Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity Student Advisory Board


Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity

Student Advisory Board

January 23 rd

, 2012

Ethnic Cultural Center- Condon Hall

Time: 4:10pm

Members Absent: PSA, Unite for Sight

Advisers Absent: None

Guests Present: Susana Contrerus, Chasmon Tarimel, Jeannette Sepulveda

Check in Question : Name, RSO/Org affiliation & what did you do over the winter storm? (5mins)

Everyone gets three bucks to start out with and anyone who says “YOU GUYS” will lose one buck towards an organization against diversity. If the dollar is not used we will give the money left to a cause we like.

Concern about using capitalist ideas in using gender-neutral terms.


Possibly aim towards more safe zone trainings instead.


Idea that money left only goes towards an organization we agree on, no negatives.

Community Concerns/ Issue Exploration: (50mins)

OMA&D Academic Counseling Services o EOP-serves 4,000 students, STEM focus, have over 100 years of experience o Not enough underrepresented students in STEM fields o UW Champions Programs-Foster students o Attempt to help students navigate the UW, often times “tell students what to do” but only recommend it to students.


79% fail rate in Psych 101 their first qtr, solely is to recommend, asking for expectations, (what does it mean to get advising form OMA/D)

 offers experience,

we’re here to help you, not to hinder you o Academic advisors have experience with Master’s degrees, and workshops that team are sent to.


Not just limited to them, best to go to the department advisor as well


Help you to explore the options because they want you all to succeed o Have Early Warning system for grades o Recruitment and retention: collaborate with other departments to navigate the university’s bureaucracy, and to develop trust by relaying advice o Is open for criticisms of any kind so that EOP will know how to improve o Issue in EOP:

 Students who are Caucasians, individuals feel that they don’t belong here, attitude of why are you here, having to be extra sensitive to those who are

Caucasian – might have a problem with that

 EOP counseling sometimes don’t know what they’re talking about – double check o EOP can’t possibly know every major, and things change, staff can make mistakes o EOP do have liaisons from the different majors o Choice to switch advistors

Did a survey of how many people like EOP counseling o 1300/4500 responded, 94% said that EOP is a good resource

 there are still who are on the fence

 will have a button for more feedback that will be anonymous on the EOP website

EOP will always try to make it a point to see your advisor

- Documenting Shirts from Football Games o Contact BSC/BSU if you see the shirt made by Greeks? o Shirts have a picture of an individual who is black – sends an offensive reaction o Might need to education sororities and fraternities

Vice President’s Corner: Updates? (15mins)

Campus Climate o The diversity blueprint within UW o Working with Office of Education Assessment for a survey about things that are negative on campus climate o Add in experiences from different kinds of students

ECC will be named after Sam Kelly o Kelly family were moved about the proposal o Will have a naming ceremony in Fall Quarter after ECC has been built

Discussion Points (10mins)

ASUW Office of Government Relations o Sign up your RSO for Lobby Day o Talk to Angie from ORG for more information o PARTICIPATE

Announcements/Upcoming Events: ASUW, RSOs, etc. (7mins)

ECC Room Naming Survey due Jan 30 th

First General Meeting: Monday Jan 30 th

at 4pm in 711E with President Young

ECC Director: Meet your Advisor Ice Cream Social

PISC hosts Pasifik Voices

TFA is hosting a forum on Education

Contact BSC if you have dates for Black History Month in February

HipHop Show on Feb 3 – Making our Legacy Known

FASA Date Auction

Diversity Forum by JCC and Diversity Efforts

Time Ended: 5:28pm

Minutes taken by: Kristine Maramot – OMA/D Student Advisory Board, Secretary
