, in the
continental United States and Canada. Grants
are not made for projects in archaeology,
ethnography, psycholinguistics, or for the
preparation of pedagogical materials. The
committee prefers to support the work of
younger scholars who have received the
doctorate. Applications are also accepted
from graduate students for research on
master's theses or doctoral dissertations.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
March 2. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Summer Research/Travel Funding
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin, Native
American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS)
Deadline: 03/03/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: Limited summer research or
professional travel money to our students
available to students in Native American and
Indigenous Studies at UT Austin.
How to Apply: Submit a 1-2 page description
of your research or travel plans, a brief
budget, a statement of other funding sources
you have received or applied to, and a
statement describing your participation in
NAIS events and programs in the past year to
Dr. Jim Cox by
March 3.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Summer Research Fellowships
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin,
Psychology Department
Deadline: 03/07/2014
Amount: $5,000
Description: This fellowship is designed to
provide summer financial support for
outstanding graduate students in the
Department of Psychology. The number and
amount of awards that are made in a given
year depend on the number and quality of
the applications received. Most awards will
be in the amount of $5000, but smaller
awards may be awarded. Students who are
awarded Summer Research Fellowships will
not be eligible for summer TAs. Note, too,
that the award is not available to students
graduating this spring and students who
already have summer support in the form of
another fellowship (e.g., NRSA, NSA
Fellowship, Continuing Fellowship, etc.).
Funding decisions will be made by a faculty
committee. The committee’s funding
decisions will be based on: (a) the quality of
the proposed research, (b) the student's
progress in the program, and (c) the student’s
financial need.
How to Apply: Contact Kimberly Terry
(, Graduate
Coordinator in the Department of
Psychology, for application guidelines.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info: NA
Title: Dan David Prize
Sponsor: Dan David Prize
Deadline: 03/10/2015
Amount: $15,000
Description: Each year the Dan David Prize
awards 20 scholarships to outstanding
doctoral and postdoctoral students of
exceptional promise in the chosen fields; 10
of these are awarded to students from
universities all over the world. Fields for the
2015 competition are:1) Present--Retrieving
the Past: Historians and their Sources; 2)
Present--The Information Revolution; 3)
Future: Bioinformatics.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
March 10. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Carter Manny Award
Sponsor: Graham Foundation
Deadline: 03/15/2014
Amount: $15,000-$20,000
Description: The Carter Manny Award
supports dissertation research and writing by
promising scholars whose projects have
architecture as their primary concern and
focus and have the potential to shape
contemporary discourse about architecture
and impact the field. Projects may be drawn
from the various fields of inquiry supported
by the Graham Foundation: architectural
history, theory, and criticism; design;
engineering; landscape architecture; urban
planning; urban studies; the visual arts; and
other related fields. The award assists
students enrolled in graduate programs in
architecture, art history, the fine arts,
humanities, and the social sciences working
on architecture topics.
How to Apply: Submit nominations directly
to sponsor March 15. Students must be
nominated by their department to apply for
the Carter Manny Award. See grant
announcement for complete list of materials
to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Moody Research Grants, and the Harry
Middleton Fellowship in Presidential Studies
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin, LBJ
Deadline: 03/15/2014
Amount: $500-$5,000
Description: Twice a year, The LBJ
Foundation awards Moody Research Grants,
ranging from $500 to $2,500, and the Harry
Middleton Fellowship in Presidential Studies,
in the amount of $5,000. Moody Research
Grants may be used for research for
dissertations, theses, senior papers,
publications and other projects. The
Middleton Fellowship is given to students
whose research highlights how history can
illuminate current and future policy issues.
While post-doctoral fellows may apply,
preference is given to doctoral students. The
fellowship requires recipients to conduct
research at the LBJ Library and at least one
other National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA) facility. The
application deadline for both is September 15
for the spring term (January 1 – August 31)
and March 15 for the fall term (June 1 –
December 31).
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
March 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates
Sponsor: American Association of University
Women (AAUW), Austin Branch
Deadline: 03/17/2014
Amount: $2,000
Description: The AAUW Austin Branch is
announcing its fellowship competition for
2014-2015. The Austin Branch will award 1-3
fellowships in the amount of at least $2,000
each. This award is to assist women who
require financial help to complete their
doctoral program. A prerequisite for
consideration for this award is formal
candidacy for the doctoral degree.
How to Apply: Apply directly to The
University of Texas at Austin's Office of
Graduate Studies by March 17. See grant
announcement for complete list of materials
to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research
Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral
Fellowship (F31) (PA-14-147)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Deadline: 03/18/2014
Amount: $22,476/yr. stipend; $4,200
institutional allowance; tuition
Description: The purpose of the KirschsteinNRSA predoctoral fellowship (F31) award is to
enable promising predoctoral students to
obtain individualized, mentored research
training from outstanding faculty sponsors
while conducting dissertation research in
scientific health-related fields relevant to the
missions of the participating NIH Institutes
and Centers. The proposed mentored
research training must reflect the applicants
dissertation research project and is expected
to clearly enhance the individuals potential to
develop into a productive, independent
research scientist. Applicants are encouraged
to apply early to allow adequate time to
make any corrections to errors found in the
application during the submission process by
the due date.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by March
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Public Fellows
Sponsor: American Council of Learned
Societies (ACLS)
Deadline: 03/19/2014
Amount: $65,000/yr. (stipend), 2 yrs.
Fellowship to Promote Diversity in HealthRelated Research (F31-Diversity) (PA-14-148)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Deadline: 03/24/2014
Amount: $22,476/yr. stipend; $4,200
institutional allowance; tuition
Description: The purpose of this KirschsteinNRSA predoctoral fellowship (F31) award is to
enhance the diversity of the health-related
research workforce by supporting the
research training of predoctoral students
from population groups that have been
shown to be underrepresented in the
biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research
workforce. Such individuals include those
from underrepresented racial and ethnic
groups, those with disabilities, and those
from disadvantaged backgrounds. Through
this award program, promising predoctoral
students will obtain individualized, mentored
research training from outstanding faculty
sponsors while conducting well-defined
research projects in scientific health-related
fields relevant to the missions of the
participating NIH Institutes and Centers. The
proposed mentored research training is
expected to clearly enhance the individuals
potential to develop into a productive,
independent research scientist. Applicants
are encouraged to apply early to allow
adequate time to make any corrections to
errors found in the application during the
submission process by the due date.
Description: ACLS invites applications for the
second competition of the Public Fellows
program. The program will place 20 recent
Ph.D.’s from the humanities and humanistic
social sciences in two-year staff positions at
partnering organizations in government and
the nonprofit sector. Fellows will participate
in the substantive work of these
organizations and receive professional
mentoring. Compensation will be competitive
with new professional employees of the
hosting organization and will include health
insurance for the fellow.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by March
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
March 19. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Title: Graduate Fellowship Program
Sponsor: International Foundation for Ethical
Research (IFER)
Deadline: 03/30/2014
Amount: $15,000
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research
Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Description: IFER supports the development,
validation, and implementation of innovative
scientific methodologies that advance science
and replace the use of animals in research,
testing, and education. To that end, the
foundation is accepting applications for the
IFER Graduate Fellowship Program from
graduate students whose program of study
shows the greatest potential to replace the
use of animals in science. Fellowships also
will be considered for graduate students in
other fields (e.g., education, psychology,
humanities, journalism, and the law) for
projects that show promise to increase public
awareness of or promote changes in the legal
system or public policy regarding the use of
animals in research, testing, and education.
