Basic Radiation Safety Training for Users of Radioactive Materials Texas A&M Health Science Center Environmental Health and Safety Rev. 07-2014 Agenda • Introduction – Regulatory structure – Rad safety program • What is radiation? – Types of radiation – Standard isotopes used – Biological effects of radiation – Background radiation – Radiation detection • HSC Procedures – – – – – Package Receiving Waste Handling Safety (PPE, storage, etc) Spill/Contamination Survey Procedure REGULATORY STRUCTURE Line of Authorization • US NRC – Delegates responsibilities to TDSHS • TDSHS – Issues licenses and ensures compliance within the state • HSC – Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and Radiation Committee (RSC) oversee institutional compliance Line of Authorization • HSC – Holds multiple “Site licenses” for radioactive materials usage on our campuses – RSO and RSC • Create, review, and approve the institutional radiation safety manual • Create review and approve new principal investigators (PIs) to become radioactive materials permittees • RSO and RSC approved new permits are submitted to TDSHS for final approval EHS website HSC Radioactive Materials Permit RADIATION BASICS Radiation Basics • Bohr model of the atom – Protons • +1 charge • Located in nucleus – Neutrons • 0 charge • Located in nucleus – Electrons • -1 charge • Located in orbits Radiation Basics Isotopes of Carbon Radiation Basics Radiation Basics • A Chemical Z • 6 Li 3 Symbol • Layout for nuclear notation – A: mass number (protons+neutrons) – Z: atomic number (number of protons) • Example of nuclear notation – Generally the “Z” number is not included RADIOACTIVE DECAY Radioactive Decay • • • • • • • • Alpha particle Beta particle Positron X ray ray Neutron Proton Electron 14 Radioactive Decay • Definition – Any spontaneous change in the state of the nucleus accompanied by the release of energy. • Major Types – alpha () particle emission (decay) – beta () particle emission (-), positron emission (+) and orbital electron capture (ec) – gamma () decay including internal conversion Radioactive Decay Radioactivity and radioactive properties of nuclides are; Determined by nuclear considerations only Independent of the chemical and physical states of the radioisotope Unique to the respective radionuclide Radioactive Decay • Electron Volt – is the unit normally used for expressing the energy possessed by ionizing radiation – (the amount of energy gained by a single electron moving across a 1 volt potential) • Linear Energy Transfer (LET) – is the average energy deposited over a unit of distance for a given absorber expressed in keV/cm. Radioactive Decay • Ionizing • • • • Alpha Beta Gamma Non-Ionizing – – – – – Microwaves Sunlight Infrared waves Radio waves Lasers Radioactive Decay Radioactive Decay Alpha particles in a cloud chamber Radioactive Decay - Alpha • Helium Nucleus • Very heavy elements Radioactive Decay - Alpha • Certain heavy nuclei, usually with Z > 83, decay by emitting an alpha particle, written as α, or 2He4 • This particle consists of two protons and two neutrons, it is like a helium nucleus. Its ejection from the nucleus moves the daughter nuclei toward stability. 210 → He4 + 206 Po Pb 84 2 82 Radioactive Decay - Alpha • Range in Air: 0 – 4 cm Radioactive Decay - Alpha Alpha Decay Energy Decay Scheme Electron Tracks Radioactive Decay - Beta • Nuclides with an excess number of neutrons • Same as orbital electrons but originates in the decaying nucleus Radioactive Decay - Beta Radioactive Decay - Beta Radioactive Decay – Beta Shielding Bremsstrahlung Radiation • Charged particles must radiate electromagnetic energy whenever they experience a change in velocity (either in speed or direction) • These are x rays emitted when high-speed charged particles suffer rapid acceleration Bremsstrahlung Radiation Radioactive Decay – Gamma • • • • No mass or charge Form of EM radiation “Packets” of energy Differ from x-rays only in origin Radioactive Decay – Gamma • • • • No mass or charge Form of EM radiation “Packets” of energy Differ from x-rays only in origin Electromagnetic Spectrum Radioactive Decay – Gamma • Gamma rays are