Research Degree 2014-2015 Annual Progress Report (Mandatory)

Research Degree
2014-2015 Annual Progress Report
Checklist for candidates
I have read the “Information for candidates”
Please complete the following forms:
Section 1 of the Annual Progress Report (APR) and attach relevant supporting documents; and
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Form
Submit both the APR and TNA form to your research supervisor for completion.
If you are currently away from Sydney, you may attach your supervisors’ email comments to the
relevant sections of the forms.
Retrieve all forms (and email comments) from your research supervisor and forward them onto your
auxiliary supervisor(s) for completion.
After your supervisory team has completed all forms, please provide your comments (if any) to
Question 15 and sign the form.
Lodgement method and final due date:
Scan all forms and documents into a “single” file and forward the file by email to Sue Ng,
Postgraduate Team, Sydney Law School, E: no later than FRIDAY 22 MAY 2015.
Incomplete forms will not be accepted. The Postgraduate Team and your supervisors will not be
responsible for tracking or collating the forms on a candidate’s behalf.
Checklist for supervisors
I have read the “Information for supervisors” (pages 2 & 4)
Please complete all relevant sections of the:
Annual Progress Report (APR); and
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) form
If you are currently away from Sydney, please email your comments directly to the candidate.
Return all forms directly to the candidate for final completion well in advance of the due date,
FRIDAY 22 MAY 2015.
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Research Degree
2014-2015 Annual Progress Report
Information for candidates and supervisors
The University of Sydney requires that all research candidates participates in an Annual Progress Review (APR).
The APR is an opportunity to review their candidature and to talk openly about the achievements and
challenges that all research candidates' experience. If issues are discussed in a timely and constructive manner,
the most serious problems that candidates sometimes face can usually be avoided.
The aim of the review is not only to catch potential issues early. The APR is also an opportunity to provide
positive feedback and assistance with the direction of candidature, even for candidates who are progressing
well. We believe that all candidatures can benefit from the annual review, feedback and assistance on a
regular basis.
We encourage candidates and supervisors to speak openly about both the challenges and achievements they
are experiencing.
We also ask the candidates and supervisors to identify the milestones that are expected to be reached in the
coming year. Some forward planning can help keep your degree on track to submitting your thesis on time.
You should think realistically about the specifics of your own research project.
The milestones will be reviewed by the Review Committee, who may also suggest some action items to be
carried out by the candidate, supervisors or the Faculty. These could include things like “meet with supervisors
monthly (candidate and supervisor)”, “attend time management course at Sydney Learning (candidate)” or
“vary candidature to part-time”.
To this end, candidates are required to complete the Annual Progress Report form and attend a progress
review meeting.
Information for candidates
Submission of Annual Progress Report form
This report form should not be the first point at which a supervisor and candidate discover there is a problem.
However, identifying difficulties on this form may assist in seeking a resolution. The process can only work
effectively if candidates and their supervisors provide full and complete information on the forms.
All candidates (including those who have suspended their candidature for all or part of 2014/15) are required
to participate in the annual progress review meetings by completing this form and then attending a progress
review meeting to discuss their current progress, research plans for the coming year and completion timetable.
Once you have completed your part of the form, please forward it to your supervisory team (research
supervisor and auxiliary supervisor) for completion. It is the candidate’s responsibility to retrieve the
completed form from the relevant supervisor and submit it to the Postgraduate Team by FRIDAY 22 MAY 2015.
Please see responsibilities of students as outlined at:
Supervision of Higher Degree by Research Students Policy 2013
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The form is then forwarded to the Associate Dean (Research) and the Review Committee. At that stage, a time
will be set for your annual review meeting and you will be notified of it. Please retain a copy of the final report
(completed by the candidate and supervisors) for future records.
Progress review meeting
The 2014/15 annual progress review meetings will be scheduled between August and November 2015. The
review meetings will be conducted by the Review Committee chaired by the Associate Dean (Research) or
another member of the Postgraduate Research Committee, with an academic staff member of the Faculty. The
supervisor cannot be the Chair or a member of the Review Committee.
