Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik. Mr. Mario Hirz Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Written report. Williams Mérida Parard. Daniel González Gil. 09 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik INDEX. Index. 1 1. Introduction. 2 “Spar bike and shop competition”. 2 Two different ideas. 2 2. Convertible shopping car. 5 Description 5 Operation 6 Characteristics 7 Parts 8 Structural analysis 13 Innovations 15 Advantages 17 3. Post-design study 21 Improvements 21 4. Poster 24 Page 1 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik 1. INTRODUCTION. “Spar bike and shop competition”. This project was made to participate in this competition. The target of the competition was to design a system able to transport all the stuff we buy in the supermarket by bike. The project had to be shown just with a poster, without written report or spoken presentation. The poster we presented for the challenge is going to be shown later in this statement. In this poster we also had to tell something about the main characteristics of the product (materials, price, dimensions…). There were no restrictions for the system, but the final price and the real possibility of the product realization were valuated as well as the design itself. Participants in the competition were free to use any material and to choose any size for the final gadget. Two different ideas. We started working with a first design but after working on it, we decided to develop a different one. Support for shopping car. The first idea was to build just the support for a usual shopping car, so the owner of the article would be able to use his old shopping car. This product would be really cheap and simple, and would offer the chance of buying it with an additional shopping car (specially designed for this support), use our old car or even use the support to transport other different stuff (like luggage or boxes). Page 2 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik After working for few weeks, we noticed two main problems: -If the shopping car is loaded, the whole set bike-support-car is quite unstable. When the shopping car is on its support, the car load is pretty high, that’s what makes the conjunct unbalanced. -When a shopping car is loaded, it´s difficult to handle and would be quite complicated to fix it with the support. Anyway we were working to solve this trouble, and we designed a simple mechanism to fix the car without uploading it. Page 3 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Convertible shopping car. This is the design we finally presented for the competition. After studying it, we decided that it’s better than the other one for 3 principal reasons: -It has a better kinematic behavior when it’s joined to the bike. The conjunct is very stable even at high speeds. -It can be used as we use the metal shopping cars inside the supermarket, and that’s a big advantage for these establishments (they would need lees of these metal cars) and for the customers (it´s more comfortable to use inside the supermarket the same car you’re bringing from outside). -It’s a more “commercial” product; it’s easier to sell this product because of the idea (it’s an all-in-one) and because of the more striking design. Page 4 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik 2. CONVERTIBLE SHOPPING CAR. Description. The basic idea of the product is to have 3 different cars (to use inside the supermarket during the shopping, to carry when we’re walking and to carry when we’re cycling) in 1. It´s a light shopping car mainly made of steel with a textile basket which can easily be put in two different positions. We decided to build a real item, fleeing from post-modernist and unrealizable designs. The main characteristics of this design are the use of simple mechanisms and materials accessible for all budgets. We also were careful with all the mechanisms, because we were trying to get a friendly-handling product valid for people of all ages. Page 5 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik This is a picture of the whole set bike-car designed with Catia V5. Operation. As we said before, the shopping car has 2 different positions. To move it from a position to the other one we just have to pick up or extend the rods and block them using the block system (we´ll see the procedure of the mechanism in the point “Innovations”). When we have the car in the extended position, we can use it inside the supermarket as we use the classic metal shopping cars, and it´s as easy to handle as they are (even more, because it´s lighter). In this position we have the basket totally opened and we can easily put all the shopping stuff in. In the closed position, the car can be used both to go walking and riding a bike. To connect the car and the bike we use a clutch we can see in the “Project Work in Automotive Design”. The one on the left is the closed one; on the right we can see the extended one. Page 6 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Characteristics. We are going to see the main characteristics of the Convertible Shopping Car divided into four groups: Materials. We use standard steel in all the metallic parts but in the main rod, made of spring steel to get a suspension effect while cycling. We chose this material because it’s the cheapest one and its weight is not a big