UFS#6 Approved February 17, 2004. January 20 Minutes Indiana State University Faculty Senate 2004-05 Time: Place: Officers: 3:15 p.m. HMSU, Dede III Chairperson H. Hudson, Vice Chair S. Lamb, Secretary Sr. A. Anderson Senators: J. Allen, C. Amlaner, V. Anderson, E. Bermudez, M. Brennan, J. Buffington, K. Byerman, J. Conant, N. Corey, A. DiSalvo, B. Evans, A. Ford, B. Frank, J. Gatrell, D. Gravitt, E. Hampton, M. Harmon, D. Hews, P. Hightower, C. Hoffman, N. Hopkins, J. Hughes, R. Johnson, J. Kuhlman, C. MacDonald, C. Montanez, T. Mulkey, S. Pontius, V. Sheets, S. Shure, Q. Weng, P. Wheeler Absent: M. Bahr, D. Burger, R. McGiverin, M. Ould-Mey, S. Sharp Ex-Officio: B. English Visitors: S. Barton, M. Boyer I. Administrative Report B. English: relayed enrollment data—when compared to this time last year the Spring 2005 total enrollment is down by 370. II. Chair Report Chair Hudson: 1) “Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your holidays. Already I can hardly recall them. The semester is off and running. It will be a very busy semester for the Faculty Senate, as these remarks will indicate. Last semester we dealt with several controversial issues. With your continued careful consideration and commitment to the work of faculty governance, we will be able to accomplish the work that will come before us. 2) You (and all faculty) will soon be receiving a letter from me encouraging your contribution to the Faculty Scholarship. This was established by the Senate several years ago, and has only just achieved the level of funding needed to award the scholarship. This year will be the first time. The SAC has developed a procedure for awarding the scholarship. Please give generously to support our students. The fund currently contains $18,109; it takes 25,000 to endow a scholarship. 3) You (and all faculty) will soon be receiving another letter from the Executive Committee encouraging your response to the Satisfaction Survey which will shortly be distributed by the AAC. Thanks to the AAC, especially Frank Bell and Nora Hopkins, for their hard work revising the survey. Last year, in preparation for this year, the Executive Committee charged AAC to make revisions. The AAC has consulted local experts in survey design, looked at national surveys, and come up with an improved instrument. The information gleaned from it will be particularly useful to us as we set agendas and develop charges for standing committees. 4) The President has given the go-ahead for the next steps in the laptop implementation (but not before some rather lively discussion in the cabinet, I think). Ed Kinley will be asking me to forward the names of at least six faculty to serve on the implementation committee. We want to forward the names of individuals representing a range of perspectives on this initiative. If you are interested in serving, please let me, or a member of the Executive Committee know. Ed has told me he plans to complete the initial phase of information gathering by March. He, and the committee, will be fully armed with all the questions raised here and in our standing committees. I anticipate that he will be reporting back to the committees and responding to their queries, as well as presenting that information to us. 5) The deans’ reviews have commenced, according to the new procedures approved by the Senate last spring. As called for there, the Provost has communicated to the Senate Chairperson the schedule of reviews. Dean Foster will be evaluated this spring; Deans Green and Michelfelder next year; and Deans Bentil and McCallister in 2006-7. 6) Earlier this month, members of the Executive Committee and standing committees attended a retreat to further implementation of the Lilly grant for promoting engagement, excellence, and community engagement. There was useful discussion of how to achieve quality programs and student accomplishments through experiential learning and community engagement. There was also discussion of how best to support faculty and recognize work in experiential learning and community engagement, particularly through tenure and promotion. The verdict was pretty unanimous, and in keeping with the findings of standing committees last year—it is a matter for departments to take up as appropriate to their mission and discipline. 7) The Trustees met last week. The agenda was light. They approved the new Support Staff Council by-laws (Congratulation on this accomplishment, Don). The main item was raising rental rates for residence halls and university apartments. The description for this item read, in part, “the increase is needed to fund compensation adjustments and increases in cost of health benefits.” 8) The Executive Committee has been asked to forward to the Provost suggestions for how we might encourage faculty attendance at commencement. The Handbook does call for faculty attendance, but enhancing the role of faculty and opportunities for interaction with students will probably do more. Please communicate any suggestions to Exec. 9) Executive Committee anticipates receiving the update on pay-for-performance before the end of the month, as promised. It will then be reviewed by FEBC and the Senate, as in past practice. 10) And, lastly, I want to welcome our new Senators: John Conant filling the seat of Joe Tenerelli, Charles Amlaner filling the seat of Paul Burkett, and Elie Bermudez filling the seat of Frank Bell. We thank you for your willingness to serve. There have been several adjustments to the Standing Committees as well. The new Senate membership and committees are posted on the Senate web site.” III. SGA Report Jessica Robertson: nominations for the new student trustee will be accepted Feb 7Mar 4; elections will be held Feb 21-23; general planning is underway for a new recreation center. IV. Fifteen Minute Open Discussion 1) Inquiry as to the current status of the pay for performance process. Chair Hudson said that no response to her memo has been received from the President—hopeful for a response before the end of the month. Responding to a question, B. English affirmed that President Benjamin is committed to a 2% salary increment for 2005-06 and that the 2% would apply - - from the top down -- to all employees. 2) Noted that academic deans were not in attendance at today’s meeting. 3) Admissions turn around time—is it really 48 hours? Provost will respond. 4) Effects from enrollment decline discussed—noting the loss of international student enrollments. Current practice is that distance education students are charged in-state tuition. 5) Budget implications may result in some cancelled searches after the cutoff date. V. Approval of the Minutes Minutes of the December 16, 2004 meeting were approved. (Evans, DiSalvo 34-0-1) VI. New Business 1) Senate Parliamentarian election: V. Sheets was elected by acclamation. (Lamb, Shure 24-0-1) 2) Senate Executive Committee: Paul Hightower was elected for Spring 2005 by ballot vote. VII. Recommendations Graduate Council: Graduate Studies Financial Awards Policy and Satisfactory Academic Progress Guidelines Guests were invited to the table by acclamation. Approved as edited. (Hopkins, MacDonald 34-0-1) M. Boyer provided background on the document: a prior version had been drafted that incorporated federal and local financial aid requirements. However, the availability of new expertise within the Office of Student Financial Aid resulted in modification to the previous document. Elements of the existing policy and practice that has been in place for many years has been incorporated into the document under consideration today. A brief discussion followed. Concern expressed that students holding full-time employment might be granted an assistantship, however, the focus is more on academic progress. VIII. Old Business None. IX. Standing Committee Reports AAC: met twice; finalized the triennial Professional Satisfaction Survey. AEC: met three times; made awards. CAAC: no report. FAC: met once; working on the Handbook language for special purpose and faculty; received a subcommittee report on spousal hires. FEBC: first meeting for this semester is planned for February 1. Grad Council: completed work on the Graduate Studies Financial Awards Policy and Satisfactory Academic Progress Guidelines on today’s agenda; working on the transfer credit policy; search for an assistant dean is ongoing. SAC: met once; completed work on the Faculty Scholarship application and the scoring process. URC: completed fall proposals; deadline for spring applications is Monday, Feb 1. The meeting adjourned at 4:36 p.m.