THE BURDENS OF JOB HISTORY: OCCUPATIONAL TENURE, RACE AND UNEMPLOYMENT DURATION Clayton Otis Anderson B.A., University of California, Davis, 2003 THESIS Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in ECONOMICS at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO FALL 2010 THE BURDENS OF JOB HISTORY: OCCUPATIONAL TENURE, RACE AND UNEMPLOYMENT DURATION A Thesis by Clayton Otis Anderson Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Jessica Howell, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader Suzanne O’Keefe, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date ii Student: Clayton Otis Anderson I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Jonathan Kaplan, Ph.D. Department of Economics iii ___________________ Date Abstract of THE BURDENS OF JOB HISTORY: OCCUPATIONAL TENURE, RACE AND UNEMPLOYMENT DURATION by Clayton Otis Anderson There is a persistent gap in the durations of unemployment between races in the U.S. labor market. This paper examines one possible explanation for that gap, differences in job history and human capital acquired on the job. Specific human capital can lead to a mismatch between offers and expectations that can lead to a longer unemployment spell. It is found that the number of jobs reduces the length of unemployment, while the length of the most recent tenure at an occupation is found to increase it. However, neither of these factors explain much of the differences in unemployment durations between race and ethnic groups. _______________________, Committee Chair Jessica Howell, Ph.D. _______________________ Date iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis would not have been completed without the hard work and patience of many people. I am indebted to my advisor, Jessica Howell for her advice, and for helping me to manage the timeline. My second reader, Suzanne O’Keefe not only made several key suggestions, but should also be credited for introducing me to the article that inspired this topic. I am also grateful to Ta-Chen Wang for his support, and the rest of the Sacramento State Economics department for helping me to develop the analytical tools that were necessary to complete this project. Another person without whom this thesis would not be complete is Dan Kuang, who has been a tireless teacher when it comes to statistics and data analysis. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Jason Rowell and Brian Marentette, who first suggested that I seek a Master’s degree to begin with. I would also like to thank my wife, Elizabeth Fein, for putting up with my continual distraction while completing this. To my mother, father and sister: thank you for your love and support. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgments..................................................................................................................... v List of Tables ......................................................................................................................... vii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………… 1 2. ECONOMIC MODEL AND LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................... 6 3. DATA ......................................................................................................... 16 4. EMPIRICAL STRATEGY ............................................................................................... 25 5. PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS .......................................................................................... 28 6. ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................... 36 7. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 47 Appendix A. Marginal Effects for Models 1-4 .................................................................... 51 Appendix B. Marginal Effects for Models 5-7 ..................................................................... 52 Works Cited ........................................................................................................................... 54 vi LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Race/Ethnicity by Occupation in U.S. as of 2008…………………………… ….. 4 2. Descriptive Statistics for Primary Variables, 2002-2008 3. Correlations ……………………………….………………………………….. 23 4. Median Weeks Unemployment Spells, by Race/Ethnicity 5. Median Weeks Unemployment, by Occupation 6. Mean Weeks Unemployed, By Occupation and Tenure Length………………….. 30 7. Survival Analysis Results: Estimated Effects on Unemployment Duration 2. Estimated Effects on Unemployment Duration, Interaction Models 3. Computing Group AFTs from Model …………………...... 21 ………………….. 28 .…………………… ……...... 28 …….. 33 …………...... 43 ….………………………………….. 46 vii 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Unemployment, it has been long argued, is endemic to modern capitalism. For a seemingly inexhaustible set of reasons there are always people seeking jobs and there is an uncertain amount of time that it takes to find one. For some, unemployment is a brief splash in between jobs, for others, it is a long swim through uncertain waters. The duration of unemployment spells matters greatly to the health of an economy and to the income and well-being of the unemployed person. Economists have argued that long spells of unemployment deplete an individual’s human capital and reduce their long-term earning potential. Beyond that, there is also an issue of fairness in unemployment durations. In the US, different groups experience different lengths of unemployment, exasperating already troubling between-group inequalities. This paper will examine unemployment duration with an eye on differences by race and ethnicity. This should not be taken as a minimization of the problems associated with other forms of between-group inequalities, but merely an acknowledgement that the different contexts would require background data that would dilute research focus. Recently, research has focused on geography as a contributing factor to unemployment duration and to the racial and ethnic gaps in unemployment durations. Other factors, such as education, reservation wages, family attachments, health and standardized test scores have been given as explanations for these gaps. This paper focuses on an explanation for racial and ethnic gaps in unemployment duration that is often included, but not given much attention; job history. 3 When a labor market participant becomes unemployed, they are often not just looking for any job, but a job that is similar to one that they had before. Similarly, employers are often looking to hire workers that have had recent (or merely some) job experience in a similar job title. The employers are looking to match the human capital of the job-seeker with the human capital required to do that job. As laid out in (Becker 1975), types of human capital can have varying degrees of application to different jobs. General human capital is usable in any setting, but some types of human capital can be thought of as either industry, occupational or firm-specific. Presumably, many jobs require some degree of specific human capital. There are things learned on the job that do not necessarily apply to other jobs, and that other jobs do not adequately prepare the jobseeker for. Unemployed persons wishing to take advantage of their accumulated specific human capital must match that capital to the capital requirements of a vacant job. Exactly how long this process will take depends (other things equal) on how specific the capital they have accumulated at previous jobs is (can it be applied at other jobs, either grossly or perfectly) and how much human capital they have. This paper seeks to test out a theory of specific human capital’s effect on unemployment duration by taking job history as a record of human capital. Different types of job history are controlled for, representing the diversity and depth of an unemployed person’s job skills, while adjusting for other aspects of worker quality. The tenure of an employee is taken to represent the accumulation of human capital, both general and specific and is shown to have a lengthening effect on unemployment duration in general, but particularly for office workers. The number of jobs that an unemployed 4 person has held is taken to represent the diversity of job skills. A greater diversity of job skills is shown to reduce the time spent unemployed, other things equal. Whether type of human capital influences unemployment duration has implications for unemployment of different groups. This is for largely the same reason that differences in education and tenure have implications for between-group wage differences. As shown in the following table, condensed from the Current Population Survey (CPS), the labor force in America differs greatly by ethnic group with regard to the distribution of occupations. Table 1 Race/Ethnicity by Occupation in U.S. as of 2008, from Current Population Survey Black or White AfricanAmerican Hispanic or Latino Total, 16 years and over (thousands) 119,126 15,953 20,346 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 Occupation Management, business, and financial operations occupations 15.9 10 8.1 Professional and related occupations 21.1 17.4 10.2 Service occupations 15.7 24.4 24.2 Sales and related occupations 11.4 9.9 9.3 Office and administrative support occupations 13.1 15.7 12.1 Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations 0.7 0.3 1.9 Construction and extraction occupations 6.5 3.4 12.6 Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations 3.7 2.7 3.7 Production occupations 6.1 6.9 9.3 Transportation and material moving occupations 5.8 9.3 8.5 source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Jan. 2010, Web, Table 3. The degree of difference for between-group unemployment durations could be either exaggerated or underestimated by analyses that do not account for job-history 5 differences. Further, if occupational differences are leading to further labor market inequality of outcomes, then policy solutions for these differences may differ. 