S. Davis, J. Fine, B. Frank, A. Halpern, T. Hawkins,... M. McLean, C. Mehrens, M. Miller, L. O’Laughlin, S. Phillips,... Indiana State University

University Faculty Senate #3
October 26
Indiana State University
Faculty Senate, 2006-2007
Time: 3:15pm
Place: HMSU, Dede III
Officers: Chair S. Lamb, Vice Chair B. Evans, Secretary C. Hoffman
Senators: E. Bermudez, K. Bolinger, E. Brown, J. Buffington, D. Collins, J. Conant,
S. Davis, J. Fine, B. Frank, A. Halpern, T. Hawkins, P. Hightower, J. Hughes,
M. McLean, C. Mehrens, M. Miller, L. O’Laughlin, S. Phillips, R. Schneirov, S. Shure,
T. Steiger, C. Stemmans, G. Stuart, J. Wilson, S. Wolf, D. Worley, D. Yaw, G. Zhang
Absent: S. Allen, C. Amlaner, H. Chait, S. Ghosh, K. Liu, G. Minty, T. Mulkey,
S. Pontius, J. Powers,
Ex-Officio: Provost Maynard
W. Dando
I. Memorials
Memorials were read and accepted by acclamation for Stanley Chipper and Benjamin Moulton.
II. Administrative Report
Provost Maynard reported:
1) A Cyberwire has been sent out explaining that the $1.5M in one-time monies will be distributed
as a one-time compensation payment to all full- and part-time regular employees (benefits-eligible faculty and
staff) who were employed on June 30, 2006, and remained employed in eligible positions from June 30 to
November 17. Thanks to all who worked on recommendations for this distribution.
2) The new Welcome Center is open and is expected to enhance recruitment. Requested information about
dollars expended will be reported later.
3) The State Budget Committee has approved funds for renovation of University Hall ($29 million); the project
is expected to take 2 ½ years.
4) Parking garage groundbreaking was October 23. Lot 3 (7th and Cherry) is closed for the construction, which
is expected to take 18 month; plans are for a formal dedication in November.
5) The University has received two awards-one state, one national:
“Community Spirit Award” (state):for work and accommodation of persons with disabilities
“President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll” (national): for service related to Hurricane
6) The Board of Trustees will meet on Wednesday, November 1 at 10:00am. Agenda information will be
distributed electronically in advance
III. Chair Report:
Chair Lamb:
“Vice-Chair Blanche Evans and I met with trustee President Mike Alley, Trustee Vice President Ron
Carpenter, President Benjamin, and Provost Maynard on Thursday, October 19th at Condit House to discuss the
present climate on campus. The conversation was extremely frank. The format was devoted almost exclusively
to one in which blanche and I presented a perspective of the President’s leadership to the two Board members.
The discussion did not stray from that issue. Trustee Alley stated that the 360 would take place this year,
although he did not state when. Trustee Alley conducted a fair and open meeting.
On other issues, I continue to worry about the number of interim chairs and interim deans. Apparently,
half of the chairs in Arts and Sciences are interim, and the deans who are permanent are Dean McCallister
(Library), Dean Foster (Technology), and Dean Balch (Education)…three out of eight. The turnover rate of
administrators is alarming. We have so little continuity that the institution is struggling. We must have greater
stability. We must have more academic building blocks. The ability to retain and attract good faculty,
administrators, and staff is suffering. Faculty, especially young faculty, are discouraged and are looking
The recent resignation of Dean Green has caused trauma across the University community. Those
people in administrative positions are vulnerable and dismayed and are speaking among themselves. Faculty are
shocked and are speaking out through a multitude of venues. The entire University community has reacted
negatively to this event. How can we have a positive outlook when one of our most talented leaders must
Another issue: the last date to access retirement window number three is apparently December 31, 2007.
Faculty between the ages of 60 and 65 who are considering retiring in order to have access to this window are
very concerned that the health benefits presently on the books will be pulled out from under them after they
retire. They want to make informed decisions. People have spent their entire careers here with the expectation
that this was part of their employment package. I encourage the administration to work through FEBC
concerning this issue.
On a much less distressing note: I hope someone has stepped forward from Arts and Sciences to serve as
the liaison between the College’s Faculty Council and the Senate. If someone is willing to serve, please inform
Mary after this meeting.
Enough of my good news. Let us turn to Mr. Brown of the SGA for his thoughts.
IV. SGA Report:
Jeff Brown:
SGA supports the $1.5 million distribution decision as well as the marketing and enrollment initiatives,
and will be investigating the state of Affirmative Action on campus.
V. Fifteen-Minute Open Discussion
1) Faculty were encouraged to support the Faculty Scholarship.
2) Proactive measures encouraged to offset the growing trend to minimize faculty governance
involvement in University decisions.
3) No funds will remain of the $1.5 million one-time money for placement in Special-Purpose Faculty
funding pools, or to devote to instructional support services.
4) Provost Maynard reported that he is unaware of any activity toward divestiture of the VEBA trust;
however, FEBC will continue to monitor the issue.
VI. Minutes of September 28, 2006: Approved (Evans, Hightower 31-0-0)
VII. Senate Actions: Changes to the University Handbook Faculty Grievance Policy
Item 1: Approved (Hightower, Miller 31-0-0): Changes to Section II, page 13, Article 14:
“The faculty of Indiana State University has primary responsibility for such fundamental areas as
curriculum, methods of instruction, research/creativity, faculty status (i.e., promotion, performance review, and
tenure), and those aspects of student life which relate to the educational process. All faculty members (tenured,
tenure-track, special purpose, and part-time temporary faculty) who believe a decision adversely affects these
responsibilities or the financial, intellectual, or pedagogical aspects of their appointments and results from a
violation of University policy (i.e., arbitrary, punitive, or capricious application of policies regarding work
assignment, or other procedures, except those exempted below), academic freedom, or inadequate consideration
(this might be with regard to a working condition or assignment, except those exempted below), may petition
the appropriate faculty committee for redress. All faculty members are entitled to due process, including a
faculty hearing of record and the opportunity to confront any adverse witnesses and/or to respond to adverse
information. Procedures other than this one exist in the University for faculty dismissal (tenured, tenure-track,
special purpose and part-time temporary faculty, but “dismissal” referred to here si different from the nonreappointment of a tenure-track faculty member, which is also addressed by a separate policy), appointment,
tenure, and promotion, pay for performance, or conduct involving illegal discrimination.”
Item 2: Approved (Hightower, Frank 30-0-0): changes to Handbook language II-15, section 5, part b) re:
Before the sentence beginning “once the grievance committee has been established” insert the following
“In cases where a grievance has been filed by a special purpose of part-time temporary faculty member,
the Special Purpose and Part-Time Temporary Faculty Advocate shall serve as a sixth member of the grievance
committee with a speaking but nonvoting seat.”
Item 3: Approved (Hightower, Frank 30-0-0): Changes to Handbook language (II-11, section XI) re: Dismissal
“When reason arises to question the fitness of a University faculty member who has tenure or a tenuretrack appointment, or a special-purpose faculty member whose term appointment has not expired, the
appropriate administrative officers…”
VIII. Old Business: None.
IX. New Business: None.
X. Standing Committee Reports
Senators provided updates on respective standing committee activity since the September Senate
The meeting adjourned at 4:02pm.
Respectfully submitted,
C. Hoffman, Secretary