Reading List for Day Two Comprehensive Examination March 2014

Reading List for Day Two Comprehensive Examination
March 2014
The Demography of Health over the Life Course
Theoretical Perspectives on Health and Mortality
Link, B., and J. Phelan. 1995. “Social Conditions as Fundamental Causes of Disease.”
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 36 (extra issue): 80-94.
Phelan, Jo C., Bruce G. Link, Ana Diez-Roux, Ichiro Kawachi, and Bruce Levin. 2004.
"Fundamental Causes" of Social Inequalities in Mortality: A Test of the Theory." Journal
of Health and Social Behavior 45:265-285.
Phelan, Jo C., Bruce G. Link, and Parisa Tehranifar. “Social Conditions as Fundamental
Causes of Health Inequalities Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications.” Journal of
Health and Social Behavior 51, no. 1 suppl (November 1, 2010): S28–S40.
Link, Bruce G. 2008. “Epidemiological Sociology and the Shaping of Population
Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 49(4): 367-384.
Elder, G.H., Jr. 1998. "The Life Course as Developmental Theory." Child Development
Hatch, S.L. 2005. "Conceptualizing and Identifying Cumulative Adversity and Protective
Resources: Implications for Understanding Health Inequalities." Journal of Gerontology:
Social Sciences 60(suppl_Special_Issue_2):S130-134.
Ferraro, Kenneth F., and Jessica A. Kelley-Moore. 2003. "Cumulative Disadvantage and
Health: Long-Term Consequences of Obesity?" American Sociological Review 68:707729.
Preston, S. H. (1996). "Population Studies of Mortality." Population Studies 50(3): 525536.
Moffitt R 2005. Remarks on the analysis of causal relationships in population research
Demography 42 (1): 91-108.
Costa, D.L. 2000. "Understanding the Twentieth-Century Decline in Chronic Conditions
among Older Men." Demography 37(1):53-72.
Robine, J.-M.and J.-P. Michel. 2004. "Looking Forward to a General Theory on
Population Aging." Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 59(6):M590-597.
Kirk, Dudley. 1996. "Demographic Transition Theory." Population Studies 50:361-387.
Verbrugge, L.M.and A.M. Jette. 1994. "The Disablement Process." Social Science and
House, James S. 2002. "Understanding Social Factors and Inequalities in Health: 20th
Century Progress and 21st Century Prospects." Journal of Health and Social Behavior
Cockerham, William C. 2005. "Health Lifestyle Theory and the Convergence of Agency
and Structure." Journal of Health & Social Behavior 46:51-67.
House, J.S., J.M. Lepkowski, A.M. Kinney, R.P. Mero, R.C. Kessler, and R.A. Herzog.
1994. "The Social Stratification of Aging and Health." Journal of Health and Social
Behavior 35:213-234.
Bongaarts, J. 2006. “How Long Will We Live?” Population and Development Review
32(4): 605-628.
Fries, J.F. 2005. "The Compression of Morbidity." The Milbank Quarterly 83(4):801823.
Historical Context
Bongaarts, J. 2006. “How Long will We Live?” Population and Development Review 32:
Omran, Abdel R. 1982. “Epidemiologic Transition.” Pp. 172-183 in International
Encyclopedia of Population, edited by John Ross. The Free Press, Volume 1.
Olshansky, J., and Brian Ault. 1986. “The Fourth Stage of the Epidemiologic
Transition: the Age of Degenerative Diseases.” The Milbank Quarterly 64(3): 355-391.
Olshansky et al. (1997): "Infectious Diseases -- New and Ancient Threats to World
Health." Population Bulletin 52(2).
Colgrove J. (2002). The McKeown thesis: A historical controversy and its enduring
influence. American Journal of Public Health 92 (5): 725-729
Link, B.G., and J.C. Phelan. 2002. “McKeown and the Idea That Social Conditions Are
Fundamental Causes of Disease.” American Journal of Public Health 92(5): 730-734.
Cutler D, and G. Miller . (2005). The role of public health improvements in health
advances: The twentieth-century United States Demography 42 (1): 1-22.