6 Chapter 2 ECONOMIC MODEL AND LITERATURE REVIEW When economists seek to model unemployment duration, the closest tool at hand is job search theory. This family of theories is summarized in Mortenson (1986). In job search theory, a job-seeker shops for the best offer amongst groups of job offers. The jobseeker is thought to balance current income versus discounted future income. Each jobseeker has a given reservation wage, below which they will not accept a job. This reservation wage is at least equal to the value of leisure to the job-seeker. The employment offers that the job-seeker receives will have a probability distribution of some kind, but will be affected by the job-seeker’s search method and barriers to entry into the labor market. In each period, the job-seeker weighs the marginal return of continued search versus the best offer over the reservation wage. The family of search theory models has much to say about what could prolong an unemployment spell. Several of these models allow reservation wages and the rate of escape from unemployment to also vary over the length of the spell. The latter feature is referred to as duration dependence. One such model, described by Mortensen (1986), is general enough to help illustrate what economists are looking at when they decompose unemployment duration. The rate of escape from unemployment (the hazard rate, in this particular duration model) is given as 7 ϕ = 𝛌[𝟏 − 𝐅(𝐰∗ )] Where w* is the reservation wage and [1-F(w*)] is the probability that random offer acceptable, such F(w*) increases when w* increases. The instantaneous job offer arrival rate is represented by 𝛌. This can be used to model the probability P(t) that a subject stays unemployed for t periods: 𝑡 𝑃(𝑡) = 1 − exp(− ∫0 ϕ(τ)dτ), where 𝜏 is the number of remaining time periods before the subject runs out of money. Also, both the escape rate and the reservation wage can vary over time: ϕ(t) = λ[1 − F(w(𝑡))]. Mortensen goes on to show that this kind of model can be used to distinguish indirect effects on unemployment duration from direct effects. Direct effects are those effects that change the escape rate irrespective of what effect they have on the reservation wage. Indirect effects are the change in the escape rate induced by a change in the reservation wage. Much of the literature on unemployment duration could be classified as attempting to distinguish between direct and indirect effects. It is possible for a variable to have positive direct effects and negative indirect effects on unemployment duration, and vice-versa. For example, a college degree could cause employers to value a job seeker and result in an increase in the probability of receiving an offer as a direct effect. For an indirect effect, this degree would cause the worker to hold out for a higher paying job. Thus, the net effect depends on the relative strength of direct and indirect effects. In most labor market decision models, the reservation wage is predicted to have a positive 8 effect on unemployment spell length. The length of unemployment is equal to the inverse of the probability of attaining employment in each cumulative time period. The probability of attaining employment is equal to the area in between the upper bound of the wage offer curve, and the function that represents the reservation wage. It is important to note that in this model, it is not the absolute value of the reservation wage that prolongs unemployment, but the portion of the offer curve that falls below the reservation wage. In the simplest version of the search model, the job-seeker receives a job offer in each time period, and accepts the first one that satisfies the reservation wage requirement. This is called a sequential job search model. This type of model describes labor market change as part of a Markov chain of decisions, between school, work and leisure time. In sequential job search models the wage offer is viewed as a draw from a random distribution that does not vary over time, and only one job offer is considered per period. Another type of search model is the simultaneous search model, an example of which can be found in Stern (1989). In simultaneous search models, the job-seeker considers multiple job offers at once, and can also affect not just the rate of offer, but also the distribution of wage offers. In Stern’s model, for instance, the job-seeker chooses a number of job-applications as well as a reservation wage in each period, and then chooses the highest wage offer, as long as it satisfies the reservation condition. Increases in job related skills should have two effects within the standard search model. First, they should raise the earning potential of the job-seeker, and therefore, other things equal the reservation wage. Second, the increase in skills should increase the 9 probability of a job offer. Job-skills are a form of human capital, and can be said to be either portable to another job (general human capital) or not portable (specific human capital). Valletta (1991) notes that in the standard search model, the amount of firmspecific human capital possessed by the job-seeker should not make an impact on reemployment. If the human capital in question is truly specific and not portable to any other job, the job-seeker will adjust their reservation wages to reflect the lack of payoff from their previous job experience. Valletta, however argues that empirically, workers do not necessarily make such an adjustment, and instead set their wage expectations based upon what they had earned previously, regardless of the specificity of their human capital accumulation. If a newly unemployed worker possesses more specific human capital, they may have expectations of future earnings that exceed their marginal revenue product at a new firm. This would cause the market not to clear. If the unemployed worker’s human capital were either extremely specific to their previous job, or merely roughly applicable to other jobs the wait spent on unemployment would be longer either way. If longer tenure at the previous occupation were a good measure for the amount of specific human capital accumulated, we would expect to see that workers with longer tenures would experience longer unemployment times. Valetta makes use of data provided by the Displaced Worker’s Survey (DWS) to test this hypothesis. The DWS tracks workers who have lost their jobs, including through plant closing or mass layoffs. For this analysis the unemployed are split into blue collar and white collar occupation groups and further divided into male and female. Extremely long tenure (15+ years) is found to lengthen unemployment duration by a significant amount for men in both white collar, and blue 10 collar occupations, but has little effect for women. Men with little or no tenure had the shortest unemployment spells in both the white collar and blue collar analyses. Overall, tenure can be seen to have a roughly linear impact on unemployment duration, lengthening the unemployment spell more as tenure increases. While Valetta’s regressions include occupational dummy variables, little attention is given to their results. Valetta also does not investigate whether tenure has different impact at different job titles, beyond the stratification of the whole analysis into blue collar and white collar. It could very well be that some job titles are more apt to the accumulation of specific human capital and others are not. Consider the case where a clerk performs work for a company using a proprietary software program. Compared with a computer programmer who becomes practiced in a widely used programming language, our clerk will find that his tenure at the company will be of less help finding a job than the computer programmer. If specific human capital is really what prevents these markets from clearing, then we should expect to see that the effects of tenure is not evenly distributed by occupation, as some occupations are going to be more apt to the accumulation of general human capital over long tenures. If in fact the effect of tenure found by Valetta is simply due to the atrophy of job-seeking skills amongst long tenured workers, we would expect to see a more or less uniform distribution of its impact on unemployment duration. While not many articles focus on occupational differences in unemployment duration, Kletzer (1992) does examine unemployment duration by industry. This paper seeks to test a theory of “wait unemployment” presented in Summers (1986). Wait 11 unemployment is characterized by workers displaced from high-wage industries bypassing lower wage work in order to keep searching for much rarer higher wage jobs within their previous industry. To test this theory, Kletzer examines unemployment spell lengths in industries that pay higher wages for comparable work. While the results are ambiguous with regard to industries that exhibit high wage differentials, Kletzer does find that different industries do exhibit very different unemployment durations. The literature regarding race an unemployment duration is much more robust. Holzer (1987) is the seminal examination of unemployment durations across different racial groups. This paper compares groups of black and white youths to analyze whether differing reservation wages help to explain the differing unemployment durations of the two groups. Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), Holzer’s data set consists of non-student young males, both black and white, from the 1979 and 1980 NLSY. All the survey information is taken from a 1979 interview, while the length of the unemployment spell is taken from a work history given in 1980. Amongst the information taken from the 1979 survey is the reservation wage of the respondent. Other variables include years of labor market experience, schooling and variables that control for various aspects of job and personal history. The only geographic controls included in the model are region (north or south) and a dummy variable indicating whether the respondent lives in an urban area or not. Only the spell duration subsequent to the interview is used, since reservation wages are potentially endogenous with respect to prior durations. 12 The primary analysis of Holzer’s article uses 1979 reports of the respondent’s reservation wage to explain the lengths of 1980’s unemployment spells. This information is used as part of a sequential job search model. This type of model describes labor market change as part of a Markov chain of decisions, between school work and leisure time. As with most labor market decision models, the reservation wage is predicted to have a positive effect on unemployment length, when education and other worker quality aspects are controlled for. The length of unemployment is equal to the inverse of the probability of attaining employment in each cumulative time period. The probability of attaining employment is equal to the area in between the upper bound of the wage offer curve, and the function that represents the reservation wage. When it comes to actually predicting unemployment durations, reservation wages appear to predict unemployment durations for blacks but not for whites. The coefficient on the reservation wage is significant and positive (as theory predicts) for blacks, but negative and non-significant for whites. This holds for both OLS and for Weighted Least Squares (presented because of the possible non-randomness of missing values in the NLSY). This, combined with the finding that there is a lower demand for labor for black youth, indicates that for whatever reason black youth do not revise their reservation wage downward in the face of barriers to labor market entry. Holzer performs a similar regression for the non-employed (those who are not employed but are not actively seeking work), and finds that reservation wages have little predictive ability for the duration of non-employment. 13 Petterson (1998) looks back at Holzer’s data with a critical eye. Petterson uses the NLSY, but allows for a longer time frame, from 1979 to 1986, while also replicating Holzer’s 1979-1980 results. Petterson finds that while Holzer’s main findings concerning 1979 and 1980 hold, these years are anomalous. Reservation wages of blacks are higher than whites when adjusted for demand, but when the expanded time period is used it is found that the reservation wages of neither group has significant predictive ability for unemployment duration. Much of the recent research on racial differences in unemployment duration has focused on geography. Rogers (1997), Stoll (2005) and finally Dawkins, Shen and Sanchez (2005) all examine geography’s effect on race and unemployment. The theory behind the geographic effects on unemployment does have some implications for the idea that specific human capital can have an effect on unemployment. These authors are all concerned with the topic of spatial mismatch, a theory which is meant to explain differences in between group unemployment. Spatial mismatch can be thought of as skill mismatch with a geographic dimension. The theory goes that lower skilled workers tend to live in cities, where the greatest share of jobs is actually more high skilled. Coupled with a lack of transportation access, low skilled workers have a harder time finding a job in their local labor market. This means that spatial mismatch is as much about having the wrong skills as being in the wrong space. All three of the papers above find that spatial mismatch explains a great deal of variation in unemployment durations, and coupled with American residential segregation, some of the unemployment duration gaps between races. Stoll lays out the case that 14 residential segregation contributes significantly to inequality of labor market outcomes. He argues that less educated minorities tend to search close to their residence. This disadvantages minorities in job searching because they tend to reside in areas that have a higher concentration of high-skilled jobs that demand higher education attainment. This paper attributes 18-36 percent of the Black-White employment gap and 18 percent of Latino-White gap to this geography to skill mismatch. Dawkins, Shen and Sanchez use models both with and without location controls, and find that the dummy variable indicating that the job seeker is black is significant in every model except when location characteristics are controlled for. Combined with search theory, these models can inform an appropriate way to build an unemployment duration analysis both from their findings of interest and from their additional controls. Search theory tells us that anything that will affect the offer rate or the reservation wage is a candidate for using as a covariate to predict unemployment spell length. Even if there is some ambiguity about the empirical effects of some reservation wage measures, those measures seem to at least be a candidate for measuring worker quality, which would theoretically affect the offer rate. In the absence of direct questionnaire answers about the reservation wage, Valetta (1991) uses prior income which is thought to be used as the basis for forming a worker’s reservation wage. Geography is clearly important as a control of labor market demand, though detailed geographic data is difficult to come by in publicly available data. Education is often included as control for general human capital and will be used here for that purpose as well. Family attachments can change the utility of leisure in search theory, which would 15 also change the reservation wage. Marital status and dummy variables that control for the presence of young children are often thought appropriate. Age is also controlled for in every one of the papers mentioned above, and is especially appropriate to control for in any model that includes the effect of tenure, as age and tenure are likely to be highly correlated. 16 Chapter 3 DATA The data used in this paper are drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth (NLSY). The NLSY is commonly used to study unemployment duration because, unlike many sources of unemployment data, the longitudinal nature of the NLSY can be used to construct whole unemployment spells. Other sources of unemployment duration data are often taken from interviews of unemployed persons in the midst of an unemployment spell. This technique can result in both bias from censoring of uncompleted spells, and from selection bias in the sense that the longer a spell goes on, the more likely it is to be ongoing as of the interview date. Because the censoring bias is positive and the selection bias is negative, which direction the ultimate bias runs is indeterminate. The NLSY can be used to avoid these problems because it tracks employment status on a weekly basis, so that a sample of completed spells can be constructed, and that even very short spells are also counted. The NLSY also contains a wealth of individual survey responses on subjects ranging from schooling to health to recreational activities. The survey questions are readministered every two years to the same cohort, though the items often change over time. This breadth of information allows a researcher to investigate many different causes of unemployment, and to test for multiple sources of omitted variable bias. While the NLSY’s sampling methods are designed to give a representative sample of the U.S. population, it also contains purposeful oversampling of racial minorities in order to 17 facilitate more reliable statistical analysis pertaining to these groups. What the NLSY lacks is a robust range of ages. There are only two groups of NLSY respondents; a 