emitted in specific energies characteristic to the parent nuclide • Most often, they require lead or concrete as a shield 60 60 𝐶𝑜 → 𝑁𝑖 + 𝛽 + 𝛾 27 28 Radiation Penetration Radioactive Decay – Neutron • No charge • Interacts by kinetics (slams into nucleus) • Very unlikely in a laboratory environment without specialized equipment • Difficult to shield (best shielded by hydrogen) • Water • Lots of plastic • Concrete • Parafin • Very dangerous Tritium – 3H Long Lived Radionuclide • Half-life: 12.32 years • Type of Emitter: Beta • Beta Energy: 0.0186 MeV • Travel Distance in Air: 0.61 cm : 0.24 inches • Travel Distance in Tissue: Insignificant • ALI(inhalation) 80 mCi • ALI(ingestion) 80 mCi The major concern with using 3H is internal exposure. 3H cannot be readily monitored during its use, as with a survey meter, therefore, special precautions are needed to keep the work environment clean. Many tritium compounds readily migrate through gloves and skin because of the chemical compound. Carbon – 14C Long Lived Radionuclide • Half-life: 5730 years • Type of Emitter: Beta • Beta Energy: 0.156 MeV • Travel Distance in Air: 24.2 cm : 9.54 inches • Travel Distance in Tissue: Insignificant • ALI( inhalation) 2 mCi • ALI(Ingestion) 2 mCi • Some 14C labeled compounds can penetrate gloves and skin. • Wearing two pairs of gloves and changing the outer pair every fifteen or twenty minutes will reduce the chances of absorption through the skin • A survey meter with a GM probe is not likely to detect the presence of 14C in amounts less than about 50 µCi due to low detection efficiency Phosphorus – 32P Long Lived Radionuclide • Half-life: 14.28 days • Type of Emitter: Beta • Beta Energy: 1.709 MeV • Travel Distance in Air: 6.10 m : 240 inches • Travel Distance in Tissue: 0.8 cm : 0.31 inches • ALI( inhalation) 0.4 mCi • ALI(Ingestion) 0.6 mCi Phosphorus – 33P Long Lived Radionuclide • Half-life: 25.3 days • Type of Emitter: Beta • Beta Energy: 0.249 MeV • Travel Distance in Air: 0.89 cm : 35 inches • Travel Distance in Tissue: Insignificant • ALI( inhalation) 6 mCi • ALI(Ingestion) 3 mCi • Millicurie (37 MBq) quantities of 33P do not present a significant external exposure hazard – low-energy betas emitted barely penetrate gloves and the outer dead layer of skin. • Uptakes of 33P are assumed to be retained with a biological half-life of 0.5 days. Sulphur – 35S Long Lived Radionuclide • Half-life: 87.2 days • Type of Emitter: Beta • Beta Energy: 0.167 MeV • Travel Distance in Air: 25.4 cm : 10.2 inches • Travel Distance in Tissue: Insignificant • ALI( inhalation) 0.02 mCi • ALI(Ingestion) 0.006 mCi • Some compounds tagged with 35S are volatile and care should be taken when opening the primary vial. • Depending on the activity in-use, shielding or finger dosimeters may be required. Iodine – 125I Long Lived Radionuclide • Half-life: 60.14 days • Type of Emitter: Gamma • Gamma Energy: 0.0355 MeV • Travel Distance in Air: 135 m : 443 ft • Travel Distance in Tissue: • ALI( inhalation) 0.06 mCi • ALI(Ingestion) 0.04 mCi Physical Half-Life The time required for a radioactive substance to loose 50 percent of its activity by decay. Each radionuclide has an unique half-life. Radioactive Decay - Half-life 𝐴 𝑇 = 𝐴0 × −(𝜆)(𝑡) 𝑒 AT = Activity at some time T A0 = Original Activity e = Natural Log = Decay Constant = 0.693 / T1/2 t = Elapsed Time Radioactive Decay - Half-life Example: One month ago (30 days) a vial of 35S – dATP was received in your lab containing 1.2 mCi. For an experiment you will be doing today, you need 0.750 mCi. If no 35S – dATP was removed from the vial, will you have enough? (T1/2 for 35S = 87.9 days) AT = A0 = 𝜆 = t = Activity at some time T 1.2 mCi Decay Constant = 0.693 / 87.9 days = 0.00788 d-1 30 d 𝐴 𝑇 = 1.2𝑚𝐶𝑖 × 𝑒 −(0.00788)(30) = 1.2mCi × 0.789 = 0.947𝑚𝐶𝑖 Radioactive Decay - Half-life • Biological half-life is the time it takes for a substance (drug, radioactive nuclide, or other) to lose half of its original amount through normal biological excretory routes. • Effective half-life denotes the halving of radioactive material in a living organism by means of radioactive decay and biological excretion. 