How to Apply: Submit directly to sponsor by
March 30. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Henry Roe Cloud Dissertation Writing
Fellowship in American Indian and Indigenous
Sponsor: Yale University
Deadline: 03/31/2014
Amount: $27,300
Description: The Yale Graduate School of Arts
and Sciences in conjunction with the Howard
R. Lamar Center for the Study of Frontiers
and Borders and the Ethnicity, Race, and
Migration Program invite applications for the
5th Annual Henry Roe Cloud Dissertation
Writing Fellowship in American Indian and
Indigenous Studies. The Roe Cloud Fellowship
is intended to develop American Indian
Studies at Yale and by extension throughout
the academy by facilitating the completion of
the doctorate by scholars working on
pressing issues related to the American
Indian experience. Scholars working on topics
in Indigenous Studies that relate to the study
of North American Indians are also
encouraged to apply. The Fellowship will
support a graduate scholar in any doctoral
field for the academic year, beginning August
1, 2014 and ending July 31, 2015. Graduate
students working towards careers in higher
education who have completed all doctoral
requirements but the dissertation are invited
to apply.
How to Apply: Submit directly to sponsor by
March 31. See grant announcement for
materials to be submitted with proposal.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Margaret W. Moore and John M.
Moore Research Fellowship
Sponsor: Friends Historical Library and/or the
Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Deadline: 03/31/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The purpose of the Margaret W.
Moore and John M. Moore Research
Fellowship is to provide a stipend to promote
research during the academic year or
summer months using the resources of the
Friends Historical Library and/or the
Swarthmore College Peace Collection. See
below to read about the past Moore Fellows.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
March 31. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Social Documentary Photography
Sponsor: Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation for
International Photography
Deadline: 03/31/2014
Amount: $5,000
Description: The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz
Foundation for International Photography is a
not-for-profit organization committed to
fostering positive social discourse in
underrepresented communities throughout
the world by encouraging emerging and
established photographers working in
developing nations to keep their lenses fixed
on the plight of the poor and disenfranchised.
Headquartered in New York, with a presence
in Paris and Zurich, the foundation serves the
international photographic community
through exhibitions, publishing, grants,
education, and other curatorial projects. For
the second year, the foundation has
announced that it is seeking entries of
outstanding work in social documentary
photo reportage. Photographers around the
world are encouraged to submit entries
focusing on lives and populations ravaged by
war, famine, poverty, religious persecution,
political oppression, forced migration, and
other social injustices. The winning
submission will be awarded a grant of $5,000
to be utilized for the production or
completion of a social documentary project.
Photographers of all nationalities who are at
least 18 years of age are encouraged to
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor. See
grant announcement for complete list of
materials to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Harry S. Truman Library Institute
Research Grants
Sponsor: Harry S. Truman Library Institute for
National and International Affairs
Deadline: 04/01/2015
Amount: $2,500/1-3 wks.
Description: These grants are intended to
enable graduate students, post-doctoral
scholars and other researchers to come to
the Harry S. Truman Library for one to three
weeks to use its collections. Awards are to
offset expenses incurred for this purpose
only. Graduate students and post-doctoral
scholars are particularly encouraged to apply,
but applications from others engaged in
advanced research will also be considered.
Preference will be given to projects that have
application to enduring public policy and
foreign policy issues and that have a high
probability of being published or publicly
disseminated in some other way. The
potential contribution of a project to an
applicant’s development as a scholar will also
be considered. An individual may receive no
more than two Research Grants in a five-year
period. Applications accepted twice per year
in April and October.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
April 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Ida Halpern Fellowship and Award
Sponsor: Society for Ethnomusicology
Deadline: 04/01/2014
Amount: $4,000 research + $1,000
publication award
Description: The purpose of the Halpern
Fellowship and Award is to support research
on Native American Music of the United
States and Canada and to recognize the
publication of said research. Established
scholars, recent Ph.D.s, or Ph.D. candidates
who have completed all program
requirements except dissertation research.
Preference will be given to a person planning
to do research based on Dr. Halpern's
collection of Northwest Coast music. Once a
person has been awarded the
fellowship/prize, he or she will not be eligible
to reapply for a three-year period to begin at
the time the prize is announced.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
April 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Language Legacies
Sponsor: Endangered Language Fund (ELF)
Deadline: 04/01/2014
Amount: $4,000
Description: The Endangered Language Fund
was founded in 1996 with the goal of
supporting language preservation and
documentation projects. To that end, ELF
provides grants for language maintenance
and linguistic fieldwork related to languages
in danger of disappearing within a generation
or two. Priority is given to projects that serve
both the native community and the field of
linguistics. Work that has immediate
applicability to one group and more distant
application to the other also will be
considered. Publishing subventions are a low
priority, although they will be considered. ELF
expects grants in this round to be less than
$4,000 in amount and to average about
$2,000. Funds can be applied to consultant
fees, tapes, films, travel, etc., but not
overhead. Researchers and language activists
from any country are encouraged to apply.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review form by April 1.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Pan-American Advanced Studies
Institutes Program (PASI) (NSF 12-535)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 04/03/2012
Amount: $75,000 - $120,000
Description: Pan-American Advanced Studies
Institutes are short courses of ten to twentyone days duration, aimed at the advanced
graduate, post-doctoral and junior faculty
level. Institutes in the physical, mathematical,
biological sciences, geosciences, computer
and information sciences, and engineering
disciplines may be supported. Institutes in
the biological sciences are encouraged to
place a special emphasis on any one or more
of the following areas: systems biology,
biodiversity, modeling and simulation,
ecology on a regional to continental scale,
and synthetic biology.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by April 3.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Dissertation Fieldwork Grants
Sponsor: Wenner-Gren Foundation
Deadline: 04/10/2014
Amount: $20,000
Description: Dissertation Fieldwork Grants
are awarded to aid doctoral or thesis
research. The program contributes to the
Foundation's overall mission to support basic
research in anthropology and to ensure that
the discipline continues to be a source of
vibrant and significant work that furthers our
understanding of humanity's cultural and
biological origins, development, and
variation. The Foundation supports research
that demonstrates a clear link to
anthropological theory and debates, and
promises to make a solid contribution to
advancing these ideas. There is no preference
for any methodology, research location, or
subfield. The Foundation particularly
welcomes proposals that employ a
comparative perspective, can generate
innovative approaches or ideas, and/or
integrate two or more subfields. Students
must be enrolled in a doctoral program (or
equivalent, if applying from outside the
United States) at the time of application.
Students of all nationalities are eligible to
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return proposal review form by April 10.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: John F. Richards Fellowship Program:
Research Fellowships and Afghanistan Travel
Sponsor: American Institute of Afghanistan
Studies (AIAS)
Deadline: 04/10/2014
Amount: Research: $6,000; Travel: $3,000
Description: The American Institute of
Afghanistan Studies (AIAS) invites
applications for support of short-term
research or other scholarly projects that will
advance the knowledge of Afghanistan. The
Institute will be accepting applications for
proposed projects along two tiers of the John
F. Richards Fellowship Program. The program
includes two different types of fellowships.
