Business Services Committee 1:30--‐3:00 p.m., January 9, 2015, FAC 228D I. Staff Training Learning Management System – Update (Rich Janes & Kati Elliott) II. Administrative Business Leaders Work Plan – Discussion (Karen Chawner) III. Change Control Process and Data Management – Update (Kristi Fisher) IV. ASMP Monthly Report (Renee Wallace) On Tap for February 6: I. Equity/Incentive Task Force Update (Marla Martinez, John Moore) II. WiFi Cert--‐popocolypse (William Green) III. Calendaring and Email Update (Sandra Germenis) IV. ASMP Monthly Report (Renee Wallace) V. AITL and ABL Updates Business Serv·ices Committee ,,..-._r£"- "NI\"l::RS Staffing and Resources Planning Document Administrative Systems Master Plan Document Version 1.2 As we prepare to replace our existing administrative systems with a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, we must acknowledge that this multi-year implementation will consume a substantial amount of campus resources: staff, budget, and facilities. It is essential that we plan for not only the implementation, but the staff and resources necessary to provide operational continuity and required system improvement (legislative mandates, etc.) throughout the transition and beyond. The ERP Staffing and Resources Subcommittee was created to provide recommendations to campus leadership on topics related to staffing, resources, motivation and engagement. Topics include: • Topic 1- Backfill Positions for Core Functions • Topic 2- Incentives for Project and Backfilling Staffing • Topic 3- Addressing any Current Equity/Market Adjustment Needs • Topic 4- Training Program Needs and Skillsets Required • Topic 5- Governance and Prioritization Model for Resource Demands • Topic 6- Change & Morale during Long-term Projects and Assignments • Action Plan Topic 1- Backfill Positions for Core Functions 1. Each ERP implementation phase should have a dedicated implementation team composed of functional and technical experts drawn from representative functional units. 2. Each unit must have a full understanding of the needs of the unit and be able to set the requirements for meeting these needs. 3. There must be a strong project leadership team that will manage the implementation team on a daily basis. This lead will also act as a liaison between the implementation team and the management of the functional units across campus. 4. The dedicated ERP implementation team salaries must be centrally funded and the functional units should be able to keep the current salary budget for use in backfilling/promotions. Additional monetary incentives beyond the unit's current salary budget should also be funded centrally. 5. Each functional unit will need to determine how business services will be continued once staff resources have moved to the implementation project. Units will be responsible for determining the impact of moving staff to the implementation team and to determine how to develop the continuity team in order to maintain business services. Topic 2-lncentives for Project and Backfilling Staffing Staffing and Resource Planning Recommendations 3 Business Sen.,.ices Committee '''IE L'N'I' ·:Rsr::Y 01' TEX,\S Xi' .-\L'S'c'IN Administrative Systems Master Plan Staffing Resources Planning Document Document Version 1.2 1. Identify and centrally fund a variety of incentive strategies to help ensure stability for the core project team (Implementation team) and for key staff remaining in the business areas to provide ongoing operational continuity (Continuity teams), 2. Incentive programs should be highly flexible and customizable to fit both departmental needs and individual employee preferences, Strategies to be considered include: a, Compensation incentives: • Provide recurring incremental increases based on varied factors such as level of involvement,type of work performed, length of commitment, project/goal completion, and commendable performance • Develop a Tier System to define differentiating degrees of contribution and corresponding incentive amounts, b. Commitment for training and skills development for all those affected by this project c Allow for accrual and flexible use of Administrative Leave based on performance standards such as project completion and hitting target dates. Similar to Exemplary Service Award. d. Create a menu of low or no cost incentive/perks considerations (ex, flexible work arrangements,team outings, recognitions/kudos, athletic/performing arts tickets, etc) e. Incentive initiatives/plans should be centrally approved to avoid inequities between departments. Topic 3- Addressing any Current Equity/Market Adjustment Needs L Adjust salaries, in relation to market data, such that the University is able to recruit and retain employees in ASMP related (both continuity and implementation) roles and job classifications, This will require senior leaders to identify and dedicate significant funding over the life of the project. 2. Implement adjustments within the next six months, Authorize Human Resource Services to lead and coordinate effort, with budgetary and top-down implementation support from senior campus leadership, 3, Align strategy for addressing equity and market gaps across administrative units (participation is optional but recommended for academic units). 