THE EFFECTS OF PRESENTATION AND PROCESSING ON EXPLICIT MEMORY IN OLDER ADULTS A Thesis Presented to the faculty of the Department of Psychology California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in Psychology by Felicia Elena Luz Oropeza SPRING 2012 THE EFFECTS OF PRESENTATION AND PROCESSING ON EXPLICIT MEMORY IN OLDER ADULTS A Thesis by Felicia Elena Luz Oropeza Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Kelly Cotter, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader John Schaeuble, Ph.D. __________________________________, Third Reader Emily Wickelgren, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date ii Student: Felicia Elena Luz Oropeza I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Jianjian Qin, Ph. D. Department of Psychology iii ___________________ Date Abstract of THE EFFECTS OF PRESENTATION AND PROCESSING ON EXPLICIT MEMORY IN OLDER ADULTS by Felicia Elena Luz Oropeza Forty eight older adults, sampled from two senior communities, watched a series of words on a computer monitor and then took a written exam that tested their explicit word recall. Results revealed a main effect for presentation, such that participants correctly recalled more words when those words were presented for 2 seconds than when those words were presented for .04 seconds. Results also revealed an interaction between presentation and processing, where the supraliminal presentation yielded more correctly recalled words in thematic conditions than in non-thematic conditions. These results suggest that older adults exhibit higher explicit memory performance when words belonging to a theme or category are presented within conscious awareness than outside awareness, likely because they are able to process the information more deeply. _______________________, Committee Chair Kelly Cotter, Ph.D. _______________________ Date iv DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this thesis to my deceased maternal grandparents, Maria de la Luz Razo and Salvador Gomez who raised me and served as the inspiration for my topic on cognition and aging. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First and foremost, I would like to thank my parents for everything they have done for me. Since preschool, my parents have impressed upon me the value of education and importance of using one’s intellect to make a significant impact on the world; however small or big that may be. They gave me the greatest gift that any parent could bestow on their child, individuation, by giving me the freedom to explore my academic pursuits. My thesis topic availed me this golden opportunity to spread my wings and fly. Special thanks to my mother’s extended family for their undying support of my educational endeavors and contributions to my personal development throughout graduate school. During graduate school, my grandmother passed away which was a major setback for our family, for she was the anchor that held our family together. Amidst those trying times, my mom’s family taught me to rise above hardships and to find my inner strength within to finish my degree. I would like to thank Dr. Kelly Cotter for her patience, immense wisdom, alacrity, and generosity of time and effort towards helping me finish my thesis. I would also like to thank Dr. John Schaeuble for helping me arrive at my thesis topic and for assisting me with narrowing my thesis topic down to two variables. I would like to thank Dr. Wickelgren for helping me with the Latin Square Experimental Design of my video presentations to eliminate bias. I would like to thank Debbie Kircher for pacing me through the program and helping me see my own beauty within. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication ............................................................................................................................v Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ vi List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... ix List of Figures ......................................................................................................................x Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................1 Memory ....................................................................................................................1 Supraliminal and Subliminal Memory Processes ....................................................3 Levels of Processing ................................................................................................4 Interaction of Levels of Processing and Timing of Presentation .............................5 The Present Study ....................................................................................................6 2. METHOD .....................................................................................................................8 Materials ................................................................................................................10 Participants .............................................................................................................13 Procedure ...............................................................................................................13 3. RESULTS ...................................................................................................................16 Hits .........................................................................................................................17 False Alarms ..........................................................................................................19 4. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................20 Strengths and Limitations ......................................................................................23 vii Future Directions ...................................................................................................28 Conclusion .............................................................................................................29 Appendix Final List of Forty Words Used in the Four Video Conditions ...................30 References ........................................................................................................................31 viii LIST OF TABLES Tables Page 1. Descriptive Statistics for Hits and False Alarms ....................................................... 