INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Faculty Senate Executive Committee 2008-2009 November 4, 2008

Faculty Senate Executive Committee
November 4, 2008
Approved November 18, 2008
November 4, 2008 Minutes
Indiana State University
Faculty Senate 2008-09
Present: V. Sheets, S.A. Anderson, A. Halpern, C. Hoffman, J. Fine, S. Lamb, P. Pontius,
T. Sawyer,D. Worley
Ex-Officio: President D. Bradley, Provost J. Maynard
I. Administrative Report
President Bradley
Strategic Planning kickoff along with NCAA retreat on December 2.
Two facility planning consultants have been interviewed and another is coming to
campus on Thursday.
Another consulting firm will be hired to do an audit of practices with regard to
Discussed potential ways to improve recruitment/retention.
Expand recruitment service centers beyond present counties. The
President stated that more resources would need to be added to obtain this goal.
2) Come up with a different model on how we recruit students. Make better use of
the Alumni office.
3) Changing the culture on campus to help students succeed. This can be done by
developing mentoring programs; running class rosters with student names/pictures
included; reading bios of students before they start class to help form more personalize
4) Engaged mass buy-in of campus related to student success. Form university-wide
committee with people who are focused and committed to form goals and implement
future plans. People making sure students are taking right courses by helping them to
review schedule for next semester (they need not be advisors). Treat students as athletic
students are treated.
5) The President stated that some things relating to this need to be implemented right
away to effect next fall.
e. The President stated that we need to take action quickly, then evaluate and change as
needed; doesn’t favor planning/discussing with no action. He stated that the culture of
students coming to ISU are more receptive them students from 1967-2007. We are not
trying to be perfect but better. Need to get our success rate up from 64% to 75%. Students
that are having problems need to be carried for at least two semesters and not just one. The
Financial Aid office is capable of deciding on students that may need to leave due to poor
f. The President stated that Friday he is meeting with members of the IHE commission in
Indianapolis to talk about responses to the White Papers.
Jack Maynard reminded faculty of the upcoming Installation of the President on
November 13. Presently there are only 40 faculty members who have indicated that they
will be in the procession. Maynard stated that he will get a memo out soon to faculty
reminding them about this event and will inform them when/where to meet.
II. Chair Report (V. Sheets)
President’s Council met this morning. Discussed ideas on how to improve our
service to the public (e.g., students and others) as well as internal groups (e.g., faculty/staff).
The idea of a 4-day summer schedule was also discussed. The 4-day summer schedule
benefits students and faculty with long commutes. Maynard stated that Sharon Gick is
already working on model for scheduling classes. The academic schedule does not change
the schedule for university offices/services.
New liaison for NCA has been assigned. &
c. December 2 - kick off with NCA update/retreat 1:00-4:30. The EC meeting will start
later that day, after 4:30 p.m. but if there are no agenda items, the meeting may be cancelled.
T. Exline will provide information on the events for December 2 by the end of next week.
III. Approval of the Minutes of October 21, 2008.
The minutes were approved as amended, (SP/TS) 9-0-0.
15 Minute Open Discussion
A. Halpern raised discussion of problems with university buildings/climate
control. Possible solutions: enhance communication around issues, better feedback, set up
web-base regarding status of job-requests.
D. Worley expressed concern about student printing fees. Students sometimes
cannot get printing done due to small amounts of money owed on their accounts.
Maynard stated that he would talk to Ed Kinley regarding this problem and see if they can
up with a solution. S.A. Anderson also mentioned that she would bring this
problem to the attention of I-TAC on Thursday.
c. A. Halpern inquired about possibility of departments having petty cash accounts to
deal with legitimate reimbursements for purchases. The President stated that this matter
needs to be taken up with Diann McKee and added that when cash is involved it always
seems to create problems.
S. Lamb suggested that the effectiveness of the President as an aggressive
spokesperson is key to our success. His willingness to take some political risk will go a long
way in gaining the support of various groups (EC, Senate, ICHE, etc). Sheets said that
governance and administration need to work together in support of the university’s interests.
S. Lamb emphasized need for buy-in; if a change in direction is to be made, the case must
be made to the whole campus.
e. V. Sheets raised discussion of governance processing issues especially with regard to
suspension of dismissal policy. The administration sees this as time-sensitive, is there ever a
justification to bypass the Standing Committees?
Discussion: The handbook calls for “normal” routing process and though exceptions may
be made, is it advisable? EC represents the faculty body and may act on it own judgment
when routing items to standing committees. Standing committees are advisory to EC and
Senate is final arbitrer of all. It was decided that policy concerning dismissal/retention that
could have immediate impact should be acted on immediately and a motion was made to put
it on next week’s EC agenda. (SP/TS) 9-0-0.
V. Committee Reports
AAC – Discussed 4-day academic week for summer. Satisfied and is and is very
positive regarding 4-day week.
AEC – working on charge #7: workload too much for standing committee.
CAAC – has not met for 4 times in a row. No report.
FAC – Charge #4: draft language regarding grade appeals policy discussed.
Discussion of Charge #2: treatment of CEP faculty at ISU vs. other Indiana institutions.
Invite Jamie Houston to next meeting. Also, working on Charge #1: possible changes in
faculty governance structure and rules; work of subcommittee discussed; discussion to take
place after subcommittee’s recommendation to FAC. Finally, Charge # 16: review of COB
Constitution; discussion will follow query with Parliamentarian.
FEBC – worked on staff spousal benefit policy
GC – no report
SAC – no report – meeting sometime in November
URC – Senate charge #4 and #5– proposal evaluations
Meeting adjourned 5:30 p.m.