Martin, L. G. et al (2010). “Trends in Health of Older Adults in the United States: Past,
Present, Future.” Demography 47: S17-S40.
Robine, J.-M.and J.-P. Michel. 2004. "Looking Forward to a General Theory on
Population Aging." Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 59(6):M590-597.
Heuveline, P. et al. (2002). “The uneven tides of the health transition” Social Science and
Medicine. pp. 313-322.
Crimmins, Eileen M and Caleb E Finch. 2006. "Infection, inflammation, height, and
longevity." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 103:498.
Brown, Dustin C., Mark D. Hayward, Jennifer Karas Montez, Robert A. Hummer, ChiTsun Chiu, and Mira M. Hidajat. 2012. “The Significance of Education for Mortality
Compression in the United States.” Demography 49 (3) (August 1): 819–840.
Fogel, Robert W and Dora L Costa. 1997. "A theory of technophysio evolution, with
some implications for forecasting population, health care costs, and pension costs."
Demography 34:49-66.
Fogel, R. W. (2004). The escape from hunger and premature death, 1700-2100: Europe,
America, and the Third World (Vol. 38). Cambridge University Press.
Overviews on Health
Hummer, Robert A. and Joseph T. Lariscy. In press. “Educational Attainment and Adult
Mortality.” In International Handbook of Adult Mortality, edited by Richard G. Rogers
and Eileen Crimmins. New York, NY: Springer.
Rogers, Richard, Robert Hummer, and Patrick Krueger. 2006. “Adult Mortality.” Pp.
283-310 in Handbook of Population, edited by D.L. Poston and M. Micklin. Springer.
Montez, J.K.and M.D. Hayward. 2011. "Early Life Conditions and Later Life Mortality."
Pp. 187-206 in International Handbook of Adult Mortality, edited by R.G. Rogers and
E.M. Crimmins. New York: Springer Publishers
Life Course Perspectives on the Developmental Origins of Health
Barker, D. J. P. 2007. "The origins of the developmental origins theory." Journal of
Internal Medicine 261 (5): 412-417.
Hayward, M.D., and B.K. Gorman. 2004. “The Long Arm of Childhood: The Influence
of Early-Life Social Conditions on Men’s Mortality.” Demography 41(1): 87-107.
Montez, Jennifer Karas, and Mark D. Hayward. 2014. “Cumulative Childhood Adversity,
Educational Attainment, and Active Life Expectancy among U.S. Adults.” Demography
Preston, S.H., M.E. Hill, and G.L. Drevenstedt. 1998. “Childhood Conditions That
Predict Survival to Advanced Ages among African Americans.” Social Science and
Medicine 47: 1231-1246.
Ben-Shlomo, Y.and D. Kuh. 2002. "A Life Course Approach to Chronic Disease
Epidemiology: Conceptual Models, Empirical Challenges and Interdisciplinary
Perspectives." International Journal of Epidemiology 31(2):285.
Blackwell, Debra L., Mark D. Hayward, and Eileen M. Crimmins. 2001. "Does
childhood health affect chronic morbidity in later life?" Social Science & Medicine
Haas, S.A. 2007. "The Long-term Effects of Poor Childhood Health: An Assessment and
Application of Retrospective Reports." Demography(44):113–135.
Kuh, D. 2007. "A Life Course Approach to Healthy Aging, Frailty, and Capability."
Journal ofGerontology: Medical Sciences 62(7):717-721.
Zhang, Z., D. Gu, and M.D. Hayward. 2011. "Childhood nutritional deprivation and
cognitive impairment among older Chinese people." Social Science & Medicine
Kuh, D., R. Hardy, C. Langenberg, M. Richards, and M.E. Wadsworth. 2002. "Mortality
in adults aged 26-54 years related to socioeconomic conditions in childhood and
adulthood: post war birth cohort study." British Medical Journal 325(7372):1076-1080.
Zhang, Z., D. Gu, and M.D. Hayward. 2008. "Early Life Influences on Cognitive
Impairment Among Oldest Old Chinese." The Journals of Gerontology Series B:
Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 63:S25-S33.
