I certify that __________________________________________________ had PERFECT
ATTENDANCE during the student teaching semester!
I certify that ____________________________________ was absent _____ times during the student teaching semester.
Cooperating Teacher Signature
Date of
Absence Reason for Absence
From the Student Teaching Handbook
Your goal is perfect attendance during student teaching. If you must be absent, you will need to contact both your Cooperating Teacher and your UTLA Field Observer as soon as possible. Days that you miss must be made up at the end of the practicum. You are expected to be in the school for the entire day and to follow the faculty handbook of your school for the times you are to report in and leave school. As a professional educator, you are expected to arrive in advance of your assigned hours.
If for any reason you are unable to be present, you must notify your Cooperating Teacher, UTLA
Clinical Professor, and UTLA Field Observer as soon as possible. You should also assume responsibility for sending plans and/or materials to the school if such was your responsibility for that
day. It is the responsibility of each student to notify your Cooperating Teacher, UTLA Clinical
Professor, and UTLA Field Observer, in advance, that you will be absent from class on a religious holiday and to receive, in advance, their approval for scheduling make-up time and work.
Attendance and punctuality will be evaluated on an ongoing basis.
Failure to notify the specified individuals may result in the termination of your assignment.
All absences must be made up in consultation with your UTLA Clinical Professor, Field Observer, and
Cooperating Teacher. Absences include, but are not limited to, both illness and out-of-town job interviews. Absences and tardiness can result in the termination of your placement.