1979 cohort and a 1997 cohort. Since both cohorts start out as teenagers within the sample, this means that only two clusters of age groups are represented when using the NLSY to perform analysis. Another limitation is that the public-use NLSY lacks detailed geographic information except for of the most limited kind, such as dummy variables indicating whether the respondent lives in an urban or rural area. The final NLSY dataset I employ is extracted from the 1979 interview. The final sample contains 1,235 completed unemployment spells and secondary information from 2002 to 2008 across 803 unique individuals. In order to simplify the universe of study, only males are included in the final data file. The unemployment spells are constructed from the weekly job status variables provided in the NLSY. While right-censoring is not problematic for the statistical methods employed herein, this does allow the removal of spells that are left censored. Left-censored are removed by including only those which started in 2002 (using 2001 data to verify). Another element of the unemployment spell data worth remarking upon is that, due to the weekly nature of the NLSY’s job status logs, we are able to differentiate between long term and temporary exits from unemployment. In this analysis, if a respondent is no longer unemployed, but is then forced back into unemployment shortly (6 weeks or less) thereafter, all of the time spent unemployed is counted as one spell instead of two. This means that unconventional ends to unemployment such as week-long temp jobs and temporary drops from the labor force will not be counted as exits from unemployment. The independent variables are pulled 18 from the survey data from 2000-2008. Since the survey questions are re-asked every two years, unemployment spell data is matched to survey data from an earlier date. Thus, if a respondent became unemployed in 2005, his spell data would be matched to survey questions that he answered in 2004 (the most recent year of resurveying). The independent variables represented here in both datasets include education (as the highest year of education completed), age, race, total family income from the previous year, cognitive ability, occupational code of previous job, as well as length of tenure for that job, training variables and total number of jobs held. The main variables of interest in this paper are meant to track, in various ways, the accumulation of human capital, especially as it relates to job history. The three main aspects to a respondent’s job history will be represented by the total number of jobs held, the length of tenure at the respondent’s most recent job, and training experience. Recent tenure is computed from the answer to the question “When did you begin performing the duties at your current/most recent job”. The year of the answer to this question is then subtracted from the year that the unemployment spell began. Total number of jobs is tracked as of the interview date on the most recent NLSY survey. Training is a more or less straightforward matter to track. Presumably, the effects of training diminish with the passage of time, so two alternate measures are used. One measure is a dummy variable representing the presence of vocational training within the last four years. Another is a dummy variable, which tracks the presence of vocational training for any time before the unemployment date. Because it is possible that employer-sponsored training would be 19 designed to enhance specific human capital, an alternate specification that only tracks employer-sponsored or on-the-job training is also computed. Race and ethnicity are tracked in the NLSY, but only three categories are given. Respondents are either categorized as Black, Hispanic, or Non-Black, Non-Hispanic. Non-Black, Non-Hispanic will be used as a control group for any analysis which includes race and ethnicity. Occupation is coded in the NLSY using the the 3-digit 2000 census code. This occupational coding system was expanded in 2004, to add more specific occupational titles. For the sake of not over specifying the model and also to keep 2002 and 2003 data comparable to 2004 through 2008, the pre-2004 coding is used. These occupational codes are represented by a series of 23 dummy variables, one for each occupational title. The occupational classifications are taken from the answers to NLSY questions in survey years before that of the unemployment spell. Not all of these occupational titles are robustly represented in the final dataset, ranging from hundreds (construction) to only a handful (scientists, legal). The Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) is a cognitive ability test score taken from a test issued to all NLSY respondents in the initial 1979 survey. It is used, for example in Peterson (1998) as an additional control of worker quality. It is presented here in a normalized form, so that 1 represents an AFQT that is 1 standard deviation above the mean of the sample population. Multiple Spell is a dummy variable representing whether an individual returned to unemployment more than once during the period of analysis. On-the-Job Training is another dummy variable, which takes on a value of one when the respondent has received on-the-job or employer-sponsored training within the previous 20 four years. Vocational Training works similarly, but represents any sort of training that would increase job skills. Age is measured as age above 37, which is the youngest age in the dataset. Income is present in the dataset in the form of Total Net Family Income (TNFI). TNFI is taken from the previous year’s tax return and is represented in thousands of dollars. There are other measures of income in the NLSY, but most are based on survey responses and contain many more non-responses than TNFI does. The descriptive statistics for the primary variables are given in Table 2 below. 21 Table 2. Descriptive Statistics for Primary Variables, 2002-2008 Full Sample Hispanic (N=1510) Std. Mean Dev. (N=334) 21.21 Multiple Spell Variable Non-Black, Non-Hispanic Black (N=555) Mean Std. Dev. 26.06 19.87 0.07 0.25 Urban Residence 0.71 Southern Residence (N=621) Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev. 24.97 25.84 30.51 17.79 21.31 0.08 0.28 0.05 0.23 0.07 0.25 0.45 0.81 0.40 0.76 0.43 0.61 0.49 0.39 0.49 0.30 0.46 0.54 0.50 0.31 0.46 Married 0.39 0.49 0.40 0.49 0.27 0.44 0.50 0.50 Training (On the Job) 0.15 0.36 0.13 0.34 0.10 0.30 0.22 0.41 50.62 52.06 47.65 37.27 40.14 47.93 61.57 59.79 Education: Less than High School 0.02 0.12 0.03 0.16 0.01 0.09 0.01 0.12 Education: Attended College 0.29 0.46 0.25 0.43 0.26 0.44 0.35 0.48 Age Above 37 5.83 2.89 5.71 2.79 5.85 2.91 5.88 2.92 AFQT (Normed) 0.06 1.01 -0.09 0.89 -0.38 0.76 0.53 1.07 Recent Tenure (In Years) 4.78 5.25 4.53 5.18 4.61 5.20 5.07 5.32 Weeks Unemployed TNFI (in 1000s), 2008 Dollars 22 # of Jobs Held 15.99 8.00 16.84 8.69 15.31 7.00 16.13 8.39 There are several important differences between the three groups. Blacks and Hispanics on average both less likely to have attended college and are less likely to have received on the job training. Hispanics seem to have held a higher average number of jobs than other ethnicities, while both groups have lower recent tenure than that of non-Hispanic non-blacks. Mean real income is lower for blacks than for Hispanics, which is in turn much lower than the mean real income for the rest of the sample. Blacks and Hispanic are also both much more concentrated in urban areas. The correlations between variables are represented in Table 3 23 TNFI Less than High School Age AFQT Recent Tenure # of Jobs Held - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.008 1.000 - - - - - - - - 0.085 -0.193 -0.406 1.000 - - - - - - - -0.056 0.042 0.098 -0.036 -0.118 1.000 - - - - - - TNFI -0.075 0.007 0.365 -0.030 -0.153 0.168 1.000 - - - - - Less than High School 0.033 0.068 0.0104 0.051 -0.0387 0.0223 0.0124 1.000 - - - - Age -0.047 0.005 0.004 -0.023 0.005 -0.034 -0.021 -0.002 1.000 - - - AFQT -0.093 0.005 0.174 -0.078 -0.330 0.252 0.351 0.313 0.058 1.000 - - Recent Tenure 0.023 -0.091 0.048 -0.025 -0.026 -0.048 0.086 -0.030 0.114 -0.009 1.000 - # of Jobs Held -0.067 0.003 -0.139 0.057 -0.065 -0.022 -0.134 -0.095 0.014 -0.028 -0.194 1.000 Weeks Unemp Urban Res Hispanic Training (OTJ) Married Black Weeks Unemp 1.000 - - - - Urban Residence 0.084 1.000 - - Married -0.070 -0.048 1.000 Black -0.027 0.114 Hispanic 0.135 Training (OTJ) Variable 24 The dummy variable representing black has the single strongest correlation with unemployment duration. Urban residence, AFQT and previous number of jobs held also hold negative correlations with length of unemployment. College attendance and the dummy variable representing the failure to complete high school both have surprisingly low correlations with the number of weeks unemployed. As far as correlation between independent variables is concerned, AFQT shows some correlation with education, income and training experience. Recent tenure is also negatively correlated with the total number of jobs held. The source of this is fairly clear, as the length of the most recent job would tend to limit the time frame available to hold more jobs. 25 Chapter 