Applicants must be individual members of
AIAS to apply. Research Fellowships are
intended for U.S. Citizens who are Predoctoral, Post-doctoral, Junior or Senior
Scholars, and cannot be used for travel to,
from, or within Afghanistan. Travel
Fellowships are designated for Senior
Scholars only, candidates may be U.S.
citizens, permanent residents, or hold U.S.
institutional appointments. Applicants may
apply for one or both fellowships.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
April 10. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Dissertation Fellowship Mellon Sawyer
Seminar Series
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin, Native
American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) and
the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin
American Studies (LLILAS)
Deadline: 04/11/2014
Amount: Unspecified stipend, plus standard
Description: Native American and Indigenous
Studies (NAIS) and the Teresa Lozano Long
Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS)
invite UT Austin and UT affiliated Ph.D.
candidates to apply for a one-year
Dissertation Fellowship with the Mellon
Sawyer Seminar Series on “Territorial Roots
and Diasporic Routes: Native American and
Indigenous Cultural Politics in the Americas.”
The successful candidates will show interest
in dialogue and critical thought across NorthSouth divides in indigenous studies, and
should be working on a dissertation project in
the field. Applicants must be Ph.D. candidates
with a clear and demonstrable progress in
their dissertation writing process. Disciplinary
specialization is open. The selected
candidates will be expected to participate in
the biweekly Sawyer Seminar series, which
will bring together UT faculty across schools
and will draw indigenous scholars from
throughout the hemisphere during academic
year 2014-2015. The dissertation fellows will
be located either in NAIS or LLILAS,
depending on primary research focus.
Appointment will begin September 1, 2014.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
April 11. Send the following documents in pdf
format to Professor Luis Cárcamo-Huechante
one-page letter of application, dissertation
abstract, and a letter from your dissertation
supervisor describing your stage of the
dissertation research and writing.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship
Sponsor: International Women’s Media
Deadline: 04/11/2014
Amount: Living stipend
Description: The goal of the Elizabeth Neuffer
Fellowship is to provide a woman journalist
with a transformative experience that will
impact her career by offering her the
opportunity to conduct research at leading
academic institutions and build journalistic
skills. The Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship seeks
to impact public awareness of human rights
journalism by encouraging dialogue and
discussion about critical human rights issues.
Open to women journalists worldwide whose
work focuses on human rights and social
justice. Journalists working in the print,
broadcast and Internet media, including
freelancers, are eligible to apply. Applicants
must have a minimum of three years of
experience in journalism.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
April 11. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Summer Graduate Fellowships
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin,
Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for
Human Rights and Justice
Deadline: 04/14/2014
Amount: $2,000-$4,000
Description: The Rapoport Center for Human
Rights and Justice at the University of Texas
School of Law is currently considering
applications for UT law and graduate
students to be summer fellows at the Center.
This summer we are particularly interested in
candidates with experience or serious
interest in scholarly publications, event
planning, fundraising, publication/graphic
design, grant writing, and/or film editing, and
in candidates with specialized knowledge of
human rights. These fellowships, open to all
Law and graduate students, are an excellent
opportunity for students interested in
incorporating the study and practice of
human rights into their research and
professional development and in staying
informed of developments in human rights
Title: Graduate Research Fellowship Program
(NIJ-2014-3739, CFDA 16.562)
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ),
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
Deadline: 04/21/2014
Amount: $32,000
Description: The NIJ Graduate Research
Fellowship (GRF) program provides awards
for research on crime, violence, and other
criminal justice-related topics to accredited
universities that offer research-based
doctoral degrees. NIJ invests in doctoral
education by supporting universities that
sponsor students who demonstrate the
potential to successfully complete doctoral
degree programs in disciplines relevant to the
mission of NIJ and who are in the final stages
of graduate study. Applicants sponsoring
doctoral students are eligible to apply only if
the doctoral research dissertation has direct
implications for criminal justice policy and
practice in the United States and is in an NIJsupported discipline; e.g., social and
behavioral sciences, operations technology,
information and sensors research and
development, and investigative and forensic
sciences. International students may apply.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by April 21.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Applied Social Issues Internship
Sponsor: Society for the Psychological Study
of Social Issues (SPSSI)
Deadline: 04/25/2014
Amount: $300-$2,500
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
Description: This funding opportunities
encourages research that is conducted in
cooperation with a community or
government organization, public interest
group or other not-for-profit entity that will
benefit directly from the project. Graduate
students in psychology, applied social
science, and related disciplines are eligible.
Applicant must be a SPSSI member.
More Info:
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
April 25. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
April 14. Contact William Chandler
( for list of
materials to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Assessing the Benefits of Treating
Cancer Research Starter Grant
Sponsor: PhRMA Foundation
Deadline: 04/25/2014
Amount: $100,000
Description: The PhRMA Foundation is
accepting proposals for "starter grants" in
support of research aimed at quantifying the
benefits to society that have accrued from
innovations in cancer treatment. The grant
will be awarded to candidates who establish
a sound and innovative research project
focused on developing a novel way of
quantifying or describing the social, patientcentered, and economic benefits of
innovation in cancer treatment. Relevant
research goals may include developing new
methods to define and measure the societal
benefits from cancer care innovation. Faculty
and doctoral level researchers are eligible to
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by April 25.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Byran Jackson Dissertation Research
Sponsor: American Political Science
Association, Section on Urban Politics
Deadline: 04/25/2014
Amount: $500
Description: This award recognizes
outstanding scholarship by a graduate
student in the areas of race and urban
politics. It comes with a $500 prize.
Interested students should send approved
dissertation proposals to each committee
member via e-mail. Contact information is
provided below.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor.
Submit approved dissertation proposals to
each of the following committee members
via email: Jamila Michener, Cornell University
(; Christina Greer,
Fordham University (;
and Ravi Perry, Mississippi State University
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Sponsor: Women's Philanthropy Institute,
Indiana University
Deadline: 04/30/2014
Amount: $5,000
Description: The Women’s Philanthropy
Institute at the Indiana University Lilly Family
School of Philanthropy (WPI) will offer a one
year doctoral dissertation fellowship of
$5,000 for the academic year 2014-2015. This
doctoral dissertation fellowship will be
awarded to a scholar whose primary research
focus is in the area of women’s philanthropy
or gender differences in philanthropic
behavior and giving. The fellowship is
intended to support research and
dissertation writing. The fellowship stipend
will be paid at the beginning of the 20142015 academic year.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
April 30. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: LGBT Studies Research Fellowship
Sponsor: Yale University
Deadline: 04/30/2014
Amount: $4,000
Description: Scholars from across the country
and around the world are invited to apply for
the Yale LGBT Studies Research Fellowship.