16 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1. The Interaction of Presentation and Relatedness for Hits ..............................................18 2. The Main Effect of Presentation for False Alarms ........................................................19 x 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Dementia is a degenerative disease of the aging brain that impairs cognitive functioning by attacking the central nervous system at the vascular and cellular levels (Whitehouse, Price, Strubie, Clark, Coyle, & Delon, 1982). A reputable occupational health and medical disability advisory website, MDGuidelines, provides the article “Dementia definition” (2009) stating that although dementia impairs cognitive functioning in many ways, profound and irreversible memory loss is its primary effect. Because dementia is an increasingly prevalent age-related neural disease within senior populations, developing cognitive strategies for preventing memory loss is necessary for maintenance of quality of life and positive life orientations (Santacruz & Swagerty, 2001). I focus on two potential memory-enhancing strategies in the present study: presentation of information and processing of information. I examine these strategies as employed by older adults who do not suffer from cognitive impairment, in hopes that what is learned in normal aging populations can be beneficial for those at risk of developing dementia. Memory Memory, as defined in The American Heritage Dictionary (1985), is the act of encoding, storing, and recalling a past event or item of factual knowledge. Memory can be divided into two forms: implicit and explicit (Graf & Schacter, 1985), both of which are affected by the aging process (Light & Singh, 1987). Implicit memory depends on 2 cognitive processes occurring outside of one’s conscious awareness (Schacter, 1987). These automatic processes can include stimuli-associate conditioning, social modeling, relearning and practice effects, and priming (Schacter, 1987). Roediger and McDermott (1993) and Schacter (1987) described implicit memory tasks as indirect, where there was no reference to past exposure to information. In contrast, explicit memory tasks require the conscious recollection of an item directly referenced by past experience (Graf & Schacter, 1985). When one performs well on an explicit memory test, he or she has brought factual knowledge into awareness (Challis, 1996; Joyce, Paller, McIsaac, & Kutas, 1998). Roediger and McDermott (1993) and Schacter (1987) characterized explicit memory tests as tasks performed with intention, where participants are instructed to recall or recognize stimuli they had previously seen. I chose to analyze free recall test performance as a measure of explicit memory processes in the current study. Performance on a free recall exam is a direct measurement of the conscious recollection of previously presented stimuli. This type of memory task relies on processing capacity, revealing the influence of working memory and processing speed on retrieval (Craik, Govoni, Naveh-Benjamin, & Anderson, 1996; Whiting & Smith, 1997). Free recall tests typically depend on effortful cognitive control and bottom up retrieval processes. In cross-sectional and longitudinal studies examining age-related memory, older participants tend to score lower than younger participants on explicit memory tasks (Anooshian, 1997; Carroll, Byrne, & Kirsner, 1985; Ellis, Ellis, & Hosey, 1993; 3 Greenbaum & Graf, 1989; Lorsbach & Morris, 1991; Lorsbach & Worman, 1990; Naito, 1990; Parkin & Streete, 1988). However, older cohorts show equal performance to young adults on perceptual implicit tasks (Light & Singh, 1987) shedding light on potential compensatory mechanisms used by older adults to preserve explicit memory. To investigate the older cohorts’ adaptive use of cognitive tools further, I analyzed the influence of two associative memory processes on explicit memory test performance in older adults: level of processing (shallow versus deep) and awareness of presentation (subliminal versus supraliminal), described in detail below. Supraliminal and Subliminal Memory Processes As described above, explicit memory tests often involve asking participants to recall or recognize information presented to them in a laboratory setting. The information can be presented supraliminally (within one's conscious awareness) or subliminally (outside one's ability to consciously perceive presented stimuli) in the study/encoding session. Supraliminal memory processes are driven by strong feelings of event recollection that enhance one’s ability to visualize the scene (Aggleton & Brown, 1999; Gardiner, 1988; Gardiner & Java, 1990; Gardiner & Java, 1991; Gardiner, Java & Richardson-Klavehn, 1996; Jacoby, 1991; Rajaram, 1993; Tulving, 1985; Wagner, Verfaeille, & Gabrieli, 1997; Yonelinas, 2002). Subliminal processes depend upon feelings of familiarity that lack a concrete experience of an actual event (Khilstrom, 1990; Khilstrom, Barnhardt, & Tataryn, 1992a; Khilstrom, Shames, & Dorfman, 1996; Roediger & McDermott, 1993; Szymanski & MacLeod, 1996; Toth, 1996). The priming 4 task is a classic methodology for studying subliminal processes (Kiefer, 2007). Age has little effect on priming (Light & Singh, 1987). Levels of Processing Ritchey, Bessette-Symons, Hayes, and Cabeza (2011) showed that semantic elaboration can enhance neural processing in the medial prefrontal cortices of the human brain. Deep encoding requires the utilization of meaning-based encoding to activate associative memory network connections, while shallow processing refers to the presentation of stimuli encoded at a rudimentary or physical level without the use of semantic-level memory access (Craik & Lockhart, 1972). For example, deep processing is applied during exposure to a word list consisting of items belonging to the same category, such as Zoo Animals, because people form associations between the words. On the other hand, shallow processing is utilized during exposure to randomly chosen words because there is no categorical link between the words. Craik and Lockhart (1972) showed that deep or semantically-processed stimuli had a higher chance of being recalled than shallow or physically-processed stimuli. This effect was found even when participants did not expect subsequent recall or recognition tests. Bradshaw and Anderson (1982) also showed the effect of elaboration and thematic-relatedness on memory processes: Participants in their study demonstrated higher memory performance in the thematic conditions, which required the elaborate integration of memory traces, and lower memory performance in the conditions with minimal thematic-relatedness. Similarly, levels of processing theory stipulates that performance is facilitated by elaborately encoded or “deeply” processed stimuli and 5 degraded by low-level encoding or “shallow” processing of stimuli (Craik & Lockhart, 1972). Hence, Bradshaw and Anderson’s (1982) study draws parallels between thematicrelatedness and levels of processing theory, shedding light on the role of neural networks in the creation of interconnected explicit memory traces. In the current study, I adapted the