SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR ACADEMIC LEAVE Please use this form to document your efforts to find outside funding or make arrangement(s) which support your work while on leave when you are applying to fewer than three major grant opportunities. A major grant is considered to be anything that funds more than 20% of academic year salary plus major research grants such as NSF and NIH. Because of the prestige and commitment, Fulbright Scholar grants are also considered major regardless of the amount of salary funded. *Please check the box if this source will provide some salary funding. Put an X in the column that most closely defines the source listed. Name of source * ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Check applicable column or provide more detail in Other column Major Summer Travel Per diem or Unpaid Book fellowship salary &/or grant other small residency contract or research res. grant or publication expenses fellowship costs Teaching (explain value to leave plan) Other (explain)