This fellowship supports scholars from any
field pursuing research in lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, and/or queer studies
at Yale University, utilizing the vast faculty
resources, manuscript archives, and library
collections available at Yale. Graduate
students conducting dissertation research,
independent scholars, and all faculty are
invited to apply. Scholars residing within 100
miles of New Haven are ineligible. Granted
for one month, the fellowship must be taken
up between September 1, 2014 and April 30,
2015. The recipient is expected to be in
residence for a minimum of twenty days
during the period of their award and is
encouraged to participate in the activities of
Yale University, including programs organized
by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender
Studies, Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality
Studies, and the Yale Research Initiative on
the History of Sexualities.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor April
30. See grant announcement for complete list
of materials to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Patricia Witherspoon Research Award
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin,
Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life
Deadline: 04/30/2014
Amount: $2,000
Description: University of Texas graduate
students are invited to apply for the Patricia
Witherspoon Research Award to offset costs
associated with conducting original research
in the areas of public service, government,
community service, civic life, citizenship, or
politics. Previous research topics have
included faith-based organizations, family
policy, immigration, and educational
interventions. Past award winners have used
the funding to pay for focus groups, survey
instruments, and other aspects of their
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
April 30. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowships
Sponsor: Poetry Foundation
Deadline: 04/30/2014
Amount: $25,800
Description: Five Ruth Lilly Poetry
Fellowships in the amount of $15,000 will be
awarded to young poets through a national
competition sponsored by the Poetry
Foundation, publisher of Poetry. Established
in 1989 by the Indianapolis philanthropist
Ruth Lilly, the fellowships are intended to
encourage the further study and writing of
poetry. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, at
least 21 years of age, and no older than 31
years of age as of March 31, 2012.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
April 30. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: N
More Info:
Title: Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop
Sponsor: Social Science Research Council
Deadline: 05/01/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The SSRC Korean Studies
Dissertation Workshop seeks to create a
sustained network of advanced graduate
students and faculty by providing the
opportunity to give and receive critical
feedback on dissertations in progress. The
workshop is open to participants from all
fields in the social sciences and humanities
and from institutions throughout the U.S. and
Canada. Individual students lead discussions
of their projects with mentor faculty and
student peers from various disciplines to
receive creative and critical input on
improving their fieldwork plans or writing
strategies. Based on narrative project
descriptions submitted as part of the
application packet, participants will prepare a
synthetic essay incorporating all projects,
from which broader methodological and
thematic discussions will be developed and
incorporated into the four-day agenda.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
May 1. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Creative Community Fellowhsips
Sponsor: National Arts Strategies (NAS)
Deadline: 05/07/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: We believe that arts and culture
are vital to community life. We also believe
that community is vital to arts and culture.
We've built the Creative Community Fellows
program for leaders working at the
intersection of culture and community. These
individuals are using culture to respond to
local needs and contribute to healthy
neighborhoods. We will give them tools,
training and access to others working in this
space. This combination will fuel their visions
for community change, sparking new ideas
and helping put them into action. We will
also provide a platform for Fellows to
connect their work to their communities and
to the field. This will create a global dialogue
about the ways in which culture can restore
and animate communities.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
May 7. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Graduate Dean's Prestigious Fellowship
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin,
Graduate School
Deadline: 05/14/2014
Amount: $1,000, in-state tuition waiver
Description: The Graduate Dean's Prestigious
Fellowship Supplement awards are for
students who will hold competitive, external,
prestigious, full (typically $12,000 or more)
fellowships that recognize the student's
academic achievements. Consideration for an
award is based upon nomination by the
graduate adviser. You must be registered
during the 2014-2015 academic year and you
must be utilizing the fellowship during the
2014-2015 academic year. Preference is given
to non-Texas residents as the major
component of the award is for an in-state
tuition rate.
How to Apply: Contact your Graduate
Coordinator for details on your department's
nomination process.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Hilla Rebay International Fellowship
Sponsor: Guggenheim Museum
Deadline: 05/15/2015
Amount: $30,000
Description: The Hilla Rebay International
Fellowship offers an introduction to the
unique operational structure of the
multinational museum, as well as practical
museum training experience to individuals
interested in pursuing careers in the
curatorial field. It is a multisite 10-month
fellowship that offers a graduate student the
opportunity to undertake in-depth
professional training at the Solomon R.
Guggenheim Museum, New York; the
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao; and the Peggy
Guggenheim Collection, Venice. The fellow
will spend a minimum of three months at
each site and will gain exposure to museum
operations through departments including
Curatorial, Education, and Registration.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
May 15. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Kislak Short-term Fellowship for the
Study of the History and Cultures of the Early
Sponsor: Library of Congress
Deadline: 05/15/2014
Amount: $4,200/mo. (1-4 mos.)
Description: The Library of Congress offers
short-term fellowships for independent
scholars, undergraduate and graduate
students, and college and university faculty to
conduct research based on items from the
Kislak Collection. The Kislak Collection spans
three millennia and includes masterworks of
the pre-Columbian cultures of Mexico,
Central America, and the Caribbean and rare
books, manuscripts, documents, maps, and
artwork from the earliest records of
European contact through the period of
exploration and settlement the Americas.
Complementing the books and manuscripts is
an extensive research library of secondary
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor May
15. See grant announcement for complete list
of materials to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Media Prize
Sponsor: Society for Personality and Social
Psychology (SPSP)
Deadline: 05/15/2014
Amount: $500 honorarium + travel expenses
Description: SPSP has announced a call for
nominations for its 2014 Media Prize. The
annual prize recognizes a person, normally
outside the SPSP community, providing a
popular media piece (or collection of pieces)
during the previous calendar year that best
conveys the contributions of personality or
social psychology to the general public. This
year, the society will consider pieces
published in 2013. In addition to a written
published piece, column, etc., a "piece" can
also be a radio series, regular TV segment,
blog post or series of posts, etc. The 2014
prize will be presented at the annual SPSP
conference, which will take place in Long
Beach, California, February 26-28, 2015.
How to Apply: Submit nomination directly to
sponsor by May 15. See grant announcement
for complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Fellowships for University-Based
Doctoral Candidates and Faculty for Research
in Child Maltreatment (HHS-2014-ACF-ACYFCA-0803)
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (DHHS), Administration for
Children and Families (ACYF)
Deadline: 05/19/2014
Amount: $50,000-$100,000
Description: This 24-month fellowship
program is designed to identify, develop, and
empower a new generation of scholars who
will use their research to generate new
knowledge in child maltreatment and will
pursue careers in child abuse and neglect
research and evaluation. This funding
opportunity announcement (FOA) will
provide funds for fellowships in blocks to
eligible institutions to support doctoral
candidates who demonstrate a strong
commitment to the study of child
maltreatment, and faculty who will conduct
research on critical issues in child abuse
prevention and treatment and provide
mentorship to the emerging scholars. Each
block must consist of one faculty member
and up to two students. These fellowships
serve to help cultivate the academic
infrastructure and support the growth of
university-based research capacities.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by May 19.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Activist Research Grant Initiative
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin, Social
Justice Institute (SJI)
Deadline: 05/21/2014
Amount: $2,500
Description: The Social Justice Institute (SJI)
of the UT Community Engagement Center
seeks applicants for the Activist Research
Grant Initiative. This is a summer research
grant awarded to full-time UT graduate
students whose research projects serve as
direct political engagement. Activist Research
is here defined as a scholarly project that
advances social justice in collaboration with a
community-based partner (organizations,
coalitions or other community-based
entities). For the purpose of this grant, such
collaborations may be carried out locally,
nationally or internationally. Applicants from
all fields of study may apply, but research
addressing the interest of co-sponsoring
units--the Warfield Center for African and
African American Studies, Native American
and Indigenous Studies, Teresa Lozano Long
Institute for Latin America, the Center for
Mexican American Studies and the Center for
Gender and Women’s Studies--will be given
priority. Awards will be made by July 15,
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
May 21. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Deadline: 05/31/2015
Amount: Not Specified
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
Description: This program is designed for
foreign professors, associate professors,
assistant professors and doctoral candidates
in departments related to Chinese studies at
foreign universities, as well as researchers at
related foreign academic institutes. The
content of the research, to be undertaken in
Taiwan, should be within the field of Chinese
studies. Assistance provided by the CCS
includes subsidies of research expenses,
research materials service, liaison with
universities and research institutions, and use
of CCS facilities, etc. Research tenure is three
months to one year.