4 EMPIRICAL STRATEGY The type of analysis that is used here is survival analysis. Duration time (t) of unemployment is the dependent variable, and the independent variables are analyzed in terms of their contribution to the probability of exiting unemployment at any given time. When time is a dependent variable, it is an option to use regular Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) as a method of analysis. This would be unusual because one of the assumptions of parametric regression is that the dependent variable is normally distributed, conditional on the values of the independent variables. The assumption of normality is unlikely in most time series, but even more so with unemployment spells. The probability of leaving unemployment is often thought to increase early in the spell and then decline over time, leaving a normal distribution of durations unlikely. Another issue is that time is a limited dependent variable, having only the ability to take on positive real numbers. OLS assumes the possibility of negative occurrences of the dependent variable, which is impossible when a period of time is the dependent variable. While OLS can often be robust to deviations from normality, some of the deviations that can be expected from time duration data can include bimodal or asymmetric distributions that OLS is not robust to (Cleves 2010, pp 10). Survival analysis uses assumptions that are more suitable for modeling time. There are three basic types of survival analysis models; parametric, semi-parametric and non-parametric. Parametric models make assumptions about the shape of the error term, 26 that it is distributed exponentially, for example. Semi-parametric models do away with assumptions about the distribution of errors, but still allow that the covariates in a model can take on a certain functional form. An example of semi-parametric survival analysis is the Cox regression, which uses each failure time as the dependent variable in an individual binary regression, calculating coefficients that maximize overall likelihood of the binary model for each outcome. Non-parametric models let the data speak for itself, without assumptions about the forms of covariates or of the error term. Non-parametric analysis is typically used when there are either no covariates or when the only covariates of interest are categorical variables. In this particular analysis, there is a fairly well developed theory of what affects unemployment duration, and about what the distribution of unemployment spells should look like. This makes nonparametric analysis less interesting. Semi-parametric analysis can still be useful, but there are strong reasons to think that unemployment durations will follow a certain distribution, particularly that they should exhibit some form of duration dependence. The amount of time spent on unemployment in and of itself can be seen as degrading job skills, or as a signal of poor productivity to potential employers. That leaves parametric survival analysis as the most attractive option left for this analysis, as it allows us to keep assumptions about both covariates and distribution of errors to explore new information added to old models. Survival analysis works by estimating a set of weights (β) that maximize a loglikelihood function (log(L)). In this case, z=1 indicates that that a spell is not finished, xi represents an array of independent variables, 𝑦𝑖 is the observed duration of the 27 unemployment spell and λ(t) is the baseline hazard rate. The baseline hazard rate is the hazard rate for individual i when all xi are equal to zero (Cleves 2010). 𝑛 log(𝐿) = ∑ 𝑖,𝑧𝑖 =1 𝑥𝑖′ ′ 𝑦𝑖 + log(λ(𝑦𝑖 )) − ∑ (𝑒 𝑥𝑖 𝛽 ∫ λ(t)dt) 𝑖=1 0 There are several distributions of λ that are thought to work well with unemployment data. The best distributions are thought to allow for some measure of duration dependence. The exponential distribution, the Weibull distribution and the lognormal distribution are all possibly appropriate for unemployment duration data. 28 Chapter 5 PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS Table 4 presents the basic observation that we seek to explain, median unemployment differs by ethnicity. Table 4. Median Weeks Unemployment Spells, by Race/Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Obs Median Std. Err. Hispanic Black 334 555 621 1510 11 17 13 14 0.824 1.112 0.563 0.668 Non-Black, Non-Hispanic All [95% Conf. Interval] 9 14 11 13 17 21 14 15 Blacks have considerably higher median unemployment spells than non-blacks, while Hispanics have slightly lower unemployment durations. There is some slight overlap between the confidence interval associated with being black and that of the whole sample. Unlike for Hispanics, there is only a remote possibility that the true median is the same as that of the whole sample. While non-normal distributions and some censored data mean that a simple t-test must be interpreted with caution, comparisons of mean unemployment durations tell a slightly different story. Table 5. Mean Weeks Unemployed, By Race/Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Obs Mean Std. Err. Black 555 25.836 1.295 Non-Black, Non-Hispanic 621 17.792 0.855 Hispanic 334 19.874 1.366 29 A t-test between Black and Non-Black, Non-Hispanic would be significant at the 1 percent level, while a t-test between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic would not be significant at any standard level (p-value of 0.1434). As shown in the descriptive statistics in Table 2, many variables thought to be key to unemployment duration vary by race. Additionally, occupation is not distributed equally by race either in the data set or in the U.S. labor market. Hispanics are overrepresented in the Construction and Extraction occupation codes as well as Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance amongst occupations with a large sample size. Blacks are also overrepresented in Building and Grounds Cleaning, as well as Maintenance Transportation and Material Moving, Food Preparation and Serving Related and Office and Administrative Support. Both groups are well below their overall utilization rates in Management. It is possible that these differences in utilization result in different allocations of human capital (both general and specific) which in turn affect the duration of unemployment. Breaking out median unemployment by occupational code, we see a few titles seem to have distinctly different unemployment patterns from the rest of the sample. 30 Table 6. Median Weeks Unemployment, by Occupation Std. Occupation Obs Median Err. [95% Conf. Interval] Management 121 13 0.425 11 19 Business and Financial Operations 53 15 0.532 8 20 Computer and Mathematical 32 14 0.487 9 28 Architecture and Engineering 19 19 0.429 9 53 Life, Physical, and Social Services 3 15 0.140 4 . Community and Social Services 8 6 0.048 1 . Legal 4 35 0.445 23 . Education, Training, and Library 14 14 0.652 2 17 9 21 0.474 2 34 3 47 1.613 1 . Healthcare Support 6 4 0.368 1 . Protective Service 38 16 0.794 9 24 Food Preparation and Serving Related 61 20 0.500 17 38 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance 93 18 0.382 15 26 Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Healthcare Practitioners and Technical 31 Table 6 continued Personal Care and Service 13 10 0.525 1 18 Sales and Related 75 14 0.419 11 25 Office and Administrative Support 72 14 0.601 9 22 Farming, Forestry, and Fishing 10 18 0.333 3 21 Construction and Extraction 264 10 0.587 7 13 Installation, Repair, and Maintenance 119 12 0.408 9 16 Production 226 16 1.181 11 22 Transportation and Material Moving 265 15 0.639 12 18 Military 2 2 . 2 . All Occupations 1510 14 0.668 13 15 The confidence intervals presented do adjust for the fact that some of the unemployment spells in the dataset are truncated. Several occupations have larger median unemployment spells than the total population’s median unemployment spell of 12 weeks, though the median for the architectural and education related occupations are suspect due to small sample size. Only Food Preparation related occupations, as well as Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance fall outside the 95 percent confidence interval. 