Your supervisors will be invited to attend the meeting, but you will also have the opportunity to raise any
issues you wish to discuss in the absence of the supervisor(s). In some circumstances, it may be necessary for
the Associate Dean (Research) and Review Committee to discuss your progress or seek advice regarding issues
you have raised with the relevant members of the University.
Training Needs Analysis
The Training Needs Analysis is a tool for managing, reflecting on and helping to promote Higher Degree by
Research skills development.
The University of Sydney is committed to attracting and training the very best research candidates from
around Australia and the world. Our aim is to help candidates produce not only high quality theses but for
them to become high quality researchers - well rounded intellectually and effective communicators about
their research and disciplines to their peers and the broader public.
While recognising the extraordinary variety of skills, perspectives and goals that candidates and staff bring to
their research collaborations, the University has agreed that there are a number of attributes that should be
common to all recipients of a postgraduate degree from the University of Sydney, attributes that directly
address the commitments listed above.
To enable the Faculty to identify the training needs of all candidates, please complete a Training Needs
Analysis form in conjunction with your Annual Progress Report.
Outcome of the progress review meeting
After the meetings, the Review Committee will make a recommendation concerning the continuation of the
candidature. Where any difficulties have been identified, the report will include a recommended course of
action to address those difficulties. This may include discontinuing the candidacy or completion of additional
requirements or training courses.
If a candidate fails to submit evidence of progress (e.g. not returning the Annual Progress Report form), the
Faculty may call upon the candidate to show cause as to why their candidature should not be terminated by
reason of unsatisfactory progress.
Variations to Candidature
Candidates wishing to request changes to their candidature such as:
suspension of candidature (absence for whole research period)
Leave of absence (absence of less than 12 weeks for scholarship holders only)
change of attendance pattern
extension of candidature
time away (undertaking research elsewhere)
appointment of new or change of supervisors
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must complete an Application Support Form (or relevant form) before applying online via the Sydney Student
portal (“My Studies” tab) at MyUni using their UniKey. The completed form together with the relevant
supporting documents must be uploaded with the online application to avoid the application being “rejected”.
The online application procedures and relevant forms are outlined at
Applications must be submitted before the census date of the relevant four research periods (the University
no longer operates in two semesters). Please visit
Information for scholarship holders
Failure to submit a completed form by the due date may result in the discontinuation of the candidate’s
scholarship for which the University of Sydney will not be held responsible.
Information for supervisors
Research supervisors are responsible for the coordination of the supervisory team. They must ensure that all
candidates who are undertaking their degree by research, complete an Annual Progress Report and Training
Needs Analysis form. After their candidate has completed Section I, the research supervisor must complete
Section II (or Section III - auxiliary supervisor) and return the form to the candidate well in advance of the due
date. To assist the Review Committee in evaluating a candidate’s progress and training needs, please ensure
that you provide detailed feedback and comments.
Please see responsibilities of supervisors as outlined at:
Supervision of Higher Degree by Research Students Policy 2013
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Research Degree
2014-2015 Annual Progress Report
Section I: To be completed by the candidate and forwarded to the research supervisor
a. Personal details
Given names:
Student no:
Award course:
Postal address:
(eg. PhD)
Home tel:
Work tel:
^ If we have any queries relating to this request, we may contact you at this address. All standard University correspondence is sent to your
University email address.
b. Research candidature details
Commencement date:
Latest completion date:
If applicable
Approved extended completion date:
Total number of months of extension/suspension previously granted:
Extension =
Suspension =
Research supervisor:
Auxiliary supervisor:
Thesis title:
c. Scholarship holders only
Please list any scholarships you currently hold:
Name of scholarship
Place of tenure
Value of scholarship
Expiry date
If you are a holder of a scholarship administered by the University of Sydney e.g. International Research Scholarship or APA/UPA administered by Scholarships
& Financial Support Service and require an extension, you should contact the relevant office and lodge a formal request for extension. Please note most
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Sydney Law School research scholarships are advertised annually subject to availability of funding. All applications including extension requests are awarded
on a competitive basis.
d. Please answer the following questions
1. Has your thesis topic changed substantially from the last review / when you were admitted to the degree?
Yes ► in what respect(s)? Have you consulted with your current supervisors concerning new
supervision arrangements as necessary? (if new supervision arrangements are required, please
complete an Appointment of Supervisor form. See Variations to Candidature on page 3)
Please provide details:
2. Have you completed the following compulsory requirements?
Legal Research units
completion date
completion date
Comments/feedback (if any)
Legal Research 1
Legal Research 2
Legal Research 3
Compulsory online modules offered by the Graduate Studies Office
All research candidates enrolled at the University of Sydney are required to complete these modules at the earliest opportunity.