methodology that used thematic-relatedness in order to operationally define levels of processing. Interaction of Levels of Processing and Timing of Presentation Effortful processing may enhance memory performance in older cohorts on priming tests. Englekamp and Wippich (1995) demonstrate an age effect for conceptual priming, such that younger cohorts generally show higher memory on implicit tests than older cohorts when presented with atypical stimuli at study. Englekamp and Wippich showed that younger cohorts tend to perform better than older cohorts in random stimuli and subliminal presentation conditions while performing worse in moderate-relatedness conditions. The distinction between the cognitive resources that drive explicit and implicit memory processes begin to blur (Srinivas & Roediger, 1990) as category exemplar tasks capture both conceptual subliminal processes and perceptual subliminal processes. While unraveling the effects of conscious and unconscious processes on memory, Monti et al. (1996) investigated how category exemplar tasks rely on relatedness to create meaningbased or deeply processed memory traces. Although category exemplar tasks are classically referred to as “implicit” memory tasks, their conceptual properties are sensitive to different levels of processing at the supraliminal level (Monti et al., 1996). 6 Hence, category exemplar tests may have more conceptually-driven effects on memory if coupled with deep levels of processing conditions. Therefore, among the memory tasks available to researchers, the category exemplar test is one of the most effective priming tools for studying the interaction of levels of processing and exposure to subliminal and supraliminal stimuli (Mitchell & Bruss, 2003). Thus, in the present study I applied the category exemplar test by presenting target exemplars from taxonomic groups of animals and vegetables to the participants and by asking participants to recall those targets later. Despite the potential interaction between processing and presentation, there remains a paucity of research that examines the moderated effects of semantically processed stimuli on category exemplar task performance in older adults. Thus, in contrast to recent studies examining the relationship between relatedness, elaboration, and explicit memory (Bradshaw & Anderson, 1982), I analyzed the effect of presentation timing and thematic-relatedness on the explicit memory of older adults in the current study. The Present Study In the present study, I examined how levels of processing (deep versus shallow) affects explicit memory task performance when moderated by presentation timing (subliminal versus supraliminal). I operationally defined deep processing as the presentation of thematically-related words from two thematic categories (Zoo Animals and Vegetables). I defined shallow processing as the presentation of randomly generated, non-thematically-related words. I defined supraliminal presentation as seeing a series of 7 words for 2 seconds each. Subliminal presentation was defined as seeing a series of words for .04 seconds each. I expected to find main effects for both presentation and processing of stimuli. For the main effect of presentation, I expected to see a higher number of supraliminallypresented words recalled than subliminally-presented words. For the main effect of relatedness, I proposed that memory for thematically-related words would be higher than memory for non-thematically-related words. Specifically, I expected that thematicallyrelated words would provide a semantic (deep) form of processing that would facilitate memory performance across both supraliminal and subliminal presentation conditions. I also hypothesized that participants would have higher memory performance in supraliminal-deep levels of processing conditions and lower performance in supraliminalshallow, subliminal-deep, and subliminal-shallow conditions. I expected to see this interaction because meaningful, related words shown for a longer amount of time on a computer screen tend to produce more durable memory traces than random words or words presented for a shorter amount of time. The focusing of one’s mind on semantic content should yield a compound effect on explicit memory performance because supraliminal processes require the effortful application of cognitive resources that spark neural network activation and parallel processing stream distribution. 8 Chapter 2 METHOD With a 2x2x4 mixed repeated-measures factorial design, described in detail below, I examined the nature of semantic facilitation on explicit memory for words presented at the conscious and the unconscious perceptual level. I showed each participant a series of forty words flashed on a computer screen and later asked participants to recall the words. The two within-subjects independent variables were thematic association of words and presentation of stimuli. The between-groups independent variable was order of presentation. Explicit memory recall test performance was my dependent variable. The first within-subjects independent variable was thematic association/level of processing. Thematic association referred to how easily participants could form associations with presented words (thus affecting their memory for those words), and was comprised of two levels: a thematically-related word condition (deep processing) and a non-thematic word condition (shallow processing). The thematically-related word condition was a list of ten words related to the same category, either Zoo Animals (e.g., zebra, kangaroo) or Vegetables (e.g., broccoli, potato). The non-thematic word condition was a list of ten randomly generated words that had no relation to each other (e.g., skirt, motorcycle). The second within-subjects independent variable, presentation of stimuli, referred to how long participants saw words flashed on the computer screen. This variable had 9 two levels: the supraliminal condition and the subliminal condition. In the supraliminal condition, participants were exposed to words for 2 seconds each. This presentation time was long enough for participants to read and understand the word, thus processing it completely (Moore, 1982; Whiting, 1997). Words were presented for .04 seconds each in the subliminal condition. This presentation time was long enough for participants to detect a word, but not long enough to consciously process the word (Khilstrom, 1987; Moore, 1982). Video presentation, consisting of four levels, was the only between-subjects variable used in this study. It was used in order to control for potential order effects. I used a partial Latin-Square to counterbalance the sequence of phases within each video presentation. This method of counterbalancing ensured that the thematic and nonthematic words were presented in every possible order (first, second, third, fourth). For example, order one consisted of supraliminal thematic words presented in phase 1, subliminal non-thematic words presented in phase 2, supraliminal non-thematic words presented in phase 3, and subliminal thematic words presented in phase 4. In order two, by contrast, supraliminal non-thematic words appeared in phase 1, subliminal thematic words appeared in phase 2, supraliminal thematic words appeared in phase 3, and subliminal non-thematic words appeared in phase 4. (Each video started with a supraliminal phase in order to prevent the participant from thinking that there were no words presented in the video.) Thus, the presentation conditions were counterbalanced across the four different videos. A total of forty words were presented in each video. 