32 These results really only show that median unemployment differs by job title. They say nothing what causes these differences. Employment choice is probably endogenous with regard to worker quality, education level, race and other factors. Even a preliminary investigation casts some doubt on the idea that unemployment differences are simply caused by being in different occupation. Those working in scientific, managerial and financial occupations have higher mean educations than the Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance occupational code, for example. It is also notable that blacks are overrepresented in Food Preparation, and both blacks and Hispanics are overrepresented in Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance, so it is not certain if the higher unemployment durations in those occupations are caused by racial discrimination, the skill levels associated with those types of jobs or some unknown factor. Before accounting for worker quality there is one more preliminary element to investigate. It is possible that the skills picked up while doing these jobs are not easy to transfer to other jobs, that they lend themselves to the accumulation of specific, rather than general human capital. In fact, even those occupations which exhibit lower median unemployment rates overall may display longer unemployment rates for those who spend more time in those occupations. If this were so, we could expect to see that on the job tenure could have different effects on unemployment durations at different occupations. In the final dataset of NLSY respondents used in this analysis, the mean tenure at the most recent job is about 4.5 years. Table 7 shows the results of comparing those with above average tenure lengths with those with below average tenure lengths, by 33 occupation. It is important to note that there is nothing special about the average tenure length. It is just a convenient form for showing that unemployment durations differ by tenure and occupation. Table 7. Mean Weeks Unemployed, By Occupation and Tenure Length Occupation Management Recent Tenure Group Obs Mean Std. Err. Short (< 4.5 Yr) 70 21.186 3.048 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 51 20.333 2.898 0.852 4.206 Difference (short long) Business and Financial Operations Computer and Mathematical Short (< 4.5 Yr) 38 16.500 2.234 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 15 16.867 5.576 -0.367 6.007 Difference (short long) Short (< 4.5 Yr) 24 16.333 2.988 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 8 38.625 13.476 22.292 13.803 Difference (short long) Architecture and Engineering Short (< 4.5 Yr) 13 19.462 4.147 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 6 29.167 10.008 -9.705 10.833 Difference (short long) Education, Training, and Library Short (< 4.5 Yr) 9 17.667 11.851 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 5 17.600 4.823 0.067 12.795 Difference (short long) Protective Service Short (< 4.5 Yr) 33 24.303 4.761 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 5 31.400 15.712 -7.097 16.417 Difference (short long) Food Preparation and Serving Related Short (< 4.5 Yr) 42 28.857 4.763 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 19 25.105 6.121 3.752 7.756 Difference (short long) tvalues pvalue 0.20 0.420 -0.06 0.476 -1.61 0.073 -0.90 0.201 0.01 0.498 -0.43 0.342 0.48 0.316 34 Table 7 continued Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Personal Care and Service Short (< 4.5 Yr) 53 25.585 4.830 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 40 24.100 5.124 1.485 7.042 Difference (short long) Short (< 4.5 Yr) 10 13.500 5.402 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 3 4.000 3.000 9.500 6.179 Difference (short long) Sales and Related Short (< 4.5 Yr) 53 20.736 3.542 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 22 34.818 9.316 14.082 9.967 Difference (short long) Office and Administrative Support Construction and Extraction Short (< 4.5 Yr) 52 16.250 2.416 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 20 20.550 3.930 -4.300 4.613 Difference (short long) Short (< 4.5 Yr) 167 20.838 2.392 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 97 17.423 2.244 3.416 3.280 Difference (short long) Installation, Repair, and Maintenance Short (< 4.5 Yr) 80 19.738 2.978 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 39 20.795 5.182 -1.057 5.977 Difference (short long) Production Short (< 4.5 Yr) 129 21.426 2.191 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 97 22.392 2.539 -0.965 3.354 Difference (short long) Transportation and Material Moving Short (< 4.5 Yr) 180 18.150 1.526 Long (> 4.5 Yr) 85 26.282 2.868 -8.132 3.249 Difference (short long) 0.21 0.417 1.54 0.077 -1.41 0.085 -0.93 0.179 1.04 0.149 -0.18 0.430 -0.29 0.387 -2.50 0.007 35 Table 7 only displays means of occupations where the sample size is large enough (n>10, more than one member of each of the tenure groups) to make a meaningful comparison between tenure groups. While the non-normal distributions of unemployment time within the dataset should caution against over-interpreting t-values, some patterns can be discerned from Table 7. Bearing in mind that the longer tenured group is typically unemployed for about two weeks less than the shorter-tenured group, three occupational groups appear to show different influences from recent tenure. Computer and Mathematical, Sales and Related and Transportation and Material Moving all seem to show much longer unemployment durations for those with lengthy tenure at the most recent job than other occupations. These three occupations represent varying degrees of educational attainment and skill. The average member of the Computer and Mathematical occupational code has a bachelor’s degree (16.33 years of education), Sales and Related occupations have an average of 12.87 years schooling, and Transportation and Material Moving average 12.04 years. 36 Chapter 6 ANALYSIS There are many variables that could be causing the patterns in unemployment occurring in occupation and tenure groups. Using survival analysis and a simple model of unemployment duration, we can control for other possible causes to see if the differences in unemployment durations by occupation and tenure are explained by other causes. Survival analysis is sensitive to the choice of error distribution, so a few different distributions were tested on the basic model before the full analysis was attempted. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is used for comparing the Weibull, exponential and lognormal distributions. The AIC is calculated based on log likelihood and contains a penalty for extra parameters. It is calculated with the following equation, -2 * log likelihood + (p*k), where p is the number of parameters and k is a constant left to the user’s discretion. The parameter k is set to a default of 2, however, calculating AIC with k=3 did not change the ranking of any of the results that follow. The model with the lowest AIC is the lognormal distribution, followed by the Weibull. The exponential distribution had the highest AIC in the basic model. Because a lower AIC indicates better fit, the lognormal distribution was chosen. The results of the AIC would seem to indicate little more than the fact that the hazard of escaping unemployment does not change monotonically in this data set. The lognormal distribution is compatible with an unemployment distribution where the chance of leaving unemployment increases rapidly in the first few weeks, then 37 decreases as time goes on. When using a lognormal distribution for survival analysis, the coefficients represent Accelerated Failure Time (AFT). AFT coefficients are interpreted similarly to the log-linear model in OLS. They can be interpreted as the percentage increase (or decrease) in duration for a one-unit increase in the covariate. For additional ease of interpretation, the marginal effects of each model are also given in appendix A. These are the predicted effect of a one-unit change of the independent variable on the predicted median of weeks unemployed. Using AFT to interpret Model 1 (other things equal) in Table 8 below, living in an urban area is likely to increase the expected median unemployment duration by about 19.7 percent. 38 Table 8. Survival Analysis Results: Estimated Effects on Unemployment Duration VARIABLE Urban Residence Married Southern Residence TNFI (in 1000s), 2008 Dollars Education: Less than High School Education: Attend College Age Above 37 AFQT (Normed) Black Hispanic Multiple Spell Coef Model (1) AF (%Δ) 0.197** Model (2) AFT(%Δ) 0.220*** Model (3) AFT(%Δ) 0.221*** Model (4) AFT(%Δ) 0.202** SE Coef -0.083 -0.172** -0.083 -0.172** -0.083 -0.197** -0.083 -0.169** STAT SE -0.081 -0.081 -0.081 -0.081 Coef -0.138* -0.130* -0.125 -0.133* SE Coef -0.078 0 -0.078 -0.001 -0.078 -0.001 -0.077 -0.001* SE -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 Coef 0.423 0.413 0.391 0.512* SE Coef -0.3 0.043 -0.299 0.056 -0.298 0.056 -0.304 -0.011 SE -0.097 -0.096 -0.096 -0.101 Coef 0.025 0.025 0.021 0.02 SE -0.016 -0.016 -0.016 -0.016 Coef -0.075 -0.055 -0.057 -0.055 SE -0.048 -0.048 -0.048 -0.049 Coef 0.318*** 0.316*** 0.292*** 0.302*** SE -0.095 -0.095 -0.095 -0.096 Coef -0.109 -0.106 -0.104 -0.105 SE -0.101 -0.101 -0.1 -0.1 Coef -0.153 -0.122 -0.088 -0.065 SE -0.145 -0.145 -0.145 -0.144 Training (On the Job) Coef -0.223** -0.220** -0.207** SE -0.104 -0.104 -0.104 Recent Tenure (In Years) Coef 0.020*** 0.016** 0.018** SE -0.007 -0.007 -0.007 -0.014*** -0.014*** # of Jobs Held Constant ln(sig) Coef -0.005 -0.005 Coef SE 2.384*** 2.344*** 2.605*** 2.600*** SE -0.139 -0.142 -0.168 -0.185 Coef 0.306*** 0.302*** 0.299*** 0.285*** SE -0.021 -0.021 -0.021 -0.021 No No No Yes 1510 1510 1510 1510 Occupational Controls (Y/N) Observations 39 Table 8 continued Failures 1221 1221 1221 1221 Log likelihood -2306.64 -2299.96 -2295.81 -2276.31 LL (Constant Only) -2343.86 -2343.86 -2343.86 -2343.86 19 21 22 44 4651.28 4641.93 4635.63 4640.61 Df AIC *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Education: High School and Occupation:Transportation and Material Moving are suppressed dummy variables. Year of unemployment spell is controlled for in all models, but not shown. Several covariates