General Exam: Sociology of Health

Proposed Reading List: Dec. 2013
General Exam: Sociology of Health
A. Theory of Trends in Health and Mortality
B. Basic Concepts of Health
a. Physical Health
b. Mental Health
c. Cognitive Health
d. Life-Course Perspective of Health
C. Core Readings on the Social Determinants of Health
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. Theories and Trends in Health and Mortality
1. Crimmins, E. and C. Finch (2006). "Infection, Inflammation, Height, and Longevity."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103(2): 498-503.
2. Fogel, R. W. and D. L. Costa (1997). "A theory of technophysio evolution, with some
implications for forecasting population, health care costs, and pension costs."
Demography 34(1): 49.
3. Fries, James F. 2005. "The Compression of Morbidity." The Milbank Quarterly 83:801823.
4. Katz, S. "Assessing self-maintenance activities of daily living mobility and instrumental
activities of daily living" (1983) Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. (12): 721743
5. Kirk, Dudley. 1996. "Demographic Transition Theory." Population Studies 50:361-387.
6. Manton, Kenneth G. 1982. "Changing Concepts of Morbidity and Mortality in the
Elderly Population." The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly. Health and Society 60:183244.
7. Martin, Linda G., Robert F. Schoeni, and Patricia M. Andreski. 2010. "Trends in Health
of Older Adults in the United States: Past, Present, Future." Demography 47:S17-S40.
8. Nagi, Saad Z. (1976). An Epidemiology of Disability Among Adults in the United States.
The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 54(4), 439–467.
9. Olshansky, S. Jay, and A. Brian Ault. 1986. "The Fourth Stage of the Epidemiologic
Transition: The Age of Delayed Degenerative Diseases." The Milbank Quarterly 64:355391.
10. Omran, Abdel R. 1971. "The Epidemiologic Transition: A Theory of the Epidemiology
of Population Change." The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 49:509-538.
11. Robine, Jean-Marie. 2011. "Age Patterns in Adult Mortality." Pp. 207-226 in Richard. G.
Rogers, Eileen. M. Crimmins (eds.), International Handbook of Adult Mortality.
Washington, DC: Springer. (added)
B. Basic Concepts of Health
a. Physical Health
1. Crimmins, Eileen, K. I. M. Jung Kim, and Sarinnapha Vasunilashorn. 2010.
"Biodemography: New Approaches to Understanding Trends and Differences in
Population Health and Mortality." Demography 47:S41-S64.
2. Idler, Ellen L., and Yael Benyamini. 1997. "Self-Rated Health and Mortality: A Review
of Twenty-Seven Community Studies." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 38:21-37.
3. Idler, Ellen, Howard Leventhal, Julie Mclaughlin, and Elaine Leventhal. 2004. "In
Sickness but Not in Health: Self-ratings, Identity, and Mortality." Journal of Health and
Social Behavior 45:336-356.
4. McEwen, Bruce S. 1998. "Stress, Adaptation, and Disease: Allostasis and Allostatic
Load." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 840:33-44
5. Robine, J M, and K Ritchie. 1991. “Healthy Life Expectancy: Evaluation of Global
Indicator of Change in Population Health.” BMJ 302 (6774) (February 23): 457–460
6. Verbrugge, L.M.and A.M. Jette. 1994. "The Disablement Process." Social Science and
b. Mental Health
1. Avison, William R. 2010. "Incorporating Children’s Lives into a Life Course Perspective
on Stress and Mental Health." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 51:361-375.
2. George, L.K. & Lynch, S.M. (2003). Race differences in depressive symptoms: A
dynamic perspective on stress exposure and vulnerability. Journal of Health and Social
Behavior, 44, 353-369.
3. Kessler RC, Berglund P. 2003. “The Epidemiology of Major Depressive Disorder:
Results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (ncs-r).” JAMA: The Journal
of the American Medical Association 289 (23) (June 18):
4. Keyes, Corey L. M. 2002. “The Mental Health Continuum: From Languishing to
Flourishing in Life.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 43 (2) (June 1): 207–222.
5. Mirowsky, John. 2013.” Depression and Sense of Control: Aging Vectors, Trajectories,
and Trends.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 54:407-425.
6. Mirowsky, John, and Catherine E Ross. 2003. Social Causes of Psychological Distress.
New York: Aldine De Gruyter. (added)
7. Pearlin, Leonard I., Scott Schieman, Elena M. Fazio, and Stephen C. Meersman. 2005.
"Stress, Health, and the Life Course: Some Conceptual Perspectives." Journal of Health
and Social Behavior 46:205-219.