10 Materials Word Generation To create the vegetable word list I randomly selected 41 Vegetable words from the following website: To create the zoo animal word list I randomly selected 26 Zoo Animal words from the following website: To create the non-thematic word list I randomly generated 24 words from the following website: Next, I trimmed each list to 10 words following the procedures described below. Inter-rater Reliability The relatedness of a word to a category could affect the speed and accuracy by which a participant could retrieve the word from memory, thus assisting in the formation of cognitive associations (Anderson, 1980). Therefore, I wanted to make sure that one word list did not contain words that were more related to their respective theme than the other words to that list’s respective theme. To check the equivalence of thematicrelatedness of the words in the two thematic word lists, I collected inter-rater reliability data on the degree of relatedness of each word to its specific category. Ten friends and family members below the age of 55 participated as raters. They were asked to rate how much each word from the vegetable list was related to the theme of vegetables, and how much each word from the zoo animals list was related to the theme of zoo animals. Relatedness ratings were collected only for thematic words. 11 I also collected inter-rater reliability data on the commonness of each word in everyday usage because the commonness of a word could also increase the accuracy of recall (Deese, 1960; Gregg, Montgomery, & Castano, 1980; Hall, 1954; Matthews, 1966; May, Cuddy, & Norton, 1979; May & Tryk, 1970; Postman, 1970; Sumby, 1963; Tulving & Patkau, 1962; Whiting & Smith, 1997). The commonness inter-rater questionnaire asked raters to rate how commonly words are used in everyday speech. Commonness ratings were collected for thematic and non-thematic words. Upon completion of the word rating procedure, I rewarded the raters with $5.00 Target gift cards. Final Word List Creation To create lists of equivalent length (10 words) for each processing condition (thematically-related and non-thematically-related), I entered the participants’ ratings into a spreadsheet. Next, I eliminated some words from the original lists by sorting the word lists (Zoo Animals, Vegetables, non-thematic) from the highest to lowest mean commonness rating. Then I chose every other two words descending from the highest to lowest mean commonness rating until I obtained 20 words for each thematic list (Zoo Animals, Vegetables) and 20 words for the non-thematic word lists. The final list of 40 words was divided into four lists of ten words each using the ABBA sorting sequence. Refer to Appendix for the list of words used in the video conditions. After the final word lists were created, I calculated the variability between the two thematic word lists on relatedness and the variability between the two thematic and the two non-thematic lists on commonness. T-tests revealed no significant differences between Zoo Animal words (M = 4.09, SD = .54) and Vegetable words (M = 3.71, SD = 12 .76) on relatedness to their respective thematic category; t (38) = 1.73, p = .09. In other words, Zoo Animal words and Vegetable words had the same degree of relatedness to their respective theme. T-tests also showed no significant differences between thematic (M = 3.49, SD = .63) and non-thematic words (M = 3.34, SD = 1.03) on commonness; t (38) = .70, p = .48. Thus, both thematic and non-thematic words were considered equivalent on commonness. Upon completion of the word list generation procedure I had four lists of 10 words. These lists were capped at 10 words each because the average older adult has a working memory capacity of 4 (+/- 2) items (Bo, Borza & Seidler, 2009). I chose to increase the size of the word list from four words to ten words because I wanted to avoid any potential ceiling effects (Miller, 1956). Finally, to randomly sort the words within the four lists for the video presentation conditions, I used the following website:, which generated random orders for each 10-word list. Computer Words were presented to participants on an ASUS gaming laptop computer running Windows Live Movie Maker for Windows 7 Home Premium operating system. Demographic Questionnaire Before administering the computerized portion of the procedure I collected the following demographic information: Gender, Highest Education Achieved, Occupation, Ethnicity, and Religion. Age information was not collected because my entire participant 13 pool consisted of older adults and I did not want the sensitivity of the age question to deter potential subjects from participating in my study. Participants I sent letters to fourteen different agencies within the Sacramento Valley region and called ten agencies. I recruited forty-eight older adults over the age of 55 from the following agencies: Senior Center at Elk Grove, Mission Oaks/Swanston Community Center in Carmichael, and Ethel Hart Senior Center. Of the twelve participants who answered the question on “Gender,” 3 participants were “Male” and 9 participants were “Female.” Four out of 48 participants “Completed High School,” 11 “Went to college but did not finish,” 12 participants “Finished some graduate school or higher,” and 2 “Earned a doctorate degree.” (The questionnaire did not include an option for those who completed college but did not attend graduate school.) Almost half of the participants were “Caucasian” (n = 23), 4 were “Hispanic,” 1 participant was of “Asian American” descent, 2 were “African American,” and 18 did not indicate their ethnicity. Out of 45 participants who responded to the Religion question, 12 were “Catholic,” 13 were “Christian,” 5 were “Spiritual,” 1 was “Mormon,” 1 was “Episcopalian,” 3 participants were “Atheist,” 3 were “New Age,” 2 were “Baptist,” and 5 participants reported “Other” to signify that they were of a religious affiliation other than what was asked on the questionnaire. Three