𝑡𝑝 𝑡𝑏 𝑡𝑒 = 𝑡𝑝 + 𝑡𝑏 Radioactive Decay - Half-life UNITS & DEFINITIONS USED IN RADIATION Unit Abbreviation Curie dps dpm Curie Ci 1 3.7 E+10 2.22 E+12 Millicurie mCi 1 E-3 3.7 E+7 2.22 E+9 Microcurie 𝜇Ci 1 E-6 3.7 E+4 2.22 E+6 Nanocurie nCi 1 E-9 3.7 E+1 2.22 E+3 Picocurie pCi 1 E-12 3.7 E-2 2.22 E+0 Activity: The rate of decay of a radioactive sample, i.e. by the number of atoms that decay per unit time. Units & Definitions - Activity International Unit of Activity • Becquerel (Bq) – 1.00 Bq = 1 dps – 60.00 Bq = 1 dpm – 1.00 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 Bq Units & Definitions - Exposure Roentgen R the unit of exposure to Ionizing Radiation. The amount of γ or xray radiation required to produce 1.0 electrostatic unit of charge in 1.0 cubic centimeter of dry air. Use the abbreviation “R/hr” or “mR/hr” when measuring an x-ray, gamma, or beta dose. Units & Definitions – Dose RAD (radiation absorbed dose) is a unit of measurement used to describe the amount of energy transferred from a source of ionizing radiation to any material, including human tissue. • As a unit of exposure, 1 rad means that each gram of air at 0° C and 1 atmosphere has absorbed 100 ergs of energy. • As a unit of dose, 1 rad means that each gram of exposed tissue has abosorbed 100 ergs of energy. Units & Definitions – Dose Different types of ionizing radiation cause differing degrees of biological effects even when the same amount of energy is transferred. To create a universal measurement, the “rad” is multiplied by the specific quality factor for a type of ionizing radiation to determine the dose equivalent. The rate at which an individual is exposed (i.e. an hour verses a lifetime) also influences the level of biological harm. Use a dosimeter to measure a dose equivalent. Units & Definitions – Quality Factor • • • Used to relate the absorbed dose of various kinds of radiation to the biological damage caused to the exposed tissue Radiation Type Quality Factor (QF) X-rays, Gamma rays, Beta particles 1 Necessary because the same amounts absorbed of different kinds of radiation cause different degrees of damage “Slow” Neutrons, ≤ 10 keV 3 “Fast” Neutrons, ≥ 10 keV 10 Converts the absorbed dose to a unit of dose equivalence to compare damage caused by any kind of radiation Protons 10 Alpha particles 20 Units & Definitions – Dose Dose Equivalent Rem (Roentgen Equivalent Man) is the dose equivalent for tissue, and takes into account the varying amount of damage to tissue based on the energy and radiation type, and accounts for tissue sensitivity or the risk of malignancy from the radiation induced injury. The dose equivalent can be determined by applying a tissue weighting factor (risk factor) to the absorbed dose (rad). Use the abbreviation “Rem/hr” or “mRem/hr” when measuring an x-ray, gamma, or beta dose. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF IONIZING RADIATION Effects of ionizing radiation Excitation Ionization Effects of ionizing radiation Radiation Induced Decomposition of Water within a cell • H2O can form the following: – – – – – – – – – H2O+ H2 H+ H0 OHOH0 HO2 H2O2 e- • Free radicals within the cell can result in indirect effects Harderian Wasp Eggs Effects of ionizing radiation • DNA damage can result from radiation – Single and double strand breaks – Most often repaired successfully by the cell Potential Outcomes of Radiation Damage to Parent Cells Effects of ionizing radiation Law of Bergonie & Tribondeau (1906) Determinants of Radiosensitivity Law states that radiosensitivity varies: 1. Directly with rate of cell division (more metabolically active = more radiosensitive) 2. Directly with number of future divisions a cell will undergo (younger cells are more radiosensitive) 3. Inversely with the degree of cellular differentiation (stems cells are the most radiosensitive) Effects of ionizing radiation Radio-sensitive Cells Radio-resistant Cells Reproductive Cells Bone, Cartilage, Muscle Blood forming tissues Liver Epithelium of skin Kidney Epithelium of gastrointestinal tract Nerve tissue Effects of ionizing radiation Biological Effect Parameters: 1. Radiation Type 2. Rate of Exposure / Absorption 3. Area Exposed (Variation in Cell Sensitivity) 4. Variation in Species and Individual Sensitivity Effects of ionizing radiation • In summary, radiation may: – – – – Interact within the body Deposit energy in the body Create ionizations in the body Cause DNA damage • All of which may lead to biological damage, but: – Damage may be repaired – Damage may be benign – Damage may be neutralized through apoptosis RADIATION PROTECTION Radiation Protection Philosophy • Radiation doses are kept as low as possible • Stems from Linear-NonThreshold dose model • ALARA program required by Federal and State regulations Radiation Protection Keys to ALARA • Time • Distance • Shielding • Housekeeping Radiation Protection The INDIVIDUAL working with radioactive material MUST assume the RESPONSIBILITY for their own safety AND must ensure that their actions do not result in a hazard to others. Natural Background Natural Background Natural Background Natural Background Natural Background Natural Background Natural Background Natural Background Natural Background Risk versus Dose models Radiation Risk in Perspective Health Physics Society Position Statement (March 1996): • Radiogenic health effects (Primarily cancer) are observed in humans only at high doses. • Below this dose, estimation of adverse health effects is speculative since risk of health effects are either too small to be observed or are non-existent. • Epidemiological studies have not demonstrated adverse health effects in individuals exposed to small doses (less than 10 rem) delivered in a period of many years Radiation Protection Maximum Permissible Dose Limits Whole Body Lens of eye Skin 5 Rem / year 15 Rem / year 50 Rem / year Minor (under 18 y/o) 0.5 Rem / year Unborn Child of Worker 0.5 Rem over entire gestation period of DPW Members of the General Public 0.1 Rem / year Radiation Protection • 100,000 rad -Molecular destruction • 1,000 rad – 100% of people die: CNS syndrome • 450 rad – LD50 (50% of people die) • 50 rem/yr – extremity regulatory limit • 15 rem/yr – lens of the eye regulatory limit • 10 rem/yr – “whole body” exposure causes measurable blood changes • 5 rem/yr – whole body regulatory limit for trained radiation workers • 4.167 rem/qtr – HSC extremity administrative dose limit • 1.25 rem/qtr – HSC lens of the eye administrative dose limit • 0.417 rem/qtr – HSC whole body administrative dose limit RADIATION DETECTION Detecting Radiation • Not detectable by any of our natural five sense • Requires specialized equipment • Varying types of equipment for different types of radiation and the type of measurements desired • Knowledge of the technology is key to making sure that you know which detector to choose to which situation Gas Filled Detectors Gas Filled Detectors • Geiger-Mueller detectors can be used to survey for a variety of different radioisotopes. Pancake probe GM detectors (shown on the bottom right) are the most efficient type of GM detectors and should be used when available. Gas Ionization Curves Scintillators Photomultiplier tube Sodium Iodide Probe Liquid Scintillators Liquid Scintillators Liquid Scintillators Liquid Scintillators • Racks should be loaded on the right with the first vial at the very back • Counting goes in counterclockwise direction • Keeps counting until the de-activated flag comes back to the front – Will usually do one more loop through just to be sure it caught everything Liquid Scintillators The liquid scintillation counter is the only commonly available radiation detector capable of detecting tritium. The liquid scintillation counter may be used to detect any removable radioactive contamination. Liquid Scintillators • Scintillation Cocktail – Use biodegradable counting media – Old cocktail may cause problems – Keep samples in the dark Liquid Scintillation “Flag” Out “Flag” In Liquid Scintillators • The protocols shown on each flag are defined in the software • Look for the corresponding protocol number on the computer to determine which protocol flag you will need • Existing protocols can be customized and new protocols can be created as needed up to the highest numbered protocol flag available