Basics requirements

Basics requirements
Spatial considerations (resolution)
Input Maps -- (raster images)
Initialization (on computational domain)
1 vegetation classification
Output Maps
map layers (raster images)
statistical analysis on raster images
Computational Science for NRM
D. Wang
Basics requirements
Temporary considerations
Simulation period (30 years?)
Timestep (1 year)
Computational Science for NRM
D. Wang
Basics requirements
Control Variables/Scenarios
1) total_area
2) seed_location
3) site_extension
4) min_max_size
Optimization criteria
1) projected_mine_area
2) max_HSI_area
Computational Science for NRM
D. Wang
How to represent maps?
- array
- customized template (TIEM’s
landscape library)
How to represent time?
- integer
- customized time library (TIEM’s
Date library)
Computational Science for NRM
D. Wang
Aging (very clear)
Mining (complicated)
input (TSI, Total_area, max_min_size)
site_growth *** (core function)
output (a series of maps/tables)
Computational Science for NRM
D. Wang
Model Structure
Most Simple cases (fixed scenarios)
1) we know when to start and stop
2) we have no need to learn during the simulation
3) present the results at end of simulation
Mining options are limited
Growth function is given (we already know the
output of mining function
Computational Science for NRM
D. Wang
Basic Data Structure
Veg/Elevation/TSI/WMA/RD (read-in)
vegetation classification
Computational Science for NRM
D. Wang
Data Flow
Model Initialization
Loop 1: From first option to the last option
Loop 2: From first year to the last year
1) Get the scenario map (sm) (read-in)
2) Compute and save the HSI maps
End of Loop 2
Analyze those HSI map, save results
End of Loop 1
Model Finalization
Computational Science for NRM
D. Wang
Optimal Control for Given Scenarios
Which scenarios is better? 5% 10% 20%
Possible procedure
Loop 1: From scenarios 1 to 3
Loop 2: From first year to the last year
1) Compute the scenario map for given
scenario (how many? Complete
2) Compute and save the HSI maps
End of Loop 2
Analyze those HSI map, save the best/better results
End of Loop 1
Computational Science for NRM
D. Wang
Difficulties Associated with Optimal Control
What is the best scenarios? definition
Is this age-based HSI model reliable?
Which control variables, criteria are
good candidates for this kind of control?
All of those mentioned above are clear, is this
approach computational feasible?
More important, we need feedbacks from all partners
(computer scientists, and ecologists, and natural resource
managers …) (interactive GIS-based modeling?)
Computational Science for NRM
D. Wang
Questions on implementation details…
Language (you chose)– native language please
Computational platform
Data structures for easy storage information
One functionality (aging)
Map formats (binary, ASCII)
Integration with GIS for exporting and importing
maps (non-interactive)
Performance issues
Computational Science for NRM
D. Wang