have significant impacts on unemployment duration. Urban residence is significantly likely to increase unemployment duration by about 20 percent in all models. Southern residence has the opposite effect, reducing unemployment duration by anywhere from 12.5 percent to 13.8 percent and is either significant or close to significant in every model. This can probably be attributed to the south lower unionization rate. Compared with the control year of 2002, beginning an unemployment spell in 2004 significantly lowered the amount of time spent unemployed. Those who failed to complete high school have 50 percent longer unemployment durations than the control group of high school graduates, but this effect is only significant when job history is accounted for. The previous year’s income (TNFI) does not have a significant effect in the basic model, but becomes significant and negative once number of previous jobs held and occupation are controlled for. This runs counter to the conclusion of Petterson (1998) that reservation wages have no predictive power, but still is an awkward fit with standard job search theory. It would seem that high reservation wages (if the previous 40 year’s TNFI is a good proxy for them) are a signal of high worker quality, and thus raise the chance of receiving an acceptable job offer. Job-seekers who failed to graduate high school have unambiguously longer unemployment spells than their equivalents who did graduate. Having attended college does not appear to have an effect that is distinguishable from zero in any model. Several other specifications and educational attainments are also analyzed, but are not displayed here for brevity. The effect of education beyond high school was not significant in any formulation. Respondents that experience multiple spells of unemployment during the time period tend to experience shorter spells, though not significantly so. It is possible that those who tend to experience multiple unemployment spells are in seasonal occupations, but a separate regression that controls for leaving a seasonal job shows that such temporary work does not affect this coefficient. There are other notable findings in this set of results. Blacks have 29 to 31 percent longer unemployment spells than those classified as Non-Black, Non-Hispanic, even after the inclusion of this full set of controls. Hispanics appear to have shorter (though not significantly shorter) unemployment spells once everything is controlled for. Adding the total number of jobs held accounts for the single largest change in coefficients for blacks, indicating that this variable accounts for roughly 2 percent of the variance in unemployment durations for blacks in Model (2). Number of jobs in job history did not change the AFT for Hispanics by much; despite the fact Hispanics typically had many more occupations in their job history (blacks tended to have fewer). Overall, respondents with more occupations in their jobs history spent significantly less time unemployed, by 41 about 1.5 percent per job. This would seem to indicate one of either two things: either a varied job history gives a job-seeker a diverse portfolio of skills to match with needs in the labor market, or that job search is a skill and that those who practice it more become better at it. The job history variables all appear to have some impact, though with some qualification. The length of tenure at the most recent job is significant in Model (2) at the 1 percent level, and in Model (3) and (4) at the 5 percent level. Each year of recent tenure appears to increase duration by about 2 percent per year. When the number of jobs held is controlled for, recent tenure has less effect, reflecting the correlation between those two variables. Having experienced on-the-job training at the respondent’s previous occupation is significant at the 5 percent level. An alternate model that used vocational training is not found to be significant in any specification. This runs counter to theory that employers are more likely to pay for training that is not transportable to other jobs. Controlling for prior occupation is somewhat messier than controlling for other job history characteristics. While adding recent tenure, on-the-job training and total number of jobs previously held each make for a better model (by AIC), adding the occupational controls result in a higher AIC. The individual coefficients for occupation are not shown, but only a few of them differ significantly from the control group (transportation occupations). However, we can see that controlling for occupation does seem to have an effect on the interpretation of the other covariates. Once occupation is controlled for, dropping out of high school is shown to significantly lengthen unemployment, indicating that drop out are significantly disadvantaged not just because 42 of their occupations, but within them as well. This change is the single largest change in AFT coefficient that comes from adding occupational controls. TNFI is also only significant after occupation is controlled for as well, though it would appear to shorten unemployment duration, other things equal. Race, does not seem particularly impacted by controlling for occupation. The AFT associated with being black increases by 0.01. This means that omitting occupational controls would bias that effect on unemployment downward by 1 percent. While adding full occupational controls probably does give a less biased estimate of education’s coefficient, it does not lead to an appreciably better model, on account of there being a large number of occupations which do not appear to add anything to the model. In order to scale back the number of controls, an alternate occupational coding scheme is also used. Using broad educational patterns, three occupational super-groups were constructed. Technical, management, educational and scientific occupations were collapsed into one group, while Sales and Related and Office Administrative occupational codes were collapsed into another. All other occupations were grouped together to form a third group. These three groups can be thought of as Professional and Management, Office, and Less Skilled occupational super-groups. Taking advantage of the smaller number of covariates, we can also explore interaction terms to see if recent tenure varies in its effects by occupational super-group. 43 Table 9. More Survival Analysis Results: Estimated Effects on Unemployment Duration, Interaction Models VARIABLE Urban Residence Married Southern Residence TNFI (in 1000s), 2008 Dollars Education: Less than High School Education: Attended College Age Above 37 AFQT (Normed) Black Hispanic Multiple Spell Training (On the Job) Recent Tenure (In Years) # of Jobs Held Model (5) Model (6) Model (7) AFT(%Δ) AFT(%Δ) AFT(%Δ) Coef 0.214*** 0.202** 0.203** SE Coef -0.083 -0.198** -0.083 -0.193** -0.083 -0.177** SE Coef -0.081 -0.130* -0.081 -0.129* -0.081 -0.144* SE Coef -0.078 -0.001 -0.077 -0.001 -0.078 -0.001 SE Coef -0.001 0.375 -0.001 0.383 -0.001 0.398 SE Coef -0.297 0.012 -0.297 0.014 -0.297 0.03 SE Coef -0.1 0.021 -0.1 0.021 -0.1 0.019 SE Coef -0.016 -0.07 -0.016 -0.07 -0.016 -0.084* SE Coef -0.048 0.295*** -0.048 0.290*** -0.048 0.447*** SE Coef -0.095 -0.107 -0.095 -0.107 -0.107 0.039 SE Coef -0.1 -0.079 -0.1 -0.083 -0.117 -0.057 SE Coef -0.145 -0.231** -0.145 -0.240** -0.145 -0.233** SE Coef -0.104 0.016** -0.104 0.009 -0.103 0.017** SE Coef -0.007 -0.013*** -0.008 -0.013*** -0.007 -0.014*** Stat. SE -0.005 -0.005 -0.005 Occ Group: Management and Technical Coef 0.18 0.185 0.435*** SE -0.113 -0.15 -0.146 Occ Group: Sales and Office Admin Coef 0.075 -0.25 0.425** SE -0.127 -0.163 -0.203 Interaction: Tenure*Management Coef -0.002 SE -0.019 44 Table 9 continued Interaction: Tenure * Sales & Office Coef 0.079*** SE -0.025 Interaction: Black*Management Coef -0.506** SE Coef -0.231 -0.644** Interaction: Black* Sales & Office Interaction: Hisp*Management Interaction: Hisp* Sales & Office Constant ln(sig) Observations Failures Log likelihood LL (Constant Only) Df AIC SE -0.284 Coef -0.524** SE Coef -0.245 -0.436 SE -0.323 Coef 2.594*** 2.629*** 2.511*** SE Coef -0.168 0.298*** -0.169 0.295*** -0.169 0.294*** SE -0.021 -0.021 -0.021 1510 1221 -2294.53 -2343.86 24 4634.238 1510 1221 -2289.3 -2343.86 26 4630.593 1510 1221 -2289.12 -2343.86 28 4637.059 *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Education:High School Grad and Occ Group: Less Skilled are suppressed dummy variables. Year of unemployment spell is controlled for in all models, but not shown. The results here show that the Management occupational group has higher unemployment durations than the less skilled occupations, and this difference is close to significant. The effect on the total model of controlling for occupation is only a small improvement in AIC, over the model without any occupational controls (Model 3 in the first output). However, this model is preferred to the uncollapsed occupational titles in Model 4, by the same measure. Adding an interaction between recent tenure and occupation shows that in actuality most of the variance being explained by recent tenure in the other models was occurring among the Sales and Office workers. Perhaps long 45 tenure