Thursday, June 18, 2015
9:00 – 10:15 AM
FAC 228D
I. Learning Analytics – Discussion (Phil Long)
Phil Long presented the learning analytics that he is working on.
Companies have sprung up for a contemporary view on learning analytics in
relation to graduation times. There is a huge dollar value related to increasing
attrition rate by even one percent. He is also focused on the learning experience of
students. Data is meant to be actionable to improve their learning in the course, not
just as a statistic. There is a lot of data that has been overlooked in learning
management systems.
Focus on activity the learner, content, and instructional experience they are having.
There is an app where it follows a student’s movements/location and in a few
weeks, it could predict the student’s success in doing well in a course.
Amazon is going to have a redshift database to pull data with a two-week refresh. A
one-week refresh can be done with a fee and they are in the works of a real-time
view of the data.
Q. When we hand over our data, is it anonymous?
A. We give them raw data.
Q. How does this information ultimate benefit the students with Civitas?
A. They do have a tool for facilitating guidance and mentoring.
Q. Are there efforts analyzing professor involvement?
A. Yes.
Question raised on if Phil is allowed to gather data with the individual name
attached. *Conversation has to involve students and parents.
It could help with time management as well.
Personalized adaptive learning tools, how we represent this data back to the
learners and faculty members and making it valuable,
II. Digital Asset Management Task Force – Update (Angela Newell)
Angela Newell spoke on the Digital Asset Management Task Force. Purpose of
software is to allow you to create a metadata framework that is accessible over time.
Did 22 peer institutions evaluations. Took a look at adobe and discovery garden.
Four units took a look at DG and another is using adobe. Adobe is not a viable option
because funding. DG is open source, does have ecommerce, probably will
recommend this. Still trying to put together a strategy.
Q. How is Libraries looking at it?
A. They started with a pilot project with just one of their repositories. They did
sandboxing with DG and created the metadata.
CTL will have DG come back in two weeks and looking specifically at how it will
integrate with Canvas. We want a plug in with canvas. Pull and appear in Canvas.
There will be an assessment of the capabilities and requirements of DG.
Q. Would this waterdown the effectiveness of it?
A. Yes, question that we have.
Library can issue license and an orch ID. Where it authenticates you and your work.
III. Longhorn Innovation Fund for Technology – Discussion (Christy Tran)
Christy Tran discussed the 2015-2016 LIFT process. Haven’t received any
submissions yet since the deadline is still about a month away. We will evaluate all
the submissions on July 29th. The committee should’ve received an email about easy
chair and with the old timeline; I will also update the timeline too. Asked all to
accept EasyChair invitation.