Counting Efficiency Counting efficiency is the calibration of count rate in a specific detector where to quantify and express the observed count rate in units of radioactivity Cpm/dpm = efficiency Each isotope of interest has it own counting efficiency Standard Efficiencies of LSC and GM Type of Radiation Energy (MeV) Efficiency LSC Efficiency GM Tritium - 0.0186 45% 0% Carbon-14 - 0.157 85% 10% Phosphorus-32 - 1.709 95% 45% Phosphorus-33 - 0.249 85% 20% Sulfur-35 - 0.167 85% 10% Calcium-45 - 0.258 90% 20% - 0.032 20% 2% 0.035 - 0.606 95% 20% 0.364 Isotope Iodine-125 Iodine-131 PROCEDURES Safety Procedures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Program Procedures (Ordering / Receiving / Waste) Disposal of Radioactive Materials Internal / External Exposure Protection Methods Laboratory Procedures Emergency Response Radioactive Packages • Radioactive materials can be shipped on US roadways under certain conditions – Federal regulations govern placarding – Container qualifies as a Type A container – Placarding: • • • • Exempted Package White 1 Yellow 2 Yellow 3 Exempt package Packages containing radioactive material can be classified as exempt if the dose rate on-contact, at one meter, and if the concentration of material within is below a certain threshold Non Exempt package: White 1 White 1 packages may have an on-contact dose rate not to exceed 0.5 mrem/hour and no detectable dose rate at one (1) meter Non Exempt package: Yellow 2 Yellow 2 packages may have an on-contact dose rate not to exceed 50 mrem/hour and a detectable dose rate at one (1) meter not to exceed 1 mrem /hour Shipping label The address must include the RSO or Site Safety Officer’s name so that EHS will be notified to pick up and perform the acceptance procedure. Radioactive Packages Radioactive Packages Radioactive Packages Radioactive inventory transfer Transfer of RAM Contact the RSO for information Radioactive Waste Radioactive waste must be segregated by form: • Dry and Semi-Solid • Sharps • Liquid • Scintillation Vials • Biological Radioactive Waste Dry and Semi-Solid Waste Disposal • Container for disposal: Plastic Bags • Requirements: – – – – Deface or remove container labels Be careful not to tear bag Bag must be sealed before calling EHS Shield if necessary • Separate by half-life (isotope) Radioactive Waste Sharps Waste Disposal • Container for disposal: Sharps Container • Requirements: – Do not overfill – Take care when placing sharps in box Radioactive Waste Sharps Waste Disposal • “Pipette Tip Sharps”: Plastic jug • Applies to plastic micro-pipette tips – Tips can puncture the bags used in solid waste bin • Requirements: – Once full, place in solid radioactive waste bin Radioactive Waste Liquid Waste • Container: – RSO approved plastic carboy • Requirements – DO NOT OVERFILL CARBOY • keep liquid level below 80% – Provide double containment (spill tray) – First rinse – Adjust pH Radioactive Waste Liquid Scintillation Vials • Container for disposal – Trays – Bulk – box lined with a plastic bag • Requirements – Only biodegradable LS Fluid Radioactive Waste Biological waste (contaminated with RAM) • Container – Plastic bags, carboys, sharps containers • Requirements – Autoclave or chemically treat pathogenic and infectious waste – DO NOT autoclave if contamination will be spread in autoclave – Contact RSO with questions Radiation Safety • External exposure sources – Mitigated by: • • • • Time Distance Shielding Housekeeping (efficient processes/procedure design) • Internal exposure sources – Mitigated by: • Housekeeping (efficient processes/procedure design) • Hygiene • Containment Radiation Safety • Dedicated workspace – – – – Absorbent paper covering the work surface Survey meter Spill tray Dedicated tools Radiation Safety • Equipment that is dedicated or “exclusive use” for radioactive material does not need to be surveyed for contamination after each use unless it is to be released for unrestricted use • It must stay in the marked “rad use area” Well prepared work space This experimental setup is completely contained within a spill tray covered with absorbent paper. If a spill were to occur, it would be