Date of
completion date
Comments/feedback (if any)
*Responsible Research Practice
Workers Health and Safety (under
development – to be advised)
*All currently enrolled research candidates will be receiving an email (via University account) with their login details and instructions on how to complete the
module using the Safetrac Compliance Training system. Completing the module should take approximately 30 minutes. For further assistance and enquiries,
please visit Training Needs Analysis
3. How many hours per week are devoted to your candidature per week? (full-time candidates are expected to
devote at least 35 hours per week and up to 20 hours for part-time candidates)
4. What is your latest completion date?
5. Do you expect to submit your thesis by the above completion date?
Note: please take into account the time for editing/proofreading and binding of the final draft thesis. The final stage of submission may take longer than one 6
No ► What is your realistic completion date? __________________________
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5a. Please detail any personal, logistical, technical, resourcing, project management problems etc that have
interfered with the progress of your work.
5b. Please indicate steps you, and if applicable, your supervisor(s) have taken or will take to help overcome
these problems.
6. If you will not be submitting by the due date, have you applied to the Faculty for an extension of time in
which to lodge your thesis?
No ► please immediately submit a formal application (see Variations to Candidature on page 3)
for extension of time with a written recommendation from your supervisors.
7a. Describe your current working relationship with your supervisory team. Do you need additional academic
support? Please remember that you will have an opportunity to speak at the review meeting without your
supervisor present. In some circumstances, it may be necessary for the Associate Dean (Research) and Review
Committee to discuss your progress or seek advice regarding issues you have raised with the relevant
members of the University.
7b. How often do you meet with your research supervisor?
At least once per week
At least once per month
At least once per quarter
Communicate by correspondence only
7c. How often and by what method do you contact your research supervisor?
At least once per week
At least once per month
At least once per quarter
Communicate in person
Communicate via email
Communicate via telephone
7d. How often do you meet with your auxiliary supervisor?
At least once per week
At least once per month
No contact
At least once per quarter
Communicate by correspondence only
7e. How often and by what method do you contact your auxiliary supervisor?
At least once per week
At least once per month
At least once per quarter
Communicate in person
Communicate via email
Communicate via telephone
7f. Do you consider these arrangements to be sufficient?
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No ► please give details:
7g. Please clearly explain the reasons if you had little or no contact at all with your supervisor(s).
8. What have been the main accomplishments of your project over the past year? Please provide details on
your rate of progress, a summary of your draft chapters, reports, publications and presentations.
9. What key milestones do you plan to meeting during the next year? Examples of milestones include: review
the literature, select methodology, collect data, analysis date, arrange for ethics approval, review chapter
drafts, edit and proof read thesis, present conference paper or submit articles. Please provide a completion
timeline for the proposed plans.
10. Please provide details of your research methodology e.g. interviews, quantitative research. Does your
research involve examination of confidential materials which are not publicly available?
11. Ethics requirements
11a. Was any empirical research (e.g. interviews) that is to be used in your thesis undertaken prior to
Yes ► please provide details and attach approval documents:
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11b. Are you planning to conduct or currently conducting any empirical research?
Yes ► Have you obtained ethics clearance for that research?
No ► expected application date ___________________
Yes ► please attach the ethics approval letter with this form (if you have not
previously provided it to the Faculty) and provide details:
Title of the research study:
Ethics approval is still current?
Application date:
Approval date:
Study commencement date:
Duration of study:
12. Have you undertaken employment this year?
Yes ► please give details:
Brief description of role/responsibilities:
How many hours per week? (should not exceed 20 hours per
Period of employment:
week for full-time candidates)
13. Are you an active participant in your research community? Describe the research community and your
involvement. This includes association and discussion with experts in your field at the University of Sydney and
elsewhere, opportunities to engage with other research candidates and participation or presenting your work
at any workshops, seminars or conferences. Please note all research candidates are encouraged or required by
their supervisors to attend seminars and workshops offered by the University.