in these kinds of jobs leads to an accumulation of skills that is particular to the specific workplaces, such as familiarity with specialized computer programs or contacts with clients in a particular industry. Recent tenure does not seem to matter as much for the higher skilled or lower skilled positions. It is possible that the development of on the job skill at the higher skill positions gives a better indication of the ability to pick up new skills rapidly, while the skills acquired at low-skill jobs are broadly transferable between low skill jobs. The addition of the interaction controls between broad occupational group and the job history variables give us the model with the most explanatory power. However, once again, though know that occupation and tenure are not equally distributed between race and ethnic groups, these additional controls do not seem to affect the coefficients for minority groups. We can conclude that controlling for industry and job history does very little to explain the difference in unemployment durations between race and ethnic groups. Adding interactions between race and occupation can tell us what happens to each ethnic group within the occupational group. Since the coefficients in such an interaction model can be confusing to keep track of, the coefficients for each group in model seven are calculated in Table 10. Coefficients that are not significant in Model 7 are assumed to be zero. 46 Table 10. Computing Group AFTs from Model 7 Occupational Group Sales and Management Less-Skilled Office & Technical Admin Race Black 0.447 0.376 0.228 Hispanic -- -0.089 0.425 Non-Black, Non-Hispanic -- 0.435 0.425 Using Model 7, we see that the only occupational group that blacks spend less time unemployed in is the less skilled occupational group. Non-black, non-Hispanic white collar workers have 43.5 percent and 42.5 percent longer unemployment durations than the less skilled control group. This seems to indicate that there are only certain kinds of occupations for which either minority group has a harder time finding employment. In managerial or office occupational groups, neither minority is more apt to spend more time unemployed than similarly skilled non-minorities. These conclusions should be read with caution, though. While the model with race and job interactions does give several interesting and significant results, it does not have as much explanatory power as the model without race and occupational interactions. 47 Chapter 7 CONCLUSION It is fair to conclude that job history has an effect on unemployment. The total number of jobs held by a job seeker seems to have a role in reducing the length of unemployment at about 1-2 percent per job. The length of recent tenure at a job seems to have some effect on unemployment duration, but this may only be restricted to the labor market experience of office workers. This effect is to make unemployment longer by somewhere between 1.3 and 2.0 percent per job. Occupational title has less certain effects on unemployment, and indeed only seems to matter when interacted with race. Even though all job history variables are not distributed evenly by race either within this dataset or within the U.S. labor market, it can’t be said that the effects on racial differences in unemployment outcomes of these findings are particularly large. Indeed, they only account for at most 2 percent of the variance in unemployment outcomes between ethnic groups. The fact the number of jobs and the length of recent tenure are important predictors of unemployment duration seems to show that having a diverse number of skills is an easier way to find a job-match than having one well developed skill. This is compatible with the notion that specific human capital has an effect on unemployment duration, but it does not prove it. There is also the possibility that job search is simply the type of skill that works better with practice, and that job-hoppers get more practice than those workers who spend a long time in one job. The result that tenure lengthens 48 unemployment mainly for sales and office workers, and not for management or less skilled workers does seem to hint that specific human capital incompatibilities are indeed a culprit, as there is no intuitive reason why job-search abilities should atrophy at different rates for different occupations. But it must be admitted that this is not much more than a hint. The results from race-occupation interactions imply that much of the unemployment differences between blacks and non-blacks are due to barriers to employment for blacks within occupations, and not due to segregation into occupations with high degrees of non-transferable skills. The race and ethnic groups studied here to vary in job history and this variation does explain some of the between groupemployment gaps. However the amount of this gap explained by job history is very faint when compared with the effect of race (and presumably discrimination) itself. It is difficult to tell the difference between the effects of occupation on race from the composition of races with occupations. The NLSY is also not exactly representative of the U.S. labor market and purposefully oversamples minorities. This may mean that some the results here may have limited external validity when extrapolating to the actual labor market, especially with regard to race and occupation. A larger sample size is always better, but in this case the inability to really examine the employment differences for scarcer occupations (such as legal and scientific) is an important limitation. This study mostly focuses on aspects of the job-seeker. A deeper investigation could include aspects of either the local or national labor market beyond the simple ones used here to control for demand side variables. Geography is undoubtedly important to 49 barriers to entry within a job market, and a variation on the geographical skills mismatch story could be examined using job history as well. A more detailed analysis of human capital specificity’s role in the whole labor market could also be achieved by coupling this duration analysis with occupational quit rates as well as wage losses from occupational switching. More could also be done to investigate the changes in demand for particular job types and the effects that these shifts could have on the unemployed. The problem of unemployment and job history could also be set more within context of the whole labor market. The effect of gender on job type and job type in turn on unemployment duration could be performed in a similar sort of analysis to this one, but would also require a more detailed analysis of the intersection of the household and the labor market. This paper has shown that those with long tenure in a job will have the hardest time finding employment, and has found some implications that the type of job lost has an impact on just how much damage is done to employment prospects. With further study this could be used to better target employment policies to the types of workers who need them most. The results suggest that high tenured blacks or office workers are the most vulnerable to prolonged unemployment spells. 50 APPENDICES 51 APPENDIX A Marginal Effects for Models 1-4 Marginal Effects of Covariates Upon Predicted Median Weeks Unemployed VARIABLE Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Urban Residence 2.52** 2.81*** 2.82*** 2.58** Married -2.24** -2.25** -2.58** -2.21** -1.81* -1.71* -1.64 -1.75* -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.02* 6.95 6.77 6.34 8.83 0.58 0.76 0.76 -0.15 Age Above 37 0.33 0.33 0.28 0.26 AFQT (Normed) -1 -0.72 -0.76 -0.72 Black 4.43*** 4.41*** 4.06*** 4.20*** Hispanic -1.41 -1.37 -1.34 -1.35 Multiple Spell -1.9 -1.53 -1.13 -0.83 -2.75** -2.72** -2.57** 0.27*** 0.217** 0.24** -0.184*** -0.18*** 13.318 13.309 Southern Residence TNFI (in 1000s), 2008 Dollars Education: Less than High School Education: Attend College Training (On the Job) Recent Tenure (In Years) # of Jobs Held Predicted median(t) 13.295 13.31 52 APPENDIX B Marginal Effects for Models 5-7 Marginal Effects of Covariates Upon Predicted Median Weeks Unemployed VARIABLE Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Urban Residence 2.73*** 2.58** 2.57** Married -2.59** -2.52** -2.36** Southern Residence -1.71* -1.70* -1.83* -0.013 -0.012 -0.016 6.01 6.17 0.081 0.16 0.19 2.56 Age Above 37 0.28 0.27 0.26 AFQT (Normed) -0.93 -0.93 -1.17* Black 4.10*** 4.03*** 6.23*** Hispanic -1.39 -1.39 0.57 Multiple Spell -1.02 -1.07 -0.7 Training (On the Job) -2.84** -2.95** -2.92** Recent Tenure (In Years) 0.22** 0.13 0.23** # of Jobs Held -0.18*** -0.18*** -0.19*** 2.54 2.62 5.91** 1.04 -3.01* 6.58* TNFI (in 1000s), 2008 Dollars Education: Less than High School Education: Attended College Occ Group: Management and Technical Occ Group: Sales and Office Admin Interaction: Tenure*Management Interaction: Tenure * Sales & Office Interaction: Black*Management Interaction: Black* Sales & Office Interaction: Hisp*Management -0.03 1.05*** -5.40*** -6.47*** -5.54*** 53 Apendix B continued Interaction: Hisp* Sales & Office Predicted median(t) -4.76* 13.32 13.31 13.32 54 WORKS CITED Becker, Gary S. 1975. 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