Methods Requirement Form To be completed prior to filing for advancement to candidacy or filing the Master’s Graduate Application Form Name: Program (check one): MA PhD I verify that I have demonstrated basic proficiency to my Supervisor in rigorous qualitative and/or quantitative methods, as appropriate to my field of study. (Master’s Students only) I verify that I will be submitting the Foreign Language Requirement Form in lieu of the Methods Requirement. (In this case, no signature from the Supervisor is needed; submit this form directly to the Graduate Adviser). Student signature ___________________________________ Date ________________ Supervisor’s explanation: I have verified that the student has demonstrated basic proficiency in rigorous qualitative and/or quantitative methods, as appropriate to their field of study, through course work, publications, or other means. Please provide details (you may continue on the back of the form if needed). Supervisor’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date ________________________ Graduate Adviser’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date ________________________ Last revised mge389 7/2013