immediately contained and could be cleaned very easily. Well prepared work space The beta shield is placed within the spill tray. In the event the primary vial was spilled, the liquid would be contained. The addition of absorbent paper to this example is preferred as it would simplify cleanup. Radiation Safety Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Eye Protection • Lab Coat • Gloves • Complete coverage on legs • Closed toed shoes • Prohibited: – Shorts – Open toed shoes – Half-shorts Radiation Safety • • • • • PPE is useless if not used properly DO NOT eat or drink in the lab DO NOT scratch or rub your face or eyes DO NOT put your gloved hands into your pockets DO NOT use your gloved hands to operate any equipment that you may use normally when not wearing gloves such as: • Computers • Phones • Light switches • Lab equipment • Transport carts or trolleys • Anything you touch while wearing gloves could become contaminated and expose you, your friends, your family, or your coworkers to harm. Dosimetry • Primary dosimeter is either a OSL or TLD badge • Sensitive to gamma and hard beta radiations • Provides RSO with dose information on a quarterly basis • Does not provide information during a real time exposure to radiation Dosimetry - Badge • Dosimeter badges should be worn on either the lapel or waist – Whichever is closest to the source of radiation Dosimetry - Ring • Your ring badge will come with your name on it. Wear the badge with the name plate facing the source of radiation • Be sure to wear the ring badge under your gloves to capture actual dose to your skin Safe Practices and Procedures • Eating, drinking, application of cosmetics PROHIBITED • Mouth pipetting PROHIBITED • Cover cuts, scrapes • Do not use food containers for storage • Keep personal items in the labs to a minimum Safe Practices and Procedures Storage: • RAM must be stored behind two locks – Outer most door to building does not count • Plastic Containers • Label containers • Secure storage areas when unattended Safe Practices and Procedures • Some compounds of I125 and S35 are volatile and may become airborne when the primary vial is opened or during the experiment. • Volatile compounds should be stored in a dedicated RAM fume hood where possible. Safe Practices and Procedures • Keep hands away from face, head, etc. • Monitor during use. • After Procedure: – – – – Promptly dispose waste Return source vials Store Samples Post-Procedure Surveys: • Survey meter (GM or similar) • Swipe test using LSC Safe Practices and Procedures • Clean any contamination immediately • Submit to Bioassays as required. – Tritium (3H) • use of uncontained 3H in > 8 mCi – Iodine (125I) • Equipment Repair • Transportation between lab floors • No PPE permitted outside of lab Safe Practices and Procedures • In the event of a spill, remember the acronym SPILL: – Stop • Working get your thoughts together and don’t panic – Presume • Everything is contaminated until proven otherwise – Inform • Others about the spill – Localize • The spilled material to contain the spill – Label • Or cordon off the area to limit access Safe Practices and Procedures • Consult HSC eduSafe or Emergency Flipchart and Manuals • If injuries occur, they take first priority – Call 911 – Provide first aid – Monitor individual for contamination Response to Radioactive Spill Area Decontamination 1. Identify boundaries of spill 2. Absorb as much liquid as possible Response to Radioactive Spill Area Decontamination 3. Start from outside of the spill area moving inward 4. Re-Survey 5. Repeat if needed Response to Radioactive Spill Area Decontamination 6. Place ALL paper towels in radioactive waste. 7. Survey yourself (gloves, lab coat, shoes) Response to Radioactive Spill Final Confirmation 8. Perform swipe test with LSC to measure removable contamination. 