8. Pearlin, Leonard I., Elizabeth G. Menaghan, A. Lieberman Morton, and Joseph T.
Mullan. 1981. "The Stress Process." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 22:337-356.
9. Thoits, Peggy A. 2010. "Stress and Health." Journal of Health and Social Behavior
10. Umberson, Debra, Hui Liu and Corinne Reczek (2008). “Stress and Health Behaviors.”
Pp. 19-44 in Advances in Life Course Research: Stress Processes Across the Life Course
(Heather Turner and Scott Schiemann, Editors), Elsevier.
c. Cognitive Health
1. Béland, François, Maria-Victoria Zunzunegui, Beatriz Alvarado, Angel Otero, and
Teodoro del Ser. 2005. “Trajectories of Cognitive Decline and Social Relations.” The
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 60 (6)
(November 1): P320 –P330.
2. Cagney, Kathleen A., and Diane S. Lauderdale. 2002. “Education, Wealth, and Cognitive
Function in Later Life.” The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences
and Social Sciences 57 (2) (March 1): P163 –P172.
3. Freedman, Vicki A., Hakan Aykan, and Linda G. Martin. 2002. “Another Look at
Aggregate Changes in Severe Cognitive Impairment.” The Journals of Gerontology
Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 57 (2) (March 1): S126 –S131.
4. Karlamangla, Arun S., Dana Miller-Martinez, Carol S. Aneshensel, Teresa E. Seeman,
Richard G. Wight, and Joshua Chodosh. 2009. “Trajectories of Cognitive Function in
Late Life in the United States: Demographic and Socioeconomic Predictors.” American
Journal of Epidemiology 170 (3): 331 –342.
5. Lièvre, Agnès, Dawn Alley, and Eileen M. Crimmins. 2008. “Educational Differentials in
Life Expectancy With Cognitive Impairment Among the Elderly in the
States.” Journal of Aging and Health 20 (4) (June 1): 456 –477.
6. Seeman, T. E., D. M. Miller-Martinez, S. Stein Merkin, M. E. Lachman, P. A. Tun, and
A. S. Karlamangla. 2010. “Histories of Social Engagement and Adult Cognition: Midlife
in the U.S. Study.” The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and
Social Sciences 66B (December 31): i141–i152
d. Life-Course Perspective of Health (early life)
1. Barker, D. J. P. 2007. "The origins of the developmental origins theory." Journal of
Internal Medicine 261 (5): 412-417.
2. Ben-Shlomo, Yoav, and Diana Kuh. 2002. "A life course approach to chronic disease
epidemiology: conceptual models, empirical challenges and interdisciplinary
perspectives." International Journal of Epidemiology 31:285-293.
3. Blackwell, Debra L., Mark D. Hayward, and Eileen M. Crimmins. 2001. "Does
childhood health affect chronic morbidity in later life?" Social Science & Medicine
4. Elder, Glen H., Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson, Robert Crosnoe, Jeylan T. Mortimer, and
Michael J. Shanahan. 2003. "The Emergence and Development of Life Course Theory."
Pp. 3-19, Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research: Springer US.
5. Guralnik, Jack K., Suzanne Butterworth, Michael E. J. Wadsworth, and Diana Kuh. 2006.
“Childhood Socioeconomic Status Predicts Physical Functioning a Half Century Later.”
Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 61: 694-701
6. Haas, S.A. 2007. "The Long-term Effects of Poor Childhood Health: An Assessment and
Application of Retrospective Reports." Demography(44):113–135.
7. Hatch, Stephani L. 2005. "Conceptualizing and Identifying Cumulative Adversity and
Protective Resources: Implications for Understanding Health Inequalities." Journals of
Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences 60B:130-134.
8. Hayward, Mark D., and Bridget K. Gorman. 2004. "The Long Arm of Childhood: The
Influence of Early-Life Social Conditions on Men's Mortality." Demography 41:87-107.
9. House, James S., Paula M. Lantz, and Pamela Herd. 2005. "Continuity and Change in the
Social Stratification of Aging and Health Over the Life Course: Evidence From a
Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study From 1986 to 2001/2002 (Americans'
Changing Lives Study)." The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences
and Social Sciences 60:S15-S26.
10. Kuh, D. 2007. "A Life Course Approach to Healthy Aging, Frailty, and Capability."
Journal ofGerontology: Medical Sciences 62(7):717-721.
11. Luo, Ye and Waite, Linda J. 2005 “The Impact of Childhood and Adult SES on Physical,
Mental, and Cognitive Well-Being in Later Life.” Journals of Gerontology: Series B: 60,
( 2) S93 – 101.