participants out of 48 did not respond to the religion question. Procedure I received approval at minimal risk to recruit participants from the Human Subjects Committee in the Department of Psychology in Spring 2011. Next, I pilot-tested 14 the procedure with four individuals who did not meet the study’s criteria for participation to make sure the testing protocols ran smoothly. There were no problems with the procedure. To prepare for the experiment, I made arrangements with the activity coordinators from each agency listed above to secure a room and a specific time to run my study. Before the day of the experiment, I randomly assigned the participants to one of four video conditions. On test day, I greeted each participant individually, showed the participant to his or her seat in front of the laptop, and led the participant through the informed consent procedure. Next, I handed the participant a consent form to sign and return back to me. I then provided the participant with a demographic questionnaire that asked the participant to reveal his or her gender, education status, occupation, religion, and ethnicity. Before starting the video presentation, I instructed the participant to not touch any key on the keyboard or touchpad because the screen ran by itself. Next, I started the video assigned to the participant. Within each video, the supraliminal condition had one thematic phase and one non-thematic phase. The subliminal condition also had one thematic phase and one non-thematic phase. The order was counterbalanced, as described above. The video presentation lasted for 3.99 minutes. In the supraliminal condition, a blank screen appeared first for 1 second. The orienting stimulus, "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ", flashed for .5 seconds before each word appeared on the screen. The masking stimulus, "XXXXXXXXXX", followed each word and remained on the screen for .5 seconds. A 15 blank screen appeared for 1 second before the orienting stimulus for the next word. In the subliminal condition the blank screen was shown for 2 seconds before the appearance of the next word. The orienting stimulus, "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _", flashed for .5 seconds before each word and the masking stimulus, "XXXXXXXXXX", appeared on the screen for a duration of .5 seconds after the flashing of each word. A blank screen appeared for 2 seconds before the orienting stimulus for the next word. The difference in timing of the presentation of blank screens was potentially problematic but unequal durations for the four videos would have compromised the internal validity of my repeated measures design. To ensure that each video condition lasted for an equivalent amount of time, I prioritized consistency of video presentation length across my video conditions over equal time spacing between orienting stimuli, test words, and masking stimuli. After the video was complete, I administered the free recall exam by giving the participant a pen and piece of lined 8.5 x11 white printer paper with the following instructions at the top of the page: “Please write as many words as you can remember from the presentation you just saw. You have as much time as you want to complete this form.” Next, I told the participant that he or she could take as much time as needed to complete the test. After I read the instructions to the participant, I quietly left the room. After the exam was complete, I debriefed the participant and gave the participant a $5 gift card to Walmart. 16 Chapter 3 RESULTS Using two mixed repeated measures ANOVAs, I examined differences between the thematic and presentation conditions on word recall (see Table 1). Table 1 Descriptive Statistics for Hits and False Alarms (N = 48) Hits Source M SD Relatedness False Alarms F(1, 44) p 100.37 < .001 M SD Thematic 2.13 0.13 0.10 0.04 Non-thematic 0.57 0.11 0.13 0.05 Presentation 220.90 < .001 Supraliminal 2.63 0.17 0.22 0.06 Subliminal 0.07 0.05 0.01 0.01 Relatedness x Presentation 109.13 < .001 Thematic Supraliminal 4.10 0.23 0.21 0.07 Thematic Subliminal 0.15 0.09 0.00 0.00 Nonthematic Supraliminal 1.15 0.21 0.23 0.09 Nonthematic Subliminal 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 F(1, 44) p .19 .67 10.05 .003 0.00 1.00 The first dependent variable, the number of “hits,” represented the number of words the participant wrote down on the recall task that were presented in the video presentation (i.e., correctly-recalled words). The second dependent variable, number of 17 false alarms, was the number of words that the participant wrote down on the recall task that were not presented in the video presentation. I associated each false alarm with the condition that contained a structurally similar word. For example, if one condition contained the word ”torchlight” and the participant wrote the word “headlight,” I placed the false alarm score in the condition that contained “torchlight.” Hits The between subjects variable, presentation order, did not show a significant main effect for hits, F (3, 44) = 2.18, p = .10, indicating that order of presentation had no effect on correct recall for presented words. Additionally, there were no significant two-way or three-way interactions with presentation order for hits. The first within-subjects variable, timing of presentation, showed a significant main effect for hits, F (1, 44) = 220.90, p < .001, semi-partial η2 = .46, such that supraliminal presentation conditions yielded a higher number of hits than subliminal presentation conditions, as predicted (see Table 1). However, the presence of an interaction modified the nature of this main effect. The second independent variable, thematic-relatedness, also showed a significant main effect for hits, F (1, 44) = 100.37, p < .001, semi-partial η2 = .17, such that thematic conditions produced significantly more hits than non-thematic conditions. However, the interaction showed that this effect did not exist for the subliminal condition. Both main effects had to be viewed in the context of a significant interaction, F (1, 44) = 109.13, p < .001, semi-partial η2 = .14. Pairwise comparisons were used to test for simple effects of the thematic conditions. For supraliminal presentation conditions there was a significant mean difference between thematic and non-thematic conditions 18 such that the number of hits in thematic conditions was significantly higher than the number of hits in non-thematic conditions, Mean difference = 2.96, p < .001. However, there was no difference between the two thematic conditions in the subliminal condition, Mean difference = .15, p =.11. 6.00 Performance 5.00 4.10 4.00 Presentation 3.00 Supraliminal 2.00 Subliminal 1.15 1.