9. Action Levels: 1. LSC results < 200dpm/100cm2 – “not contaminated” 2. LSC results > 200dpm/100cm2 – “contaminated” – requires re-cleaning 3. LSC results > 1000dpm/100cm2 – “Controlled Surface Contamination Area (CSCA)” requires marking Procedures Skin Contamination • Use mild soap • Lukewarm water • Re-monitor • Repeat if needed • Bioassay Procedures Potentially Contaminated Wounds • Treat as Contaminated • Monitor • Flush with copious amounts of water • Seek Medical Attention as needed Procedures Clothing Contamination • Prevent further contamination • Place in plastic bag • Call RSO Detector Use Detector Use 1. Turn meter on 2. Battery check Detector Use 3. Audio on 4. Fast/Slow response 5. Sensitivity setting Detector Use 6. Check Response 7. Obtain Background 8. Survey - Move slowly over surfaces - Have probe about ¼ inch off surface 9. 10. 11. 12. Contamination (2 x bkg) Decontaminate or Store Repeat Record Incident Reporting • Report the following to EHS – Personnel Contamination – Area Contamination* (not readily removed) – Release to the Environment – Exposure to the General Public Swipe Survey Process Standard industry practice requires coverage of 100 cm2 in any single swipe Swipe Survey Process • A swipe survey result is considered to be “positive for contamination” if the LSC returns a result of 200 dpm or greater on a swipe. • It is important to number your samples and mark the number on the survey map so that you can return to the contaminated area to clean it. • Re-run “positive” samples to rule out false-positives. • Samples that are still positive after second run should be considered confirmed positive and will require cleaning. Swipe Survey Process Final Confirmation • Perform swipe test with LSC to measure removable contamination. • Action Levels: • LSC results < 200dpm/100cm2 – “not contaminated” • LSC results > 200dpm/100cm2 – “contaminated” – requires re-cleaning • LSC results > 1000dpm/100cm2 – “Controlled Surface Contamination Area (CSCA)” requires marking Swipe Survey Process SUMMARY Three Cardinal Rules For Working With Radioactive Materials Rule No. 1: Keep your radioactive material where it belongs. • Keep them well-marked throughout your experiment • Keep them in a secured area inside laboratory • Take precautions against spreading contamination by using good hygiene • Routinely checking your laboratory surfaces for contamination • Check yourself, especially your hands, for contamination after every use of radioactive material. Three Cardinal Rules For Working With Radioactive Materials Rule No. 2: Tell us if you have a problem. – If you think you have radioactive material on your skin or clothes, or – if you have a spill that has any potential for being spread, especially if it gets on the floor, call Safety immediately. Three Cardinal Rules For Working With Radioactive Materials Rule No. 3: Document where your radioactive material ends up when you are done with it. – You should know where the radioactive material ends up when you use it – If you don't know, ask your PI, or lab manager – You must document this information on Isotope Tracking Sheets and Waste Forms – This information is required for license records Special Rules (Pregnancy) – A woman is only pregnant when she submits the paperwork. – Tighter dose restrictions are applied to protect the baby (no more than 0.5 rem over the course of the pregnancy – 10CFR20) – A woman has the right to declare and undeclare at any time. Declared Pregnancy Security – Do not be afraid to challenge ANYONE you do not recognize in your lab or lab area. • Unauthorized personnel should not be in your lab. Asking for identification is appropriate in all circumstances. – No one other than authorized users should have access to RAM – Keep all RAM in a locked refrigerator or cabinet Summary • What is radiation? – – – – – Types of radiation Standard isotopes used Biological effects of radiation Background radiation Radiation detection • HSC Procedures – – – – – Package Receiving Waste Handling Safety (PPE, storage, etc) Spill/Contamination Survey Procedure Contact Information • Radiation Safety Officer – Erich Fruchtnicht – – 979-436-0551 • Bryan EHS Officer – Marc Goldsmith – – 979-436-0559 • Temple EHS Officer – Cristina Alvarez – – 254-742-7024 • Houston EHS Officer – Stephanie Colman – – 713-677-7953 • Dallas EHS Officer – Hiram Patterson – – 214-828-8301 Test • • • • Go to: Click on “Radiation Safety Training Refresher Test” Take test Click submit