12. Montez, Jennifer Karas, and Mark D. Hayward. 2011. “Early Life Conditions and Later
Life Mortality.” Chapter 9 (pp. 187-206) in the International Handbook of Adult
Mortality, edited by R.G. Rogers and E.M. Crimmins. Springer Publishers.
13. Montez, Jennifer Karas, and Mark D. Hayward. (in press). “Cumulative childhood
adversity, educational attainment, and active life expectancy among U.S. Adults.”
14. Palloni, Alberto, Carolina Milesi, Robert G. White, and Alyn Turner. 2009. "Early
childhood health, reproduction of economic inequalities and the persistence of health and
mortality differentials." Social Science & Medicine 68:1574-1582.
15. Preston, S.H., M.E. Hill, and G.L. Drevenstedt. 1998. "Childhood Conditions that Predict
Survival to Advanced Ages among African-Americans." Social Science and Medicine
16. Shuey, K. M. and A. E. Willson (2008). "Cumulative Disadvantage and Black-White
Disparities in Life-Course Health Trajectories." Research on Aging 30(2): 200-225.
17. Warner, David F., and Mark D. Hayward. 2006. "Early-Life Origins of the Race Gap in
Men's Mortality." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 47:209-226.
18. Willson, Andrea, Kim M. Shuey, and Glen H. Elder, Jr. 2007. "Cumulative Advantage
Processes as Mechanisms of Inequality in Life Course Health." The American Journal of
Sociology 112:1886-1924.
19. Zhang, Z., D. Gu, and M.D. Hayward. 2011. "Childhood nutritional deprivation and
cognitive impairment among older Chinese people." Social Science & Medicine
C. Core Readings on the Social Determinants of Health
1. Baker, D. P., J. Leon, et al. (2011). "The Education Effect on Population Health: A
Reassessment." Population and Development Review 37(2): 307-332.
2. Bird, Chloe and PP Rieker. 2008. Gender and Health: The Effects of Constrained
Choices and Social Policies. Cambridge University Press: London and New York
3. Cockerham, William C. 2005. "Health Lifestyle Theory and the Convergence of Agency
and Structure." Journal of Health & Social Behavior 46:51-67.
4. Ferraro, Kenneth F., and Jessica A. Kelley-Moore. 2003. "Cumulative Disadvantage and
Health: Long-Term Consequences of Obesity?" American Sociological Review 68:707729.
5. House, James S. 2002. "Understanding Social Factors and Inequalities in Health: 20th
Century Progress and 21st Century Prospects." Journal of Health and Social Behavior
6. Glass, Thomas A. and Matthew J. McAtee. 2006. "Behavioral science at the crossroads in
public health: Extending horizons, envisioning the future." Social Science & Medicine
7. House, James S., Karl R. Landis, and Debra Umberson. 1988. "Social Relationships and
Health." Science 241:540-545.
8. Kawachi, Ichiro, and Bruce P. Kennedy. 1997. "Health and social cohesion: Why care
about income inequality?" BMJ: British Medical Journal 314:1037-1040.
9. Link, Bruce G., and Jo C. Phelan. 1995. "Social Conditions As Fundamental Causes of
Disease." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 35:80-94.
10. Link, Bruce G. 2008. "Epidemiological Sociology and the Social Shaping of Population
Health." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 49:367-384.
11. Markides, Kyriakos S. and Jeannine Coreil. 1986. "The Health of Hispanics in the
Southwestern United States: An Epidemiologic Paradox." Public Health Reports 101:253-65.
12. Markides, K.S., and K. Eschbach. 2011. “Hispanic Paradox in Adult Mortality in the
United States.” Chapter 11 (pp. 227-240) in International Handbook of Adult Mortality,
edited by R. Rogers and E. Crimmins. Springer. (added)
13. Phelan, Jo C., Bruce G. Link, Ana Diez-Roux, Ichiro Kawachi, and Bruce Levin. 2004.
"Fundamental Causes" of Social Inequalities in Mortality: A Test of the Theory." Journal
of Health and Social Behavior 45:265-285.
14. Phelan, Jo C., Bruce G. Link, and Parisa Tehranifar. “Social Conditions as Fundamental
Causes of Health Inequalities Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications.” Journal of
Health and Social Behavior 51, no. 1 suppl (November 1, 2010): S28–S40.
15. Umberson, Debra, Robert Crosnoe, and Corinne Reczek. 2010 "Social Relationships and
Health Behavior across the Life Course." Annual Review of Sociology 36: 139-157.
16. Williams, David and Michelle Sternthal (2010). “Understanding Racial-ethnic Disparities
in Health: Sociological Contributions.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 51: S15S27. (added)