4. Address ongoing need for pay equity encompassing a wide range of job classifications and departments that extends beyond the scope of this document. Create and implement a long-term strategy for maintaining salary equity and consistent compensation approach across departments, Topic 4- Training Program Needs and Skillsets Required L Training for IT and business staff should be planned and conducted by a team whose primary function is training, not IT or business, 2. Work with project integrators to define specific skill-sets needed and create a competency-based plan for training staff to meet current and future needs, The plan should take into account ongoing professional development needs of staff. 3, All training materials developed by the project integrators should be left on site post-implementation so they can be leveraged to train new staff. Staffing and Resource Planning Recommendations 4 Business Se1Tices Committee TEE L'NIYER ; T;· ERP Staffing and Resources Planning Document <-\dministrative Systems ]\faster Plan Document Version 1.2 4. Identify and source training environments, both virtual and physical. Training environments may already exist, may need to be built, or may need to be procured. 5. Training environments need to be available before, during, and after the ERP implementation project. Topic 5- Governance and Prioritization Model for Resource Demands 1. Leveraging existing governance structures for organization and escalation, create a new Governance Group (a "Change Control Board") that will have the authority and responsibility to: a. Prioritize and approve any changes to existing ERP Administrative systems, processes and interfaces for large modifications and/or when multiple areas are impacted. b. Approve major modifications, process and interface changes to the new ERP systems during the implementation phase. c. Approve major modifications process and interface changes to the new ERP systems after go live. 2. Create a rubric for the above, using parameters such as size/cost of effort, necessity of effort, resources/skills needed to implement the change, priority in comparison to other requests. Define approval, escalation and appeal procedures. 3. Create a submission and review process for reviewing and approving requests in a timely manner. Topic 6- Change & Morale during Long-term Projects and Assignments Senior Leadership should: Establish and maintain a positive change culture that motivates and supports high performing employees 2. Employ a Change Management Director whose charge is to: a. Establish and implement new policies, procedures, and practices (e.g. flexible work arrangements, clear job expectations) that ensure a positive change effort b. Empower and support managers in the application of new change policies, procedures, and practices c. Monitor attrition and morale to evaluate change effectiveness and make recommendations 1. Staffing and Resource Planning Recommendations 5 ***DRAFT- For Dsi cussion Purposes Only** • KDF v3 11/17/14 Change Coord ination Process Flow Requestor I Unit ldentifiesO'lange Obtain Approval Need Owner fromBusiness Unit Performs Impact A nalysis r---------------IN------------< PMO i ntakesrequestperfcrmsbasic i tT1)att analysis Unit CompletesCCP online "smart" form Yes PMOAssignstoO:::S Member C<S Performs I mpact AnatvsiswithSMEs andIT B NOTIFYBSC Yes No C<S Olon:linates Solution with Requesmr,SMEs an:S IT 0 Yes Communicate to Requestor asService CCS OJordinates Solution with Request RequeSU>r Ret.rnto Business Owner 8SCAnalyzesI mpact and AttemptsSol ution Returnto Business Owner No Yes ESACLATE toCCB Yes Assign to appropriate teamas )4---------------------------"----------<---------------------------------------------- --{SavkeRequestfor resowce/work plannifl: As of November 2014 – Change Control Process “TO DO” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Revise messaging, survey form, and decision logic per BSC feedback Make revised documents and form available online to BSC members Develop slide deck and notes/FAQs to share with Deans/VPs Possibly meet with deans/VPs 1x1 Present CC Process at Deans’ Council and gain endorsement Identify CC Board Members Appoint CC Subcommittee Refine/revise/complete charter, policies and procedures Begin pilot with VP Ops / TRECS Schedule CCS meetings and orient members Develop basic web content --‐ informational Prepare memo to Deans/VPs from SITAB (Pres./Provost) re: CC Process Prepare memo from Provost to campus Develop slide deck, FAQ for associate deans, tech deans, directors Schedule 1x1 campus meetings as needed Hire administrative help Begin pilot with a campus unit (McCombs?) Revise form, message, decision logic based on pilot feedback Revise policies and procedures as necessary Develop robust, editable form and provide online list of projects (pre--‐populate with App Mods?) Present campus town hall info session Communicate with IT leads/analysts across campus – detailed instructions, examples, FAQs Change Coordination Subcommittee Membership BSC to name, or solicit member names, to coordinate/vet change requests: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Administrative IT Leaders (AITL) Administrative Business Leaders (ABL) ITS IQ Team Data Management Committee (DMC) ASMP 2.0 Finance Human Resources Payroll Students VP Operations Provost’s Office