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 Thematic Non Thematic Relatedness Figure 1. The interaction of presentation and relatedness for hits. 19 False Alarms The between subjects variable, presentation order, did not show a significant main effect for false alarms, F (3, 44) = .60, p = .62, revealing no effect of video order on the number of written responses that were not on the word list but resembled words on the list. Moreover, there were no significant two-way or three way interactions with presentation order for false alarms. Presentation showed a significant main effect for false alarms, F (1, 44) = 10.05, p < .001, semi-partial η2 = .10, such that there were more false alarms produced in supraliminal presentation conditions than in subliminal presentation conditions (see Table 1). However, thematic-relatedness did not show a main effect for false alarms, F (1, 44) = .19, p = .67. Similarly, there was no interaction of presentation and thematic-relatedness, F (1, 44) = .00, p = 1.00, for false alarms. See Figure 2 for the main effect of presentation time on false alarms. Performance 0.30 0.25 0.23 0.20 Presentation 0.21 0.15 Supraliminal 0.10 Subliminal 0.05 0.00 0.02 0 Thematic Non Thematic Relatedness Figure 2. The main effect of presentation for false alarms. 20 Chapter 4 DISCUSSION The results of the present study confirmed my hypothesis that older adults would exhibit higher explicit memory performance when words were presented to conscious awareness than when words were not presented within conscious awareness, but this difference was much larger for words belonging to a theme or category than for words not related to each other in any obvious way. Furthermore, the results supported my prediction that words belonging to a theme or category would be more easily remembered than words that were not related to each other in any obvious way, but this was true only when words were presented within conscious awareness. As I mentioned above, performance on the recall test was higher in supraliminal conditions than in subliminal conditions. This result is consistent with research on the facilitation of visual recall through the engagement of conscious processes (Aggleton & Brown, 1999; Gardiner, 1988; Gardiner & Java, 1990; Gardiner & Java, 1991; Gardiner, Java & Richardson-Klavehn, 1996; Jacoby, 1991; Rajaram, 1993; Tulving, 1985; Wagner, Verfaeille, & Gabrieli, 1997; Yonelinas, 2002). The deep processing phenomenon is evidenced in my study, which shows higher explicit memory performance on the free recall exam in thematic conditions than in nonthematic conditions. This finding resembled the results of Craik and Lockhart (1972), showing the positive effect of deep processing on explicit memory. 21 Past research indicates that older adults are more likely to use semantic associations than younger adults when performing serial recall tasks (Golomb, Peele, Addis, Kahana, & Wingfield, 2008). Moreover, Englekamp and Wippich (1995) found that, for older adults, word-relatedness enhances memory of subliminally presented words. Conversely, younger adults remember more words that are not related to each other in priming tasks than do older adults (Englekamp & Wippich, 1995). Younger adults may not use categories to facilitate memory performance during the completion of implicit memory tasks such as priming. In contrast, older adults’ dependence on semantic content for memory consolidation amplifies the effects of consciously perceived stimuli on explicit memory test performance. By depicting the relationship between presentation and levels of processing, my study demonstrated the importance of supraliminal effortful processes on semantic facilitation of explicit memory. This claim is further supported by evidence from Monti et al. (1996), who showed how meaning-based encoding processes through the engagement of supraliminal memory processes enhance conceptually-driven aspects of memory tasks. Additionally, Bradshaw and Anderson (1982) made advances in conceptual priming and processing research by revealing the compound effect of supraliminally-presented stimuli and thematic relatedness on category exemplar test performance. Conclusively, the results from my study and previous research exemplified the pivotal role that semantic associations play on conscious processes during explicit memory tasks. 22 Notably, older adults falsely-remembered more words in the video presentation of supraliminal stimuli than of subliminal stimuli. In other words, there were more false alarms in the supraliminal than in the subliminal conditions. Supraliminality and the application of cognitive effort seemed to have a stronger effect on incorrect guessing than the effect of meaning-based memory processes, such as levels of processing, on memory. Possibly, deep processing produces more accurate automatic memory trace formations in older cohorts as a result of more efficient neural activation (Hinojosa, Martin-Loeches, Munoz, Casado, & Pozo, 2004; Karni et al., 1995) whereas increased exertion of resources help younger cohorts with situations that require the generation of novel ideas, such as college or graduate school (Cabeza, Anderson, Houle, Mangels, & Nyberg, 1997). Older adults who experience age-related memory declines due to the natural degradation of interdependent cognitive systems could benefit from research findings on how linguistic, semantic, and presentation tools might enhance memory (Luczsz & Bryan, 1999). Researchers have relied on two principal theories to identify the sources of aging phenomenon: Slowed central nervous system processing speed (Salthouse, 1980; Salthouse, 1982; Salthouse, 1985; Salthouse, 1996) and diminished use of working memory executive processes (Dempster, 1992; Parkin & Walter, 1992; Parkin, 1997; Woodruff-Pak, 1997). By identifying the possible sources of age-related cognitive declines, one can apply the findings from the present study to develop memory preservation techniques for the aging mind, thus attempting to prevent the onset of the debilitating disease of dementia. 