problem because the rods are quite thin. In the basket we have waterproof textile material and a simple plastic sealing system. Price. We have calculated that the price of the final product could be around 80 €. This would be the price of the shopping car taking into account the materials price, a hypothetic mass production and a quite little profit. Even if the car producer raised the price to get a greater benefit, the end-product would still be cheap. Dimensions. We have to specify the dimensions in the two different positions: Extended position: 128 x 67 x 921 cm (Basket length x basket width x height floor- top of the basket). Closed position: 128 x 67 x 310 cm (Basket length x basket width x height floor- top of the basket (when the car is lying on the ground)). Page 7 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Weight-maximum load. The total weight of the empty shopping car is around 11 kgs. The maximum load that can lead is 50 kgs (we´ll see the behavior of the car with this load in the point “Structural Analysis”). The maximum volume that can be in the basket is around 77 liters. Parts. We’re going to see the seven different parts of the car with a picture and a short description of each one. Backbone. This is the part that holds the basket and where the rows are fixed. The handle of the car is also integrated on it. It’s made of thin steel bars, not too heavy but very resistant. Backbone Page 8 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Main rod. This part is constituted by the two legs that go from the front of the backbone to the ground. It´s made of spring steel. With this material we get a suspension in the shopping car very useful when we are riding the bike; the cycling is going to be more comfortable and safer. Main rod Secondary rod Secondary rod. This is the part which goes from the rear part of the backbone to the ground and which crosses the primary rod. It´s made of normal steel because this part is not in contact with the ground when the car is fixed to the bike and so we don’t need suspension on it. Page 9 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Crank lock. This part is used to block the car legs either in the extended or in the closed situation. It consists of two flat discs that rotate over themselves following the route of the legs when opening or closing, and two horseshoe-shaped pieces that block these discs with their legs in the final standings. The lock is also made of steel. Crank lock Coupling joint. It’s the connection part between the car and the bike. It´s fixed to the bike and it doesn’t have to be removed from it when we’re not carrying the shopping car because it’s well integrated. It also has a very simple security system to fix it with the car. Page 10 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik The material used to build it is normal steel. Coupling joint Wheel. It’s a standard wheel with steel rims and rubber cover. For each car we use 4 wheels: -Two big ones in the rear part with a diameter of 15 cms. -Two small ones in the front part with a diameter of 10 cms. They’re not in contact with the ground when the car is going fast (when it’s fixed to the bike), and they are smaller to save costs. Page 11 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Wheel Basket. It’s the part we have on the backbone and where we put all the shopping stuff. It´s total volume is around 77 liters, it´s made of textile material and it has a plastic sealing system. It can be opened from the front (in the closed position) or from the top (when we have the car in the extended position). Page 12 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Basket Structural analysis. After designing the car, we made its structural analysis with a distributed load of 500 N (≈50 kgs) on the basket surface. This analysis has been made with the finite elements method available in Catia V5. There are three different studies: deformation, Von Misses stress and Translational displacement. Analysis results were satisfactory. The vertical arrows on the backbone represent the 500 N loads, and the crosses in the wheels places mean grounded points. Page 13 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Deformation Translational displacement Page 14 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Von Misses stress *Factor 10 representation (real results are 10 times lower) Innovations. In our shopping car we tried to include some technical innovations to make the product more attractive and friendlyhandling. However we tried to find cheap construction ideas to get a no more expensive end-item. We have two different technical innovations in the final design: Opening & closing system. Before we change from a position to the other one, we have to take off the horseshoe-shaped pieces (in red in the picture). Page 15 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Then both rods will go closer to the backbone or away from it, and the movement of the secondary rod will turn the flat discs (in yellow) because they are fixed to it (through the yellow Z-shaped row). Once the rods have finished the movement, the flat discs holes will match the main rod holes again and we´ll be able to place the block (horseshoe-shaped pieces) again. Opening and closing system Suspension. To get the suspension effect we just need to have spring steel instead of