Power Point Tutorial By Sheri W. Smith

• Power Point Tutorial
By Sheri W. Smith
How to add diagrams to slides
1 - Click the insert key
to access the drop down
2 – Click on Diagram Gallery and select
a design based on the data you want
to display.
You could choose the Venn Diagram
to demonstrate the relationship of several pieces of data to each other.
For example…
The Road to Fulfillment
We are one in Spirit
We serve others
We worship one God
Or, you could choose an organizational chart like the one below.
Judicial System
Executive Branch
You might like to customize your org chart by adding boxes
So click on Insert shape.
You might also want to change the layout, so click Layout and choose
From several different designs.
You can click select to choose from further options
in the format of your chart.
This is the drop down box
that appears when you click
on Autofit which gives you
many options for the shape as
well as the colors of your
The only other option is the
size of your chart, to adjust
this click on the zoom and
make it larger or smaller.