More Info:
Title: Early Care and Education Research
Scholars: Head Start Graduate Student
Research Grants (HHS-2014-ACF-OPRE-YR0785, CFDA 93.600)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH),
Department of Health and Human Services
Deadline: 05/26/2014
Amount: $20,000-$25,000
Description: The Office of Planning, Research
and Evaluation (OPRE) of the Administration
for Children and Families (ACF) plans to
provide funds for Head Start Graduate
Student Research Grants to support
dissertation research by advanced graduate
students who are working in partnership with
Head Start programs and with faculty
mentors. Competitive applicants will 1)
demonstrate a collaborative partnership with
their program partners, and 2) pursue
research questions that directly inform local,
State, or Federal policy relevant to multiple
early care and education practice. Applicants
should consider pursuing data collection
across contexts, including child care, pre-k,
home-visiting programs, Head Start, Early
Head Start, and/or others. Applicants are
expected to demonstrate an established
partnership with their early care and
education program partners that should be
apparent throughout the research plan, from
development and refinement of the research
questions through the proposed data
collection, interpretation, and dissemination.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by May 26.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Center for Chinese Studies Research
Grant Program
Sponsor: Center for Chinese Studies (CCS)
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
May 31. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Dr. Gene D. Cohen Research Award in
Creativity and Aging
Sponsor: National Center for Creative Aging
Deadline: 05/31/2014
Amount: $1,000
Description: The Gene D. Cohen Award,
sponsored by the National Center for
Creative Aging (NCCA), recognizes and honors
the seminal work of Dr. Gene Cohen, whose
research in the field of creativity and aging
has shifted the conceptual focus from a
problem paradigm to one of promise and
potential. Award nomination is open to any
individual who has produced research that
demonstrates the benefits of creativity in arts
including but not limited to visual arts, music,
dance, drama, writing and multimedia.
Nominees should demonstrate leadership
and contributions in the field of creativity and
aging through research.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor. See
grant announcement for complete list of
materials to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
submit an application. The group must also
be currently registered and in good standing
with the Office of the Dean of Students.
Title: Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation
Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowship Program
(CFDA 84.022A)
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Education
Deadline: 06/05/2014
Amount: $15,000-$60,000
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor
through link below. See grant announcement
for complete list of materials to be submitted
with application. Contact GSA Finance
Director Xiaosa (Jack) Xu
( with questions.
Description: The U.S. Department of
Education is offering dissertation fellowships
for research abroad for students who are
specializing in modern foreign languages and
area studies. Research projects should focus
on one or more of the following areas: Africa,
East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Islands, South Asia, the Near East, Central
and Eastern Europe and Eurasia, and the
Western Hemisphere (excluding the United
States and its territories). Please note that
applications that propose projects focused on
Western Europe will not be funded.
How to Apply: Applicants should submit their
applications electronically using the
Department of Education's G5 e-application
system ( by Thursday, June 5 at
4PM (including recommendations). This
internal deadline allows for required prereview by the Office of Graduate Studies is
required prior to the sponsor deadline.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Grants for Registered Student
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin,
Graduate Student Assembly (GSA)
Deadline: 06/05/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The GSA is now accepting
appropriations applications for registered
graduate student organizations in order to
assist these groups with their projects during
the summer 2014 semester. Funds will be
available starting in June and must be spent
by the last class day of the summer semester
(Friday, August 8th, 2014). Each organization
should apply for only the amount of funds
needed for each event. Only registered
graduate student organizations with a
significant graduate student membership,
and the registered graduate student
organizations putting on an event with a
significant graduate student attendance, may
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Linguistics
(NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 06/10/2014
Amount: $12,000 (direct costs)
Description: The Linguistics Program
supports basic science in the domain of
human language, encompassing
investigations of the grammatical properties
of individual human languages, and of natural
language in general. Research areas include
syntax, semantics, morphology, phonetics,
and phonology. DDRIGs provide funds for
items not normally available through the
student's university. Additionally, these
grants allow doctoral students to undertake
significant data-gathering projects and to
conduct field research in settings away from
their campus that would not otherwise be
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by June 10.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Global Connections
Sponsor: Theatre Communications Group
(TCG), Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Deadline: 06/23/2014
Amount: $5,000-$10,000
Description: The Global Connections program
was designed by TCG and is funded byThe
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. U.S.-based
theatre organizaitons and individual artists
may apply to one of the two initiatives of this
new program: 1) Global Connections—On the
Road: This initiative will award 12 grants of
up to $5,000 each to foster new relationships
with international colleagues that will inspire
each other’s work and aesthetics by creating
opportunities for cultural exchange. 2) Global
Connections—In the Lab: This initiative will
award six grants of $10,000 each to further
pre-existing international collaborations by
supporting residencies that either advance
the development of a piece or explore
elements leading up to a full production.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by June 23.
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Research Grants
Sponsor: Leakey Foundation
Deadline: 06/24/2015
Amount: $15,000 (doctoral); $25,000 (postdoc/senior researchers)
Description: The Leakey Foundation was
formed to foster research into human origins.
The Foundation exclusively funds research
related specifically to human origins,
including paleoanthropology, genetics,
primate behavior, and studies of modern
hunter-gatherer groups. Other areas of study
are generally not funded. Human origins
research projects from Ph.D.s and Ph.D.
candidates (ABD) are eligible for Leakey
Foundation Research Grants. There are no
citizenship restrictions.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by June 24.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Women of Worth Awards
Sponsor: L'Oreal Paris, Points of Light
Deadline: 06/25/2014
Amount: $10,000-$25,000
Description: L'Oreal Paris Women of Worth
awards, an annual program that honors
women who are making a beautiful
difference in the world through voluntarism.
Since 2006, the program, in partnership with
Points of Light, has recognized eighty
inspiring women who have selflessly devoted
themselves to causes at the local and
national level and have motivated others to
do likewise. Past honorees have been
involved in a range of important causes, from
advocating for victims of childhood abuse and
mentoring homeless youth, to helping break
the cycle of poverty and empowering teens
with disabilities. Nominees must be at least
18 years old and legal residents of the United
States. Ten women will be awarded $10,000
and one woman will be named the national
honoree and awarded an additional $25,000
to further her charitable efforts.
How to Apply: Nominate directly to sponsor
by June 25. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with nomination.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Endeavour Scholarships and
Sponsor: Australian Government, Oak Ridge
Associated Universities (ORAU)
Deadline: 06/30/2014
Amount: $18,500-$272,500
Description: The Endeavour Scholarship and
Fellowship awards are the Australian
Government’s internationally competitive,
merit-based scholarship program that
provides funding for study, research or
professional development opportunities
between Australia and the world. The
program builds Australia’s reputation for
excellence in education, supports the
internationalization of the Australian higher
education and research sectors, and offers
high-achieving individuals opportunities to
increase their knowledge and expertise in
their field. Funding is available in the
following categories: 1) Endeavour
Postgraduate Scholarships for Australian
master's or doctoral studies, 2) Endeavor
Research Fellowships for short-term master's
or doctoral research in pursuit of a nonAustralian degree, 3) Endeavour Vocational
Education and Training (VET) Scholarship for
an Australian diploma, advanced diploma, or
associate's degree, and 4) Endeavour
Executive Fellowship for professional
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
June 30. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Mario Savio Young Activist Award
Sponsor: Mario Savio Memorial Lecture Fund
Deadline: 06/30/2014
Amount: $6,000
Description: The award is presented each
year to a young person (or persons) with a
deep commitment to human rights and social
justice and a proven ability to transform this
commitment into effective action. The
recipients should have demonstrated
leadership ability, creativity, and integrity.
Preference will be given to candidates who
have not been widely recognized and do not
have personal privilege or a strong
institutional base of support. To be eligible,
nominees must be between the ages of 16
and 26; engaged in activism for social change
related to peace, human rights, economic or
social justice, or freedom of expression;
working within the context of an
organization, social movement, or larger
community effort; and considered by others
within that context as an inspirational leader
or motivating force. The nominees' work
must be based in the United States. Anyone
may nominate a candidate, including
members of the general public.