standard steel in the rods. Page 16 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik When the car is in the extended position, both rods are on the ground, but we carry it walking so the speed is not very high and it’s enough if we have suspension just on one of them. When we’re carrying the car fixed to the bike is when the speed is high and when we need the suspension. In this case, only the main rod (in yellow) is in contact with the ground and so we use the spring steel just on it. Using normal steel in the secondary rod we save costs in the production materials. With this independent suspension for the car, cycling is more comfortable and safer because we won´t feel the shocks and vibrations coming from the car. Spring steel main rod to get a suspension effect Page 17 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Advantages. The convertible shopping car presents several advantages over other similar designs. Basically, its greatest advantages are its versatility, simplicity, weight-carrying capacity and price. We are going to see these characteristics more closely: Versatility. The main distinguishing of this product is that it can be used in three different circumstances during the shopping: inside the supermarket (extended position), walking on the street or arriving home (closed position) and riding a bike (closed position). Let’s see it with three different pictures: Position 1: extended position Page 18 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Position 2: closed position, walking Position 3: closed position, fixed to the bike Page 19 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Besides these 3 possible uses, we can take off the easilyremovable basket from the backbone and use the car to carry any other stuff (like luggage or big boxes). Weight-carrying capacity ratio. This is another big advantage of the Convertible Car. When it’s unloaded, its low weight (≈11 kg) makes it a friendly handling device. Although it’s a very light car, it’s shown that it can resist a 50 kgs load without any problem. When it´s loaded, its lightness is also important because you don’t add much extra weight by the car itself and the set load-shopping car is a little bit easier to use. Simple mechanisms. There are just few mechanisms in the device, and all of them are really simple. This has several advantages: -Everybody can use it; it´s not a sophisticated device at all, so you don’t have to understand how it works to be able to handle it. -You don’t have to produce complicated mechanisms; so the production process, the production chain and therefore the final car are going to be cheaper. -These simple mechanisms will hardly be damaged. Price. Compared with similar designs it´s, with a big difference, the cheapest one. You can get the convertible car for a price of around 80 €. Page 20 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik 3. POST-DESIGN STUDY. Improvements. Studying the final project we noticed some improvements that would make the car be a better product. To implement these improvements wouldn’t be necessary to change the production chain, so the producers could start making the original car and add later the improvements if they are interested. The improvements can also be added to the already manufactured cars with a simple adaptation. These are the ideas: Bigger rear wheels. For a better behavior of the convertible car while it´s fixed to a bike moving would be necessary to have bigger wheels in the rear part. If the wheels are small and we’re cycling fast, main rod wheels will have to turn very fast to follow the speed of our bike; this high rotation speed can be counterproductive to the comfort ability while carrying the car and can cause long term problems (like the wheel breakdown). An appropriate diameter for the new rear wheels could be 30 cms. Page 21 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Shopping car with bigger wheels. Separation shelves in the basket. If we leave the basket without any divisions, the burden sharing would be proper while the basket is horizontally; but if we have the basket loaded with shopping products in the extended position and we change to the closed position, all the stuff could go downwards, overloading the bottom of the basket and making the car difficulthandling. The best solution to solve this problem is to introduce 2 separation shelves made of the basket textile material inside the basket cavity. Page 22 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik Shopping car with separation shelves. Page 23 Projekt Konstruktiv Fahrzeugtechnik 4. POSTER. For the competition we just could present a poster, we had no chance to add any written explanations of the product. So the poster had to be, while colorful (to sell the product idea), explanatory. We introduced in it some photomontage that we thought that could be quite explanatory about how the convertible shopping car works. We also emphasized the technical innovations, which we thought that were pretty good to sell the product. In the characteristics part, we introduced data like the dimensions, carrying capacity, price… Finally, we introduced a part of engineering study with the finite elements method structural analysis results. In the last page of this report you can see the competition poster. 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