23 Although the term “dementia” encompasses a variety of cognitive deficits, the patient with dementia undergoes a series of phases before reaching the stage of clinical diagnosis. Mild cognitive impairment diagnoses are given to individuals who experience more serious cognitive decline than is expected for their age group or education level; however, this class of impairment does not affect daily functioning (Gauthier et al., 2006). The diagnoses of mild cognitive impairments and early onset of dementia-related disorders tend to overlap (Santacruz & Swagerty, 2001). Preventative medicine could provide memory-enhancing strategies to individuals with a genetic history of dementia. The dual cognitive effects of meaningful, persistent stimuli could help reduce the risk of the onset of dementia in that population. Strengths and Limitations The study’s design strengths bolstered its internal validity. For example, the recall test was administered immediately after the study condition to reduce the time gap between study and test. This measure increased the accuracy of word recall because visual persistence of stimuli declines as the time gap increases between study and test (Coltheart, 1980). Furthermore, by including two thematic word categories, I ensured that the test measurement protocol was truly assessing the effect of relatedness on memory: Using two thematic categories instead of one eliminated the possibility that recall could be affected by category type instead of the intended independent variable, relatedness. Equal variances among the two thematic word categories also protected the internal validity of the study by ensuring that one category did not contain words of higher relatedness than the other category. In other words, the equal variances among the 24 words within each thematic category buffered the study against possible biases of two videos showing words from the same category with differing degrees of relatedness. To accomplish the task of using two different categories, I used the partial counterbalancing measure to present the four relatedness conditions in every possible order, thus eliminating the possible confounding effect of a previous phase influencing memory for words presented in a subsequent phase. However, the Latin-Square partial counterbalancing measure did not eliminate all bias because the supraliminal condition was always the first phase of each video. While a complete counterbalancing measure would have removed this bias, it would have required that half of the videos present the subliminal condition as the first phase, thus creating confusion for half of the participants who saw the first set of words outside of their conscious awareness. In sum, I used a partial counterbalancing measure to minimize this potential anxiety during the test phase. Additionally, my decision to study individuals over 55 years of age was based on aging literature revealing that 55 heralds a 16 year cognitive decline affecting list and text recall in older adults. This cutoff is one of few widely accepted norms for investigating age related decline in memory (Powell & Whitla, 1994). Using this age bracket to conduct a longitudinal study, Zelinski and Burnight (1997) investigated normative changes in memory and compared performance on intelligence tests of younger and older adult cohorts. In their study, all age cohorts over 55 showed reliable decreases in cognitive ability. Their findings confirm that normative age-related change in cognition typically starts to appear at age 55, thus providing a solid age baseline for my study of cognitive aging. 25 Furthermore, if I were to replicate this experiment, I would use the same time limit methodology I used in the current study and not set a time limit for the testing condition because older adults have slower processing speed than younger adults (Bryan & Luszcz, 1996; Bryan & Luszcz, 2001). The rate of cognitive processes, such as memory performance, varies widely from one participant to another and setting a time limit would favor those with faster rates of cognitive processes. Thus, a time limit would create a disadvantage for those with slower processing speeds. In contrast to these strengths, various methodological limitations surfaced during the development of my study’s experimental design. The small sample size of forty-eight participants increased the risk of Type II error, which is the tendency to accept the null hypothesis when it is false. My null hypothesis was that there was no difference in recall between conditions. The small sample size may have underestimated the number of significant memory score differences between the levels of the two independent variables: relatedness and presentation. Although the heightened risk of committing a Type II error was potentially problematic for my study, my hypotheses were still supported by the results. A small sample size also hindered my ability to draw generalizeable conclusions about the entire senior population. Because I collected data from a convenience sample in the community, the personalities and motivations of those who decided to volunteer for my study could have differed from those who did not volunteer for my study. This disparity could have biased my results to reflect positive attitudes toward academia or community service. Furthermore, taking a convenience sample from a select group of 26 senior communities may not have adequately captured the true population mean with a high degree of confidence. If I were to conduct this study again, I would allot more time to participant recruitment in hopes of increasing my sample size to at least 100 participants. My decision to draw a convenience sample instead of a random sample limited the representativeness of my subject pool. Because I did not collect a random sample, the economic, educational, and health characteristics unique to the senior communities sampled may have biased the results in favor of individuals with high levels of selfesteem and active lifestyles. Because I used a convenience sampling method for my data collection, my distribution of mean scores may have deviated from the normal distribution of population test scores. To adequately capture the complete constellation of characteristics within my target senior population I should have used a random sample because it would have fairly represented each characteristic without bias, effects of outliers, and confounding covariates. In addition, my method for recording false alarms exposed my study to experimenter bias because it included a degree of subjectivity. I decided that an answer was a false alarm if it shared structural similarity to the words in the video phases. The subjectivity I used to determine whether the word was a false alarm may have positively skewed the distribution of false alarm scores in my study. Furthermore, testing after each phase would have been a better approach than testing after the video ended because exposure to words from previous phases could have rendered ambiguous false alarm assignments. 