How to Apply: Submit nominations directly
to sponsor by June 30. See announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Taiwan Fellowships
Sponsor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan
Deadline: 06/30/2014
Amount: NT$50,000-NT$60,000, + travel
Description: The Taiwan Fellowship was
established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
to award foreign experts and scholars
interested in researches related to Taiwan,
cross-strait relations, mainland China, AsiaPacific region, and Chinese studies to conduct
advanced research at universities or
academic institutions in Taiwan. Recipients
shall be foreign professors, associate
professors, assistant professors, postdoctoral researchers, doctoral candidates, or
doctoral program students at related
departments of overseas universities, or are
research fellows at an equivalent level in
academic institutions abroad.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
June 30. See solicitation for complete list of
materials to be submitted with application.
Copy Edward Chen (,
Director, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office
in Houston on submission.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Women's Initiative Grant
Sponsor: Alexia Foundation
Deadline: 06/30/2014
Amount: $25,000
Description: The Alexia Foundation, which
encourages photojournalists to create stories
that drive change, is accepting proposals for
its 2014 Women’s Initiative Grant. One
$25,000 grant will be awarded for a
documentary photographic or multimedia
project on a significant issue involving and
affecting women. Suggested issues and
themes include femininity and the culture of
abuse; women making a difference, leading,
and changing things for the better; gender
inequality; the direct connection between
women, education, and birth rates, children’s
health, and household income; gender
discrimination; women in the military; and
mental health issues. The grant recipient will
have six months, or until March 1, 2015, to
complete the project.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
June 30. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Audre Rapoport Prize for Scholarship on
Gender and Human Rights
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin, School
of Law
Deadline: 07/01/2014
Amount: $1,000
Description: The Bernard and Audre
Rapoport Center for Human Rights and
Justice at The University of Texas School of
Law extends a call for papers for the Audre
Rapoport Prize for Scholarship on Gender and
Human Rights. The prize is made possible by
a donation from University of Texas
linguistics professor Robert King in honor of
the work of Audre Rapoport, who has spent
many hours dedicated to the advancement of
women in the United States and
internationally, particularly on issues of
reproductive health. It is also meant to
further the Bernard and Audre Rapoport
Center's mission to serve as a focal point for
critical, interdisciplinary analysis and practice
of human rights and social justice. To be
eligible, an author must either be an enrolled
student or have graduated from a university
within the past year. Papers should be
between 8,000 and 15,000 words and must
be in English.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
July 1. See grant announcement for complete
list of materials to be submitted with
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: California Historical Society Book Award
Sponsor: California Historical Society
Deadline: 07/01/2014
Amount: $5,000
Description: A cash prize of $5,000 will be
awarded to a book-length manuscript that
makes an important contribution to California
historical scholarship and adheres to high
scholarly standards while being lively and
engaging to general readers. In addition to
conventional works of historical scholarship,
other works eligible for consideration include
biographies, collections of letters or essays,
photographic or artistic studies, creative
nonfiction, and other ways of informing the
mind and engaging the imagination in an
understanding of California’s past. The
winning manuscript will be published in both
print and e-book format, and the society will
pay for an awards ceremony, promotion, and
an author’s tour. To be eligible, manuscripts
should be at least 40,000 words. Preference
will be given to manuscripts of fewer than
75,000 words. In addition, the topic should
be broad enough to be of interest to the
general reader.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
July 1. See grant announcement for complete
list of materials to be submitted with
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Dr. Richard M. Hunt Fellowship
Sponsor: American Council on Germany
Deadline: 07/01/2014
Amount: $5,600
Description: The fellowship program aims
to serve academics in relatively early stages
of their careers (including individuals enrolled
in Ph.D. programs who are finishing their
dissertation). This fellowship is open to
scholars with an academic affiliation and to
those who are independent or have other
professional associations. All applicants must
hold United States citizenship. Applicants
should demonstrate an interest in German
political, social, and cultural affairs; however,
no prior experience in Germany is required.
While helpful, knowledge of the German
language is not a prerequisite. Fellows are
required to develop research itineraries in
consultation with the American Council on
Germany. The fellowship award covers the
costs of pre-approved international and
domestic travel and a per diem of $200 for up
to 28 days in Germany. Following the
completion of the trip, fellows submit a
report summarizing their findings.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
July 1. See grant announcement for complete
list of materials to be submitted with
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: N
More Info:
Title: Emerging Artist Fellowship
Sponsor: Harpo Foundation
Deadline: 07/05/2014
Amount: $500 travel stipend, plus room and
Description: The Harpo Foundation’s
Emerging Artist Fellowship at the Santa Fe Art
Institute (SFAI) was established in 2013 to
provide an annual opportunity to an
emerging visual artist 25 years and older who
needs time and space to explore ideas and
start new projects. Artist Fellows will receive
a one-month residency at the Santa Fe Art
Institute, which includes a handsomely
appointed room with private bath, a
beautiful, well-lit studio space, and a $500
travel stipend.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
July 5. See grant announcement for complete
list of materials to be submitted with
Disciplines: Humanities; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grant (DDRIG) in Biological
Anthropology (NSF 14-561)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 07/07/2014
Amount: $20,000 (plus indirect costs)
Description: The Biological Anthropology
Program supports multifaceted research
which advances scientific knowledge of
human biology and ecology, including
understanding of our evolutionary history
and mechanisms which have shaped human
and nonhuman primate biological diversity.
Supported research focuses on living and
fossil forms of both human and nonhuman
primates, addressing time scales ranging
from the short-term to evolutionary,
encompassing multiple levels of organization
and analysis (molecular and organismal, to
the population and ecosystem scales), and
conducted in field, laboratory, and captive
research environments.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by July 7.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Science,
Technology, and Statistics (STS) (NSF 12-509)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 07/10/2015
Amount: $18,000 (including indirect costs)
Description: STS considers proposals for
scientific research into the interface between
science (including engineering) or technology,
and society. STS researchers use diverse
methods including social science, historical,
and philosophical methods. Successful
proposals will be transferrable (i.e., generate
results that provide insights for other
scientific contexts that are suitably similar).
They will produce outcomes that address
pertinent problems and issues at the
interface of science, technology and society,
such as those having to do with practices and
assumptions, ethics, values, governance, and
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by July 10.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Medical Education Research Training
Sponsor: American Academy of Neurology
Institute (AANI)
Deadline: 07/11/2014
Amount: $75,000
Description: Through the Medical Education
Research Training Fellowship program, AANI
will award one-year grants in support of
education and research activities at the
applicant’s institution or elsewhere.
