Publications for Sally Andrews 2014 2016

Publications for Sally Andrews
Publications for Sally Andrews
Veldre, A., Andrews, S. (2014). Lexical quality
and eye movements: Individual differences in the
perceptual span of skilled adult readers. The
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,
67(4), 703-727. <a
826258">[More Information]</a>
Veldre, A., Andrews, S. (2016). Is Semantic
Preview Benefit Due to Relatedness or
Plausibility? Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Human Perception and
Performance, 42(7), 939-952.
Veldre, A., Andrews, S. (2016). Semantic
preview benefit in English: Individual
differences in the extraction and use of
parafoveal semantic information. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory,
and Cognition, 42(6), 837-854. <a
More Information]</a>
Andrews, S. (2015). Individual Differences
Among Skilled Readers: The Role of Lexical
Quality. In Alexander Pollatsek, Rebecca
Treiman (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of
Reading, (pp. 129-148). Oxford: Oxford
University Press. <a
9324576.013.8">[More Information]</a>
Xia, V., Andrews, S. (2015). Masked translation
priming asymmetry in Chinese-English
bilinguals: Making sense of the Sense Model.
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental
Psychology, 68(2), 294-325. <a
944195">[More Information]</a>
Veldre, A., Andrews, S. (2015). Parafoveal
lexical activation depends on skilled reading
proficiency. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition,
41(2), 586-595. <a
More Information]</a>
Veldre, A., Andrews, S. (2015). Parafoveal
preview benefit is modulated by the precision of
skilled readers' lexical representations. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Human Perception
and Performance, 41(1), 219-232. <a
More Information]</a>
Lo, S., Andrews, S. (2015). To transform or not
to transform: using generalized linear mixed
models to analyse reaction time data. Frontiers
in Psychology, 6, 1-16. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Harris, I., Wong, C., Andrews, S. (2015). Visual
field asymmetries in object individuation.
Consciousness and Cognition, 37, 194-206. <a
.004">[More Information]</a>
Andrews, S., Lo, S. (2013). Is morphological
priming stronger for transparent than opaque
words? It depends on individual differences in
spelling and vocabulary. Journal of Memory and
Language, 68(3), 279-296. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Loh, V., Andrews, S., Hesketh, B., Griffin, B.
(2013). The Moderating Effect of Individual
Differences in Error-Management Training: Who
Learns From Mistakes? Human Factors, 55(2),
435-448. <a
856">[More Information]</a>
Andrews, S., Reynolds, G. (2013). Why it is
Easier to Wreak Havoc than Unleash Havoc: The
Role of Lexical Co-occurrence, Predictability
and Reading Proficiency in Sentence Reading.
In M. Anne Britt, Susan R. Goldman,
Jean-Francois Rouet (Eds.), Reading - From
Words to Multiple Texts, (pp. 72-91). New York:
Andrews, S. (2012). Individual differences in
skilled visual word recognition and reading: The
role of lexical quality. In James Adelman
(Eds.), Visual Word Recognition Volume 2:
Meaning and context, individuals and
development, (pp. 151-172). Sussex, UK:
Psychology Press.
Hersch, J., Andrews, S. (2012). Lexical Quality
and Reading Skill: Bottom-Up and Top-Down
Contributions to Sentence Processing. Scientific
Studies of Reading, 16(3), 240-262. <a
564244">[More Information]</a>
Andrews, S., Lo, S. (2012). Not all skilled
readers have cracked the code: Individual
differences in masked form priming. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory,
and Cognition, 38(1), 152-163. <a
re Information]</a>
Harris, I., Murray, A., Hayward, W.,
O'Callaghan, C., Andrews, S. (2012). Repetition
Blindness Reveals Differences Between the
Representations of Manipulable and
Publications for Sally Andrews
Nonmanipulable Objects. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Human Perception
and Performance, 38(5), 1228-1241. <a
re Information]</a>
Andrews, S., Hersch, J. (2010). Lexical Precision
in Skilled Readers: Individual Differences in
Masked Neighbor Priming. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: General, 139(2),
299-318. <a
re Information]</a>
Andrews, S., Bond, R. (2009). Lexical expertise
and reading skill: Bottom-up and top-down
processing of lexical ambiguity. Reading and
Writing, 22(6), 687-711. <a
7-7">[More Information]</a>
Donkin, C., Heathcote, A., Brown, S., Andrews,
S. (2009). Non-Decision Time Effects in the
Lexical Decision Task. Annual Conference of the
Cognitive Science Society, Austin, TX: Cognitive
Science Society.
