6645 – 148 Street, Surrey, BC V3S 3C7
Tel: 604-590-7274 Fax: 604-599-0956
E-Mail: purchasing@surrey.ca
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) No.: 1220-30-03-10
TITLE: Consultant – Internet Vision, Redesign & Implementation
ADDENDUM ISSUE DATE: January 13, 2010
CLOSING DATE & TIME: ON OR BEFORE 3:00 P.M. Friday, January 29, 2010.
Information for Proponents
The following information is provided in answer to questions raised by Potential Proponents prior to the
deadline for questions. This addendum #3 contains four pages in total.
Question #1: Does the City of Surrey have a maximum budget for this project that you are able to disclose?
Answer: The proposal should provide the best pricing for the services that are required. Please provide
breakdown for the following:
Vision and Redesign
Both a) and b)
If you have an outsourced model please provide all details and include a long-term pricing model.
Question #2: Branding and Identity: Does the City of Surrey have brand guidelines that are to be followed for the
Answer: The City has branding guidelines that will be applied into our new website.
Question #3: What is the availability of the City of Surrey employees and project team during the Olympic and
Paralympic games?
Answer: The availability of the City of Surrey employees and project team during the Olympic and
Paralympic games should not be a concern.
Question #4: Is there an event or something of significance that the launch of the website is tied to? How flexible is
the launch date? Are there any marketing initiatives that are tied to the launch date?
Answer: No specific event is tied to the launch of the website. However, the City is committed to this
initiative being completed as soon as possible. The website is a key tool that highlights Surrey’s current
position as a leader in the region and the province and Surrey as an evolving exciting urban centre.
Question #5: Has work been done to identify who the target users of the website are and what their needs are?
Answer: Lot of this information resides on the Year End 2008 Stats and Facts:
+Information/Site+Selector+Community+Profile.htm. Beyond businesses, and citizens the other users are
potential investors, organizations, and other government agencies.
Question #6: Content: The creation of content is not outlined in this RFP as a task of the successful Proponent.
How large is the City of Surrey web content team? Will these resources be working solely on updating and creating
content for the website? Is it expected that the successful Proponent create content for the site or only create the
writing guidelines and lead writing workshops?
Answer: The City has 175 site editors/contributors for both www.surrey.ca and www.spl.surrey.ca. As part
of the content migration strategy, Proponents will be required to create writing guidelines and lead writing
workshops, implement an import tool to migration content from CMS2002 to RedDot where needed.
The City recognizes that we may not have the necessary resources (e.g. web graphics and long term
maintenance.) We are looking for some guidance to ensure that we have resources during implementation
and long term sustainability of website.
Question #7: Multi-lingual Content: Will all content be translated for launch? Has a final list of languages been
selected or prioritized? To confirm, translation services are the responsibility of the successful Proponent.
Answer: All content will be translated from launch. Diversity is key area for the City of Surrey and we make
all efforts to connect with all of our citizens. The translation services are the responsibility of the successful
Proponent (identify the cost of this as separate line item.)
Question #8: Features - Interactive Maps: Can you please provide a description of the type of map functionality
that is desired? How many facilities are being envisioned to have interactive maps associated with them? Are there
image assets that already exist for the interactive maps? (for example: a non-interactive map? Descriptions?)
Answer: We want something similar to but not limited to what City of Barrie has:
http://www.barrie.ca/FlashMap/Rhubarb/index.html highlights parks in the city, recreation centers (scheduling
for each recreation centre, translink routes. We have the assets stored on an online spatial system called
Question #9: Is the requirement to “let users define and apply subject tags” intended for all visitors to the site, or
only for City authors and editors?
Answer: This is a design decision that will be worked through during implementation.
Question #10: Could a list of the types of reports required under the Reporting section of the Function
Requirements please be provided?
Answer: This is a design decision that will be worked through during implementation.
Question #11: Do metrics or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) exist that will be used to measure the success of
this project that can be shared?
Answer: This will be developed in conjunction with the successful Proponent as being measurable success
indicators and will be incorporated as part of the Statement of Work.
Question #12: Does the City of Surrey have a standard approach or platform for user registration and login? Is
Single Sign On a goal across various City of Surrey website properties?
Answer: It is service specific (user registration) and we will be using same existing practices. This will be
reviewed during design stage.
Question #13: Is the Open API intended strictly for internal usage, or is this part of an Open Data initiative?
Answer: We do not have an Open Data initiative.
Question #14: Are there development or deployment standards or processes that Proponents should be aware of?
(e.g. What is the process for promoting code from development and/or staging environments to production? Does
the City require development to be done on site or can it be done remotely by VPN? )
Answer: We have the following environments: development, test, production, and training. We follow
recognized industry development standards. We will allow for remote development and access through VPN
under certain circumstances.
Question #15: Are there any standards for Release Management/Change Management that Proponents will be
expected to use? (e.g., Perforce, Visual SourceSafe, etc.)
Answer: Proponents will not be expected to use City of Surrey standards for Release Management/Change
Management. Proponents must demonstrate that they have Release Management/Change Management
Question #16: How will the base install of Red Dot be managed? By the City? By Open Text consultants? By the
successful Proponent of this RFP? A combination?
Answer: Base install of RedDot will be managed by the successful Proponent and City of Surrey.
Question #17: Is it strictly what is currently found at the www.surrey.ca URL that should be considered as part of
the scope? Are other City web properties such as the library (http://www.spl.surrey.bc.ca/) to be considered as part
of scope? Are there web properties hosted on the current infrastructure that could be impacted by changes on
Answer: Both www.surrey.ca and www.spl.surrey.bc.ca are both part of scope.
Question #18: In Addendum 2, you stated that “translation needs to be included”. Can you be more specific
about what actually is required and for what languages? i.e. Do you mean translation services from a
translation house or simply the ability for someone to translate the content? Do you own RedDot Translation
Manager as part of your software purchase?
Answer: Ability for someone to translate the content. OpenText is confirming our ownership of RedDot
Translation Manager.
Question #19: In Addendum 2, you stated that you “will be using RedDot functionality where ever possible as
relates to Web 2.0 requirements”. What RedDot Social media tools did you purchase? i.e. blogs, wikis, polls, etc. In
addition, what components are not included that you would also like implemented that you stated “using 3rd party
applications as part of this engagement”
Answer: RedDot Social media tools were part of the modules we have purchased. OpenText is confirming
what the tools are.
Question #20: On page 2 of Schedule A, High Level Functional Requirements, you state that the “Search needs to
pertain to the entire website”. Is this for surrey.ca only or does it include www.spl.surrey.ca? If both, do you want the
search to search only the site to which the site was performed or across both sites?
Answer: Search should include both sites www.surrey.ca and www.spl.surrey.ca . Search to search only the
site to which was performed. www.surrey.ca will need to be able to search Council Information
http://surrey.ihostez.com/Documents/DocumentList.aspx as our site currently has this functionality.
Question# 21: Does the project scope include both www.surrey.ca and www.spl.surrey.ca? If so, is it expected that
the IA and design for these sites will be similar?
Answer: Yes, the scope of project includes both www.surrey.ca and www.spl.surrey.ca. www.spl.surrey.ca
will have different branding but design will be similar.
All Addenda will become a part of the Contract Documents.