Warren, John R., Laurie Knies, Steven A. Haas, and Elaine Hernandez. Forthcoming.
“The Role of Childhood Sickness in Stratifying Adult Socioeconomic Outcomes:
Evidence from Late 19th Century America.” Social Science & Medicine.
Pudrovska, Tetyana, and Benedicta Anikputa. “Socioeconomic Status over the Life
Course and Later-Life Mortality: An Integration of Four Conceptual Mechanisms.”
Forthcoming in the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences.
Pudrovska, Tetyana, Ellis Logan, and Aliza Richman. “Early-Life Social Origins of
Later-Life Body Weight: The Role of Socioeconomic Status and Health Behaviors over
the Life Course.” Forthcoming in Social Science Research
Hamil-Luker, J., & O'Rand, A. M. (2007). Gender differences in the link between
childhood socioeconomic conditions and heart attack risk in adulthood. Demography,
44(1), 137-158.
Cohort Perspectives
Alwin, Duane F. 1991. "Family of origin and cohort differences in verbal ability."
American sociological review:625-638.
Percheski, Christine. 2008. "Opting out? Cohort differences in professional women's
employment rates from 1960 to 2005." American sociological review 73:497-517.
Yang, Yang. 2007. "Age/Period/Cohort Distinctions." Encyclopedia of health and
Riley, Matilda White. "On the significance of age in sociology." American Sociological
Review (1987): 1-14.
Ryder, Norman B. "The cohort as a concept in the study of social change."American
sociological review (1965): 843-861.
Cohort Perspectives on Health
Lauderdale, D.S. 2001. "Education and Survival: Birth Cohort, Period, and Age Effects."
Demography 38(4):551-561.
Lynch, S.M. 2003. "Cohort and Life-course Patterns in the Relationship Between
Education and Health: A Hierarchical Approach." Demography 40(2):309-331.
Lin, S., Finch, B.K., Beck, A.N., Hummer, R.A., & Masters R.K. (2012). “Trends in U.S.
Older Adult Disability: Exploring Age, Period, and Cohort Effects.”
Masters, Ryan K. 2012. "Uncrossing the US black-white mortality crossover: the role of
cohort forces in life course mortality risk." Demography 49:773-796.
Masters, Ryan K, Robert A Hummer, and Daniel A Powers. 2012. "Educational
Differences in US Adult Mortality A Cohort Perspective." American sociological review
Masters, Ryan K, Eric N Reither, Daniel A Powers, Y Claire Yang, Andrew E Burger,
and Bruce G Link. 2013. "The impact of obesity on US mortality levels: The importance
of age and cohort factors in population estimates." American journal of public health
Reither, Eric N, Robert M Hauser, and Yang Yang. 2009. "Do birth cohorts matter? Ageperiod-cohort analyses of the obesity epidemic in the United States." Social science &
medicine 69:1439-1448.
Yang, Yang. 2007. "Is old age depressing? Growth trajectories and cohort variations in
late-life depression." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 48:16-32.
Yang, Yang and Linda C Lee. 2009. "Sex and race disparities in health: Cohort variations
in life course patterns." Social forces 87:2093-2124.
Race, Gender, SES, and Marital Status Differences in Health
Hayward, M. D., T. P. Miles, et al. (2000). "The Significance of Socioeconomic Status in
Explaining the Racial Gap in Chronic Health Conditions." American Sociological Review
65(6): 910-930.
Geruso, M. 2012. “Black-White Disparities in Life Expectancy: How Much Can the
Standard SES Variables Explain?” Demography 49(2): 553-574.
Geronimus, A. T., J. Bound, et al. (2001). "Inequality in Life Expectancy, Functional
Status, and Active Life Expectancy across Selected Black and White Populations in the
United States." Demography 38(2): 227-251.
Geronimus, A., et al. 2006. “Weathering and Age Patterns of Allostatic Load Scores
among Blacks and Whites in the United States.” American Journal of Public Health
96(5): 826-833.
Harper, Sam, John Lynch, Scott Burris, and George Davey Smith. 2007. “Trends in the
Black-White Life Expectancy Gap in the United States, 1983-2003.” JAMA 297(11):
Cho, Youngtae, W. Parker Frisbie, Robert A. Hummer, and Richard G. Rogers. 2004.