Andrews, S. (2008). Lexical Expertise and
Reading Skill. Psychology of Learning and
Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory,
49, 247-281. <a
00007-8">[More Information]</a>
Newell, B., Cavenett, T., Andrews, S. (2008). On
the immunity of perceptual implicit memory to
manipulations of attention. Memory and
Cognition, 36(4), 725-734. <a
More Information]</a>
Bond, R., Andrews, S. (2008). Repetition
blindness in sentence contexts: Not just an
attribution? Memory and Cognition, 36(2),
295-313. <a
More Information]</a>
Loh, V., Andrews, S., Hesketh, B., Griffin, B.
(2007). Person attributes in error training: Who
learns from their mistakes? 22nd Annual
Conference of the Society for Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, New York: SIOP
(Society for Industrial and Organizational
Andrews, S. (2006). All about words: A
lexicalist perspective on reading. In Sally
Andrew (Eds.), From Inkmarks to Ideas, (pp.
318-347). Hove UK: Psychology Press.
Anstey, K., Butterworth, P., Borzycki, M.,
Andrews, S. (2006). Between- and
within-individual effects of visual contrast
sensitivity on perceptual matching, processing
speed, and associative memory in older adults.
Gerontology: international journal of
experimental, clinical, behavioral, regenerative
and technical gerontology, 52(2), 124-130.
Andrews, S. (2006). From Inkmarks to Ideas.
Hove UK: Psychology Press.
Loh, V., Griffin, B., Andrews, S., Hesketh, B.
(2006). Learning from Errors: An
attribute-treatment interaction approach to
training outcomes. 33rd Australasian
Experimental Psychology Conference, Brisbane,
Andrews, S. (2005). Nature and nurture in
learning to speak and learning to read. In
Westen D, Burton L and Kowalski R (Eds.),
Psychology: Australian and New Zealand
edition, (pp. 325-326). Milton, QLD: John Wiley
& Sons.
Andrews, S., Woollams, A., Bond, R. (2005).
Spelling-sound typicality only affects words with
digraphs: Further qualifications to the generality
of the regularity effect on word naming. Journal
of Memory and Language, 53(4), 567-593. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Drobny, J., Anstey, K., Andrews, S. (2005).
Visual memory testing in older adults with
age-related visual decline: A measure of memory
performance or visual functioning?
Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition.
Section A: Journal of Clinical and Experimental
Neuropsychology, 27(4), 425-435. <a
&list_uids=15962689">[More Information]</a>
Andrews, S., Miller, B., Rayner, K. (2004). Eye
Movements And Morphological Segmentation
Of Compound Words: There Is A Mouse In
Mousetrap. European Journal of Cognitive
Psychology, 16(1-2), 285-311.
Newell, B., Andrews, S. (2004). Levels Of
Processing Effects On Implicit And Explicit
Memory Tasks: Using Question Position To
Investigate The Lexical-Processing Hypothesis.
Experimental Psychology, 51(2), 132-144.
Publications for Sally Andrews
Andrews, S. (2003). E-Z Reader's assumptions
about lexical processing: Not so easy to define
the two stages of word identification? Behavioral
and Brain Sciences, 26(4), 477-478.
Shoolman, N., Andrews, S. (2003). Racehorses,
reindeer, and sparrows: Using masked priming to
investigate morphological influences on
compound word identification. In Kinoshita,
Lupker (Eds.), Masked Priming: The State of the
Art, (pp. 241-278). NY: Psychology Press.
Anstey, K., Dain, S., Andrews, S., Drobny, J.
(2002). Visual abilities in older adults explain
age-differences in Stroop and fluid intelligence
but not face recognition: Implications for the
vision-cognition connection. Neuropsychology,
Development and Cognition. Section B: Aging,
Neuropsychology and Cognition: a journal on
normal and dysfunctional development, 9(4),
Andrews, S., Heathcote, A. (2001).
Distinguishing common and task-specific
processes in lexical retrieval: A matter of some
moment? Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 27, 514-544.