Date Name Address City, State ZIP Dear Title/Name: Congratulations on receiving an award from [INSERT NAME OF FUNDING AGENCY] for your project entitled [INSERT NAME OF PROJECT], for the period of [INSERT START DATE] through [INSERT END DATE]. Pursuant to this award, you are receiving a noninstructional appointment for the period of [INSERT START DATE] through [INSERT END DATE] for a total compensation of $ [INSERT AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION]. This appointment is to (insert; may include something like, “serve as the Principal Investigator of this grant and (functional responsibilities)”); more detail can be found in the award documents. This appointment is contingent upon adequate funding, and is subject to change until (start date as noted above). Please confirm your acceptance of this offer and terms by signing and returning the enclosed copy of this letter by (date). Sincerely, Accepted under terms and conditions as outlined above. Signed (Chair title/name) (Department) C: Provost Human Resources-Information Systems Revised 8/20/15