27 The sample also consisted of a disproportionate number of females compared to males. Research shows that females in general have higher rates of depression than males (Kessler et al., 1994; Regier et al., 1988; Robins et al., 1984). Royall, Palmer, Chiodo, and Polk (2011) show that depression attenuates executive motor functions. Bo, Borza and Seidler (2009) show that diminishing executive processes are related to cognitive declines during aging. Therefore, depression could hasten the onset of dementia. Because depression, a disease more prevalent in women than in men, is likely to produce deleterious effects on aging memory, the disproportionate number of women in my sample may have created negatively biased memory performance results. Additionally, some participants experienced mild to moderate degrees of frustration while watching the video, which escalated when they realized that a memory test would immediately follow the video. My overreliance on the proctoring script and the participants' uneasiness about taking a memory exam may have increased the ambiguity in some of their responses and reduced the accuracy of scoring their answers. Their anxiety may have hindered their ability to remember the exact structure of certain words, producing a somewhat higher number of false alarms in supraliminal conditions. Finally, to obtain a more accurate picture of the baseline cognitive functioning status of the participant pool, I would use the Telephone Interview Questionnaire for Cognitive Status, a cognitive assessment tool developed by Brandt, Spencer, and Folstein (1988). An assessment of cognitive status could help me to screen individuals and remove those who have stages of mild cognitive impairment or physical disabilities such as blindness that would prevent them from participating in my study. Although my study 28 did not include individuals with these types of impairments, this screening tool would ensure that I capture only individuals with high cognitive functioning. Future Directions Assisting cognitive aging through modern technology and educational media creates a dynamic transmission of knowledge throughout younger and older generations. To further analyze the relationship between relatedness and presentation, one might want to incorporate elements from human-computer interface psychology literature to produce websites that will facilitate the engagement of older adults. Websites designed with agerelevant meaning-based contextual cues can assist older adults’ recall by activating associative frameworks within their cognitive substrates. The results of such a study may have important applications in the design of educational curricula in senior centers. For example, teachers could use computers to present seniors with supraliminally-timed reading exercises that consist of related material sparking consolidation of short-term memories and association formations within cognitive networks. My study of cognitive aging offers many benefits from a holistic health perspective paving the way for further analysis of the interaction of many sociodemographic variables that affect memory. Future studies analyzing the relationship between age, cognitive functioning, risk for dementia, and test performance would create a portrait of the dynamic relationship between these four variables and their significant implications for gerontological health science research. These studies would chronicle the progression of dementia and age-related cognitive impairments. Advances from this line 29 of research would not only impact science at an epidemiological level but also at an ionic and cellular level. The results from my study may assist those older adults with a genetic history of Alzheimer’s disease because knowing how to facilitate recall could provide older adults with a buffer against memory loss. My research findings that processing and timing of presentation affect explicit memory in senior populations could mobilize future research endeavors to study consciousness and its correlates with memory. Creative uses of deep processing and semantic memory enhancing strategies could apply not only to senior citizens but to other populations who would benefit from effortful retrieval and controlled allocation of cognitive resources such as dyslexic or autistic children who might use semantic networks for reading comprehension. Comparing healthy cognitive aging to anomalous cognitive aging in later studies would impact neuropathological research along the lines of preventative gerontological medicine and gerontological education. Conclusion Gerontology research throughout the past decade has chronicled the debilitating effects of the gradual breakdown of cognitive systems in older adult populations. Despite cognitive decline’s deleterious impact on memory capacity, compensatory memory systems such as semantic associations and processing time can enhance memory consolidation within complex neural networks. The activation of these networks unveils the profound effect of meaning and consciousness on human experience and our reliance on memory for survival. 30 Appendix Final List of Forty Words Used in the Four Video Conditions Video 1 Video 2 Them-Zoo Non-them (A) Non-them (B) Them-Veg Non-them (B) Them-Zoo Veg Non-them (A) Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Sup. Sub. Sup. Sub. Sup. Sub. Sup. Sub. elephant grandchild unfasten cauliflower bandanna rhino onion test hippo torchlight bandanna broccoli exhilarate tiger cucumber torchlight leopard compactor incongruity lettuce unfasten panther pepper thumbprint lion test rottweiler potato rottweiler chimp carrot notion orangutan thumbprint skirt pea drive panda celery bankruptcy crocodile notion buddy spinach skirt penguin corn middlebrow gorilla middlebrow motorcycle peanut motorcycle kangaroo asparagus grandchild giraffe groin exhilarate avocado baron snake garlic groin bear technician drive pumpkin buddy zebra cactus technician alligator bankruptcy baron squash incongruity gazelle beet compactor Video 3 Them-Veg Non-Them (A) Phase I Phase II Video 4 Non-Them (B) Them-Zoo Non-Them (B) Them-Veg Them-Zoo Non-Them (A) Phase III Phase IV Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Sup. Sub. Sup. Sub. Sup. Sub. Sup. Sub. corn groin buddy chimp buddy cauliflower elephant notion pepper notion exhilarate penguin incongruity broccoli leopard middlebrow onion test motorcycle kangaroo bandanna spinach giraffe technician asparagus technician unfasten snake skirt potato lion compactor beet bankruptcy bandanna panther exhilarate lettuce crocodile torchlight celery thumbprint skirt tiger unfasten avocado orangutan bankruptcy cucumber torchlight rottweiler panda motorcycle pumpkin bear test carrot grandchild drive rhino drive peanut alligator groin garlic middlebrow baron zebra rottweiler squash gorilla thumbprint cactus compactor incongruity gazelle baron pea hippo grandchild 31 References Aggleton, J. P., & Brown, M. W. (1999). Episodic memory, amnesia, and the hippocampal-anterior thalamic axis. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 425-444. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X99002034 Anderson, J. (1980). Concepts, propositions, and schemata: What are the cognitive units? Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 28, 121-162. 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