14. Are there any ways in which you believe that the Faculty could better assist your work as a research
candidate? This is an opportunity for you to discuss with the Review Committee any concerns you may have
about your project, research community, progress and supervisory team.
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Answer this question after you have retrieved the form from your supervisors.
I have read the comments made by my supervisors.
Comments (if any)
Checklist for candidate
I have attached the “final” form (completed by the candidate and supervisory team) together with all
supporting documents.
All documents must be scanned into a “single” electronic file and forwarded by email to Sue Ng, Postgraduate
Team, Sydney Law School, E: no later than FRIDAY 22 MAY 2015. You will be notified
regarding details of the review meeting shortly after the receipt of the completed forms.
Candidate’s signature:
The Postgraduate Team will notify you of the progress review meeting schedule in due course.
Section II: To be completed by the research supervisor and returned to the candidate
Name of research supervisor
How often did you meet with the candidate during the past year?
At least once per week
At least once per month
At least once per quarter
Communicate by correspondence only
Are the general supervisory arrangements satisfactory?
Please provide details on (i) how supervisory arrangements could be improved (if the present arrangements
are not satisfactory) and (ii) if supervisory arrangements have been made with the candidate for the next 12
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3. 3a. Do you agree with the submission date anticipated by the candidate?
No ► what is the realistic completion date? ______________________
3b. If “No”, please describe any difficulties that are interfering with the candidate’s progress? (include
employment, technical or personal problems encountered by the candidate)
3c. Please indicate what steps you have taken or will take to help overcome these problems
4. Has the candidate’s research topic changed significantly since the last review/commencement of
candidature? If “yes”, please provide details on how this would impact on supervision and completion deadline.
5. Does the candidature require significantly different technical skills, knowledge and/or materials since the
last review/commencement of candidature?
6. What is the status of any necessary ethics approval? Is the approval still valid?
7. Are there any significant achievements not mentioned by the candidate that you would like to mention
8. Would you like to add any suggested milestones to those already proposed by the candidate?
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9. Recommended outcome of annual progress review - continuing candidates
9a. How would you rate the candidate’s progress and quality of work since the last review
(please refer to Question 10 “Probation Confirmation” for candidates who commenced in the past 12 months)?
meets or exceeds expectations
marginal - a further review is to take place within the next ________________ months. The
following additional requirements (e.g. submitting a number of draft chapters made to the
satisfaction of the supervisors) are recommended:
9b. Describe in detail the factors that have contributed to this rating
9c. Please add any other comments you may have on the candidate’s quality of work and rate of progress
10. Recommended outcome of probation – only applicable to candidates who commenced in the past 12
10a. Has the candidate demonstrated satisfactory written English expression?
*If “no” or “marginal”, what development actions would you recommend e.g. Learning Centre courses
10b. Please recommend one of the following outcomes:
The probation has been satisfactorily completed
The candidate should be required to show cause
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A further review is to take place within the next ________________ months. The following additional
requirements (e.g. undertake further training or submit the prescribed work by the next review date) are
10c. Please add any other comments you may have on the candidate’s work and rate of progress
Please return this form directly to the candidate for further completion well in advance of the due date:
FRIDAY 22 MAY 2015
Research supervisor’s signature:
Section III: To be completed by the auxiliary supervisor and returned to the candidate
Name of auxiliary supervisor
How often did you meet with the candidate during the past year?
At least once per week
At least once per month
At least once per quarter
Communicate by correspondence only
2a. Are the general supervisory arrangements satisfactory?
2b. Please provide details on (i) how supervisory arrangements could be improved (if the present
arrangements are not satisfactory) and (ii) if supervisory arrangements have been made with the candidate for
the next 12 months?
3. I have read the report and comment as follows ([lease attach any additional information):
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Please return this form directly to the candidate for further completion well in advance of the due date:
FRIDAY 22 MAY 2015
Auxiliary supervisor’s signature:
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