Supplementation of the stipend with other
grants or by the fellowship institution is
permissible, but fellows may not accept other
fellowships, similar awards, or have another
source of support for more than 50 percent
of their research salary while holding an AANI
Medical Education Research Training
Fellowship. Only direct costs will be funded
by this fellowship. To be eligible, applicants
must be AAN members (Active or Junior)
embarking on a career in medical education
research, and must have completed a
neurology, child neurology, or neurodevelopmental disabilities residency or
neurology fellowship within the past five
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by July 11.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Cultural
Anthropology (NSF 14-560)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 07/18/2014
Amount: $20,000 (plus added indirect costs)
Description: The primary objective of the
Cultural Anthropology Program is to support
basic scientific research on the causes,
consequences, and complexities of human
social and cultural variability. Anthropological
research spans a wide gamut, and
contemporary cultural anthropology is an
arena in which diverse research traditions
and methodologies are valid. Recognizing the
breadth of the field’s contributions to
science, the Cultural Anthropology Program
welcomes proposals for empirically
grounded, theoretically engaged, and
methodologically sophisticated research in all
sub-fields of cultural anthropology.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by July 18.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research
Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral
Fellowship (Parent F31) (PA-14-147)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Deadline: 07/18/2014
Amount: $22,476/yr. stipend, $4,200
institutional allowance, tuition
Description: The purpose of the KirschsteinNRSA Predoctoral Fellowship (F31) award is
to enable promising predoctoral students to
obtain individualized, mentored research
training from outstanding faculty sponsors
while conducting dissertation research in
scientific health-related fields relevant to the
missions of the participating NIH Institutes
and Centers. The proposed mentored
research training must reflect the applicants
dissertation research project and is expected
to clearly enhance the individuals potential to
develop into a productive, independent
research scientist. Applicants are encouraged
to apply early to allow adequate time to
make any corrections to errors found in the
application during the submission process by
the due date.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by July 18.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: William Randolph Hearst Endowed
Fellowships for Minority Students
Sponsor: Aspen Institute
Deadline: 07/18/2014
Amount: $8,000
Description: Based on academic excellence
and need, the fellowship is open to both
undergraduate and graduate students of
color. The Hearst Fellow serves as an intern
with Program on Philanthropy and Social
Innovation (PSI) in the Washington, D.C.,
office of the Aspen Institute. Through the
fellowship program, PSI seeks to introduce a
diverse group of students to issues and
challenges affecting philanthropy, social
enterprise, nonprofit organizations, and
other actors in the social sector. In his or her
internship, the Hearst Fellow undertakes
research, writing, and logistical and
administrative support for PSI's leadership
initiatives, public programs, and convenings.
Recipients may arrange with their colleges or
universities to receive academic credit for
this experience.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
July 18. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: N
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Decision,
Risk, and Management Sciences (NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 07/21/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The MMS Program supports
supports scientific research directed at
increasing the understanding and
effectiveness of decision making by
individuals, groups, organizations, and
society. Research is funded in the areas of
judgment and decision making; decision
analysis and decision aids; risk analysis,
perception, and communication; societal and
public policy decision making; management
science and organizational design.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by July 21.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Economics
(NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 07/21/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The Economics program
supports research designed to improve the
understanding of the processes and
institutions of the U.S. economy and of the
world system of which it is a part. This
program also strengthens both empirical and
theoretical economic analysis as well as the
methods for rigorous research on economic
behavior. It supports research in almost every
area of economics, including econometrics,
economic history, environmental economics,
finance, industrial organization, international
economics, labor economics,
macroeconomics, mathematical economics,
and public finance.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by July 21.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in
Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics
(MSS) (NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 07/21/2014
Amount: $16,000 (including indirect costs)
Description: The Methodology,
Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) Program
is an interdisciplinary program in the Social,
Behavioral, and Economic Sciences that
supports the development of innovative
analytical and statistical methods and models
for those sciences. MMS seeks proposals that
are methodologically innovative, grounded in
theory, and have potential utility for multiple
fields within the social and behavioral
sciences. As part of its larger portfolio, the
MMS Program partners with a consortium of
federal statistical agencies to support
research proposals that further the
development of new and innovative
approaches to surveys and to the analysis of
survey data.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
in the Liberal Arts Grants Services and return
Proposal Review Form by July 21.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research
Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral
Fellowship to Promote Diversity in HealthRelated Research (Parent F31-Diversity) (PA14-148)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Deadline: 07/23/2014
Amount: $22,476/ yr. stipend; $4,200
institutional allowance; tuition
Description: The purpose of this KirschsteinNRSA predoctoral fellowship (F31) award is to
enhance the diversity of the health-related
research workforce by supporting the
research training of predoctoral students
from population groups that have been
shown to be underrepresented in the
biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research
workforce. Such individuals include those
from underrepresented racial and ethnic
groups, those with disabilities, and those
from disadvantaged backgrounds. Through
this award program, promising predoctoral
students will obtain individualized, mentored
research training from outstanding faculty
sponsors while conducting well-defined
research projects in scientific health-related
fields relevant to the missions of the
participating NIH Institutes and Centers. The
proposed mentored research training is
expected to clearly enhance the individuals
potential to develop into a productive,
independent research scientist. Applicants
are encouraged to apply early to allow
adequate time to make any corrections to
errors found in the application during the
submission process by the due date.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by July 23.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Fellowship
Sponsor: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
and Museum
Deadline: 07/25/2014
Amount: $5,000
Description: Schlesinger Fellowships carry a
stipend of up to $5,000, which may be
awarded to a single individual or divided
between two recipients. They are intended to
support scholars in the production of
substantial works on the foreign policy of the
Kennedy years, especially with regard to the
western hemisphere, or on Kennedy
domestic policy, especially with regard to
racial justice and to the conservation of
natural resources. Successful candidates will
develop at least a portion of their work from
original research in archival materials from
the collections of the Kennedy Library and
related materials. Proposals are invited from
all sources, but preference will be given to
those from applicants specializing in the
areas indicated above. Preference is also
given to projects not supported by large
grants from other institutions.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by July 25.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Decision, Risk, and Management
Sciences Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grant (DDRIG) (PD 98-1321)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 07/27/2014
Amount: Unspecified
Description: The Decision, Risk and
Management Sciences program supports
scientific research directed at increasing the
understanding and effectiveness of decision
making by individuals, groups, organizations,
and society. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary
research, research, and workshops are
funded in the areas of judgment and decision
making; decision analysis and decision aids;
risk analysis, perception, and communication;
societal and public policy decision making;
management science and organizational
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by July 27.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: International Dissertation Research
Fellowship (IDRF)
Sponsor: Social Sciences Research Council
Deadline: 08/11/2014
Amount: $20,000
Description: The Mellon International
Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF)
offers nine to twelve months of support to
graduate students in the humanities and
humanistic social sciences who are enrolled
in Ph.D. programs in the United States and
conducting dissertation research on non-US
topics. Eighty fellowships are awarded
annually. The program is open to graduate
students in the humanities and social
sciences -- regardless of citizenship -- enrolled
in Ph.D. programs in the United States.
Applicants to the 2014 IDRF competition
must complete all Ph.D. requirements except
on-site research by the time the fellowship
begins or by December 2014, whichever
comes first.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor
beginning August 11. Closing date for
applications has not been posted. See grant
announcement for complete list of materials
to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG), Geography
and Spatial Sciences (GSS) (NSF 14-538)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: 08/14/2014
Amount: $16,000 (including indirect costs)
Description: The Geography and Spatial
Sciences Program sponsors research on the
geographic distributions and interactions of
human, physical, and biotic systems on Earth.
Investigators are encouraged to propose
plans for research about the nature, causes,
and consequences of human activity and
natural environmental processes across a
range of scales. Projects on a variety of topics
qualify for support if they offer promise of
contributing to scholarship by enhancing
geographical knowledge, concepts, theories,
methods, and their application to societal
problems and concerns.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by August
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y
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Title: Grants
Sponsor: Southern Jewish Historical Society
Deadline: 08/15/2014
Amount: $2,000
Description: The Southern Jewish Historical
Society allocates $9,000 among grant
recipients in the following categories each
year: (1) The Project Completion Grant is
intended to facilitate the completion of
projects relevant to Jewish history in the
Southern United States. Such projects might
include the publication of books or exhibit
catalogs or the preparation of exhibit
modules. Grants may not be used to fund
research or travel. (2) The Research/Travel
Grant assists individuals with travel and other
expenses related to conducting research in
Southern Jewish history. Applicants must
present a plan of research, indicating the
libraries and/or archives where they intend
to work, and their goal, as well as a budget of
expenses and other sources of funding and
contact information. (3) The Scott and Donna
Langston Archival Grant encourages the
preservation of archival materials related to
Southern Jewish history.