"Nativity, Duration of Residence, and the Health of Hispanic Adults in the United
States." International Migration Review 38:184-211
Lopez-Gonzalez, Lorena, Veronica C. Aravena, and Robert A. Hummer. 2005.
"Immigrant Acculturation, Gender and Health Behavior: A Research Note." Social
Forces 84:581-593.
House, James S., Karl R. Landis, and Debra Umberson. 1988. "Social relationships and
health." Science 241:540.
Umberson, D. et al. (2006). You make me sick: Marital quality and health over the life
course. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 47: 1-16
Williams, K.and D. Umberson. 2004. "Marital Status, Marital Transitions, and Health: A
Gendered Life Course Perspective." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 45(1):81-98
McFarland, Michael J., Mark D. Hayward, and Dustin Brown. In press. “I’ve Got You
Under My Skin:Marital Biography and Biological Risk.” Journal of Marriage and the
Umberson, D., & Montez, J. K. (2010). Social Relationships and Health A Flashpoint for
Health Policy. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51(1 suppl), S54-S66.
Zhang, Zhenmei and M. D. Hayward. 2006. “Gender, the Marital Life Course, and
Cardiovascular Health in Late Midlife.” Journal of Marriage and Family 68:639-657.
Case, A., and C. Paxson. 2005. “Sex Differences in Morbidity and Mortality.”
Demography 42(2): 189-214.
Rogers, Richard G. et al. 2010. “Social, Behavioral, and Biological Factors and Sex
Differences in Mortality. “ Demography. 47: 555-578.
Lane, S. D., & Cibula, D. A. (2000). Gender and health. The handbook of social studies
in health and medicine, 136-153.
Jennifer Karas Montez and Mark D. Hayward. “Cumulative Early-Life Adversity,
Educational Attainment, and Active Life Expectancy among U.S. Adults.”
Forthcoming Demography.
 Baker, D. P., J. Leon, et al. (2011). "The Education Effect on Population Health: A
Reassessment." Population and Development Review 37(2): 307-332.
Demakakos, Panayotes, James Nazroo, Elizabeth Breeze, and Michael Marmot. 2008.
"Socioeconomic status and health: The role of subjective social status." Social Science &
Medicine 67:330-340.
Link, B. G., Phelan, J. C., Miech, R., & Westin, E. L. (2008). The resources that matter:
fundamental social causes of health disparities and the challenge of intelligence. Journal
of Health and Social Behavior, 49(1), 72-91.
Hayward, Mark D., Amy Pienta, and Diane K. McLaughlin. 1997. "Inequality in Men's
Mortality: The SES Gradient and Geographic Context." Journal of Health and Social
Behavior 38:313-330.
Winkleby, M. A., Jatulis, D. E., Frank, E., & Fortmann, S. P. (1992). Socioeconomic
status and health: how education, income, and occupation contribute to risk factors for
cardiovascular disease. American journal of public health, 82(6), 816-820.
Mirowsky, John, and Catherine E. Ross. 2005. “Education, Cumulative Advantage and
Health.” Aging
International 30(1): 27-62.
Miech, Richard, Fred Pampel, Jinyoung Kim, and Richard G. Rogers. 2011. The
enduring association between education and mortality: The role of widening and
narrowing disparities. American Sociological Review 76(6): 913-934.
Montez, Jennifer Karas, Robert Hummer, and Mark Hayward. (2011). “Educational
attainment and adult mortality in the United States: A systematic analysis of functional
form.” Demography.
Ross, Catherine E., Ryan K. Masters, and Robert A. Hummer. 2012. “Education and the
Gender Gaps in Health and Mortality.” Demography 49 (4) (November 1): 1157–1183.
Brown, Dustin C., Mark D. Hayward, Jennifer Karas Montez, Robert A. Hummer, ChiTsun Chiu, and Mira M. Hidajat. 2012. “The Significance of Education for Mortality
Compression in the United States.” Demography 49 (3) (August 1): 819–840.