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
August 15. See solicitation for complete list of
materials to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Unknown
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Title: Grants Program
Sponsor: U.S.-Israel Binational Science
Deadline: 08/25/2014
Amount: Varies
Description: Regular research and start-up
grants support U.S.-Israeli collaborations in
fields including psychology, economics, and
sociology, among other disciplines in the
physical and life sciences.
How to Apply: Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form by August
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: DAAD/AICGS Research Fellowship
Sponsor: Deutscher Akademischer
Austauschdienst (DAAD), American Institute
for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS)
Deadline: 08/31/2014
Amount: $4,725/mo.
Description: The DAAD/AICGS Research
Fellowship Program, funded by a generous
grant from the Deutscher Akademischer
Austauschdienst (DAAD), is designed to bring
scholars and specialists working on Germany,
Europe, and/or transatlantic relations to
AICGS for research stays of two months each.
Project proposals should address a topic
closely related to one or more of the
Institute’s three research and programming
areas: 1) Business and Economics, 2) Foreign
and Domestic Policy, and 3) Society, Culture
& Politics. Applicants must be German or
American citizens and should have completed
or currently be working on a Ph.D..
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor by
August 31. See grant announcement for
complete list of materials to be submitted
with application. Additional deadline in
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Y (U.S. & German only)
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIG) in Archaeology
and Archaeometry (NSF 14-566)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: Open
Amount: $20,000 (direct costs)/1-3 yrs.
Description: The Archaeology Program
supports anthropologically relevant
archaeological research. This means that the
value of the proposed research can be
justified within an anthropological context.
The Program sets no priorities by either
geographic region or time period. It also has
no priorities in regard to theoretical
orientation or question and it is the
responsibility of the applicant to explain
convincingly why these are significant and
have the potential to contribute to
anthropological knowledge. While the
Program, in order to encourage innovative
research, neither limits nor defines specific
categories of research type, most
applications either request funds for field
research and/or the analysis of
archaeological material through multiple
approaches. The Program also supports
methodological projects which develop
analytic techniques of potential
archaeological value.
How to Apply: Applications accepted on a
rolling basis. Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form three
weeks before you plan to submit to the
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (DDRIGs) in Archeology
(NSF 11-547)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Deadline: Open
Amount: $20,000
Description: Grants to doctoral students are
intended to improve the quality of
dissertation research. These grants provide
funds for items not normally available
through the student's university. Additionally,
these grants allow doctoral students to
undertake significant data-gathering projects
and to conduct field research in settings away
from their campus that would not otherwise
be possible. Proposals are judged on the basis
of their scientific merit, including the
theoretical importance of the research
question and the appropriateness of the
proposed data and methodology to be used
in addressing the question. The NSF
Archeology Program constitutes part of a
larger Anthropological Sciences cluster and
its focus is limited to research of clear
anthropological significance. In a proposal the
students should describe why their research
is important from an anthropological
perspective. *Note: NSF DDRIGs now require
indirect costs be included in the budget. For
the Archeology competition, indirect costs
may be calculated in addition to $20,000
budget max.
How to Apply: Applications accepted on a
rolling basis. Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form 3 weeks
before you plan to submit to NSF.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Expeditions Council Grants
Sponsor: National Geographic Society
Deadline: Open
Amount: $15,000-$35,000
Description: The National Geographic Society
is accepting applications for editorially driven
exploration and adventure projects through
its Expeditions Council grants program. To be
considered for an Expeditions Council grant,
proposed projects must have the potential to
yield compelling stories and images.
Applications are also judged on the
qualifications of applicants and their teams,
and on the project’s merit, uniqueness, and
safety protocols. Although the council, which
comprises representatives of various National
Geographic editorial divisions, funds a broad
range of exploration and adventure,
applicants with a project based on scientific
inquiry must provide detailed methodology.
Applicants are expected to have
qualifications and experience pertinent to the
expedition or project they propose. Advanced
academic degrees may be required,
depending on the nature of the project.
Those planning work in foreign countries (i.e.,
a country other than their own) must include
at least one local collaborator as part of their
expedition team. International applicants are
encouraged; however, applications must be
submitted in English.
How to Apply: Applications accepted on a
rolling basis. Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form three
weeks before you plan to submit to the
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
More Info:
Title: Frances Fowler Wallace Memorial
Sponsor: Hogg Foundation for Mental Health
Deadline: Open
Amount: $1,500
Devices (RTD), and Energy, Power and
Propulsion (RTE). Graduate students may
apply under the National Defense Science
and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG)
Fellowship Program.
Description: The Frances Fowler Wallace
Memorial for Mental Health Dissertation
Award provides partial support for doctoral
students' dissertation research on "the cause,
treatment, cure, and prevention of mental
disease, mental illness, and mental
disorders." The award provides up to $1,500
for research-related expenses. Doctoral
students at The University of Texas at Austin
are eligible to apply for the award. Applicants
must plan to conduct a rigorous dissertation
that advances the donor's wishes to
“research and study the cause, treatment,
cure, and prevention of mental disease,
mental illness, and mental disorders," and
should have successfully defended their
dissertation proposal by the time of
How to Apply: Applications accepted on a
rolling basis. Contact your departmental
Grants and Contracts Specialist or Liberal Arts
Grants Services (
and return Proposal Review Form no later
than three weeks prior to your chosen
submission date.
How to Apply: Applications are reviewed on
a rolling basis. Apply directly to sponsor. See
grant announcement for complete list of
materials to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
More Info:
Title: Research Interests of the Air Force
Office of Scientific Research
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Defense (DOD),
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Deadline: Open
Amount: Unspecified
Description: AFOSR plans, coordinates, and
executes the Air Force Research Laboratory’s
(AFRL) basic research program in response to
technical guidance from AFRL and
requirements of the Air Force; fosters,
supports, and conducts research within Air
Force, university, and industry laboratories;
and ensures transition of research results to
support U.S. Air Force needs.The focus of
AFOSR is on research areas that offer
significant and comprehensive benefits to our
national warfighting and peacekeeping
capabilities. These areas are organized and
managed in five scientific Departments:
Dynamical Systems and Control (RTA),
Quantum and Non-Equilibrium Processes
(RTB), Information, Decision and Complex
Networks (RTC), Complex Materials and
Disciplines: Social Sciences; International
Students: Unknown
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Title: Young Explorers Grants
Sponsor: National Geographic Society
Deadline: Open
Amount: $2,000-$5,000
Description: The National Geographic Society
accepts applications for the Young Explorers
Grant (YEG). Young Explorers Grants offer
opportunities to individuals between the ages
of 18 and 25 to pursue research,
conservation, and exploration-related
projects consistent with National
Geographic's existing grant programs,
including: the Committee for Research and
Exploration (CRE), the Expeditions Council
(EC), and the Conservation Trust (CT).
Funding is not restricted to United States
citizens—foreign nationals are invited to
How to Apply: Apply directly to sponsor.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis. See
grant announcement for complete list of
materials to be submitted with application.
Disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences;
International Students: Y
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